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Everything posted by travel_dude

  1. If one season at a particular age had anything to do with success, then there would be a lot more players thriving in the NHL. So, assuming we could sign him, where does he even fit? Development in the AHL? Seems to me we have a logjam of young players not particularly offensively gifted, all trying to make to the next level. Next year we could have Fox and Hickey jamming things up even more. ON one hand you consider the Czech league to be not impressive, but somehow Klok gets raised to be a top prospect in the AHL? Maybe you are a great scout, but I'm missing something. His career totals do not look that impressive. If you think that because the OIlers are interested that it makes the decision stupid, consider that the Hawks are also interested.
  2. Signing a 26 year old defender or a 24 year old winger is not an unreasonable thing to do. They have developed their skill in another league, so you are not committing years of development to them. If they are good enough, they will adapt soon enough. You talk about getting a 21 year old, but what's his status? Is he signed to a contract? BTW, there is no similarity between the two players' numbers. Your guy scored about .33 p/gp in his best season (current). Not going to continue arguing about a player we haven't even signed.
  3. CHI is in on him. I have heard that teams have submitted offers, but EDM had not yet.
  4. For one thing Bishop said he was looking forward to playing with Lehtonen, assuming he won't be claimed. If the choice is Niemi alone, that would be a non-starter for me. I know that the Stars's bigger issues are defense, so you can't blame it on their goalies, but holy crap, trading for either or both of those guys is a nightmare. I know the issue for you is eliminating Brouwer, but at what cost. I would rather give up a prospect to LV to take him, if we don't want him here anymore.
  5. Interesting that Parson, Frolik, and Lindstrom are represented by the same agency (Octagon) as Rutta. I would suggest that Pribykl was not a flop, as he had injury issues to compound him moving to NA ice. I believe they used him at center, instead of RW too.
  6. If we trade for a goalie before the draft, then we would only pick one. We can solve the backup spot in the summer. If Vegas wants Elliott or CJ, they can have them as pending UFA's. Suits us just fine. I don't see them persuing either after July 1st. I would be okay with MAF, assuming the cost was a 3rd in 2018 or less. If not, then here is my shopping list: Young Starters (possibly 1a/1b) Raanta Grubauer Korpisalo Saros (most costly due to exempt status and future with team) Ready to be #1 Mrazek (most costly because he was gifted the starter job) Schneider (possibly available because NJ in rebuild mode; may need to have NJ retain some salary) Mason (UFA signing or trade very little for his rights) I guess I am starting to feel like we either go for a starter-in-the-making or one that has years left on his treads. The three bona fide starters I listed have had good seasons on meh teams. No offense FF52.
  7. If you are thinking whether we have to protect him, then no we don't.
  8. No, but I would like the tough part of Smid of old.
  9. Every team is scouting, I think. His linemate signed with CHI. I would be okay with the signing to buy us some time, and if he was physical. Maybe a young version of Smid (when he was physical).
  10. We had several chances to win games against Ahaheim, but failed to deliver. Scoring one goal in an elimination game isn't impressive. I suppose you could argue that the meltdown was all on the goalie, but what happened to the pushback after the Ducks scored to make it 4-3? No matter who we get for next year, we better fix the lineup (or usage) so we aren't overplaying role players when we need scoring.
  11. We lost to the Ducks for reasons other than goaltending. Game 1 was the infamous 2 on 0. A late game 5-3 didn't lead to a tying goal. Game 2 was the weak call on Dougie to allow the Bouma deflection. And then the Brodie call to snuff out the comeback. Game 3 was letting Anaheim back in the game, much like EDM did in their loss to Anaheim in OT. Game 4 was 2 goals against. We lose a shootout to EDM and give up 3 goals on 5 shots (CJ) in another game. Those are the relevant games. No goalie seemed to be able to help us in the first month of the season, but somehow MAF wins those games. People were calling for Gully's and Cameron's head for the systems used. Maybe MAF would have fared a bit better. Or not. Would you have given up Tkachuk for MAF last draft? Would you give up a 1st and/or high prospects this year? I'm not saying MAF wouldn't be an upgrade to the overall body of work that Elliott provided. I just don't know what his results would look like next season. BT has one chance to build the goaltending at a reasonable cost and he needs to bat 1000.
  12. That helps clarify it. But those #1's that you talk about lost to PITTS and MAF. As well, a team like PITTS has been one of the top teams in the East for a long time. MAF was obviously part of that. Unfortunately, stats only show so much at 100 feet.
  13. Not sure what you are showing there. Is that MAF against those teams and those are his wins? If so, what does it prove? The Pengies won against the Pacific? If it's those teams against the Flames, how does that support your argument about MAF making us better?
  14. How often does MAF face those teams? Currently, not very often. Pretty select view of goalies, if you ask me. We faced EDM a bunch of times when we were struggling; October and twice in January. The 2-1 SO loss was close, but the 7-3 drubbing started with 3 goals in 5 minutes by CJ. That also began the nightmare that almost derailed our season..again. Anaheim was the last week of the season after Elliott cooled off. Prior to that it was 1-1 in December and a loss early November. The Pacific is not how I base the goaltending needs. Two series against Anaheim in three years is luck of the draw. Winning the division is the sure way of getting out of the division. You get a team that barely made the playoffs.
  15. This past year is where I compare the recent performance. I think MAF had 36 games to Elliott's 49. The longevity is whether he is going to be good for another two years. The fit is for systems and comfort with the D. Elliott didn;t seem to mesh early on. Yes. he's a proven starter, but what if the same thing happens as with Elliott. Over 60 games, that might not matter so much, but we also don;t want to be in the same position as last year.
  16. For myself, it's more of a question of longevity and fit. We thought we had traded for one of the more consistent goalies over the past few years. He comes here and starts off with a pathetic record. Has a strong 2017, but then drops again. The risk is real that MAF could come here and experience the same thing. Without looking at individual games this year, their stats are somewhat similar.
  17. I don't think the current tandem is a viable option. One or the other. I think BT has more faith that Elliott could be one of the guys next year, but I don't think CJ has as much trust. He had his time in November/December and lost the faith in January-March. Elliott will cost you a 3rd in 2018. That is certain. MAF will be in the realm of what we got Elliott for originally. A 2nd and a conditional 3rd. Substitute a roster player or prospect if you like. A 1st for helping them out? No way. They only have so many options. MAF may not even have the Flames on his list.
  18. The expansion list are due by the 17th. LV has between the 17th and the end of the 20th to make thier picks. The 20th is the day that the picks are made public, though I think you may hear the names prior to the release date.
  19. Here's a quiote from Fransic about the cost of MAF; take it with a grain of salt, since he's also the one that reported the ask from Stevie Y was Tkachuk (#6). However, whatever wheeling and dealing might get done if the Flames are to get Fleury from Pittsburgh or via Vegas, the asking price would include several top prospects and/or a significant young roster player. In what world would that deal ever get made?
  20. I know, but Grubauer is not guaranteed to sign here. Why wouldn't he? $2m question.
  21. Grubauer is a pending RFA and Arbitration eligible. Would only be able to trade for his rights. Might get costly, though I don't know if he has much leverage. Raanta has one year remaining.
  22. Funny, I think I mentioned that in another thread. I would try for Hayes and Raanta, but not using Backlund.
  23. Mason will get more money fropm us than Mason. Waiting till after the draft is risky. Maybe a glut of goalies then, but the best ones are going to be available at the draft. I should say, most likely available. I'm not a big fan of signing a goalie in FA, as the price is usually higher then and the pickings slimmer. This year is so up in the air. Best ones available prior to the draft, leftovers available for trade, then UFA's. Any good UFA's are going to be in demand at that point.
  24. The Dougie situation was brewing below the surface, and happened fairly quickly at the draft. BOS was worried about an OS. Elliott was a secondary deal that was being worked on, along with MAF and Bishop. BT was intent on leaving Buffalo with a goalie, so Elliott was just another option. There was some speculation about Gully, since he ahd to be interviewed. In the case of player agents, some stuff does get leaked; not always but sometimes. In this case, I agree that the deal will be announced within hours of the first valid rumour.
  25. As Cross has said, we are debating a lot of goalies here, but the true targets lie somewhere below the surface. Other than sportscasters talking about what makes sense, we have only been linked to one goalie since last summer; Bishop. MAF makes sense as a true starter, but cost to obtain may be higher due to the playoffs. He may already be part of a deal to LV or another team. He may be the goalie PITTS decides to keep. Grubauer makes sense as a starter option, but the risk is he's not ready to do the job in year 1. The Flames do not want to go with an unproven starter and have no backup plan. Raanta is in the same boat as Grubauer. Saros may never even be available for trade. There is no benefit (unless overpayment) for them to move him. UFA's like Mason present a big risk, as they would need to be signed to more than one year. Mason's last playoff performance was worse than Elliott's. Elliott is a lightening rod for Flames fans. Whether he can have a bounceback season or not is secondary, as many point the finger to him for the terrible start and bad playoff games. CJ seems to get a pass, since he only was responsible for letting in the winning goal in game 4. Many feel that he saved the season for the Flames. I do find it odd that there is very little substance in the goalie rumours. Nothing substancial about MAF, Raanta, Grubauer, etc. No smoke. Maybe the fire is burning below the surface.
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