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Everything posted by cross16

  1. Because teams threaten to leave and go somewhere that will and so far there has always been a willing partner that will pay for it. I'm being a little facetious and cynical of course but that seems to be the way it's worked. You make good points.
  2. cross16


    The Oilers were a collapse and a terrible call away from being up 3-2 with 2 games to go and lost game 7 by 1 goal. If that isn't very close then boy do the Flames have a ton of work to do.
  3. cross16


    I think if this year's playoffs have shown us anything its that the league has more parity now than ever. When you see the Preds in the final and Ottawa on the door step you are going to have a hard time convincing me that the Flames have no realistic shot at it next year. Will take some skilful moves on Treliving and the team's part but it's not out of the question. League is wide open right now.
  4. cross16


    Because again in the expansion draft you will lose someone for nothing, that is guaranteed. Why not lose your back up goalie (probably the position of least importance to them IMO) and keep the rest of your team intact? why lose Grubauer plus another player for only a couple late round picks when you could just lose Grubauer and be done with it?
  5. cross16


    No i'm saying for what I would be willing to pay for Grubauer the Capitals would be better off leaving him for the expansion draft or probably just keeping him for depth.
  6. cross16


    A first straight up for Grubauer would be insane IMO on the Flames part. I think giving up that much for a backup goalie who has never played more than 30 games and has a sub .890 Save % against playoff teams the last 2 years gets you fired. I'm not seeing enough in Grubauer to show me he is a legit starter ready for a 40-50 game workload so no way is a 1st worth it. I personally wouldn't give up more than 2 picks below the 3rd round because IMO you are acquiring a tandem goalie who might be a starter but could just as easily be a career backup. situation just reminds me too much of Andres LIndberg. I think at the price teams will likely want to pay, WSH will be better off leaving him unprotected and hoping Vegas bites. I think if the Flames deal their first you have to get someone more proven. Rolling the dice using your first round pick is a poor idea for the flames, especially when they are more than 1 piece away.
  7. Well not quite. The money spent on transit, and the tax dollars thst fund it get put back in the city unlike the arena where the majority of profits will go to the owners. Im not saying I agree with the article but he has a point.
  8. cross16


    Highly doubt it. http://news.nationalpost.com/sports/nhl/brian-burke-says-ex-leafs-goalie-coach-francois-allaire-was-unwilling-to-evolve He really isn't all that relevant. His style is outdated and outside of Roy and Jiggy his track record is very underwhelming.
  9. Actually the Oilers and Flames are the only CDN teams that don't own their arena interestingly enough. From a league perspective I think its less than half but i'm not 100% sure. They don't tend to own them because of the cost required to build is too high. They wind up as the manager of the building which is really a win-win for them. They don't need to put up the capital required to build it, aren't usually responsible for upgrades but they get the lions share of the revenue it generates.
  10. cross16


    Trades are very uncommon during the playoffs. Tends to be an unwritten rule that you wait until after the Cup is awarded. Plus doesn't always make sense when you have GMs that have their focus elsewhere. But I also happen to agree with Jtech that I don't think the Rangers will trade Raanta and I've said before I don't think the Caps are trading Grubauer either as from an expansion draft perspective I think it makes more sense for both of those teams to hold on and let Vegas select them, if they want them that is.
  11. Pretty interesting response to the Francis article by this National Post writer http://news.nationalpost.com/full-comment/father-raymond-j-de-souza-if-the-public-must-pay-for-nhl-rinks-they-should-get-tickets-for-free
  12. cross16


    I should have clarified, but when I said go "big" I meant in terms of a trade/target not by size.
  13. cross16


    I would add 1 thing, Games Played. The numbers aren't that dissimilar for Mason/Elliott and Mason has done it will average over 50 games the last 4 seasons. I know that doesn't matter to everyone but personally I think it matters. While I like Mason I think he should be one of your fall back. I don't disagree with the idea of going bigger in net but as a fall back I would put Mason ahead of Elliott.
  14. cross16


    Something to consider, is the Flames were the 9th best team in the league last year in terms of high danger chances allowed. So the swap Mason - Elliott in the exact same circumstances and you have 10 more goals allowed for the entire season. Mason does has a weakness with high danger shots but the positive, and why he is an option IMO, is the Flames are good at limiting them.
  15. I think they will too but I don't think it will be near as much as people think and I think the long term net benefit to the city will be greater. As i've said a few times I think the city is better off cleaning up WV, which all signs seem to indicate they will, and using the land for their own uses because it will net them more $ than CalgaryNext every would. so yes City will spend more, but gain much more benefit with that plan IMO at least. If it cost a little more, say 200million, to do it right in the short term but benefit the long term i'm ok with that as a taxpayer.
  16. Well to be fair the City hasn't even said no yet and actually recently agreed, via vote, to keep both options on the table. Nenshi is obviously against it publicly but remember he is only 1 vote on council so its not like he carries extra powers. Not to mention it was the City, not the Flames, that ordered and paid for a feasibility study to look further into CalgaryNext and that study deemed it not feasible. I get the public PR from the city has not been great, well just from Nenshi really, but behind the scenes, the City is doing far more on this than the Flames that people arn't giving them credit for. And yes while I know it was not jsut the arena, still asking for any level of goverement for 200 million and for over 1 billion is 2 separate universes. If the Flmaes had come to the city asking for 200 million to build an arena i'm willing to guarantee the deal would be done by now. Too far from downtown IMO. I think arena need to be as close to downtown as possible in order to minimize that traffic/parking concerns you have. Max Bell is too far from DT IMO and also has poor infrastructure in terms of vehicles going to and from.
  17. cross16


    The buzz from the Avalanche is they will protect Varlamov and expose Pickard. Pickard has some good games now and then but he really isn't that good of a goalie. He's probably an avg backup but not a starter IMO so I wouldn't really have interest in him. Rather just keep Johnson at that point.
  18. Made some good points, except he really skipped over the fact that Nashville's arena cost 200 million to build (today's dollars) and the Flames asked the city for 4 times that amount. but Francis has always been a guy that thinks the city should basically do whatever the Flames want so i'll never see eye to eye on him with that one, same with Brett Wilson. The fact Wilson even argues that the City should foot 100% of the bill and the owners shouldn't have put in any money boiled my blood. That being said the whole issue has been poorly handled and Wilson is right the public sparing comes across as a win-loss type argument when that really shouldn't be the focus. With a new council coming in October i'm really skeptical a debate is going to happen on this between now and then but I really hope i'm wrong. If the Stampede had their way the Flames and the arena would be off their land entirely as they don't want them there, they want the land for themselves. The only reason the Vic park option seems feasible is the City is willing to give the Dome land back to the Stampede.
  19. Until you are 27 you need to sign an entry level contract, irregardless of your previous experience. So maximum base you are gojng to get is around 900k with the potential to earn a little more than 3 million if you hit bonuses. To hit the full 3 million you are talking be a top producer, like Panarin, winning awards etc. In essence, good luck as a international free agent making much more than 1-1.5 million on an ELC. Good chance a lot of them already make that or more playing at home. That also assumes they actuakky make the NHL. What is far more common is they will be on the AHL making 100k or so. That's why you typically see players wait until there is a bidding war because why are they going to come over to spend time in the AHl? Might as well stay home And make more money. Flames are always going to be at a bit of a disadvantage here too as are other smaller market clubs. You are trying to convince someone who has lived in Europe their whole life to move to Calgary, Alberta Canada. And oh I'm top of that your proabbky spend a lot of time in Stockton California. Hard sales pitch when you are competing against big markets and clubs who sometimes even have the farm team in the same place so the player just needs to buy 1 apartment. So its a real compelx process. On top of this the player has to want to play in Na, not always the case, have to not be under contract, not easy to find out sometimes, and then they have to pick the Flames out of 30 teams. It's tough.
  20. Flames were a finalist for Panarin and were close. Chose Chicago because of Toews/Kane and flames were still rebuilding. Panarin was a big bidding war, not really a find.
  21. I think these things need to be looked at for what they are, lottery tickets. The vast majority of college and international free agents don't pan out so whoever you sign the likelihood is they won't be a meaningful nhler and that's across the board in the NHL. There isn't a team out there that does intl and college FA better than another one it's a crapshoot. Bring in some depth and competition in spots you need it and you hope for the best, anything more is found money.
  22. Are the flames in it? Or is the agent using them to drum up interest too? the Hawks have been busy in the college and international FA market because they deal away so many picks and they need to replenish depth. They are shallow on D and likely could lose Trevor Van Riemsdyke to the Expansion draft. Would make perfect sense they were in on a RH dman that could challenge for a roster spot sooner rather than later.
  23. Hawks are in on Rutta. Also id take a gander at the Hawks scouting the last 5-6 years if that is your standard.
  24. Definetly the slow part of the offseason when a player that no one has seen play and likely won't amount to much any way generates a page worth of heated discussion. And there's a real chance he never even becomes a Flame.
  25. cross16


    I don't think a buyout of Niemi is that bad and certainly not bad enough to justify losing the 3 OA pick. It's only 1.5 for 2 seasons and I think Dallas would gladly pay that and keep the pick. I think the 1st they will get from Anaheim could maybe be in play if they wanted to try and avoid the buyout.
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