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"Next, on Oil Change, season 17, episode 2:"


"The Edmonton Oilers are Very Proud to select Wayne Lowe, Kevin Lowe's grandson, first overall"


"This is the team's 9th consecutive first-overall pick, and the 17th consecutive pick in the top 10"


"Wayne may not be rated first overall, but there's no mistaking that his Grandfather, Mr. Kevin Lowe, Knows How to Win.  Wayne Gretzky, who the budding prospect was named after, declined comment."


"Combined with the first 74 players in the NHL draft refusing to be selected by the Oilers, Edmonton is thrilled to have a true prospect that has a significant chance at cracking the NHL, especially with Edmonton, as they look to show the NHL this year that they made the right choice not transfering their team to the AHL"


"stay tuned..."

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"Next, on Oil Change, season 17, episode 2:"


"The Edmonton Oilers are Very Proud to select Wayne Lowe, Kevin Lowe's grandson, first overall"


"This is the team's 9th consecutive first-overall pick, and the 17th consecutive pick in the top 10"


"Wayne may not be rated first overall, but there's no mistaking that his Grandfather, Mr. Keven Lowe, Knows How to Win.  Wayne Gretzky, who the budding prospect was named after, declined comment."


"Combined with the first 74 players in the NHL draft refusing to be selected by the Oilers, Edmonton is thrilled to have a true prospect that has a significant chance at cracking the NHL, especially with Edmonton, as they look to show the NHL this year that they made the rich choice not transfering their team to the AHL"


"stay tuned..."

:) jj

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Can someone send Dallas Eakin's a fruit basket and a bottle of wine?  Cause it doesn't seem like he can motivate the Oilers by his own means alone.


The Oilers play like a Junior team.

The Oilers play like a Junior team.

The Oilers play like a Junior team.

The Oilers play like a Junior team.

The Oilers play like a Junior team.


There, i said it.  Is it going to work for the Oilers?


Probably not.  Cause let's be honest, who in the NHL doesn't already think the Oilers play like a Junior team?


I dunno, there are some awefully good junior teams out there


Hey, You can't fault the_people on his post. He never said the Oilers play like a TOP junior team.

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So, do you guys think Eakins survives long enough to get another shot next season? I didn't realize until reading today that it's their worst start in franchise history and that no team this far out of a playoff spot at the end of October has ever come back to make the post season.


Reasons he might stick around:


- They've had a lot of injuries to key players

- The goaltending has been terrible, and there's not much a head coach can do about that

- New systems take time to implement

- The revolving door of coaches has to end at some point... right?


Reasons he might not:


- Everyone was expecting improvement, and instead things are worse than ever, 5 on 5, special teams, everything.

- Management has shown they have no problem canning coaches in short order

- MacTavish wants to be "bold"



I'd be mighty nervous any time I saw a new friend request on Skype if I were Eakins.


I don't mean any of this as Oiler bashing, by the way. I'm legitimately curious what you guys think. Personally I think he gets another shot next season just because the coaching changes are getting ridiculous, and it's way too early to call this season a failure as they could still turn things around.

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So, do you guys think Eakins survives long enough to get another shot next season? I didn't realize until reading today that it's their worst start in franchise history and that no team this far out of a playoff spot at the end of October has ever come back to make the post season.



It is not the coach...

Well most of the problems are not the coach....

I suppose some it could be the coach with all those line changes...

Is it the coach responsible for changing the culture??

Eakins said no more "We are still growning/building" excuses. maybe he should attempt to build their confidence...

Where are all these NHL superstar prospects they have been drafting and developing? Is the farm not developing them right??

There are lots of more serious problems than the coach.

Goaltending sucks.

Defense is overall substandard NHl levels.

Top 6 are small and don't mesh well in skills.

They have become a bunch of TV show premadonna's.

KLowe has to go before any meaningful changes will come.

KLowe's buddies have to go before anyone can implement any meaningful changes.

MacT is one of KLowes buddies.

The last coach wasn't let go because he was a poor coach.

The new coach was brought in because new GM's bring in new coaches...

How tough is it to rid a Hockey Team of a long term losing culture??

How long will the fans put up with that product?

To answer your question I would say this coach will be around as long as MacT will be around. I say that because how can KLowe & Co keep blaming the GM's and coaches???? The fans and those that count have to realize sometime where the problems start... Don't they??

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I agree with DD, the problem on the ice is a mirror image of the product upstairs.  The run and gun style just doesn't work in today's game. They do not need a rebuild but a retooling.


IMO by not taking Ryan Murray and over Yakopov ( not his fault that they are where they are) put this club 3 more years behind. They have build this club in absolute reverse, roof first with no foundation. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result.


Past 5 years 5 forwards all the same.

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Anyone see the Halloween cartoon showing a kid complaining because he got more Oiler tickets instead of goodies?

Oh I've seen it... lots!


I had people posting that cartoon on my facebook 3 times last night, plus the other one that has my team on the bench and the caption reads "Hey Rhianna date us, we don't beat anybody!"


Sigh... one day my team will be a contender.

I would imagine just being an Oilers fan would be as good as a cure for AIDS.


You have to get laid to get AIDS, right?

sadly I'm wondering if they aren't spending more of their time with extra-curricular activities like searching for their next piece of tail, because their heads most certainly are not in the game.

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You would really think that something has to give in Edm. They lose again 5-0 against the Wings....Watched the game they look.......it is like watching a train wreck.


One would think after the coaches they shipped out that they would figure the real problem is the players... There so called assets are now liability's, and with each game their value will diminish.

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All I can say is Wow!  Two shut out losses in a row.  Five losses in a row.  Six goals scored in those five losses.  Wow.


Watched the train wreck for a bit tonight.  Painful to watch; fans booing.


KLowe will probably turf Eakins, but he really should just can himself.  Where are the big, bold moves that MacT promised?  

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Nobody posted the Halloween cartoon. I never got to see it, and I googled the F out of it too.  Anyone have a link?


I actually LoL'ed Carty. :D

Man I don't know why I'm doing this, it's only gonna serve to my own detriment.  But I pulled this out of my facebook just for you.. go easy on me everybody :(



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Man I don't know why I'm doing this, it's only gonna serve to my own detriment.  But I pulled this out of my facebook just for you.. go easy on me everybody :(




Wow Bronco.....thank you.....I feel really bad for you.


You've always been the nice one on here...all the morons have disappeared now.


Speaking of Rihanna, imho you are a victim of abuse.


Fan abuse.


We can help, all you need to do is ask.


I don't think that big RED truck of yours is a coincidence.


I'm sure we could all chip in and get you the proper decals for that truck to bring happiness back to your life again.

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Man I don't know why I'm doing this, it's only gonna serve to my own detriment.  But I pulled this out of my facebook just for you.. go easy on me everybody :(



Actually you get off scott free Bud.

You show both that you have a sense of humor & you are realistic about the Oilers.


Back in the late '80s - early '90s the Nordique had 3 consequetive 1/1s  (Matts Sundin, Owen Nolan & Eric Lindros). The returns from trading all 3 formed the backbone of their SC teams.

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Just found this up in the Oiler forums. Yeah it is a rehash but it sticks out like a sore thumb.


Maybe the Oilers should hire Mark Messier as GM to replace KLowe & his puppets.

Same # of rings & hasn't made the mistakes KLowe did.

Mark is in both the HHOF & WHA HOF. Kevin is in neither.


If a past of being on winning teams is the best qualification in Lowe's mind he should gladly step aside. :)


BTW, did you check out their trade proposals with Wpg.? :lol:


It looks like most are stats bunnies that never watch/read about other teams.

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Maybe the Oilers should hire Mark Messier as GM to replace KLowe & his puppets.

Same # of rings & hasn't made the mistakes KLowe did.

Mark is in both the HHOF & WHA HOF. Kevin is in neither.

If a past of being on winning teams is the best qualification in Lowe's mind he should gladly step aside. :)


BTW, did you check out their trade proposals with Wpg.? :lol:

It looks like most are stats bunnies that never watch/read about other teams.

1. I don't think the fans will accept another of the "Old boys" in any position even if it is to replace KLowe. As for Messier he has little experience so that would be a double strike against him.


2. Most of the dissention towards management want a complete cleaning of the top. KLowe, MacT, coach and those assistant coaches who seem to bypass the "your fired" hammer with every new coach they bring in.


3. I thought when we picked up Brian Burke how perfect he would be for the Oilers but that quickly faded when I also remembered the spat he and KLowe had over the Dustin Penner RFA offer and all the bickering that went on afterwards.



I missed the Jets suggested offers but next time I visit I will check them out.

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1. I don't think the fans will accept another of the "Old boys" in any position even if it is to replace KLowe. As for Messier he has little experience so that would be a double strike against him.


2. Most of the dissention towards management want a complete cleaning of the top. KLowe, MacT, coach and those assistant coaches who seem to bypass the "your fired" hammer with every new coach they bring in.


3. I thought when we picked up Brian Burke how perfect he would be for the Oilers but that quickly faded when I also remembered the spat he and KLowe had over the Dustin Penner RFA offer and all the bickering that went on afterwards.



I missed the Jets suggested offers but next time I visit I will check them out.

Actually the :) was there to denote I was making fun of KLowe's boast about his rings. Unfortunately that doesn't come across well in the typed words.


The Jets 1s are funny. They want Kane &/or Bogo, Trouba & Buff for Yak & dumps.

They don't understand that Wpg. is in a rebuild itself & has a plan (unlike the Oilers) to add pieces gradually/affordably rather then go for the shiny toy. There is some size, heart & skill in both the forward & defense positions in the 'Peg rather then skill followed by only muscle on the bottom end. Wpg. is @ least closer to a play-off spot with their mix.


Like almost all teams Wpg. could use an upgrade @ center & Pavi isn't showing he's as good as we thought. The Oil can't offer either.

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Man I don't know why I'm doing this, it's only gonna serve to my own detriment.  But I pulled this out of my facebook just for you.. go easy on me everybody :(



Bronco bud, I gave you a +1. 


....a +1 to your rep here on the Flames boards has to be worth more than Oilers tickets... you're welcome. :P

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