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Nice example of you taking one sentence in an article and using it out of context to try to substantiate what you are trying to defend.


1. You obviously didn't read the whole column because the article says later on  Iggy was given the choice of a shorter term  pay cut or ask for a trade. Note the key word "decision"?


- Iginla chose a trade so he wanted to get traded. There you have it.


2. When you just insult people with comments like


- You're a hypocrite. You use phrases and pictures to insult me and whoever all of the time.



3. Eric Francis in his column got it right you just failed to understand the context of the timing of those events.


4. s4xon was right and Feaster expressed in multiple interviews the conferences he had during the California trip.


- Hypothetically, if it was Feaster's choice to trade Bouwmeester and Iginla while having the mandate of making the playoffs next year, he is the worst GM in the history of the NHL.

Many of the posts you brought back were from Feb. 2012 & held true for the 2011-12 season. Some mentioned the Oilers trying for another 1/1 pick. They achieved that & drafted Yakupov.

Now you try to apply them to the current season to prove you were right & our posters were wrong. It doesn't work that way.


- What posts were in the context of the previous season?


It is much worse than that for the Oilers. They won't have much room at all.

You can read about it here from a guy that follows the Oilers and blogs on them almost daily:


The first part is a trade proposal but he goes into what he calls Oiler capanomics 101 in depth shortly after.

If what he is showing turns out to be true that window of opportunity is closing already for the Oilers.


They likely won't make the playoffs again this season. Not even Conner can envision how the Oilers are going to get 14-16 points from the remaining games they have left.



and I thought our remaining scheduale was brutal.


- Hahahaha. You have no idea what you're even talking about. The Oilers window is wide open.


- Oilers are in tough and it's a long shot but it's possible.


- The Flames' schedule is worse because every team they play is better than them.

I wouldnt go out out on a limb and pull a Feaster by saying the Flames will make the playoffs before the Oilers... but hey, wouldnt that be something to see... :D


- I honestly hope the Flames can overpay enough UFAs to be somewhat competitive. It's not fun when the Oilers beat them because it's just expected.

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- Very selective player selection there. You forgot Ladd and Kessel.


Right, so Kessel is not tied, so ....   what?


- Do you know how offer sheets even work? A team has to have their own draft picks, they can't use another team's original picks to offer sheet a player.


Actually I don't, but then I don't claim to be a GM.  Because that would be really weird.  What's your username again?  Oh sorry.


Wait, what was your point?  That we'd offer our 2014 pick instead of the Pittsburgh pick?  Thanks for clearing that up.  So...either way, Edmonton's screwed.  But you've done a great job clarifying the specifics on just how that will exactly transpire.


- Nuge and Schultz will be re-signed before they reach RFA status, just like Hall and Eberle were.




Thanks for clearing that up.  I thought you were the future GM, but clearly you're already in charge and have special arrangements made that you've been kind enough to share with us and....




You're posting garbage.


The funniest one is Schultz.   Like you think he's particularly loyal to the Oilers.  That's his track record, isn't it?


I bet you Gagner and the Oilers just haven't had time to meet too, right?  They're probably leaving it to the last minute because they've both been so busy lately, but it's all good.  Gagner won't be entertaining offers elsewhere.


But for sure, I would expect all future contract signings to go smoothly, even if you're over the cap.  I'm sure the NHL will make some sort of exception for you.   It totally won't end up like Nylander, or Comrie, or Ryan Smyth, or Jason Arnott, or your entire defense core from a few years ago.  I feel silly even suggesting that it would go like almost every other major signing Edmonton's ever attempted.  And the salary cap limit is really more of a guideline, it's not enforceable or anything

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It's obvious that there are several posters like DD, Carty and so on that are so blind to their own team's faults and jealous of the Oilers growth that there is no reasoning with them.


Oilers Facts


Oilers have improved. They'll be hard pressed to make the playoffs but they are definitely better.


They didn't have to trade one of their young stars to improve.


The core of the Oilers are either just entering their prime of not even there yet. There is a lot of room to get better just internally.


Flames Facts


The Flames are horrible this season despite having all there key players injury free and adding UFAs


The return on the Flames' star players was horrible. Other teams received A level prospects and or young player that can help now. Flames received neither.

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It's obvious that there are several posters like DD, Carty and so on that are so blind to their own team's faults and jealous of the Oilers growth that there is no reasoning with them.


Oilers Facts


Oilers have improved. They'll be hard pressed to make the playoffs but they are definitely better.


They didn't have to trade one of their young stars to improve.


The core of the Oilers are either just entering their prime of not even there yet. There is a lot of room to get better just internally.


Flames Facts


The Flames are horrible this season despite having all there key players injury free and adding UFAs


The return on the Flames' star players was horrible. Other teams received A level prospects and or young player that can help now. Flames received neither.

Right..... /sarcasm on

you have every thing worked out. /sarcasm off




you are blind to the obvious....

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Come on guys


1) The Oiler's haven't proven anything.  The argument that 'we will be better next year' is getting a lot thin.  As of this time they are barely a 500 team, they have a negative goal differential, and for every strong outing there is one that is absolutely dismal.  This after winning the Yakupov and Schultz sweepstakes and multiple seasons of last place finishes / first overall picks. What are you expecting?  That you are going to come to a Flames message board and have people agree that the Oiler's are great and the Flames are horrible?  You think people are going to be impressed with your ability to lose season after season?  You are surprised you didn't get that reaction?  Really??  Come back to gloat when your team has actually done something.  In fact, don't bother even then.  


2) The Flames are in real trouble.  We have been out of the playoffs nearly as long as the Oiler's but have nothing to show for it.  All signs point to us having a lengthy rebuild in front of us.  We just lost our franchise player for a first round pick.  Denial isn't flattering.    


I think it is pretty sad that fans of two of the worst teams in the NHL are on a message board scrapping it out about who sucks more. But maybe that is just me.  Anyway, if you are enjoying it then proceed.  But I keep getting reports from this thread.  Keep it civil and keep it clean please.   

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Come on guys


1) The Oiler's haven't proven anything.  The argument that 'we will be better next year' is getting a lot thin.  As of this time they are barely a 500 team, they have a negative goal differential, and for every strong outing there is one that is absolutely dismal.  This after winning the Yakupov and Schultz sweepstakes and multiple seasons of last place finishes / first overall picks. What are you expecting?  That you are going to come to a Flames message board and have people agree that the Oiler's are great and the Flames are horrible?  You think people are going to be impressed with your ability to lose season after season?  You are surprised you didn't get that reaction?  Really??  Come back to gloat when your team has actually done something.  In fact, don't bother even then. 


No gloating, but the Oilers have in fact improved considerably compared with the past several seasons.


-They are currently in 10'th place in the conference, last year they were 14, the year before 15, and 15 before that

-They are currently in 19'th in the league, last year they were 29'th, the year before 30'th, and 30'th before that

-Yes they have a negative goal diff, but it's -6.  Last year it was -27, the year before -76, and -70 before that

-yes, several seasons of last place/first picks, but this year it will take a meltdown to even make the top 10


There is lots more that they have improved in as well, such as PP, PK, and goaltending.  Ranking in the top 10 for each (just save% for goaltending, not wins).  Yes there is a long way to go and you are absolutely correct that they haven't done anything yet, but at least they are on the road to recovery.

2) The Flames are in real trouble.  We have been out of the playoffs nearly as long as the Oiler's but have nothing to show for it.  All signs point to us having a lengthy rebuild in front of us.  We just lost our franchise player for a first round pick.  Denial isn't flattering.    


I think it is pretty sad that fans of two of the worst teams in the NHL are on a message board scrapping it out about who sucks more. But maybe that is just me.  Anyway, if you are enjoying it then proceed.  But I keep getting reports from this thread.  Keep it civil and keep it clean please.   

I don't believe that Calgary is even close to being in the same trouble as Edmonton was.  When Edmonton finally decided to do a rebuild their most attractive asset was Ales Hemsky, doesn't look too flattering does it?  Calgary made the decision to rebuild BEFORE losing all of their assts, whereas Edmonton made the decision BECAUSE they had no assets.  Because Calgary was able to move some of their more attractive assets for picks and prospects their build will be considerably quicker than Edmontons.  It took 3 years for Edmonton to get three first round draft picks (they were all first overall granted, but hear me out).  Calgary has done this in 1, in a deep draft yet.  It's almost like Calgary in moving those assets gave themselves a two year head start on their rebuild.   I give Calgary 3 years before they are every bit as competitive as I am hoping Edmonton will be, that's it.

EDIT:  haha whoops, I guess I should have checked things out before starting a scrap with a mod :lol:  

Just wanted to get my view on the situation out there kehatch.

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Come on guys


1) The Oiler's haven't proven anything.  The argument that 'we will be better next year' is getting a lot thin.  As of this time they are barely a 500 team, they have a negative goal differential, and for every strong outing there is one that is absolutely dismal.  This after winning the Yakupov and Schultz sweepstakes and multiple seasons of last place finishes / first overall picks. What are you expecting?  That you are going to come to a Flames message board and have people agree that the Oiler's are great and the Flames are horrible?  You think people are going to be impressed with your ability to lose season after season?  You are surprised you didn't get that reaction?  Really??  Come back to gloat when your team has actually done something.  In fact, don't bother even then.  


- And I said I liked your posts... haha


- I don't come on here to have people claim the Oilers are awesome and the Flames are terrible. I come on here in hopes of finding unbiased opinion. As it turns out, the opinion here is ever more biased just in the opposite direction.


- Again, I hoped that if someone on here posts something like a prediction and it turns out wrong, they admit it but that doesn't seem to happen ever. They usually just completely ignore any statements they made that were incorrect.


2) The Flames are in real trouble.  We have been out of the playoffs nearly as long as the Oiler's but have nothing to show for it.  All signs point to us having a lengthy rebuild in front of us.  We just lost our franchise player for a first round pick.  Denial isn't flattering.    


- If I were a Flames fan, I would look forward to the process of the Flames rebuilding to be a contender. I would also find the lack of return on trades horrifying. IMO the rebuild needs to start at the bottom and at the top. Player development and scouting need to be re-worked but Edwards needs to understand contenders aren't built over night and in today's NHL, you need your own draft picks to produce to become successful. Feaster should be replaced as well.


I think it is pretty sad that fans of two of the worst teams in the NHL are on a message board scrapping it out about who sucks more. But maybe that is just me.  Anyway, if you are enjoying it then proceed.  But I keep getting reports from this thread.  Keep it civil and keep it clean please.   


- I didn't report anyone. Did DD tell on me again?

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I can still see you still lurking there, and no doubt grinding the gears as to how to best avoid a direct question about something that you represented as fact, but that was actually just BS, as usual...


What's the matter?




When I saw your cat I thought of this:


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I come on here in hopes of finding unbiased opinion. As it turns out, the opinion here is ever more biased just in the opposite direction.


It is a Flames message board.  Of course the opinions are biased.  Wouldn't be a very good fan forum if they weren't.  


I didn't report anyone. Did DD tell on me again?


No actually.  Feel free to debate just do it nicely please (all involved).  

EDIT:  haha whoops, I guess I should have checked things out before starting a scrap with a mod :lol:  

Just wanted to get my view on the situation out there kehatch.


Mods are just posters helping out.  Feel free to disagree with or debate any issue with a moderator the same you would with anyone else :)

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No actually.  Feel free to debate just do it nicely please (all involved).  

Mods are just posters helping out.  Feel free to disagree with or debate any issue with a moderator the same you would with anyone else :)

haha cool, just keep your finger off of that ban button ;)

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What I find amusing is the fact everytime I read ConnorFutureGM's posts are his always and I mean always talking about how the Flames suck so much comparing to the Oilers.


Why compare at all, why not just say the Flames suck and have your reasons why they suck.

The Oilers organization has no merit at all why you think the Flames suck.

They are two different teams going through rebuilds at different times.


However, being the 12 year old boy ConnorFutureGM wants to be I can bite the hook and feed his appetite.

I would be ashamed to think the Oilers are this great team now, well... after the past few year there is only one way to move and thats to go up in the standings.

How many first round draft picks?  And yet a team that still after several years cannot make the playoffs.

Come talk your little childess comments after the next 4 years should the Flames team play par or less then the Oilers.


I read allot of posts in both the Flames and Oilers posts and generally I keep a fair and open mind on what I feel on both teams.

I think ConnorFutureGM was one of those kids that always got picked on growing up and one of those little boys that we used to call bed wetters before anti bullying took hold.


Too bad Connor you were consumated after this great campaign it would have helped you.


There now I feel better and will go back to my usual unbiased few posts that I write in both forums.

Sucks to be you ConnorFutureGM, your a waste of space with your posts in here.


At least Bronco's statements are mature and generally fair with his opinions.

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What I find amusing is the fact everytime I read ConnorFutureGM's posts are his always and I mean always talking about how the Flames suck so much comparing to the .....

Blah, blah, blah...and right after Kehatch said to play nice. There are enough problems with the Oilers that we can make fun of without speculating on an individuals posters history or habits.

My take is:

The Oilers have improved this season, HOWEVER, when you are worst in the league for the last three years there is nowhere to go but up. so the strides taken, while admittedly an improvement, are far from impressive. The Oilers likely won't make the playoffs this year.


The Oilers have to play .700 hockey the rest of the way. 7 of there last 10 are against teams that are currently in a playoff position. When playing those teams the Oil are 5-9-5 so far this year and will have to go at LEAST .500 while sweeping the 3 against teams out of the playoffs. Doable? Yes. Likely? No.

The future:

With the cap lowering next year plus the number of rfas due BIG raises over the next three years I think the window for this edition of the Oilers rebuild to win is 2 years. You won't be able to sign everyone of the big names and someone (probably 2) will need to go. The other thing is that there will not be a lot of cap space for the Oil to make additions to the roster next year for a playoff push. Last but not least...these guys already have 2-3+ seasons under there belt. The argument that they will be better next year because they are a year older and more experienced is starting to wear thin. All another year brings now is one year closer to Cap Jail.

That being said...they are definitely better than the Flames right now.

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So with the Oilers having just 9 games remaining:



and having this remaining schedule:



I'm still waiting for a breakdown from Conner of where the Oilers are going to find the 14 or so points they will need for 8th spot?



The Oilers window is wide open.

doesn't quite cut it.


How does the Flames remaining sched:


The Flames' schedule is worse because every team they play is better than them.

Have anything to do with your finding the playoff points from your remaining games? Well other than the one remaining game we play each other?

I see 2 points for your team from the Avs.... well maybe. Lets look game by game:


Yotes? - Good Luck

Flames? Not this game. We have something special planned for you guys.

Wild? Have you won any against them this year?

Avs? Here is a maybe

Ducks? I'll give you one of these two

Ducks? Nope

BHawks? Not a chance. They want Presidents Cup.

Wild? Sorry this one is in their barn.

Nucks? Only if they rest their top 6.

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I don't believe that Calgary is even close to being in the same trouble as Edmonton was.  When Edmonton finally decided to do a rebuild their most attractive asset was Ales Hemsky, doesn't look too flattering does it?  Calgary made the decision to rebuild BEFORE losing all of their assts, whereas Edmonton made the decision BECAUSE they had no assets.  Because Calgary was able to move some of their more attractive assets for picks and prospects their build will be considerably quicker than Edmontons.  It took 3 years for Edmonton to get three first round draft picks (they were all first overall granted, but hear me out).  Calgary has done this in 1, in a deep draft yet.  It's almost like Calgary in moving those assets gave themselves a two year head start on their rebuild.   I give Calgary 3 years before they are every bit as competitive as I am hoping Edmonton will be, that's it.


Agreed here.  I wanted the Flames to rebuild 3 years ago when their assets were worth a premium but alas, we still managed to get something for them.  Looks like we will lose Kiprusoff for nothing though.


One problem the Oilers faced was that they couldn't attract any good UFAs.  I'm most worried the Flames will struggle with that as well.  They already failed to bring in Brad Richards even after offering more money than New York.  I can't imagine how the Flames will be able to attract other superstars who may be on the market when they are losing and rebuilding.  Probably none.  Probably can only bring in 3rd liners and journeyman Dmen.

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Just spent 2 hours reading through this. I shouldn't have, every time I go out in public I have the same debates with most of my friends who bleed blue and copper.

My opinion on this matter doesn't count for a lot. I know that guys like DD and Kehatch and Bronco have way more hockey knowledge than I do. Probably why I read more than I post.

Having said that, I am excited by the changes and I honestly think we took the shorter road than the Oilers. I can see us being semi-competitive next year with a finish of near the playoff window a distinct possibility.


The future is looking good my friends, Baer is playing good and I like Max and Brodie this year. I don't think Jay is done with the trades and yes.. I am biased but I think we will be able to attract some good talent this summer. 

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And there was no call. Were the refs out for tea?????





There is no place in the NHL for this type of garbage. This wouldn't be a 1st time for Hall.


7 second mark vicious slash on a player with his back turned.



That's got to be a suspension.  At least 2 games.  Bad timing for Hall who has been great for the Oilers this season.


All along I thought Eberle would be the offensive leader on the Oilers but Eberle has vanished down the stretch while Hall keeps getting better by the game.  I'm pretty impressed by Hall this season.  I thought when they broke up the Hall-RNG-Eberle line that Hall would suffer the most but it's been the opposite.  Eberle is the one who needs Hall.

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And there was no call. Were the refs out for tea?????





There is no place in the NHL for this type of garbage. This wouldn't be a 1st time for Hall.


7 second mark vicious slash on a player with his back turned.





I completely agree.  Hall was nowhere NEAR "playing the puck", that was the best example of intent to injure I've seen in long, long time.  You can see the force he swings his sticks with, he was only out to (literally?) take his legs off of him.


Total garbage.  Any respect I might have had for him as a player is completely gone.


Conner, I dare you to defend this.

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And there was no call. Were the refs out for tea?????





There is no place in the NHL for this type of garbage. This wouldn't be a 1st time for Hall.


7 second mark vicious slash on a player with his back turned.





Bullnavajo fry bread reaction by the Refs.  Every one of them should be fired for not calling that.


A suspensions should be in order.  I hope Hall gets 5 games minimum.  Garbage play from a garbage attitude on a garbage team. 

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And there was no call. Were the refs??? out for tea?????


There is no place in the NHL for this type of garbage. This wouldn't be a 1st time for Hall.


I don't know how they could have missed it...   That was a nasty chop, he has to get a couple of games vacation for that one...   It's also less than 2 months since he got 2 games for kneeing Clutterbuck...

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