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Can we make the Playoffs this year?


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@ least 1 of those skeptic quotes are mine (yeah more than 1). :)


So do better advanced stats/less wins really = a better team? :rolleyes:

Flames wont make the playoffs without Seto in the Flames Roster. Since Seto got sent down after Stajan got back, it's all been losses. He is actually a good locker room guy and a huge motivator for the young Flames to help them come back in games. Now that he is gone, don't expect anymore 3rd period magic. If you'd rather have Stajan or Bollig or Mcgrattan in the roster so be it.

Remind me how many teams won championships with Setoguchi on their roster. All those honors seem to have slipped my mind. :D

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(Flames are winning)

  • Nerds "The opposition is directing pucks to the Flames net at a greater frequency then the Flames."
  • Nerds "Our even strength save percentages and even strength shooting percentages are way above normally sustainable ranges as well"
  • Nerds "Yup.  We have been fortunate.  It isn't sustainable.  We can probably expect a bit of bad luck down the road as things balance out."

(Flames regress as predicted)

  • Nerds "We have regressed as expected.  Fortunately, our play is improved and we are starting to direct more shots at the opponents net"
  • Nerds "You do realize we correctly predicted this regression ..."







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I am so sick of this team. Either be good or be bad, I can't stand to watch such a mentally weak group of guys. Go is an awesome dude, but he just doesn't want it enough and will not lead this team to the playoffs. The fire isn't there, and it hasn't been since our last playoff run. Makes me sick.

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I am so sick of this team. Either be good or be bad, I can't stand to watch such a mentally weak group of guys. Go is an awesome dude, but he just doesn't want it enough and will not lead this team to the playoffs. The fire isn't there, and it hasn't been since our last playoff run. Makes me sick.

what team are you watching? the fire is there. we are just not burying our chances. also our goal tending has been very weak as of late. Ramo and hiller need to step up

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Flames wont make the playoffs without Seto in the Flames Roster. Since Seto got sent down after Stajan got back, it's all been losses. He is actually a good locker room guy and a huge motivator for the young Flames to help them come back in games. Now that he is gone, don't expect anymore 3rd period magic. If you'd rather have Stajan or Bollig or Mcgrattan in the roster so be it.

Ummmmm, Seto was sent down well before Stajan came back. They sent Baertschi down when Stajan came back.

I think it is Baertschi and Ferland who need to be up over Raymond and Stajan, maybe even Colborne.

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Ummmmm, Seto was sent down well before Stajan came back. They sent Baertschi down when Stajan came back.

I think it is Baertschi and Ferland who need to be up over Raymond and Stajan, maybe even Colborne.


I agree.


However, Baertschi has 4 points in 5 games since being sent down, and is a +5.


Something is going right for him down there.    To be honest, I value his current success as more important than the Flame's current success.  His success, now, at any level, is more relevant to the Flame's long term success.


He has been bounced far too much.  I don't care which team or league he's on as long as he stays there for more than 3 weeks.


Let him have his success and regain his touch down there.  


We're not going to need him until next year anyway...

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 Sven needs to get his confidence back. I think that he needs to spend at least 3 months in the AHL to get his confidence back. I tink that teams are starting to take our defnese out of the play, and thats why we cannot score goals. Glencross and mason need to step up to the plate, and score some goals to take the pressure off our defensive players 

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*joe colborne* start coming back we start to suck. 

Im not sure if you are just a troll or what, but joe colborne has not been a problem this season or last season. If anything I think he is stronger on the puck this season, and has been drawing lots of penalties. Sure hes been a minus player a few games but it is only his second season in the NHL.

In regards to stajan im not sure if you are expecting an offensive genius but defensively hes been great as well as in the faceoff dot.

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Our shooting percentage and save percentages have both dropped from the unsustainable levels they were earlier. The luck is evening out. Which is exactly what the advanced stats community predicted.

The shooting metrics (ie Corsi) are stronger because the Flames have been playing better. The coaching staff would tell you the same thing. They just aren't getting the goal tending or the bounces.

And how much is what is happening with scouting of clubs and just adjusting. The beginning of the year, Treving and everyone was wondering where the scoring would come from. Did the geek squad predict that we would be top of the league early on, nope. How about Gio and Brodie, how about GF or GA. Nope would However there the first to tell you " this is not sustainable" Well No $%#@!!!


Better stats we win, poor stats we lose. We have won and lost on both premises. Let me see what my crystal ball says. Hmm we win if we score more goals than we allow.

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We all know what needs to happen. Looking forward to a possible repeat of last year's 2nd half.


The mighty Pacific Division isn't so mighty anymore:

Point % as of Dec 20, 2014: Central 0.604, Atlantic 0.573, Metropolitan 0.546, Pacific 0.538


Another thing that has disappeared is the West's dominance of the East: 96-68-21 (0.519 Win%)

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The playoffs were saved last night, heck, the season was saved last night.  We said early in this thread that we needed to wait until December before we can conclude anything about this team.  December. December. December. Well guys, December is basically over now.  Do you think the Flames can make the playoffs?


To me, it's a yes.  Don't get me wrong because i still think we "shouldn't" try to make the playoffs for draft reasons.  I do however, think i've seen enough from this group that makes me believe they will find a way to get into the top 8.  The "never say die" attitude coupled with emerging talent from our young group makes for an intriguing recipe of unexpected success.  As long as we stay healthy the rest of the way, i think the Flames can get it done.

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I'm not going to say they can't make it but my honest opionion is that I see them failing short but making a run of it. The only team right now that is in a playoff spot that I could see failing out is Winnipeg and with both Dallas and minny hot on the flames heels with several games in hand I see them gettkng in before the flames. I think with the type of offence they have you are gojng to see prolonged slumps like we just saw.

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I'm not going to say they can't make it but my honest opionion is that I see them failing short but making a run of it. The only team right now that is in a playoff spot that I could see failing out is Winnipeg and with both Dallas and minny hot on the flames heels with several games in hand I see them gettkng in before the flames. I think with the type of offence they have you are gojng to see prolonged slumps like we just saw.


I'll agree with you on this, but only if the offense remains as stale as it has been.  I truly believe that the players coming back from IR are needing real-game action to get back into the groove, and we'll see a marked improvement after the Christmas break.  And with that improvement will come the offense we need for a playoff push.


On the other hand (and I can't believe I'm agreeing with Eric Francis here), even if the boys fall short of the playoffs, I will be amazed, awed, and proud of all that they've shown in only the second year of a rebuild.

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Even if we don't make the playoff barely, the progression is there. Next year Bennet might get a spot and we might have another one or two ready to graduate from the AHL. We also have tons of cap room so we could be in the hunt for a good UFA to help (note help not be the focus). Imagine a 1-2 punch of Monahan and Bennet or something like Johnny G - Bennet - Hudler. I think Bennet will be ready because he almost cracked the opening lineup with a pretty major injury, imagine him healthy!


Anyway, it'd be nice to be above .500.

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Even if we don't make the playoff barely, the progression is there. Next year Bennet might get a spot and we might have another one or two ready to graduate from the AHL. We also have tons of cap room so we could be in the hunt for a good UFA to help (note help not be the focus). Imagine a 1-2 punch of Monahan and Bennet or something like Johnny G - Bennet - Hudler. I think Bennet will be ready because he almost cracked the opening lineup with a pretty major injury, imagine him healthy!


Anyway, it'd be nice to be above .500.

Don't forget about Emile Poirier. He has the size just needs to add some weight and muscle. He is already tearing up the AHL.

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Well, IMHO, I don't think we'll have to worry about the playoff possibility.  Although good on the Flames for keeping the dream alive this long.


We're most likely to fit in the bottom 10.   I've always figured bottom 5.   The Flames have definitely made things interesting but I still think we're looking somewhere in the 4,5, or 6 position for the draft.


This draft is so deep, I think it would be hard (not impossible) to lose in that area.


We'd be looking at players like Dylan Strome, even Noah Hanifin, with an outside chance of getting McDavid in the lottery.


I will say this:  I think there will be a dramatic shift in thinking as of next season.  Even the likes of myself and ThePeople will probably be focused more on playoffs/trades and less on drafts.

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