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Moss Injured


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Moss went down at practice today. Sounds like he had a two left foot moment and took himself out into the boards. Apparently he can't put weight on his leg right now. Obviously no time table with this. This hurts big time if we're missing him. Obviously Backlund gets bumped up to one of the top 3 lines. But who becomes our 4th line centre to give us 8-11 minutes/game? Not feeling great about this one...

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David Moss left practice this morning.

The Flames players and coach Brent Sutter discuss the potential injury at Flames On Demand.

Players talk about Moss

Just another hurdle to jump for this Flames club. Not good news at all and is making our chances for a playoff spot that much more daunting. I will not lose faith that this team can overcome this. Get back soon Mosser!!!

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wow... 2 critical injuries at the most inopportune time...

I assume Backlund moves up, Jokinen centers the 2nd, and winger gets promoted to the second which enables Calgary to continue to have Stajan anchor the 3rd?

We'll see what it does to team chemistry....

I don't expect Moss to out for long at all... we'll see what 'further testing' reveals...

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To be honest, this "shouldn't" be a big deal. If this team misses the playoffs because of a David Moss injury, then this team doesn't deserve to be in the playoffs because it would mean this team has some big problems.

^ minus 1 :P

What the heck is that supposed to mean? Moss has had a very good year and has exceeded any expectations I and many others had for him. He has been versatile, hard working and productive, effective and reliable in both defensive and offensive roles. Should we bow out because we don't have enough big name players stacked up on our roster? He could very well be a key player to making the cut and would be our third lost center behind Langkow and Morrison. Take three centers out of the lineup of any team and see how it affects their competitiveness.

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Agreed, bigchief. Moss has been the sparkplug that has got players going all year long.


who was it who got Jackman going to be lauded as the most effective player on 10 mins or less?

who was it who got Glencross to 20 goals, and Jokinen out of the doghouse? (indirectly, but still)

answer to both: David Moss.

I WOULD say that this is finally Backlund's shot at the top line... except Sutter seems determined to keep him on line 4, at least for this year. Besides, Bourque is still healthy.

Bourque-Tanguay-Iginla <----------------- be prepared for this trainwreck AGAIN. If this doesn't completely shatter Backlund's confidence (as seems to be Sutter's goal for this season), nothing will. Sorry Louis, but I think we may have to find you some happy pills.

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Pretty big deal. Limits their options at centre and gets rid of one of their best two-way players. I have also heard that Jokinen has the flu.

It will be interesting to see who gets the top spot at centre. The easy money is Tanguay. However, Backlund has had a couple of strong games and was one of our best forwards against the Canucks. I also thought the top line was at its best when Backlund got stuck with them on a change. Sutter might reward him with a chance at centre (I hope he does).

At least if Jokinen is in. If Jokinen is out they won't have much choice but to move Tangs to centre.

Backlund has been pretty protected though so I am not sure if Sutter is ready to roll the dice with him. We will find out soon I guess.


who was it who got Jackman going to be lauded as the most effective player on 10 mins or less?

who was it who got Glencross to 20 goals, and Jokinen out of the doghouse? (indirectly, but still)

answer to both: David Moss.

I WOULD say that this is finally Backlund's shot at the top line... except Sutter seems determined to keep him on line 4, at least for this year. Besides, Bourque is still healthy.

Bourque-Tanguay-Iginla <----------------- be prepared for this trainwreck AGAIN. If this doesn't completely shatter Backlund's confidence (as seems to be Sutter's goal for this season), nothing will. Sorry Louis, but I think we may have to find you some happy pills.

I don't think Backlund's confidence has been impacted in the least. In fact I think Sutter has kept him off the top line to maintain his confidence. A couple of bad plays in a critical situation or bad play in general forcing a demotion would impact his confidence.

Sutter has sheltered him so he hasn't been in a situation to have his confidence shattered.

That said, I think he has played well enough to warrant a look on the top line. I hope he gets it.

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If Backlund doesn't get the call I'm gonna freak out. The way he played against the Canucks should be enough for him to AT LEAST get a chance. Also, recall Kotalik. We have nothing to lose at this point.

I agree 100 percent on the Backlund first line center (temporary) but I think Kotalik is best where he is (not here).

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I've seen this mentioned a few times about Tanguay taking on first line center role. I thought he did a decent job of it a week or so ago (can't remember who we played). To me it seems a logical choice. So much so that I wonder why he wouldn't be asked to play the centering position regularly.

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I am a bit bewildered by a couple of things Mr. Feaster has done, now that things have progressed a bit.

Why did he feel it was necessary to force $500,000/year center and all around love sponge Craig Conroy into retirement when he was looking at someone like Freddy(single-pane) Modin for depth? Conroy is a better fit, cheaper and more durable. We could really use him right now.

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To be honest, this "shouldn't" be a big deal. If this team misses the playoffs because of a David Moss injury, then this team doesn't deserve to be in the playoffs because it would mean this team has some big problems.

Crazy talk. Just because he was a nobody before doesn't mean he still is. Kipper went from being a third string goalie in SJ to a Vezina candidate with us. Moss hasn't made that big of a leap but he's on a 24g 42pt pace for 82 games with a current +/- of plus 9. He has consistently been one of our best forwards all year. He has given us time on every line at both centre and wing positions. He's making the players around him better. Is he a highly skilled player? No. But is he playing the game really well and doing an amazing job with what he has? Absolutely. For what he's brought to the table this year, this injury is a big deal.

^ minus 1 :P

What the heck is that supposed to mean? Moss has had a very good year and has exceeded any expectations I and many others had for him. He has been versatile, hard working and productive, effective and reliable in both defensive and offensive roles. Should we bow out because we don't have enough big name players stacked up on our roster? He could very well be a key player to making the cut and would be our third lost center behind Langkow and Morrison. Take three centers out of the lineup of any team and see how it affects their competitiveness.

Not crazy talk...for the same reasons as above...

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