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Everything posted by cross16

  1. cross16


    Here is the problem though.. it's not 1 bad night. Lack was terrible for 2 years in Carolina, was terrible in the preseason and was not very good in his other start. This isn't a one off, it's a trend.
  2. cross16


    Lack was late getting into position on just about every goal that went in on him last night. Pretty easy for shooters to find open areas when the goalie gives it to him. He was so out of position and late that shooters were picking open areas and then it just looks like a great goal, but reality is the spot shouldn't have been there. Not saying it's all his fault the Flames certainly could have been better, but Lack was down right terrible there is no way around that. Through 2 periods 5 on 5 the Flames limited the wings to 5 high danger chances, 13 scoring chances and 14 shots. You will take that type of performance on most nights.
  3. cross16


    I don't know how you can possible go back to Lack. He's been terrible since day 1 here and I hated his body language tonight. He looked like a defeated player with no confidence. I get you had a tough night but your stil a part of the team. Id personally be done with him. Let Gilles play and start pounding the phones looking for a vet.
  4. cross16


    Based on how he performed in pre season and from what I've heard about in practice I wouldn't have faith in him either. All around it was a huge miss on the organization to acquire Lack.
  5. cross16


    Boy you really have to wonder what it was the flames saw in Lack. Given how many experienced backups were available for free in the off-season I consider it a huge miss to trade for Lack. I get they basically gave up nothing but hard not to question what it was they thought he was. Been pretty much terrible since day 1 in camp.
  6. I know, I just don't put any stock or value into 1 game at the end of the season that didn't mean anything.
  7. They have some LTIR space they can use but they also have a lot of potential bonuses in play so I would suggest their plan is probably to be a big conservative when it comes to adding salary. I don't think it would make sense no. Leafs don't need depth, they need a dman who is stout is his own zone and can matchup against high end competition and that really isn't Stone. Plus with the way the Flames look at center right now I don't think Bozak would be a fit at all. I think if the leafs were to target the Flames for D they would want either Hamonic or Hamilton.
  8. Anderson was good but let's also remember it was 1 game and his first NHL game. Now I like Anderson and I think he will play in the league but need more than 1 game before you give him a spot IMO. He needs to play and yes I think it would be a terrible idea to platoon him at this stage. He's only got 1 year pro experience so lots to learn and you don't learn by sitting for long periods of time. If a spot opens up at the NHL level by all means let him compete for it and play him up here but if there is no full time spot then he needs to go back to the A and play. Given the play of Kulak and the fact that Hamilton-Hamonic-Stone are all under contract for a while I would suspect we won't see Anderson for a little while. Bit disappointing, mostly because I don't want Stone for 3 more years, but not the end of the world either.
  9. Definetly very impressed he's keeping it up even with Jankowski gone. Starting to pass a lot of tests but I hope he stays down there for a while
  10. cross16


    I didn't think Lack was great. End of the day he gave you a chance to win which is what your want your backup to do but I thought he was out of position on the 3rd and 4th goals and at least one or both should have been stopped. But again, backup and first start of the year he gave them a chance to win.
  11. cross16


    I agree the Flames need to monitor games but let's also remember we are 8 games in and Lack has missed 1 maybe obvious start. I think its premature to suggest Lack won't play and Smith will get overplayed. There is lots of time to figure this out.
  12. cross16


    FWIW, Lack is 6-0 against the Blues with a .938 Save % and 1.63 GAA. Not hard to see what the plan is here.
  13. I would still be a bigger fan of playing Kulak because I think there is some upside there (in terms of being an above avg 3rd pairing d) but I have to agree with this. He was terrible in the preseason but he's played just fine for a bottom pairing dman this year. Hard to complain about his game so far.
  14. cross16


    Very true but you also have to really guard against overplaying Smith now and then what happens when you get into March/April and the games get more meaningful? West will be a dog fight all year. Again I understand what they are doing but Gulutzan had a tendency last year to ride a goalie a little too far IMO and I think it's something he can't repeat this year. Only a small concern of mine, especially consiering they arn't many games in between the back to backs that are obvious "backup" starts.
  15. cross16


    I agree that it was right to go back to Smith right away. Reality is that he's been winning the games for this team and for that reason alone I don't think they could have afforded a bad start from Lack and back to back losses. They needed a bounce back against Vancouver and I don't think going to your backup is a good way to kick start that. But I don't disagree they need to get Lack some games here soon. I wasn't a fan of Lack's pre season so i'm less thrilled with the idea of him sitting around for a while and then being expected to play well once he's in. Next week's back to back is obvious but then you don't have another back to back for a month and you need to get Lack at least a couple starts before then so they are going to have to get strategic here with playing Lack more.
  16. I'm not going to hold my breath on an Olympic bid. I haven't heard many good things come out of the bid process or the bid team and basically the exact same council is return and for the last 4 years they've made it pretty clear they don't seem to really care about sport in Calgary. It's going to come down to how Nenshi views his legacy and what tag he is most comfortable with. the mayor who let the flames leave town or the mayor who caved to the big bad private corporation and gave Calgarians a bad deal on the arena. I know i've been a staunch advocate for the "Flames aren't leaving idea" but with yesterdays results I think the chances the Flames would leave are no longer at zero. I don't suspect you are going to see Murray Edwards back at a negotiation table anytime soon, that move is going to have to come from Nenshi who is making it pretty clear he has no intention of doing so.
  17. Flames director of communication. He has since deleted the tweet
  18. cross16


    Got to be honest.... I have no idea what this thread is even discussing anymore
  19. I get what you are saying about him being vague and not endorsing a specific deal, but he's been pretty blunt he will get a deal done and I think he's gone to some lengths to brand himself as the "pro-arena" candidate and Nenshi the anti arena one. Be a ton of pressure on him to get a deal done if he were to win.
  20. I agree. Between Smith basically saying a direct quote of "i'll get a deal done" and the amount of links between he and the Flames it's pretty clear he is their preferred candidate and if he gets in they'll get the deal they want, which won't make me too happy. Flames wouldn't have gotten involved in the election if they didn't have a preferred candidate. Be interesting to see what happens in the next few weeks/months if Nenshi wins. I still believe he will and be interesting if the Flames keep up their "we arn't talking about it" stance.
  21. I had heard Chabot mentioned that and found it intriguing. I'm not sure if he is just floating a concept or if he has actually discussed that with individuals. I love the theory but I'm left questioning that if arena/stadiums are an investment vehicle that would gain people money why are governments involved as much as they are? I question the ability to raise that much for an arena privately.
  22. cross16


    i never said don't take goalies early . Quoting a chart doesn't mean I necesssariky agree with their conclusion I'm simply using the same data.
  23. That this would be a mentorship season and not a contending season given how many assets they spent in the offseason.
  24. I guess my first thought then is what is your benchmark for speed? Because IMO Poirier can fly and I think Jankowski and Foo both have above avg speed. So i'm not sure if we just disagree on the individual players or if we are dealing with a different benchmark. Flames will never have someone who can skate like McDavid but that's a special and rare talent. To clarify I don't think I would say the Flames are slow, they just lack the speed the upper echelon teams in the league seem to have. I would say the Flames have average team speed and 1 of the primary reasons I say that is because of their dead weight. Dump those guys and I think you'd be much better off and it would be less of a complaint. Brouwer and the 4th line in general really drag it down IMO. Being able to replace Ferland as first line RW and then move him down the lineup where he should be would help too, as would trying to get Bennett into the first line center his talent level suggests he could be. Doesn't require an immediate overhaul, just some tweaks.
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