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Posts posted by conundrumed

  1. 13 hours ago, The_People1 said:


    Do we not have enough vanilla at C?  It's time to get a true #1 C.

    Maybe. But depth is lacking to. Backlund's a good 2-3, as is Linholm, Mony, adding Thomas would be another. So overall, that strengthens the position!!

    Maybe Mony gets back to being a 25-30G guy, definitely need that.

  2. 22 hours ago, bosn111 said:

    Big RHS power forward with a G, assist and a few big hits in his first BOA game who can skate, good hands and good hockey sense? Sounds like someone the Flames have needed for a while.


    One year of Walker Dueher in the AHL for extra seasoning and we could end up with a really solid piece in a couple years.

    A big power forward would be a nice gift!!

  3. 8 hours ago, robrob74 said:

    I thought Thomas was a C?


    Monahan has been crappy and if he’s not scoring, does nothing. Will he score again? Maybe. Was he injured the year before too? 




    I guess you’re moving Lindholm  to RW after your suggestion. 


    Lindholm, Monahan, Backlund, Thomas, Richardson. Gives us options. C is the position to have strength in.

  4. 10 hours ago, robrob74 said:

    send them monahan in the deal and they send us a first or a prospect…?

    I'd say no. Our C isn't a point of strength. We need another imo. Then we have lineup options. Dealing one away for futures keeps our C depth pretty shaky.

  5. 1 minute ago, The_People1 said:


    What does a Thomas new contract look like though?

    A year, 2, 3. Just get him. If it's possible, if it's with Tarasenko, bring it. I can't see Army wanting to deal Thomas, so have Tkachuk maybe works...works for me.lol

  6. Tarasenko ($2.5 retained) and Thomas for Tkachuk.

    I'm all in..

    Thomas is a way better all-around player than Tkachuk. Hard RHC. Do it. We have LW.

    Thomas alone is better. 

    Tarasenko must feel outright insulted. I'd like a star RW with a giant chip on his shoulder.

    One less one dimensional mouthpiece LW.

    For a high end RW and a budding, solid RHC.

    That's better than Eichel imho.

    If Army has to include Thomas to move Tara, I'll be pissed if it's for less than Tkalughead.

    • Like 2
  7. 11 minutes ago, tmac70 said:

    Came acrross this: As many think a small major have a negative over tone to the Flames, I will just leave this here:


    In a article Dom Luszczyszyn of The Athletic wrote less than a month ago, he got responses from over 17,000 fans who ranked NHL front offices from best to worst. (from ‘Dom Luszczyszyn: 2021 NHL front office rankings: Fans weigh in on every team’ , The Athletic — 08/25/21). The Flames placed 24th out of 32 teams, and Luszczyszyn summed the reasoning up perfectly.

    “The Flames are at the same crossroads that all average teams are at when they realize they’re stuck in the mushy middle: go all-in or fold” Luszczyszyn wrote. “Pick a lane and either try to contend or try to rebuild. Doing neither just delays the inevitable and wastes time for everyone and that lack of vision is obviously going to be frustrating to a hungry fan base. Only 4 percent were more confident in this team now than they were last year, the lowest of any team in the league. Do something!”

    Yeah but then he got Gudbranson😂

    • Like 1
  8. 11 minutes ago, jjgallow said:




    @conundrumed  Well...  he wasn't that yesterday.


    Anyone else want to really shoot their mouth off about Francis and all our prospects that are better than him before the seasons starts?


    Now's your chance.


    There's little risk, when you're proven wrong about Francis you can always come back with "well hindsight is 2020, it's easy to say that now"  ;)

    Holy Christ, get over yourself🤣

    • Like 1
  9. 11 hours ago, The_People1 said:


    So it's critical we get Eichel or an equivalent soon.  If we return the same core, then we should expect the same results.  At some point, life is too short to keep watching the same thing over and over again.

    There's been some talk that Zary may have been last year's steal at 24oa. Let's hope that trend continues. Pelletier will undoubtedly be an NHLer, just a question of how high he can slot. Hopefully they'll be our 1 st line in the A this year and get the chemistry working. Poirier and Kinvall are interesting D prospects. Hopefully things go well. And of course JJ, let's not forget your guy has the potential to be a weapon.

    All is not lost.

  10. 56 minutes ago, robrob74 said:


    ya, I am not sure. 

    i think with Valamaki he had a bit of a developmental break and we are seeing it, due to his injuries. Hoping those injuries are past him and he gets back to developing.

    He should be in line for some PP looks. Good vision, great passer.

  11. On 9/14/2021 at 3:52 PM, travel_dude said:


    We haven't heard the end of STL yet.

    Thomas may be persona nongrata....

    Tank isn;t going to get traded and there is no real way out.

    Line up your trade suggestions.

    We can do it.

    A $4.1 offer sheet. Only costs a 2nd. Better #s than Kyrou (especially D), RSC, played a big role in their SC, makes us better, hard to play against...what are we waiting for? Honestly can't believe Army has let it go this far, but I'm sure he'll figure it out.

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