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Everything posted by cross16

  1. This is standard when a player is suspended for off ice incidents. Not saying a suspension is guaranteed in this case but i would suspect it's coming. Even if they choose not to suspend, at least they are proceeding in a consistent manor
  2. That's the more modern design. Less fans, more intimate and more luxuries which gives them the ability to charge more to make up for the reduced seating.
  3. It's just typical lack of accountability and passing the buck that has become prevalent in society. Rather than admit to any wrong doing or addressing why it really took the media to get them to do their job, or why they dropped the case back in 2019, they suggest it's actually videos and media that is at fault. Totally shameful responses. Just take some accountability
  4. Looks like Pachal will play right away. Which is a positive because it means less Osterle.
  5. For all the talk about creativity in the off-season I think Huska has turned out to be as rigid as Sutter Don't understand the mentality here when your 5 points out of the playoffs, 5-5 in your last 10, have played some brutal hockey going into the break and just lost one of your top centers.
  6. In addition to that article above, Ryan Pike wrote an article specific to the Flames and what targets they may be after at center. https://flamesnation.ca/news/6-young-centres-the-calgary-flames-should-consider-acquiring?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter Acquiring a center is likely going to be high on Conroy's priority list and if the Flames trade Hanifin and/or Tanev it won't shock me at all if they take some of these assets (including the first round picks) and look to acquire a player. The other name I wonder about is Morgan Frost. Things seem to be settling between him and Torts so I think it's more likely he stays but perhaps that rocky start to the season has him second guessing. He'd be a great add IMO. I wonder about Peyton Krebs too. He's starting to fall down the depth chart and they have to sign Mittelstadt in the offseason. If they do that's Tage Thompson, cozens and Middelstadt all locked up to big tickets so where does Krebs fit? I'm not a big fan but I think he plays in the this league for a while. but not easy to get young centers as teams don't tend to give up quickly so i'm not going to be that optimistic they can find one.
  7. why are Kadri/Zary getting broken up? Zary - Kadri - Kuzmenko Hubererdeau - Sharangovich - Pospisil Mang- Backs - Coleman Pelletier - Schwindt - Duehr Once Pelletier is up to speed swap him and Pospisil PP1 Kuzmenko Huberdeau - Kadri - Sharangovich Weegar If Huberdeau/Kuzemko click on the PP then you can reassess them at 5 on 5.
  8. If by this you mean summer of 2022 i would agree. I don't think his value has changed much since last summer, and likely at all. And I don't see how trading Lindholm in the summer would have altered their current standings much given how poorly he's played.
  9. Should change that article from 10 Prospects on the move to 7 players who need a change of scenery. Most of that list I wouldn't consider prospects nor do they make for good trade targets. Askarov is the outlier and I don't think Nashville is going to move him.
  10. Think the Rooney call up is just to have a natural center on the roster just in case. You are either running Schwindt or your moving Sharangovich to the middle and if it doesn't work what's the plan? Especially as Conroy made it clear he's not a fan of moving Zary or Pospisil to the middle right now. Need to have a center on the roster. Be surprised if you see Rooney every game.
  11. And we all forget Jonathan Cheecho.
  12. Yup they are but it’s the same pickle they’ve been in for 20 years. Ownership has unreasonable expectations so nothing new there. I’d love to be wrong but there is nothing about their style of games that tell me Kuzmenko and Huberdeau are gonna have success. Biggest being there isn’t a good center to put between them either. I actually think Kadri and Kuzmenko are the pairing the flames should be trying.
  13. Depth that is likely going to be needed so to address it for free is nice. is under contract for next year as well.
  14. it’s really simple. You don’t. the only way this club is going to become a contender is the draft. Either they are bad enough to get lower picks or they get enough picks through the draft to hopefully get lucky with another Gaudreau type. Failung all of that you get enough marketable assets that maybe you can pull of some trades. you don’t get to contending status by overpaying 30 year olds. That’s how you stay middling. Which is why I’m more interested in whatever Kuzmenko can return then I am in keeping him.
  15. Yup because I’m not gonna pay 7mill plus for that especially with term for a turning 30 year old player. That scenario has a less than one percent change of happening but even if it doesn’t I’ll gladly take the increased trade value.
  16. it’s actually just asset management. Making short term decisions is a huge reason why this club continues to spin its wheels. Wanting this club to manage their assets better isn’t ridiculous. again no one is saying move this guy asap. Club should do whatever they can to make him successful. Just should not be viewed as a long term asset.
  17. While yes it was his first year last year I think what gets missed about Kuzmenko is he’s about to turn 28 and a UFa next year. He doesn’t exactly line up as a core piece you want moving forward. I think that’s why most want to see him rebuild his value and be moved. He doesn’t really fit where this team should be going.
  18. In that speech he emphasized some interesting words. Says their investigator spoke with those who “were willing to participate”. I don’t think that’s by accident. It’s possible their investigation didn’t include talking to the victim, which would mean it’s not necessarily true their investigation means everything is clear.
  19. Poor might be a stretch but I think you'd be hard pressed to convince me he's done a good job. The majority of the team he inherited. He made good moves to bring in Fiala and Danault but that's kind of it. Hasn't drafted well either. Mclellan is a good coach but is one that tends to have a shelf life but I do see this as more of a roster construction thing then a coaching thing. I don't think their roster is great.
  20. Right now it sounds like this won’t be a quick trial and could take over a year. So my guess is he gets suspended, non qualified and then UFa. Past that I think he remains suspended by the nhl and like never plays a game in the NHL again.
  21. My suspicion would be the first move is the players will get suspended while the proceedings unfold. I'd be a little surprised to see contract's terminated at this point but possible. For Dube, my guess is he gets suspended and his contract just run out. Dube would not count against the cap if he is suspended.
  22. I don’t get the argument behind why he could have hit a home run in the summer. It sounds like they had more suitors after him now than in the summer and the Canucks sure wouldn’t have been interested in the summer. I don't think it’s fair to assume he nets more in the summer. yes the flames were trying to sign him but I don’t think that means if another teams GM was making a big pitch Conroy would have said no. and for the same reasons you suggest he had more value are the same why it made sense for the flames to make a push to retain him. if the flames wanted to hit a home run with this they needed to move him in 2022.
  23. I just don't think you hit home runs at the TDL anymore because teams are just not moving top prospects. I think if you are looking for reasons to dislike this move it probably comes back to misplaced expectations. I've said all along I expected the Horvat return for LIndholm and I would say they got a bit better than that. The first Van got was more valuable but Conroy's quantity approach I think makes up for it IMO.
  24. Conroy was on the fan this morning and something I found interesting is when they brought up who is going to play center he listed off several players but Zary wasn't one of them. Now he did say they were willing to try a lot but he listed of Schwindt, Rooney coming back even that Posposil has played center in the past. But no mention of Zary. Now i'm not going to hold someone's feet to the fire based on a radio hit but I found it interested becasue the Flames were not intentional about getting Zary to play center in the A and now he wasn't the first thought of the GM when there is an opening. Seems like confirmation to me that they don't see Zary as a center at the NHL level.
  25. to be fair the Athletic article that outlined the potential Lindholm trades was written by 2 writers who speculated on what they thought the return would look like. I’ve never heard a rumor that Colorado actually offered Ritchie.
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