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Everything posted by cross16

  1. Too small of a sample size to say this. I actually think this was showing signs of working and Sutter went away from it to never try it again. with a more flexible coach I think Huberdeau is a PPG player again.
  2. not IMO. I don't see why Montreal does that and Huberdeau has a limited trade clause. Publicly stated last year that playing in Montreal, as someone who is french, is not what it's cracked up to be. Wouldn't shock me if Montreal is on that list.
  3. Sorry I should clarify and expand because I have no problem with former players working in management, i just want them to earn their roles. The idea I don't like is brining in former franchise icons back to the franchise, especially in roles they are not qualified for. Yzerman had to work as a special assistant an then had to leave to be a GM elsewhere before Detroit hired him. What I don't like is the Bobby Clarke, Trevor Linden, Rob Blake approach when they aren't qualified and likely get the jobs due to their name more than anything else. If Iginla wants to come here then he should build up his profile as a special assistant to the GM. I'd have no problem with that. Should also admit the approach isn't that common anymore. Most people that want to be executives build their careers up post playing. Was an approach I just really disliked in the 90s-2000s. Can add Cam Neely to this list of people who have done very well with it.
  4. I think this is a really bad take. He's the coach, he's a quality hockey person and he happens to have his son on the team. WTF would it matter if they watch a game together? Whether you like him or not, whether you want him as the coach is one discussion. I think regardless of what he does moving forward Sutter can help the prospects and he can help hockey ops. I see nothing to this whatsoever.
  5. Depending on what role they give him he doesn't really have to. Maloney continues to live in Arizona. Also my understanding that Iginla still maintains a residence in Kelowna.
  6. Darryl Sutter saw this and has now guaranteed Phillips a spot on next year's team if he re-signs ****sarcasm****
  7. As a general rule I don't really like the former franchise player approach to building a management team. I know it worked for Sakic in Colorado but generally I don't think it works. But at the same time i think this idea has merit because as critical as it is for the Flames to get their hockey ops right and have good decision makers, they have to really consider their image too. It's not great right now and having Iginla involved, really in any capacity, is not a bad idea.
  8. Elias Lindholm is pretty high on Frank Seravelli's trade bait lists https://www.dailyfaceoff.com/news/now-or-never-erik-karlssons-trade-value-will-likely-never-be-higher-for-the-san-jose-sharks (I don't think this is a surprise and the reasoning is sound)
  9. it's like Gaudreau and Columbus with his family. You want to be close but not too close right? I know a few people who bought in the Guardian and don't like it. Plan to leave if this goes through. Of course to each their own there are some that would like it, but in what i've ready and what I've seen people mention about the subject is that arena's don't tend to do a good job attracting condos.
  10. I really wish this narrative would stop. If you talk to or listen to anyone close to the situation this is not what happened. The Flames are as much responsible for the deal falling apart as the City is. I actually don't think the City did poorly here. They are paying more but they are getting more. They are getting more of a community space area and they are getting the province to kick in more so at the end of the day this project, at least at first glance, looks to be more efficient than the previous deal. They also get the Flames to pay what appears to be a pretty decent amount of money over a longer period of time. That money should aid in keeping this up building/area up to date and if they are correct that they have already funded the account to pay for this then I would say all in all the City is in a decent spot. Enough that i'm not suer, again at first glance only, I would suggest they should have just sucked it up and taken the previous deal. The province is really the loser in all of this and IMO the Flames are making out extremely well. The only way to change that narrative though would have been to do this deal 10 years ago.
  11. Maybe instead of useless flyby posts and insults people could you know actually start a discussion? Novel concept on a message board I know.....
  12. Can you? For me you can't, this is just the way politicians frame this now. If you are providing money for infrastructure that needs to be done to in order for an arena project to be successful then IMO you are providing funding for the arena. I also think the idea that an arena ends up being a catalyst for developments like condos is false. Why do people want to live next to arenas, especially when you consider that they are spinning this as a "community" project with outdoor gathering areas. Could see it attracting bars/restaurants but those aren't big money makers for the cities. It's a political issue I expect people to have different opinions but IMO the UCP has clearly spent money that they should not have in an effort to buy votes. I'm not suggesting that the NDP should reject this, just simply pointing out I think there is the potential they could and I could see why. I don't pretend to know how the NDP operates. All in all, the Flames should have paid more for this. The province swooped in to rescue it to get votes and that looks poor IMO. I'll get behind the project but it's just disappointing as a fan and a taxpayer that the sides all wound up here.
  13. I don't think he had that bad a year. I get the totals were down but I think that was a product of some bad luck and poor team play. His underlying numbers were really strong and he continued to be a borderline elite player away from the puck. Not sure he'll bounce back to 30 plus (not sure that was the baseline to begin with) but very confident he'll be better next year.
  14. Still want to see/understand the finer print to this but after sitting on this overnight, i'm frustrated. The clear winner in all of this is Murray Edwards and the Flames. IMO they have been poor negotiators through all of this but in the end they got what they want. They get a bigger project, they get a practice rink and they do it for less money than they were supposed to give a few years ago. not only that they only are required to put $40million upfront and the rest of it is in payments. So once again Edwards and CSEC act like jerks but they end up getting what they want. I get it's the way business gets done, especially if you are Murray Edwards, but it's pretty frustrating as a tax payer and as a fan that it keeps coming to this. I'll support the project and i'm sure the vision will be great once done but for now I've found this really frustrating and disappointing.
  15. If the NDP were to say No to this I think it would be for 1 of, or maybe both, 2 reasons. 1. no public money for private infrastructure. I think they'd get a lot of support on that message 2. Pressure from Edmonton. Edmonton got exactly $0 for their arena project from the province. It's not a good look for Smith (who publicly said in the past that no money should go to projects like this) to give them money and none to Edmonton. I think as a result of this your going to have municipalities around the province start asking "where is mine" ? Gives the NDP some ammo. Not trying to turn this political as really the decision for the NDP to support or not really comes down to politics only. I'm just saying that I think there are actually a few good reasons why the NDP should not support this. it also happens to be a pretty poor deal for everyone but the Flames IMO.
  16. Well Smith has already made this an election issue today. I’m sure the NDP will comment before the election once they have a chance to review and decide. So it’s possible we will know pre election. Just possible that end falls apart is all
  17. So the provinces component (which is 100% a play to garner votes) rests on them winning the election. ya I’ll be waiting this one out before I get excited. This is just the first step of many
  18. So they officially have a deal in place and it's a much bigger scope than pervious. Up to over 1 billion as is more of a district approach as opposed to just an events center but i'm going to pause until I see everything before commenting.
  19. I can't say that for certain no. But i will say that all of the smoke around it is that it was an ownership call. Does that mean ownership called Sutter directly or just told Treliving "we'll give you the budget for Sutter and no one else" I don't know but I don't believe Sutter was who Treliving wanted. The only conflicting story is Treliving on splitting chiclets saying he was talking to Darryl Sutter for a while before the hired him which is actually already pretty well known. But at the same time what do you expect him to say? " I don't like this guy but my boss made me hire him?". Can accuse Treliving of a few things but being a respectful and professional voice for the organization was never one of them. I was also referring to past scenarios as well. Was reported at the time that Sutter didn't want to fire Keenan but the owners did. This isn't the first time this has come up.
  20. Rather than try and respond individually I will just point out that there is a pattern here and the pattern goes above the GM and the head coach. That patterns if one of deals being rejected by ownership, coaches being decided upon not by GMs, parameters being restrictive, and hockey based decision being made not by hockey ops. This patterns goes back to the days of Darryl Sutter being the GM. So all i'll say if people choose to lay it all on Treliving they can but just prepare yourself to blame the next GM when he behaves the same way. I also don't think anyone with any insight into the situation has framed this as Treliving left because of Sutter. A factor yes but not the sole reason, that's fans talking.
  21. Interesting read. Summary of names, according to ESPN sources, who are next in line for GM/Coaching jobs https://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/35930681/who-top-candidates-nhl-coach-gm-jobs
  22. Looks like there might be a deal to be announced today With this attendance list I think it's safe to assume they do in fact have a deal to announce today
  23. I agree that there is not full autonomy. An owner has every right to be involved especially before they cut a big check. But there is involvement and then there is meddling or overriding. I don't thin it's a fine line and it's becoming more and more clear which one is happening in Calgary. Good owners know when to be involved and when to back off and let hockey people make hockey ops decision. I don't' think that is what is happening here and what people are getting at with wanting more autonym for GMs.
  24. No. More they are trying to keep costs down. I find it interesting that they walk him to UFA but their trade off is they get a low cap hit. I don't think signing a player like Dueher would implicate anything around a rebuild
  25. Nice work. I'm a bit surprised they got 2 years at that AAV. Thought Dueher may bet on himself more than that but the one way helps too. Nice tradeoff and good business from the Flames. Quite like Dueher as a player and agree he took a nice step forward. EdIt: Just looked it up and it's interesting that this walks him right to UFA. I think that gives you some indication of how they view their team.
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