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Can we make the Playoffs this year?


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Dj dizzle what was the point of that post, were you just trying to pat your self on the back? Most anyone would have thought we were going to beat Buffalo and lose the next two, seeing how they are against two of the best teams in the league.


Someone previously mentioned something about the band wagon to you, and I see why now. You come across as that type of fan.. Try to realize that these threads are for people who have real need or want to read about there team and other true fans opinions.. 


Calgary out played Buffalo for most of the game, Buffalo just capitalized on there chances. If it weren't for there goal tending we most likely would have had a different out come. Ramo got beat three times on back door passes that he just couldn't have got across to stop without a miracle.


Buffalo has just decided to play a few games to there potential before making trades. 

^^^^^^ maybe you should consider changing your name to "The dancing Oracle"?



Or he could stop posting in here and play sports select instead....lol

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When I first started posting on these forums many years ago, they were full of negativity and pessimism. There was only a handful of posters willing to fight for the right to be optimistic and believe me the popular trend was to trash us.


Things have changed today as far as positive posters but we need all views to be heard. I do not want the negative side or viewpoint to be muted anymore than I wanted the positive side to be scolded way back then. 

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When I first started posting on these forums many years ago, they were full of negativity and pessimism. There was only a handful of posters willing to fight for the right to be optimistic and believe me the popular trend was to trash us.


Things have changed today as far as positive posters but we need all views to be heard. I do not want the negative side or viewpoint to be muted anymore than I wanted the positive side to be scolded way back then. 

It would be boring if we all just echoed others views/statements.

To me discussions include opposing views.


It gives me a chance to tell them they're talking out their (.) because I am always right. :D



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It would be boring if we all just echoed others views/statements.

To me discussions include opposing views.


It gives me a chance to tell them they're talking out their (.) because I am always right. :D




I'm totally confused.


How could you always be right if I'm always right?

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Calgary out played Buffalo for most of the game, Buffalo just capitalized on there chances. If it weren't for there goal tending we most likely would have had a different out come. Ramo got beat three times on back door passes that he just couldn't have got across to stop without a miracle.


Which in other words means they really didnt "outplay" them. Shelling the goalie with shots doesnt equal out playing them. Personally this road trip is exactly the reason why I dont think the Flames will make the playoffs this season. Most likely the Flames go 0-4 on this road trip and that isnt acceptable for a playoff team. They should have made short work of the Sabres and didnt, due to poor defense. They are not playing that great against a very injured Penguins team and most likely will lose to Chicago unless they get great goaltending. 

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To answer the thread question......no.  Not if this trend continues.


I agree.  Just to elaborate, I don't think this reflects negatively on the Flames.


If we remember what our expectations were at the start of the year (zero), they have been vastly exceeded.


That should not count against them.


IMHO, we should not have expectations of the Flames this year.  They may surprise us, but personally I don't believe we should have expectations until next season.  


Monahan will be a third-year player, Gaudreau will have experience, we'll have our goaltending figured out, and we'll have another exciting round of rookies pushing the envelope (ie. Sam bennet, possibly the best player in last year's draft).


I have expectations for the Flames to make the playoffs, or come close to the playoffs, next year.


This year is about the rebuild.  And we should expect volatility.  High highs, and low lows. 

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I think with the new lineup this will be how they play for the rest of the season. Everybody who has come back from injury with the exception of Colbs have been playing like the flames of old. We need the young guys who crash and bang and bring the effort every night. If we were still playing like were 4 games ago we could make a good case to be in the playoffs

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Which in other words means they really didnt "outplay" them. Shelling the goalie with shots doesnt equal out playing them. Personally this road trip is exactly the reason why I dont think the Flames will make the playoffs this season. Most likely the Flames go 0-4 on this road trip and that isnt acceptable for a playoff team. They should have made short work of the Sabres and didnt, due to poor defense. They are not playing that great against a very injured Penguins team and most likely will lose to Chicago unless they get great goaltending. 


I bet you have been dying to say that since the first 6 game road trip to start the season but this was the first opportunity you had to get it out.  Don’t worry about this road trip Zig, it’s a long season, and I hope the Flames silence you for the rest of it.


I agree.  Just to elaborate, I don't think this reflects negatively on the Flames.


If we remember what our expectations were at the start of the year (zero), they have been vastly exceeded.


That should not count against them.


IMHO, we should not have expectations of the Flames this year.  They may surprise us, but personally I don't believe we should have expectations until next season.  


Monahan will be a third-year player, Gaudreau will have experience, we'll have our goaltending figured out, and we'll have another exciting round of rookies pushing the envelope (ie. Sam bennet, possibly the best player in last year's draft).


I have expectations for the Flames to make the playoffs, or come close to the playoffs, next year.


This year is about the rebuild.  And we should expect volatility.  High highs, and low lows. 


I can see JJ is dancing in the streets tonight as well after a loss.  Do either of you actually watch the games or just look at the final score?  Let’s look at the positives, there are 4-5 less road games to deal with this year.


I agree, to make the playoffs in this conference will be a difficult task.  But to be discouraged from the beginning, and bet against the home team, especially after such a good start....... is .............well disgraceful.  Unless of course your not rooting for the home team? 

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We lost to the Sharks in the rematch after rattling off 4 wins.

The Flames go on a roadtrip that sees them play (& lose) 3 games in 4 nights.

The record is now 17-12-2 & sitting tied for 3rd in the Pacific (a tough division) so the bandwagon empties. OK ( :wacko:) . :rolleyes:


Teams go on winning & losing streaks. If the losing streaks are shorter/less frequent then winning odds are you have a play-off bound team.

I'll be around to cheer them on to the play-offs rather then join jj (@ least he's consistent :) ) in hoping for a lottery win.

Your emotion is admirable but a little extreme.  There are not good Flames fans and bad Flames fans.


There is just Flames fans, and Oilers fans.  (so I hear)

No, most here (you know our friendly trolls) are Flames fans. It's just that some believe in the now while others don't.

It doesn't make them bad fans just 1s that believe the talking heads over what the eyeball test says is a pretty good team.

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No, most here (you know our friendly trolls) are Flames fans. It's just that some believe in the now while others don't.

It doesn't make them bad fans just 1s that believe the talking heads over what the eyeball test says is a pretty good team.


Well, if I believed the talking heads, then I would believe we are playoff bound, wouldn't I?  That seems to be the message we're getting from the head-talkers these days.


My eyeball test agrees with yours, we are dealing with a pretty good team.   So it looks like you've still got some vision left in them, good on you! :)


But there are holes.  And the holes are big.  And at this stage, that's okay.


The important thing is that we both cheer them on.  You're cheering them on for the playoffs, I'm not willing to set unrealistic expectations.  I already see things on here like "it's the Flames of old" after three losses.   That's the kind of stupidity that unrealistic expectations create.  I'm not willing to go there.


You make a good point about that draft.  We're going to do well in this year's draft, most likely.  And you can pretend you don't like it, but chances are, just like Monahan, you'll end up being the biggest fan of that player and this year's "playoff run" will quickly become a distant memory.   So while I appreciate your living in the moment (I probably would too at your age, eh?), there are better things coming and You are going to like them as much, or more, than me in the not too distant future :)

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We lost to the Sharks in the rematch after rattling off 4 wins.

The Flames go on a roadtrip that sees them play (& lose) 3 games in 4 nights.

The record is now 17-12-2 & sitting tied for 3rd in the Pacific (a tough division) so the bandwagon empties. OK ( :wacko:) . :rolleyes:


Teams go on winning & losing streaks. If the losing streaks are shorter/less frequent then winning odds are you have a play-off bound team.

I'll be around to cheer them on to the play-offs rather then join jj (@ least he's consistent :) ) in hoping for a lottery win.

No, most here (you know our friendly trolls) are Flames fans. It's just that some believe in the now while others don't.

It doesn't make them bad fans just 1s that believe the talking heads over what the eyeball test says is a pretty good team.

As nice as I would be to get a new toy in June that everybody wants, I truly miss the emotional game played in late March and April; you know, the ones that make or break your season. I will be thinking play-offs this year, until they are eliminated officially.

Until that point, we will have some bumps that will hurt, some elation following a big win, and some crushing defeats that will challenge the true fan. I have seen nothing this season to suggest we are anything but the real deal.

Monahan is a 2nd year NHL player taking on the top competition with different linemates on a given night. Johnny Hockey is living up to the name; nobody question him in the NHL, they just wonder if he can sustain this pace and win the Calder. Hudler is becoming the go to guy to score points. Gio is killing it again, on both ends of the ice. Brodie is so good that we get mad at him for a bad game, as if he is a vet. Wideman has regained his scoring touch. Granlund is playing pretty darn good. Jooris is that 2-way center with grit that we have been missing. Ramo and Hiller are keeping us in games. They may give up 1-2 bad goals, but save the next 20 to give us a chance to win.

Right now, the puck is bouncing the wrong way, some guys are snakebitten, and some returnees have not settled in. But we NEVER. GIVE. UP.

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I bet you have been dying to say that since the first 6 game road trip to start the season but this was the first opportunity you had to get it out.  Don’t worry about this road trip Zig, it’s a long season, and I hope the Flames silence you for the rest of it.

Go back and look at my previous posts in this thread, I have been preaching caution on playoffs this entire season. And I did not say anything about the loss too the Sharks. This team is scoring at a pace of 1.67 goals a game this road trip, with most of those goals coming against one of the worst teams in the league, you think thats acceptable for a playoff team? Almost the exact same time last season the Flames stopped scoring and went on a massive slump, which I warned recently looked like was returning. If you want to run around saying this is a playoff team go ahead, but dont complain when I dont share your view. 

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Go back and look at my previous posts in this thread, I have been preaching caution on playoffs this entire season. And I did not say anything about the loss too the Sharks. This team is scoring at a pace of 1.67 goals a game this road trip, with most of those goals coming against one of the worst teams in the league, you think thats acceptable for a playoff team? Almost the exact same time last season the Flames stopped scoring and went on a massive slump, which I warned recently looked like was returning. If you want to run around saying this is a playoff team go ahead, but dont complain when I dont share your view. 



The team got this far largely due to having no expectations placed on them this season. The time will come when expectations can and should be placed on them. It is not this season.


You two are out again, you must sense another defeat in the air today?  You’re both on record as saying the Flames are not going to make the playoffs.  Thank you for the cautions and warnings especially so early in the season.  The first time the Flames lose back to back games, the pretenders start jumping off the bandwagon.  I’m FAR from running around claiming this is a playoff team, but I am supportive and hopeful.  Here is a list of the 8 hottest teams in the league today.  Do you recognise any of these teams?  We just played 5 of them and visited 4 of their arena’s in 6 nights.



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 I’m FAR from running around claiming this is a playoff team, but I am supportive and hopeful.


Fair enough, I am not entirely convinced, but let's just say you're on the fence then, and angry at anyone who doens't think they'll make the playoffs.  Whatever floats your boat.


Just wondering if you've read the title of the OP's post?


Seems most on here interpreted that as "can we make the playoffs this year"....seems pretty clear, being that's what it said and all.



Maybe you'd like to make another thread, entitled: "who wants to cheer for the Flames trying for the playoffs this year?"


Because, heck, we all do.


That's just not what this thread is about.

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Fair enough, I am not entirely convinced, but let's just say you're on the fence then, and angry at anyone who doens't think they'll make the playoffs.  Whatever floats your boat.


Just wondering if you've read the title of the OP's post?


Seems most on here interpreted that as "can we make the playoffs this year"....seems pretty clear, being that's what it said and all.



Maybe you'd like to make another thread, entitled: "who wants to cheer for the Flames trying for the playoffs this year?"


Because, heck, we all do.


That's just not what this thread is about.


JJ, I have read your posts on these boards.  Your approach to building a team is the hurricane approach, tear it down to the tiniest of quirks then attempt a re-build.  Trade everyone who has a pulse for futures still in the womb.  What are you running from?  You need to stop, turn around, grab the bull by the horns and face the world man.  We don’t need to trade Gio, or Brodie, or Johnny, or Monahan, or both goalies and our 1st round pick.  We have a foundation already to build on.  There’s no harm in winning now as long as it is not at the cost of the future.

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Wowza I did not know this was such a sensitive group. Like someone said this is not a thread for people to come on and just talk about how great the Flames are and brag about being a "true fan".


I admit I have no idea why I said that stupid comment about calling the loss or whatever (and my predictions were wrong hahah so I don't think the oracle career path would work for me :P) but if the only people posting on here are guys like Cheers Man talking about how awesome we are then the thread has lost its purpose. If you get that offended by me making a negative comment I don't know how you've been a fan all these years. 


With the Flames I admit I'm a pessimist, being their fan for a number of years you can understand why i am a little weary with the great start and playoff talk. Eye test is also a bad argument, we could be the best team but at the end of the day all that matter is the W, which we have been failing to get. Some teams want it more than others and will close in the clutch, and get the job done. I don't believe we have that killer instinct on this team and we will not make the playoffs. 

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