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Posts posted by conundrumed

  1. 1 hour ago, travel_dude said:


    He's 19 and will be 20 in September, so he's good to go in the AHL, along with Pelletier.

    Both will have opportunity to make the team.


    My issue with the D is a lack of a definitive #1.

    Gio was training off from being one, and we don't have one at that level or higher.

    I would say that we have the makings of one or two top pair D, but they need to be more consistent.

    Beyond that, we have the makings of 2nd and 3rd pairs.

    Middle of the road overall.

    That's fine.  

    Not ideal, but fine during growth.

    I thought the cutoff was Sept 15th?

    He's Sept 25th, so not good to go.

    Hence my statement, just use effing calendar years. Like schools do.

    Why re-invent the wheel?

  2. 1 hour ago, sak22 said:

    It's become somewhat normal.  Barzal was late this past season, 2 years ago Marner, Tkachuk, Rantanen and Point weren't signed until closer to/during camp.  

    I understand Van's case rn with both Petterson and Hughes but....

    Is this just a negotiation tactic the GM's always lose now?

  3. 1 hour ago, robrob74 said:


    I really hope Zary can prove me wrong. I don't mind the player. He played well in his limited time in the AHL. I am guessing he can't play AHL this year either if he doesn't make the NHL? 


    I don't know enough about Francis to say anything. I just think we need to really concentrate on the D prospects. Some say we are fine, but I think fine isn't good enough. We have decent enough D that will possibly make the NHL. But will they be top4 or top pair? 

    I guess that Hanifin still has about 8 good years left in him. possibly ten. Andersson the same. 

    I sure wish they'd piledrive the Sept 15 date to dust. Just use calendar years...

    • Like 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, The_People1 said:


    I feel if US College (and Canadian Juniors for that matter), if they don't sign or refuse to sign, then they must go back into the draft and their rights now belong to a new team for 3-years.

    Just extend the original draft teams rights to the player.

  5. 2 minutes ago, robrob74 said:


    ya, the taxing sucks. And then the desire to live in big cities is a thing. Then there’s going to a winner. We got lucky Coleman wanted to sign with us. Maybe we were one fo the only teams that could offer his contract? 

    my bet is we sign Stone to play with Valamaki. 

    Well, we had Fox, but the NHL Blockchains all of that up.

    • Like 1
  6. 11 minutes ago, robrob74 said:

    optimists will say that the Flames are not done yet. I don’t know how much else will get done. I assume that there might be one move where we trade a skill player for a similarly skilled player. 

    they’ll end up just shuffling the deck. Some say Giordano leaving is a big enough shake up. I think the D could be better this year. But the forwards are still stale. 

    Well they talk about parity in the NHL, but that's all BS. Some teams are definitely stacked against attracting talent no matter how you slice it. It's pretty much the USHL.

    • Like 1
  7. 22 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


    Sometimes it's the team he's dealing with won't budge.

    He want's player X and the other team wants Y + Z.

    Not being willing to give up Z is not completely wrong, but he doesn't close.


    There have been other things at play different than this year.

    We have available cap, so we don't have to restrict to money in and money out.

    We can still do something major.

    You may be right though.

    I just have this sense that something akin to a shakeup is coming.

    Not for the sake of making a trade, but a shakeup of the core.

    Gio was step one, whether that the best idea or not.

    Adding depth at C and in the middle/bottom six should be looked at.

    Adding a good D would also help.


    I realize that we can't do it all.

    We should be able to improve what we had last year, without just relying on ELC's to take major steps.


    Capfriendly is showing Vladar as non-roster so if he's roster we're at 5.375 remaining for Dube, Gawdin, Mackey/potentially Stone.

    We don't really have much cap left, just PTO cap.

  8. 17 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


    I think they may have been holdups for the last month.

    Teams may be of the opinion now to move on.

    The time for surgery and recovery is making this less and less likely.

    At the same time, there has been very little action.

    There are probably about 5 teams looking at C.

    And multiple teams looking to upgrade D.


    I don't think we are set.

    We have done nothing to address the situation many have complained about.

    I doubt BT wants to go into the season with simply a couple of PTO's. 

    He does that every year. Perhaps he tried to make moves but didn't like the ask/return.

    Can't win them all. He got better depth at G and bottom lines. Coleman's a good add.

    D leaves something to be desired. Need younger players to take another good step.

    Different and short offseason, maybe moves will be made into the season.

    • Like 1
  9. 13 minutes ago, travel_dude said:



    Well those are players I like for this team, but I don't know if any of them is PTO invited.

    It's a safe way to get a look at them and then sign them, but I think most will get deals.

    There are a few things blocking some of the finishing pieces for a lot of teams.

    Eichel, Tarasenko, and a couple others that are in play.

    They get in the way of teams looking for C's, as the teams in on Eichel can't trade a C unless they got Eichel.


    Seems unlikely they are hold ups at this point. No one is paying the ask, the ask isn't dropping, move along.

    I mean sure Eichel's a great player, so was Lindros. Add in the health status runaround, walkaway. Why bother?

  10. 2 hours ago, kehatch said:


    Phillips might be a tough sell. He makes Gaudreau look big, but he doesn't have the offensive toolkit to play in the top 6. I hope to be wrong with Phillips, but I don't know if we have an NHL player in him. But there are definitely a few young guys I hope get a long look. 


    Gawdin is a competent 4 line C, though his upside is limited. Zary or Pelletier could be a dark horse to make the team, but the safe bet is for them to start in the AHL. 


    Ruzicka would be my summer picks of an ELC to make the team. He led the AHL club in scoring in his sophomore season, and looked decent in a brief call up. 


    But if you expand the list beyond ELCs and instead look at low priced rookies the two guys I think should make an impact this season are Vlader and Mackey. Vlader is likely the backup, and Mackay I think has a lot of upside and shoes he is NHL ready when called up last season. You could put Kylington on that list, but I have never been a big Kylington fan. 


    And of course you still have Valimaki who is younger then the two D above, though he is already a proven NHL player. 

    I agree with most of your overview, although Gawdin I just don't see it. Just too slow.

  11. 43 minutes ago, jjgallow said:


    Flames should be doing like a dozen PTOs, not the typical 1 or 2.


    I gotta be completely honest, to not be able to fill out he third and fourth lines demonstrates an extreme lack of creativity.   This is Such a doable thing and yet we never do it, it's not even the hard part.   The hard part is your first line, and that takes real planning, which we don't do.


    We have become a second line team.  Few real first liners (except on LW), with a strong second line and not a lot below it.

    Makes you wonder who gets to PTO level?

    Galchenyuk, Vatanan, Donato?

    • Like 1
  12. It's almost time to get the PTOs in place and find out which plugs will keep our ELCs in the A.

    Keep wondering if Phillips will ever get a look.

    Would've been nice for BT to accomplish more this off-season, but the devil's in the details I guess.


    • Like 1
  13. I was thinking 2 x $4.

    1 yr for a 3rd I don't love, but as mentioned it can be recouped or he could re-sign.

    Need sandpaper on D and he provides some.

    The Avs are a great example of a team with great puck-moving D but no grit at all.

    I like Dmen that play D first, then add in the other stuff.

  14. 9 minutes ago, jjgallow said:


    You can never say, imho,  "X" player will be an NHLer, when "X" player is 5'9 and 160 lbs.   Or, when that player hasn't improved in two years.


    Look this is the best I can do lol.    I didn't go on the Pelletier thread and talk about how he hasn't improved in two years, how they didn't succeed at juniors with Pelletier getting loads of minutes, how he's yet another LWer we have zero room for, how he hasn't imho shown improvement since his concussion.


    I came here to be positive about Francis.


    I'm trying




    But yes, Francis atm is better no matter how many tournaments Pelletier was invited to.   I would always go with the player that shows steady improvement over one that has plateaued at that age.   

    You mean, "no matter how many teams he tried out for and made amongst his Canada-wide age group".

    Pelletier is the most complete 200' fwd in our system. Thinking he's plateau'd is just stat watching. Stats mean nothing once you're drafted. What matters is working on weaknesses in your game and overall body strength for the next level. Small doesn't matter so much, center of gravity with your skating is more important.

    • Like 1
  15. Dear jesus jj, what?lol

    Pelletier and Francis are the same age and same size.

    Pelletier has been on every National team since U17.

    He didn't have a "breakout" year in the Q. He performed from the second he got there.

    He has excelled at every level.

    I love that you like Francis a lot. Just do that, don't try to sell us that he's a better prospect than Pelletier.

    Zary is also a U18 and U20 National team player in a harder league than the paintywaif Q. Again, all 3 are the same age.

    Why are you doing this to yourself?

    Be happy we have them all.

    Pelletier will without a doubt be an NHLer.


  16. 10 hours ago, jjgallow said:


    In terms of readiness, yes.   And I agree that it was a weak draft for forwards, which is why it got brought up here (it wasn't a weak draft for goalies).


    So I'm not going to go out of my way to stand up for Coronato when there were better choices to make.    On the other hand, your own description of Pelletier's ceiling is someone who is quite readily available anytime for a third rounder or less (depending on contract).     And we're comparing that to a recent first rounder, weak draft or not, so I still have to go with:    Wallstedt > Coronato > Francis >  Pelletier/Zary.

    Are you on the whiskey again?lol

  17. 1 hour ago, jjgallow said:


    One of Askarov, Wallstedt, or Cossa was what was needed to secure our future.   The depth is appreciated all the same.

    Not necessarily. Need solid fwd depth too, so Coronato, Zary and Pelletier are important prospects too. Getting Andersson, Valimaki, maybe Mackey, Kyl were important adds. Fox woulda been gigantic, but whaddya do? Fwd depth was shaky, but it's decent now. Vladar and Werner are nice adds to what was looking brutal, and a little further along.

    Can't have it all, where would you put it?lol

    I'm a fan of our prospect pool now, as opposed to 2 yrs ago. It was looking pretty rough.

    When Askarov, Wallstedt and Cossa are Vasilevsky, I'll believe you. I don't see it from my limited viewing. Askarov looks total sketch from what I've seen.

  18. 2 hours ago, cross16 said:

    I haven't given up on Parsons either but I think it's important to note that they essentially had to re sign him. They needed to give him a qualifying offer in order to meet the expansion draft rules so him coming back I think has more to do with that than anything else. Unless Parsons changes the narrative, which he could, I don't see him getting the "prospect" treatment anymore. Wolf is their guy and they know it. 


    I personally like how the Flames are set up in goal right now. My NHL depth chart would be:







    I don't think there is a need for any other additions. Vladar and Werner have both flashed ability at multiple levels so in the event of an injury i'm very comfortable with running with those 2 guys over a vet. What is a vet going to give you that those 2 can't? I don't see another goalie being brought it and for the first time in a long time I really like the looks of the depth chart for the Flames. It's one of the success stories of the offseason IMO. 

    Totally agree. Love those adds. Very much needed, the G prospect cupboard was essentially:







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