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My sincere condolences to the Oilers.


We went through a similar time where we took a coach who took us deep into the playoffs and made him a GM  with our Dutter era . Things looked rosy at first, lots of bold moves, but most posters here in Flamesland will tell you why that storyline didn't end well. I say storyline because that term comes from the wrestling industry and I can't help but think that this move has a lot of similarities for the Oiler Fans.

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let's see how it pans out before condemning the move.  I wore a bag on my head at the OMB to voice my desire to get rid of MacTavish in the first place, and 3 coaches later it was painfully clear that the his coaching was not the issue.  I'm willing to give MacTavish a shot at running the joint to see if things can improve.

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I think the hiring of MacTavish goes to show just how small a hockey circle Kevin Lowe has.  He certainly didn't win a lot of friends after his hostile takeover bids of Thomas Vanek and Dustin Penner.  He's now had to reach desperately within for a guy who probably isn't best suited to be a GM.

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No Mr Lowe, half the GM's wouldn't trade rosters for your roster. Not even close. They might consider changing some core players but change their roster for yours??? Not a chance and not even remotely close to half the GM's.

I think the hiring of MacTavish goes to show just how small a hockey circle Kevin Lowe has.  He certainly didn't win a lot of friends after his hostile takeover bids of Thomas Vanek and Dustin Penner.  He's now had to reach desperately within for a guy who probably isn't best suited to be a GM.

Well the writing on the wall appears to be when they brought back MacT. Sort of the same deal with Feaster here. They brought him in as assistant but you have to figure he would likely be Dutters replacement. The Oilers didn't seem to go the interview route though, instead bypassed that today.

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I think the hiring of MacTavish goes to show just how small a hockey circle Kevin Lowe has.  He certainly didn't win a lot of friends after his hostile takeover bids of Thomas Vanek and Dustin Penner.  He's now had to reach desperately within for a guy who probably isn't best suited to be a GM.


Friedmon was on the Fan this morning talking about Edmonton.  Said that Tambellini could be the fall guy but he hears rumors that MacTavish and Lowe run the show.  I am not sure how much change this really represents.  Every time I think we have it bad in Calgary I just have to look North to feel better.  


Bush calling the tree green?  I don't believe this is the case in Edmonton.  I don't believe it is the case anywhere, including Calgary to be honest.  They have a bunch of young kids that can score, but they have nobody that can score AND hit.  Watch them play, they are beaten along the boards, crossing the blue line, and down low in their own end.  They physically cannot compete, and that IMO is where Tambellini failed.


Doesn't matter if it is a bush, couch, or tampon saying it.  The tree is still green.  I am not really sure what part you are disagreeing with.  I am not implying their are intentionally tanking.  But they are on their custom mid season crash.  Probably written into their core at this point.  

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Doesn't matter if it is a bush, couch, or tampon saying it.  The tree is still green.  I am not really sure what part you are disagreeing with.  I am not implying their are intentionally tanking.  But they are on their custom mid season crash.  Probably written into their core at this point.  

Oh OK I gotcha now.  Apologies, when you said "While Edmonton is doing their best tank job to try to get yet another 1st overall." I assumed you meant that you feel they are intentionally losing, since that is not the case then I take back my accusation that you are the bush :P


And yes, it seems like every year they start strong and then fade away until they reach the bottom of the conference or even league.  My hopes are that they at least finish .500 for the rest of the season and get back out of the bottom 10.  After the last 8 years I will even consider that a success.

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Oh OK I gotcha now.  Apologies, when you said "While Edmonton is doing their best tank job to try to get yet another 1st overall." I assumed you meant that you feel they are intentionally losing, since that is not the case then I take back my accusation that you are the bush :P


:D  :lol:  :D  :lol:

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How Kevin Lowe has a job in the NHL is absolutely beyond me and you have to wonder how many more people in the hockey world have to take the fall for this guy. He's gone through 3 head coaches, now on his 3rd GM and the Oilers are still no better off. Honestly, I can't even make fun of Oiler fans right now becuase I feel so bad for you, and that's coming from a Calgary fan who doesn't exactly have it well off either.


I mean the fact that he has now twice referenced Stanley Cups he won  20 years ago as a player to somehow bolster his GM/president resume is beyond laughable.

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How Kevin Lowe has a job in the NHL is absolutely beyond me and you have to wonder how many more people in the hockey world have to take the fall for this guy. He's gone through 3 head coaches, now on his 3rd GM and the Oilers are still no better off. Honestly, I can't even make fun of Oiler fans right now becuase I feel so bad for you, and that's coming from a Calgary fan who doesn't exactly have it well off either.


I mean the fact that he has now twice referenced Stanley Cups he won over 20 years ago as a player to someone bolster his GM resume is beyond laughable.


That is true to those of us with common sense.  But he was saying it in the city that still has "city of champions" on their welcome sign 20 years after winning the cup (and most of a decade into sucking in pretty much every sport possible).  So I am sure most of the population was nodding in agreement. 

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Edmonton, wow and we think we have it bad. Lowe is referring on how to win really than what the hell has been holding him back. I think we call all agree that half the NHL wouldn't take his roster but may be interested in a few players. The problem with impatient people is they make irrational decisions. 


The Oilers have six good pieces and will once again have a high draft choice. It will be interesting at best to see the BOLD moves he makes. They dont require a another first rounder but could use it to aquire a goalie. Realisitically they need to move at least two of the six guys the have to fill the gaps. All of this is errily similar to the Sutter days in Flames land. The oil has been changed they just recycled it. They do love their past dont they, living in the past doesnt work for advancement in the future. I wish them luck.

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Does it really matter who the GM is anymore? we all know that Kevin Lowe only moved up so that his staff can call him Mr President now. Mac T is not the answer to the norths woes, what they really need is a fresh perspective up there but this oragnization seems to be content with living in the 80's.... all I can really say is HALLELUJAH, so long as they keep spinning there tires on has beens and blow hards we are in no real danger of being on the loosing side of the BoA!

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Does it really matter who the GM is anymore? we all know that Kevin Lowe only moved up so that his staff can call him Mr President now. Mac T is not the answer to the norths woes, what they really need is a fresh perspective up there but this oragnization seems to be content with living in the 80's.... all I can really say is HALLELUJAH, so long as they keep spinning there tires on has beens and blow hards we are in no real danger of being on the loosing side of the BoA!

Make that Mr "Winner" President to you peons out there. There is only 1 person still left in hockey Lowe knows of, who has more rings to prove it. That one person would be Scotty Bowman and Larry Robinson.


Well Lowe knows how to put a winning team together he did it back in "What year did the Oilers get to the final round Scotty?" So unless you are ready to dig into your pockets for Oiler seasons tickets you aren't a real fan. You are therefor one of those other fans who don't count.

/flippant sarcasm off


On a more serious note the projected pts to a 82 game season based on tonights loss for the Oilers to the Wild would give them


39   n

---   ---    = 76.14 pts

42   82


Compared to last years results:



At this rate it appears it will be a long long time before the Oilers compete for a playoff spot let alone a cup.

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Compared to last years results:



At this rate it appears it will be a long long time before the Oilers compete for a playoff spot let alone a cup.


Best part of this graphic is the position that each of the other bottom 6 teams from last year currently hold. Anaheim - 3rd, Montreal - 4th, Toronto - 8th, NYI - 14th, Columbus - 16th, Edmonton - 24th. 4 of the others haven't iced their top 6 pick from 2012. All of the others haven't had more than 6 games of help from a 2011 first rounder.


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Oilers Business Plan:   2013


-Replace the Current GM with a 3x recycled rag. (Don't get me wrong, I respect MacT, much more than Tambs, but why keep replacing the tampon with an already used one?)

-Argue that you are a winner with people who are legitimately concerned about being losers for so long.

-Piss off well over half the fan base by discounting their much needed support and funding.

-Issue a half-arsed apology with a web cam in your office instead of standing in front of media and making a public apology like a real man.

-Offer an insight into multiple key pieces, yet only name one being your shat management staff, and end your video.

-Build a new arena in the shape of a golf club.




Yeah Kevin, we all know you were jumping the gun when you separated 'true' Oiler fans from those 'other' Oiler fans....your mistake right?  Yeah right.  I don't buy your bullnavajo fry bread.


If it weren't for those other 95% of 'other' Oiler fans buying the Oiler branded merchandise, licensed products, subscribing to TV networks, attend charitable events, are donors, support surrounding businesses, etc, the Oilers would be bankrupt.  There is no question ticket sales are needed, but holding those who go to the games on a pedestal compared to those who can't afford the games, or can't even make it due to geographical location is plain idiocy on his part.  Katz should have fired his chicken tikka masala for that comment the minute the presser was over.


He mentions a few key pieces in place, yet only mentions his 'world class' management staff.  What are the other pieces bud? From the unorganized press conference from the other day, to the craptastic apology 2 days later after letting it soak in to your fan base knowing they don't mean navajo fry bread to you, and the spotty examples of your key pieces, anyone can tell the Oilers org. is lacking in much more than just a few areas, and that is putting it lightly.


Calgary's management may not be perfect, but I am so glad we don't have monkeys like these running the Flames.

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I'm not my final exams. Where to start...


I completely agree.  Hall was nowhere NEAR "playing the puck", that was the best example of intent to injure I've seen in long, long time.  You can see the force he swings his sticks with, he was only out to (literally?) take his legs off of him.


Total garbage.  Any respect I might have had for him as a player is completely gone.


Conner, I dare you to defend this.


Defend it, eh? He slashed a guy pretty hard. There are some things that I like about the play like he is trying to intimidate his opponent as well as showing a lot of passion which has been missing in these parts as of late. It is however a dirty play. A lot of dirty plays happen every game, Hall is needs a way discreet way of playing that way which is something I would fully endorse. Oilers have enough soft forwards, if Hall can become a gritty, elite talent he would be head and shoulders the Oilers best player.


Connor...where are you?...Connor...where are you?...Connor...where are you?...Connor....where are you?...Connor....where are you?...Connor....where are you?....



Nothing but an echo.


Had my final final exams man.


It makes you wonder, how much more of our team would we need to sell off to be worse than the Oilers?


It already feels like pre-lockout, when the Heat were beating...well....essentially the Oilers.


Now, it's all the same players beating all the same players in the NHL.  Except we have more draft picks and more of a future.


Oilers lost all heart a few games ago. An all-star team with no heart can still lose to a crap team. Flames are still worse than the Oilers.


I can tell you from Conners view this one hurts really bad. Really Really bad. I don't expect him to show up for awhile.


We iced 6 AHL prospects tonight.



We had injuries to key players:

Tangs - knee
Derek Smith - Leg injury
Brian McGratten - Shoulder injury
Matt Stajan - Upper Body injury
Glencross - Flu


We ran with our backup goalie who played the night before.


We were on the 2nd night of a back to back and on the road. The Oilers didn't have to play since wednesday.. Everything was pretty much pointing to another beating.......... NOT TONIGHT


Didn't happen. Not because the Oilers were that bad, although they were at times. The Flames took the game to them. Outworked them in their own end.


Oilers lost this game two or three games before when the lost all hope for the playoffs. Flames played harder then them so I will give them credit for that.


But Deeds, according to Connor, the Flames don't have any A level prospects....and apparently they don't know how to develop the others.



Oilers are a team going through the motions these days.


Poor Connor, his problem is his hate for the Flames.


Otherwise he could actually take what he knows and have a decent conversation but until he begins to acknowledge the Flames are actually a team / organization with some clear distinctions / advantages over the Oilers in some regards he is never going to go much past Flames bashing.


I acknowledge that Oilers have some fine young stars in the making but express concern about how Lowe is structuring the rebuild at this later stage and the concern I have about competitive spirit and professionalism, a drum Flyerfan beats non-stop. Huge risk of a weak team mentality emerging and taking root. 


On the Flames end, I acknowledge that moves should have been made a lot sooner.


That D Sutter and Ken King were way too close and D Sutter was allowed to make terribly damaging moves to the team. Big trades should have been made 2-3 years ago. Some trades should never have been made - Neuf etc. Regardless, in real time the Flames are doing the right things now, a little late perhaps but nonetheless they are doing it now. The Flames also refuse to fold and their is a lot to be said about the players who pull on the Flaming C and the respect they have for that Crest, Feaster and the Owners will do their best to put a competitive team on the ice next year.  


The Flames are not the Oilers and they will not tank for years for a bunch of top picks. The Organizations are fundamentally different in philosophy and it remains to be seen who will get the better results long-term. 


If Connor could only acknowledge the positives the Flames have over the years instead of seeing everything in black and white, then he could have a balanced discussion but he is simply just too used to seeing hockey through the lens of a total scorched earth rebuild and the fact is that there are several paths back to the same desired destination of the playoffs. 


I liken the two organizations approach to Poker players, the Oilers are big gamblers, they have gone all-in. It is a huge risk they have taken and the cards may or may not work for them. The Flames in contrast have become the calculated gambler, playing slow and gauging and hedging the bets. Slowly building up, over the course of the entire process no one is to say the calculated gambler can not slowly build up and win the tournament. 


Two different style, two different philosophies, two different cities, it will be a real BOA going forward in next season. I am so tired of reading these flippant comparisons of the Flames being like the Oilers when nothing could be further from the truth. 


Until Connor actually begins to acknowledge that the Flames are not destined to repeat the Oilers suffering and actually could spring back to the bubble next year (with the right off-season moves) he will never gain much respect here. 


Hopefully he is still around and didn't decide to go start his car and fall asleep clutching his Taylor Hall bobble head last night. 


The Oilers really need to do what the Blues did and overpay some older decent Vets to come to the team. They need their Langenbrunners, Andy MacDonalds. Ryan Smyth is clearly done at this point and it was a role he was supposed to play but he simply can not play at the NHL level anymore, very clear. 


If TambLowe doesn't make a big move this off-season to get some older top Vet leaders in the room I would be very fearful of the future of the Oil because the new trade demands could start coming from those young stars. RNH should have been sent down this year to develop, something is clearly wrong with his game at this point. He needed time to develop and the Oil have rushed, I always liked that kid's ability to see the ice which he did so well, now his confidence is broken.


Poor Connor, he has overlooked all the intangible risks the massive rebuild in Edmonton has. Always presented it as a path on rails not only to the playoffs but to the Cup. I could dig up his posts from a few years ago. Now he must realize what I warned of so long ago. These massive rebuilds are a huge risk and can play to both extremes. You can be the Hawks / Penguins or you can be the Islanders / Panthers.


There is no certain path to the Cup... 


- Tell me what advantages the Flames have over the Oilers and I can give you my opinion.


- Oilers do need leadership/veteran players added to the team.


- I heard a hunch on a radio station that Feaster isn't fired yet because he'll be the fall guy similar to Tambellini when the Flames bottom out for the next few years. This was on a sports radio station and I am paraphrasing.


- Show me a realistic series of transactions over the next 4 years that can have the Flames contenders in the scenario you are proposing.


The issue with the Oilers is they have too many players in the wrong position. Most clubs have 2 to 3 stars they have 6, and 3 of them are in the wrong position. Their problems can be addressed quick if they did it properly. I think we all know they need a goalie before another draft pick.  


Just imagine what could happen in Edmonton if they had a GM with some form of vision and balls to do what is required. When people say Edmonton is a better position than the Flames the only way I see this is tradable assests. Last nights game shows that heart and determination can beat talent with no determination anytime.


- You more or less called the Tambi firing


The Oilers problems it they don't know how to win at the NHL level and that's it. They've committed too much to brining in drafted players and having them grow together which is great in some ways but not so much in the sense that that group ends up winning or losing together and becuae of what the Oilers have done it's been losing. They've done a poor job of brining in players that are winners and know what it takes to win I mean Ryan Smyth is good veteran presence but what has he won? The "leaders" of the Oilers are players that havn't won much in their career either. It has nothing to do with what player they have at certain positions it has everything to do with the OIlers right now have done a VERY poor job of supplementing their drafted players with effective players. Their 3rd and 4th lines are horrible, their defence is average, and they havn't brough in veterans that know how to win, heck even their coach hasn't done anthing at the NHL level. That's what stood out as obvious last night the Oilers were unprepared to play last night and could not react to anything the Flames did and that to me shows you loud and clear that his team just does not know how to win.


I know Oiler fans like to give Feaster a hard time but honestly I would put Tambellini in a similar boat. If I'm an Oiler fan I'm really worried if they keep Lowe and Tamby running the hockey ops. It's pretty awful that you have 3 first overal picks in your lineup, another top young player in Eberle, and you can't even make the playoffs.


- Oilers do need some major changes this off season but good teams when on depth nowadays and the Oilers depth forwards have been worse than disappointing.


Damn, Connor didn't get his resume in fast enough… I was pulling for Connor to get his dream job.


- They said they like what I offered bu wanted to go in a different direction. They're keeping my resume on file though

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I think the hiring of MacTavish goes to show just how small a hockey circle Kevin Lowe has.  He certainly didn't win a lot of friends after his hostile takeover bids of Thomas Vanek and Dustin Penner.  He's now had to reach desperately within for a guy who probably isn't best suited to be a GM.


- After his new conference IMO Lowe has become out of touch with Oilers' fans and the media and has to go. However, I like MacT, I think he is a pretty smart guy and at least is on an equal level as Lowe.





Edmonton, wow and we think we have it bad. Lowe is referring on how to win really than what the hell has been holding him back. I think we call all agree that half the NHL wouldn't take his roster but may be interested in a few players. The problem with impatient people is they make irrational decisions. 


The Oilers have six good pieces and will once again have a high draft choice. It will be interesting at best to see the BOLD moves he makes. They dont require a another first rounder but could use it to aquire a goalie. Realisitically they need to move at least two of the six guys the have to fill the gaps. All of this is errily similar to the Sutter days in Flames land. The oil has been changed they just recycled it. They do love their past dont they, living in the past doesnt work for advancement in the future. I wish them luck.



Does it really matter who the GM is anymore? we all know that Kevin Lowe only moved up so that his staff can call him Mr President now. Mac T is not the answer to the norths woes, what they really need is a fresh perspective up there but this oragnization seems to be content with living in the 80's.... all I can really say is HALLELUJAH, so long as they keep spinning there tires on has beens and blow hards we are in no real danger of being on the loosing side of the BoA!


- I wouldn't write off MacT just yet.

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- After his new conference IMO Lowe has become out of touch with Oilers' fans and the media and has to go. However, I like MacT, I think he is a pretty smart guy and at least is on an equal level as Lowe.


Yes, it's true.  Lowe clearly stated there are two types of fans: paying and non-paying. Paying fans are the only ones that matter to him.  So in other words, he's out of touch with 99% of all Oiler fans...



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- Tell me what advantages the Flames have over the Oilers and I can give you my opinion.


- Oilers do need leadership/veteran players added to the team.


- I heard a hunch on a radio station that Feaster isn't fired yet because he'll be the fall guy similar to Tambellini when the Flames bottom out for the next few years. This was on a sports radio station and I am paraphrasing.


- Show me a realistic series of transactions over the next 4 years that can have the Flames contenders in the scenario you are proposing.


I have mentioned the advantage the Flames have over the Oilers many times here and on the Oilers board. The Flames have the UFA option, players want to play in Calgary and they have illustrated the ability to close trade deals, whether you like them or not. 


Now this may change in coming years and players may begin to not want to come to Calgary but as it stands now it remains one of the Flames strengths over the Oilers. It costs nothing but money to sign a FA and the Flames bring a Vet team with a better attitude to the ice. 


We simply can not anticipate the future at this point in time. I said before and I will say it again that I am not predicting the Flames or the Oilers season next year until I see the conclusion of the off-season action. I expect the Flames to be very active in targeting their main weakness, the 23-27 age bracket. The Flames have been lucky in getting a unusual off-season to do it. 


An off-season which will have many teams looking to dump Cap. A poor season followed by 3 - 1st's in a deep draft. The Flames MAY be able to turn it around quicker than you think but we all have to wait on that front. 




As it stands right now, I can not and will not predict a series of moves for the Flames over the next 4 years. It is too long a time period, too many things can happen. 


You have always looked too far ahead in time and neglected other important aspects of the Oilers rebuild. They definitely do not have all pieces they need. They need a lot more and it remains to be seen if they get them. The Flames too need to rebuild or retool, especially in that 23-27 age bracket and time will tell. 


You have always been too future focused, it may be a problem the whole Edmonton organization needs to shake. There is something to be said about the future being now. 

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With the Leafs cinching a playoff spot last night the Oilers are now the owners of the longest on-going playoff drought. :D


Congratulations to Katz & KLowe. Your plan is paying off. :huh:


Take a bow Tambellini. They couldn't have done it without you. :lol:

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