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Everything posted by travel_dude

  1. I don't see how you can begin to compare Ortio at the AHL level and Ramo at the NHL level. Apples and Bananas. Unless he was called up for a run and was 4-2 then I wouldn't consider him in the same ballpark as Ramo yet.
  2. There. Fixed that for you. Don't get all the hate for Ramo. He may not have Hiller's quiet confidence, but how many shutouts does he have this year? He has games where he doesn't look great, but that is true of any Finn we have between the pipes. Give his some props for what he does, and just hope that Ortio can translate his game to the NHL. Gillies should turn pro next year, so we should get to actually see him play at the pro level. If he is as good as we bith think he is, he won't be long in the AHL, and will have Ortio (or Ramo or Hiller) backing him up for the NHL Flames soon enough.
  3. Kipper was never one to complain about the team in front of him. Hiller has shifted the blame away from himself, rightly or wrongly, at least once. McBackup ranted to the point of being sent down. I have never heard a Finnish goalie on this team blame anyone but themselves. For some reason, Finland seems to breed goalies like Cole Harbour breeds skilled centers. We have two in the system, and each one of them has a special set of skills. Whether it be Ramo or Ortio, we have some goalies that could have long NHL careers.
  4. There are some games that the choice was obvious; Hiller against Anaheim, Ramo against San Jose, split up B2B games. I think fans are reasonable if they see a cycle, and not think that a goalie is played too many games in a row. Ramo played 3 times after posting consecutive shutouts. Hiller had two losses in a row after posting a shutout over Carolina and then got another 5 games after that. Just don't ride a hot goalie until he cools, or leave a guy to rust. Hartley looks like a genious at times for his choices, but at some point there is a letdown in a winable game.
  5. TBH, I think Ortio is a few years away from being a starter in the NHL, if ever. Not to belittle his body of work, just that goalies are voodoo until they play more than 80 games. We have two start-quality goalies right now. Hartley has to find the right balance in number of starts. I don't care if he slices the total games in two, but stop running with a goalie until he loses or has a bad game. It makes the guy coming back in cold his first game, and doesn't give the guy going out a chance at redemption. What made Kipper great (ok, just one of the many things) was the ability to bounce back from a punding. He was great the game after a blowout loss. Right now, Ramo and Hiller have rust in their games when they back in. You may not agree, but I think Ramo has a long career ahead of him. He was respectable last year on a 27th place team.
  6. We are ripe with Goalie prospects, but I am still impressed with Ramo. He reminds me of Kipper, and I don't think we have seen his best yet this season.
  7. Good to see Russell getting some points. He is one of the least appreciated d-men we have. Is a tough SOB for his size, and takes a beating out there. His play allows Wideman to jump up above the hash marks.
  8. For sure Johnny is known back east, and is quickly making a name for himself in the rest of the countries. He could take over the scoring lead by rookies with a good stretch of games. Forsberg will likely hit a wall, besides everyone loves a little guy story. His clean play will likely earn him some votes for the Byng. Brodie will have the toughest time getting votes, as he is unknown by the MSM. He isn't as well known as Gio, and even Gio will be forgotten by some. They talk about Weber like he is a shoo-in every year. PK is too much of a me-first player.
  9. Haven't had much of a sample yet, but I wonder whether Ortio will pass Ramo on the depth chart by year end. On one hand you have a NHL goalie, still young and can win you games. On the other hand you have a prospect goalie that might be able to handle a backup position in the NHL. I just don't know which is riskier, Ramo extension or going all-in on Ortio in the NHL as a backup. We had so many years of McBackup. Now we actually have two McStarters.
  10. Agreed. Wideman was on a streak and was surpassed by Gio/Brodie. One of them has a less effective (scoring only) night and he steps back up. Like to see that slapper from the point. Goes in or creates rebounds.
  11. I don't mind him rushing up, but he has to spot open players and fire a hard pass. Don't want to see him try a wrap-around. Saw that before and it didn't end well. Would like to see him pass it off and drive the net.
  12. Ramo played 2 games against the Yotes last season, both in Calgary: 4-1 win 0.967 SV% 1.0 GA 1st star 3-2 win 0.938 SV% 2.0 GA 1st star Hiller played 5 games last year. 3-2 SO win 0.938 SV% 2.0 GA 2nd star (Home game) 5-2 win 0.923 SV% 2.0 GA (Home game) 3-2 OT win 0.920 SV% 2.0 GA (Home game) 4-2 win 0.955 SV% 2.0 GA 2nd star (Away game) 5-3 win 0.903 SV% 3.0 GA 3rd star (Away game)
  13. Derek Wills ‏@Fan960Wills 2 hrs2 hours ago Calgary, Alberta #Flames Head Coach tells #YYC media that Jonas Hiller gets the start in goal for first game of home stand vs. #Coyotes tomorrow. #CGYvsARI
  14. Gillies had a less than stellar WJC, so he was reluctant to leave college knowing his performance might result in being a free agent. Staying in college was the best decision, since he is still young and inexperienced. His hip injury didn't help his season and summer prep. I'm not really worried about his season in the NCAA, since he will need seasoning in the pros before starting in the NHL. Loads of time on that one. Ortio has me more worried. I think his confidence should have been buoyed by the contract he just signed, with a 1 way in year 2. He wasn't ready to take on the work as a backup this season. He would not get consistent starts. He needs playing time this year to show it wasn't a fluke. Mason isn't a worry to me, since he is a kid playing on a QMJHL basement team. He is years away from the NHL.
  15. Ortio is currently ranked 3rd last in the AHL; 4.09 GAA .879 SV% Ramo was rusty in the last game. He was like that last season before he got the rains after returning from his injury. He is still young, so saying he is a career backup is just wrong.
  16. Millions is suggesting that Ramo is starting (according to practice) lines. I think it may have been one game too late. Saying that, it wasn't Hiller that lost the game.
  17. Oh, burn! I think he is the guy that the bouncer takes up to the bar and points him out to the bartender. He then turns around and walks out of the bar and asks some guy to go buy him a drink, which he spills, and then asks for another drink because somebody made him spill it.
  18. I think your avatar brings out the Seto hate. Not very popular player in this board. He is averaging 2-3rd line minutes and PP time, so he is expected to add offense. Don't take it personal.
  19. Brodie has already tied his season high of 4 goals. At this pace, he could be in Norris discussion along with Gio. The dynamic duo continues to impress. Gio is rock steady and hit hard. Brodie adds the flash and sneaky-good play that you look at after the fact and say WTF. Or likely, how the _?
  20. I am probably dreaming, but if we could swing a Wideman-for-Larsson deal, it would provide us with the high-end D prospect we need. Yes, it weakens us a bit now, but he has put up 27 points in 129 games on a defensive team. He is still only 21 years old. I think he fits this organization, and could develop at a pace he needs.
  21. Let me put it a different way. - You have a car that is getting older, but seldom breaks down leaving you stranded. - It gets OK MPG and is very fast. - It's a 4x4 and there's lost of snow on the ground. - Nobody is selling 4x4's. - You can get a new car for the value you get on a trade-in. - New car has a good warranty, better MPG and will last for 8-10 years. Bad analogy I know, but the point is you sometimes make a deal while the market is there. You don't wait to TDL when everyone may have already solved their depth issues, or the market is flowded with tanker teams getting rid of everything possible. Cammi should have been shopped well before the TDL, but his injury eliminated that. You claim it isn't broke. Look at the stats for the 3rd pairing, whether it's Diaz or Engelland. We can do a lot better than that. Smid is having another bad start to another bad year; I really though he could become a good shut-down D. Too much time being ruined by the Oilers. And we are one injury on D away from the basement. We can't replace Brodie or Gio with Wideman or Russell. We can't replace Russell or Wideman with Smit, Engelland or Diaz.
  22. If you place any importance on "fancy stats", refer to the following number for this year so far (I'm excluding forwards to make it easier to see how the top pair fares): CORSI LEADERS Defenders: •Mark Giordano - 50.22% •T.J. Brodie - 46.88% CORSI LACKERS Defenders: •Ladislav Smid - 36.45% •Deryk Engelland - 37.50% TOUGHEST MINUTES (CF%) Defenders: •T.J. Brodie - 55.48% •Mark Giordano - 55.35% ZONE HIGH GROUND (OZ Start%) Defenders: •Deryk Engelland - 54.35% •Kris Russell - 48.42% ZONE LOW GROUND (OZ Start%) Defenders: •Ladislav Smid - 34.33% •T.J. Brodie - 34.82% SCORING CHANCE LEADERS Defenders: •Mark Giordano - 51.85 SC% •T.J. Brodie - 45.05 SC% SCORING CHANCE LACKERS Defenders: •Deryk Engelland - 28.00 SC% •Kris Russell - 33.33 SC% PUCK DUMPERS Defenders: •Ladislav Smid - 0 carry% •Deryk Engelland - 12.5 carry% PUCK CARRIERS Defenders: •T.J. Brodie - 44.4 carry% •Kris Russell - 35.0 carry%
  23. Some of us (maybe just me) suggest trading a guy like Wideman while there is high demand for D. His value is sky high for a team needing offense and PP presence. And I would trade him for a high-potential prospect D, not a 5/6 D prospect with 3/4 upside. Not that we get that return, just that is what I target. A team ripe with prospect D, but short on NHL ready D might pony up. So, tell me how you would proceed? We have 2 pairings that are performing. The third pairing is scary bad. They may improve, or not. Do you pull the trigger if the return is great and sets you up for the future on D? Do you trade Smid for a prospect/pick and hope for another Brodie in the next draft? Or do you stay the course and believe that Smid will be able to improve Engelland's horrible numbers.
  24. Reading Hartley's comments today sounds like they are going to run with "you win, you get the next start" for 3-4 games stints. That keeps the current incumbent from feeling like they are the true #1 guy. His last 4 games have been great. I still expect Hartley will rotate to Ramo, unlike last season when Berra or McDonald played after losses. It's all good. Whether #1 and backup or 1a/1b or 1a/1a.
  25. Starting Hiller may be because he won the last game (limited shots, but some real good ones) or because Hartley wants to start Ramo against Montreal on Sunday and Hiller against Washington. Then you will probably see Ramo B2B against Tampa and Florida. Just a guess, but I think some decisions are based on the style of goalies we have.
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