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Everything posted by travel_dude

  1. You can't just point to one type of goalie and say they are the only type to win a cup. MAF took how long before he won one. He was anything but hot starting out. Just one example. Bingington and Murray are examples of the rare ones that did it early on in their careers. Murray turned an injury replacement into a cup run. Binginton arrived on the scene of a team on the verge of a rebuild. His rise to glory is well storied. Goalies are voodoo. We are as likely to have a free agent like Zag turn into a winner as Spencer Knight. Team playing style influences how they develop as NHL goalies. Coming in at the right moment helps. Rittich played in the AHL lights out to bad. Inconsistent. His first set of games, he played more good than bad. Still wasn't consistent. His second season was great and he became consistent. Playing injured his game fell off. Playing the puck too much because that's what they wanted from him over strong play. Talbot is a shot in the dark, but Smith would have been a shot in the dark with a blindfold after spinning in circles. Standing on one leg. I'm not sure all these great options that you are talking about that are available.
  2. 2013 was a different set of management. The same guy that loved Janko went to VAN and has been picking their NA prospects. Burkie was as responsible for Smith as anyone else. Dark days for the Flames. With the misses in 2013 and the number of picks traded since then, it's amazing that we have a at line at all. Top line + Tkachuik. Bennett, Mangiapane, Dube, Ras, Valimaki, and Kylington. Not a bad bunch but most of them selected outside the 1st round.
  3. Him and Hunter Smith. And to think what decent players were available in that draft. I'm not especially high about Demko, but Sorokin was playing in the KHL at the time and was way better then. Point was playing in MJ and had 91 points in his draft year. Yet, we felt it necessary to draft Mac and Smith.
  4. It's tough when the other guy has compromising pics of the coach. JK. I think they ruined his season a bit. Try to change the stud goalie into a D-man. Tkachuk loved playing in front of him. He'll get his chance this season, and Talbot is just going to be insurance he doesn;t get burned out. Talbot is a team first guy. He wants to get starter money again, but he's a risk even after a good year. The worse thing is that a goalie that worked with King Henrik might actually have advice to a younger goalie. He wants to stick it to the Oilers. Prove them wrong. Open up the doors for next year. A strong season with limited starts is going to show that more than 50 games will.
  5. So we shipped out a guy that showed up for 5 games and gave us one win. Talbot did much more for them and they should have been in the 3rd round. So, it comes down to an aging goalie with 5 games of "compete" recently vs 15 games of compete a few years ago from a guy with tons of mileage left. 571 games played versus 288. I find it odd that you aren't saying good things about Rittich. Pretty much saved the season for the team. Was stellar for most of the season and had a minor injury. I agree with goalie development being retarded here. Doesn;t mean we can't do it right, but there is no magic pill right now. Saros isn;t going anywhere, nor are any of the top prospect goalies.
  6. Some mystery injury a few years ago? Well, anyway Rittich is the starter. Mistake not playing him in the playoffs. As long as JS doesn't try to mess with either, they will be fine. Rittich sholdn't start 50 gams this year. You need a fresh goalie. Talbot will help that. Jarry might end up being a worse solution because it puts pressure to start the starter.
  7. I don't see Rittich as being injury prone. Smith, yes. First and foremost, we needed to sign a backup, because BSD at his best was exactly what the Flames were looking for. Are there better options available? That's really hard to tell. None of the younger ones are without risk. We just sgned a younger prospect and drafted a young one. But we also have to see something positive happen in the development side. Parsons taking a step. Zagidulin looking like a pro. Gillies looking capable of winning more than 1 in 3. Until then, we have to play the game.
  8. Since it's official and we have one year of Talbot as a backup, perhaps we can wait to see what the results look like. I'm not a big fan of the deal, but it's not a long term thing for an iffy goalie. Lehner is a good goalie with issues that make him a big risk. Mzarek has had issues with the role he's played and now wants starter money. Jarry is a big question mark, but a guy you could take a chance on if you had an emergency chute. Were never even a possible destination for Bob, and that's not because of the money; he would not play way out here. Reimer is a risk and at times terrible. The good prospects are not being dealt. The biggest issue with Talbot for me is the Oiler stink. Not that he is an ex-Oiler just that he has been beat down and will need to get back his game. He has the development history to be good to great. Big concern for me is any dealings he has with Sigalet.
  9. Summer is just starting. Jarry is there if we make that choice. Some teams managed to make the 3 headed monster work until they figured it out, then they boobed it up.
  10. And just so you know, I think he's done. Focus is now on others. Talbot can steal the job this year for good by being adequate.
  11. Look, I'm just saying they didn;t play him a single game and chose to start Smith B2B against BOS. One of those games should have been Gillies no matter how bad he was in the AHL. What was the point of calling him up.
  12. I hate to say it, but it's very possible that once Gillies is sent to the AHL, the Russian may the first injury call up. Gillies is subject to waivers this year. He won't be called up for injury replacement anytime after the start of November. You know they would like to get a read on Parsons and Zagidulin, depending on how they look this fall. You are right. Gillies is in make or break land. Pity he didn;t have any games this last year. Blame the coach, goalie coach and GM for that.
  13. Came to play or played more than scared to lose. Gio was the biggest disappointment for me. I can understand the struggles of some guys, since it started before the playoffs, Gio was in top form. They let COL distate the game and didn;t take it back from them.
  14. For all his heroics, he won exactly one game. And that was one where their goaie let in softies. Obviously, he's not the reason we lost to COL, but he didn't steal any games. Let's not lose sight that we need a backup to Rittich. This may not be the right solution, but it is one possible one. We've obviously talked to the other names available as UFA's. And we've been down the trade assets for a lesser product road. I still think they need a backup backup plan. Gillies isn;t it.
  15. I find it odd that they went for him. Two goalies with weak gloves. One plays the puck well. Smitty knows about our team, but he's never faced us in a game in recent years. Practices don;t count. There is some thought that he will face more shots and he's better when he does that. The dressing room will be an interesting place with him there. Telling off McDavid and Looch. Telling Russell to get out of the f'in way. Giving the D heck for a goal scored on him. Imagine a 6 goal beatdown and what happens in the room. On the other hand, he could be what they need. They lack accountability.
  16. He's supposedly getting bonuses of 2 to go with his 2-2.5m With Gully and Tippett, Koskinen will be lucky to get 40 games in. You know the bonuses are tied to playoffs and game played.
  17. Commodore seems to be getting things right. A more known source.... Frank Seravalli‏Verified account @frank_seravalli FollowFollow @frank_seravalli More Veteran goalie Mike Smith has chosen the #Oilers. He’s more or less trading places with Cam Talbot, who as we hinted on Monday, is heading to the #Flames.
  18. Mike Commodore‏Verified account @commie22 2h2 hours ago More Mike Smith just #PackedHis,,,and told the Flames to kiss his Hash Rate....he’s taking his talents up highway 2 to Edmonton. #Insiderrrrr
  19. They are super cheap. One of the reasons why Aho is not currently signed. Ferland will be lucky if they offer him close to market value. Repeating that success will be tough. They will be a lotto team as likely as a playoff team.
  20. What I had heard about Mrazek was they offerd him a deal and he balked. He will get starter money, I just don;t see CAR being the one to get him signed now. They had all spring to do it.
  21. Well you know the Canes won;t be signing McBackup or Mrazek. They are probably going with Forsberg.
  22. Here's the issue with Gillies. He had a bad AHL season. He was called up but not trusted to get any games. His pevious year he played 11 and had a 3-5-1 record in the post Smith injury period. Those are a indicator of his NHL readiness. And you want to go into a season where he is used for 30-40 games? He could turn it around and put up wins at the NHL level, playing every 2 of 5 games, but that's a huge risk to start a season. He's going to be waived this fall if he fails to look better than any other goalie we have or sign. It's tough. If we were rebuilding, the appetite for him to play 30 games would be there. He wasn;t here when we had Hiller and Ramo and the other guys. Goalies get the chance because of no other solution or they play their way into the NHL.
  23. Yes, we can be heartless here at times, but we care about the team. We just don't know what's going on. It's no different saying that than what people say about Brodie's head not being in the game. Sometimes business is business. It seemed like JS made decisions this year based on what Smith wanted. Or he let Smith decide what was best. I know the coach like the playing the puck part, but is that the best thing to focus on? Either way, there are decisions that need to be made that can't be hinged on a person failing health. It would be different with a track record. There are things we should be doing to go in a different direction. We've made coaching changes. We bring in new players. We draft according to certain traits, but look at other things. We've started to pay attention to fancy stats as a club. Yet we can;t even look at past records of a goalie to predict what they will play with in a certain situation. Smith loses a ton of games after a shutout. Yet, that is the reason to play him again. He has trouble with certain team's styles, yet we play him against those teams. Those are goalie coach decisions. Anyway, I'm done talking about JS. I hope we can better develop goalies in spite of him being here. If we are being honest, he needs to move into another area of Flames group.
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