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Posts posted by conundrumed

  1. There seem to be articles everywhere about how close Bishop was to being a Flame. Say he was in the process of working out a new contract when they traded for Elliot. I guess BT didn't like the #s.

    At least it means he wouldn't be averse to playing for Calgary. Something to keep in mind if he hits UFA.

    I like that BT was all over everything, that's what he's hear for.

    I'm hoping bigtime Gillies pulls a Holtby!

    Imagine a world where we had a valuable asset or 2 to trade, as opposed to, not much value to "get rid of".

    But as you allude to, the conversation is open to Bishop, could that be a leg up?

    What I had read was that Bishop was in discussions and was surprised that they went a different direction.  He also said that the report of want 7x7 was a farce.  The tipping point seems to have been Stevie Y wanting too much.

    Stevie's managed the elbowing out of everything this past year. Impressive.

  2. Obviously the coach and the G are important for team defence, but D is D.  It's the nuts and bolts of it, sorry.


    The Flames had the Worst goals against in the league and they:


    1.  Did Nothing to upgrade their D

    2.  Hired a coach who is known to be offensively slanted.


    Elliot will probably hide a lot of this.    On a team that had a defensively responsible coach, and a top D core, he could be a cup winner right now.


    Instead, he will mask the problem.  Make it even less likely that it'll ever get addressed.   Much like Kipper did at the same age.  Hiller too.


    You will see Elliot come in strong, and then you will see his stats decline, just as Kipper's did, just as Jonas Hiller's did, just as Ramo's did.   And the cycle will repeat until the Flames finally figure it out one day.


    It's a waste, imho.  An upgrade, yes.  But a poorly thought out one, and a sadly predictable one.

    I sort of agree with you jj, but it IS team D that has be come sadly predictable. Every goalie since Kipper has shown it, can't keep blaming goalies.

    But just like JTech is saying, we have to get on hot puck pursuit. Our roster for the '04 roster kinda sucked. But what did Sutter do there and what is he doing with the Kings?

    There are times when you have to say GA are a product of the team, I believe this is one of them.

    Too tentative and scrambly on D, it's like the zone our teams go to to catch their breath.

    Get everyone chopping salad and getting after it in the neutral and D zones and I seriously believe we'll see a difference.

    • Like 1
  3. Russell and Wideman were dominated by the Ducks in the second round.  We need better.  We shouldn't spend $8-mil on this combo again.  Time to move on.  

    But our top pairing is Gio and Brodie, not Wideman and Russell.

  4. I'd much rather sign Nakladal than Russell.

    We're so fickle and short term.

    It was only 2 seasons ago when Gio went down and Russell and Wideman stepped up to the extreme.

    They played a ton of hockey. Last year they got off to a flat start like the rest of the team, it just kept compounding with shoddy goals and never finding a rhythm, like most of the team.

  5. So, I guess I would ask (sorry to abbreviate your quote).....which one is it?


    Do we need salt, or do we need a smallish forward who we put on the D position?


    Maybe....if we were less inclined to acquire small players who aren't really defencemen, and play them as defencemen...



    Maybe...then, we wouldn't need as much "salt"....and maybe we could then actually use a real defencemen, instead of putting "salt" there?


    Why not just have good defensemen?


    I dunno.   I guess we'll see soon enough.


    p.s....I think your rumor is correct.

    Again, the Van series, if we didn't have an answer, they'd have taken full advantage.

  6. Wideman is an issue, there's no doubt about it.  You are right there.  And I'm not seeing the rebound year for him.


    Hamilton needs guidance.  I don't feel he's getting it.  I don't think he got it from Hartley.  I don't think it's a skillset of the new coach either (hoping I'm wrong).   He could be one of the truly elite D in the league, or he could become another wideman.   I was hoping to see them either bring in the right coaching assistant, or a veteran D mentor for him.  I applauded his acquisition.  But if they don't have a development plan for him, they shouldn't have made the trade to be honest.


    Engelland?  We can't do any better there?


    I like Jokipakka, but I don't like him enough.  I like him a lot on the Heat.


    We essentially have two great D.   Brodie and Giordano.


    Giordano is getting old.   Argue it, start a thread, but he's Still...getting old.


    That's it.   


    Wideman, no.    Hamilton?  Loads of potential.   What are the Flames going to do with it?


    I honestly see the Flames as having two top-four defencemen in the top 4 that belong there.   Brodie and Giordano.



    I would put a plan together for Hamilton, I would get an upgrade on Wideman (preferably younger).   And you would have an ok top 4.  For now.


    Bottom four, I would almost start over.

    But in terms of cap, I believe we're the highest in the league allocated to D. My thinking is the problem is more about getting D dollars in line in favour of making other improvements. Smid and Wideman are erased for 2 $4mil forwards, not for more D spending in my perfect world.

    With that, I think improvement becomes trading a top 3, I wouldn't pull that trigger atm.

    To say Engelland and Jokipakka needs much upgrade, I don't agree. Your 5-6 aren't going to be Hamhuis-Lindholm unless they're 19 on ELC's.

    Engelland is salt. Salt we need and the salt we lack. Bollig isn't scaring anyone.

    Pull Engelland out of our roster in the Van series. Van tested the dirtier waters of changing the tides of the series. It was Engelland that held that fort.

    As a 6-7 and a definitive need, I wouldn't argue over-paying for that.

    As kehatch said, you're turning white into grey, I kind of agree.

    We have long been too scrambling in the d zone. That isn't the d core, it's the team D imho.


    Just for conversation, I don't have a link, but it's being rumoured that Calgary will sign Russell again at much cheaper than his original hopes.

    Russell at $3 when Smid is done?

  7. I can't actually read the middle paragraph, speaking of drinking.


    Put it this way.


    Most teams, after getting more goals scored on them than anyone else in the league....   upgrade their defencemen in Some way (unless they're trying to tank).


    Getting more goals scored on us than any team in the league, and making no upgrades to our defencemen, is a new strategy in the NHL.


    We will see how that plays out.

    I wonder what would you do to upgrade the D?

    I get upgrading Wideman as the #4, but that can't be the sole upgrade you mean, or I'm surmising it isn't.

    I'm of the belief it is team D that is giving us grief more than hucking it all on the D corp.

    The coaching has puzzled me also, as zone entries are far too easy with the D pretty much never stepping up to create harder entries.

    I don't put it down to the bodies we have on D so much, so I'm wondering if you could specify the upgrades you mean. 

  8. hmmm   :)


    Speaking of opinion...


    All I know, is that the Flames did zero to upgrade their D.   And their D was, imho, below average.  Without question, it was not Stanley Cup D.


    Anything is possible, but the Flames brought in an upgrade on G, without the other necessary positional upgrades.


    If you're saying Elliot could win a cup...I agree.  I would even to so far as to say you're under-selling him.  He's much more than competent.


    But win a cup on his own?  Not gonna happen.    And he is already on latter half of his prime.   Had they developed someone younger who would be around for future improvements on D, then that someone could potentially contribute to a cup run.


    So yes, the Flames upgraded G.   But as a temporary measure.  Again.

    Gio was trying to come back from LTIR, Brodie was injured to start, Hamilton was just traded for the 1st time in his life.

    Dude, here's the improvements:

    Giordano is healthy and in perennial Norris-challenging form.

    Brodie is healthy and definitely one of the most exciting Dmen in the league.

    Hamilton will define his role as a Top 2-3 guy.


    If Wideman plays a 30-40 point season? I don't see where upgrades on D mean much.

    Upgrade on Joki, Engelland, Wothers etc?

    I really don't think our D requires repair like the forward spots do.

  9. At least Francis isn't saying too much about Johnny right now.  If he did, he would be saying things like "miles apart", "wants to play in the East after this contract", etc.  He should be nicknamed Click-bait.

    It's because Johnny is unassailable in league-wide opinion, otherwise it would likely be quite painful.

  10. Eric Frances *spit* was on NHL radio saying the Flames have already started talking to Elliot about extension.

    Frances thought it was really dumb, so I guess it's probably really smart! :)


    Good ol Eric tends to overlook considering things before being hyper-critical.

    Elliot's a vet, you know his game. Your welcoming him and letting him know he is sorely wanted here. He is the guy they want, opening extension talks tout suit let's him know we want him to have stability for his family and we believe in him.

    Now if our Sun reporter had an ounce of class, he might understand what it looks like...

  11. Prybil will take some time but but it would be so satisfying for one of these touted European forwards to make an impact with the Flames. Nakladal did well going down thru the AHL first so let's see if Prybil's game can translate to the NHL.

    It's nice that we're running through all facets now. Our drafting has been up around the top of the league for a couple years now imo, we're adding a dusting of International and NCAA FA's.

    No saying who becomes an NHLer, but imo the train is firmly on the tracks to give ourselves a good shot at a solid pipeline to draw from, at last.

    In a year or 2 I'd surmise we'll start seeing we have more positions of strength to draw from in filling out the roster/trade values, at last.

    It's been yrs and yrs that this has had to be fixed and I'm really digging the progress now. Still work to do, but it's come a long way from being diabolically loathsome.

    Our scouting is impressive and my general feel is that they are being given more respect for decision-making.

  12. Who was the top goalie prospect in the draft?

    Did we pick the first goalie again and then not get the best of the draft? 


    Is Demko still a better prospect than McDonald?

    That might not be fair boss.

    Teams have their lists.

    They ensure they get their #1 guy, I don't take much issue, again, leaving to the scouts. Do you guys like him that much? Will he be around at our next pick? Guessing they got a resounding "NO" with MacDonald and Parsons.

    Can't deny they were targeted and judgement day is a ways off yet.

  13. BT is quietly assembling some talented goaltending prospects for the system.

    I agree. I know some were perhaps rightly put off of 2nds for a goalie, but the position is unique so the EXACT guy you want you have to make sure you get. Skaters on the other hand have a ton of "similars" each.

    It's really nice to see drafting we can comprehend. Imho I thought we had too many years of over-riding scouts or bantying about with lists that appeared to be constructed under the influence for the first 3 rds.

    The era of outsmarting everyone is over, and we were never rich with eyes and insiders like Detroit regardless.

    We've ramped up confidence in scouting so I believe that is going to be a peach for us.

  14. Sometimes the guy on a stacked team that does nothing for long periods of time is overlooked.  When he is needed, he has to make the saves.  Very much like having a backup that is cold for 58 minutes of a game, then replaces the starter.  He has to make those saves.  Or he sits on the bench for 10 games in a row.  When he starts, he has to perform.

    Not sure who you're describing, Parsons wasn't Niemi on the Hawks.

    London's press-clippings were good and well, but Parsons was hung out to dry, a lot.

    We drafted the top 2 stars in the Memorial Cup Final.

  15. Yes it's going to be very interesting to not only get Bennett some solid wingers (Tkachuk & Brouwer anyone?) but also to see what GG brings and how his changes impact the guys we already think we've got figured out.

    There is someone we're not talking about much in Tyler Parsons.

    London was stacked and yada yada, but you can't tell me Parsons wasn't huge for them.

    It will be interesting to see what we got, I hope.

  16. Thanks you cccsberg I appreicate that.


    Interesting that they are number 1. I agree that they are right now but I wouldn't have thought a more mainstream media guy would name them there. Nice to see the Flames getting some credit. 

    I agree and I'm shocked. All of our great young guys are East, so I guess it's osmosis!

    I'm really interested to see what Johnny's got next, hopefully draws a lot more slashing penalties lol.

    But I don't know what the ceiling is frankly. Can't hit him, can't draw him in and contain him, he's got the best feet I swear I've seen including Dats and Kane. He has another gear seemingly always. Vision. Stick.

    Some guys are scary good, like Ovi, Crosby and Kane. But once in awhile, someone is scary good AND different.

    He isn't going to be "hiding" in the West, he'll be replacing Datsyuk as the human highlight reel.


    So there's that, lol.

    What I have loved about Monahan since inception, is it doesn't matter if it's camp, preseason or league, watch him step out onto the ice at the beginning. It is confidence personified. His head is up with intense dignity and for me, it's a wow moment. This kid came to play. Always, always.

    Boring Sean Monahan, lol. Love it. Getzlaf, Backes, Toews, those are some boring top C's.


    Bennett (over tkachuk but I know it wasn't prescribed)

    The opposite of boring I think is annoying. Calgary's huge struggle has been hooking him up with NHL talent.

    They have two top 6 polar opposite C's that should drive any team nuts.

    But they've floated him due to a lack of talent on the wings.

    If they put him through the meat grinder again, they'll save dollars when the ELC runs out after this year.

    Hard way to look at it, but yeah.

    I don't doubt he'll score 30 in this league, standing on his head. Nothing more annoying than the guy that annoyed you just scored!

  17. It'll be very interesting to see how things shake out in Stockton this year.  As a team, I expect they'll struggle due to youth and lack of experience.  At the same time though, all of those young players can surely see the lay of the land in Calgary and they know there'll be opportunities in the future.


    I'd really like to see some progression for some particular players in Stockton.  Poirier needs to step it up, as does Klimchuk.  I'd like to see significant growth from Killington.  I'm very curious to see how Gillies performs over a full season.

    What's interesting about the Detroit venue everyone is impressed by, there is zero rush and 3yrs ain't jack to turn out an Abdelkader or Helm eventually. Their failed prospects get let go prior to a big investment, generally.

    The big club ensures the time, plain and simple.

    We need a club that ensures we don't need to rush to judgment on prospects.


    That's pretty much the long and short of it. It's how you make the playoffs for a couple of decades and counting and have prosperity.

    Should be about the 9th yr in a row they're estimated out, good for a laugh.

    I'm sure Larkin seems like the sophomore slump guy.

    How could they possibly sign Frans Neilson for that?

    At C:



    Neilson-parlayed from #1 ELC

    I'm listening.

    I'd suggest Vanek should go to Detroit and will find his fix. When Nyquist lights him up.

    Very underrated solid signings for Detroit imho.

    When Jurco and Mantha arise from the Datsyuk ashes, that is solid mgmt.

  18. Even GG as a new coach will see quite quickly the value of the pairings for lines that do work well together. Keeping what experience we have will be part of the game plan. You don't pay players significant money to sit on the sidelines, AHL or play them out of position so some prospect can have a spot. Calgary has shown they will keep a good balance of experience and learning core going down the right path.

    Now to address your questions.

    Bouma, do you know that in baseball every player is put on revocable waivers to see if there is interest ? Smart GM's need to know.

    Bollig, who is he holding back if he is a 13th or 14th forward and used effectively against certain teams? Nobody

    GG, likely didn't get here by not being in the know of how to address the talent he has already. I think he has a good idea.

    Trade activity ? who is it you are looking to bring here and who would you use ? oh yeah Backlund for Rackell, we drop needed experience as our core matures and a few more prospects come on.

    I preach splitting up Brodie and Giordano, yes I do if we have the right LHS and RHS pairings to take into consideration. You want to bury Wideman if he is still here on the LHS as a RHS on the 3rd pairing. Not Smart.


    I think our reality has become clear that this season will see certain contracts carried and dealt with as any kind of opportunity allows them to be moved.

    I think I'll start a summer side-business as a counselor for hockey addiction withdrawal lol.

    You both have good thoughts and bad thoughts, like everyone else.

    No one's ever 100% right. Sheesh, 50% for that matter.


    BT has to figure out some cash flow, 1st and foremost, or what you see is what we got.

    Another year of screaming "shoot" at Stajan.

    Another year of Bollig shooting right into the goalie at every opportunity.

    Another year of hearing how Smid is training hard in August to be ready.

    And Wideman. I'm all for showcasing him top 4, but what happens if he fails?

    Another yr of loading the bottom 3 with immovable contracts.

    Still lots of problems.

    cross was wise to note every team has a bad contract or 2, but we're in the 3-5 range and BT can either find a way to address it or we'll have another year to wait.

    Then it's time to sign Bennett and Elliot, it ain't going to get easier.

  19. I think we hear nothing until the JG/SM contracts get done. Lest Wideman and Smid magically disappear. With about $15mil to the cap ceiling we're definitely strapped.

    I believe there still has to be some fancy footwork if we're going to be able to do anything outside of the big signings, money's all gone.

  20. The top-level prospects, yes, but I'm not so sure about the mid-level or lower guys.  The only ones I can think of are Jooris and Ferland, both who got a chance 2 years ago and last year, respectively.  That doesn't really sound like a team "giving youth a chance"  There hasn't been a defenceman in years (Hamilton was a 3 year vet when we got him), and goalies?  Last year doesn't really qualify as "a chance" for Ortio.   It has been especially galling to see many over-the-hill vets brought in which has gummed up the works and saddled the team with temporary contracts, and some of the LT contracts signed a few years back that we are still waiting to clear.  Management mis-judged the development and impact of the top-level prospect's we've been able to bring in who have taken off like rockets, dragged down by excess vet baggage that we can't cut loose.  I think directly as a result we've lost some pretty useable pieces, like Byron, Arnold, Agostino, Jooris and even Colborne.  That's the way it goes, but hopefully management has learned some lessons and it changes going forward.  Certainly at this point it appears to be the case, but unfortunately there still is most of the summer and who knows whether BT signs another 2-3 guys?

    I think that's a pretty hairy eyeball way of looking at it ccc.

    The useable pieces you list are 10 minute/gm guys. You can't keep everyone. Consider Poirier, Klimchuk, F. Hamilton, Hathaway are the guys you keep, I'd let all of those guys go. We've had a good run at drafting so guys become disposable, sad but true.

    D is a bad place though. It is stagnant due to contracts.

    I believe our guys coming up, Kulak, Wotherspoon, even the older Nakladal, should have spots available. But lo and behold, Kylington, Hickey, Mattson etc are now going to be 2 yrs closer.

    I don't mind BT's approach in the forward ranks. We needed size on the right, who was it, David Jones?

    Need vet presence too, it might gum up the forward ranks, fine imho.

    Can't argue how BT solved G. That alone is gold. Quality netminding at below value to buy a year. Very nice.

    The D is a quagmire of way too much money that HAS to get balanced.

    You HAVE to slot Wideman and Smid at almost $9mil.

    That makes for being very prohibitive for the 23 yo's. $2mil spots for $9mil, owweee...

  21. BT gives Ramo a one year deal then Ramo is sent to the minors. You're the GM take responsibility for your actions! BT let the team sink.

    Flames had a shot at the playoffs and he probably didn't want to give up the first rounder for an established veteran goalie. If you don't have a goalie you got jack which was evident.

    Stop posting angry.

    It's annoying.

    Carty, find a happy place, lol.

  22. Treliving is a tireless worker and I respect that. He's suppose to be Mr super scout and an eye towards the feel for his team. I don't know anymore then anyone else. How could you let your team sink to the, bottom when the offence was potent enough to compete with the big boys. Then throw Hartley under the bus when it was BT fault for not getting them a goalie? BT has made a lot of mistakes in a short amount of time. More negative decisions then positive ones. I mean Hartley won the Jack Adams. No continuity in Canadian cities.

    I think those are fair things to say.

    For balance though, with the BB hire, I hoped we were moving away from Feaster and Weisbrod to mgmt being more relevant to hockey.

    I believe we've done that with BT and the guys he's surrounding himself with. I believe the BH firing was more a GM wanting his vision, regardless of the quotable's.

    BT has a fairly clean canvas now, outside of lingering contracts.

    I'm dying to see what he paints, as we all are.

    We've gotta give him the leeway.

  23. If they don't switch back to Murray, they don't deserve to win imho.


    MAF played 10x worse than what got Murray punted to begin with (which never should have happened)

    It's like a rainbow of Penguins colours shining out of that post,


    Who cares who starts? Goodnite now!!!!

    While every analyst was crowning their heroes, bwahaha. Oops.

    West vs it isn't going to matter.

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