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These last two conversations highlight what is wrong with the Oilers organization:

Smyth: we can debate whether he is worth 2, 3, or more all day. And we can compare him to others that haved signed for more or less. But you have to look at the situation... Bertuzzi is not a longtime Red Wing, he was never part of their core, he is a mercenary and as such, he has a choice to take a little less and be part of the Red Wings or go somewhere else for a little more money.

That is not the Smith situation. Smyth is an Oiler, he has come back to 'his team' and the organization should show him some loyalty. The Oil are unlikely to spend to the cap this year so an extra half mill or mill will have no impact. However, the way they treat Smyth will have a BIG impact on future negotiations with the kids. Just another short-sighted, apple-holish treatment of the players IMO.

Renney: do I even have to say it? If you're Renney and your boss hires Sutter to coach the WC team as a thinly veiled tryout, how are you feeling? Do you think the hockey world doesn't see what the Oilers are doing to Renney (one of the nicest guys in the game)? And all this after they threw him under the bus for the last two years by not getting him a decent support cast to help the kids along. Ri-donk-ulous.

As long as the current management is there, the Oilers will be the joke of the NHL. (not being a hater, just calling it as I see it). And it's too bad because with those kids, a real franchise could turn them into one of the most exciting, promising teams in the NHL overnight.

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These last two conversations highlight what is wrong with the Oilers organization:

Smyth: we can debate whether he is worth 2, 3, or more all day. And we can compare him to others that haved signed for more or less. But you have to look at the situation... Bertuzzi is not a longtime Red Wing, he was never part of their core, he is a mercenary and as such, he has a choice to take a little less and be part of the Red Wings or go somewhere else for a little more money.

That is not the Smith situation. Smyth is an Oiler, he has come back to 'his team' and the organization should show him some loyalty. The Oil are unlikely to spend to the cap this year so an extra half mill or mill will have no impact. However, the way they treat Smyth will have a BIG impact on future negotiations with the kids. Just another short-sighted, apple-holish treatment of the players IMO.

Renney: do I even have to say it? If you're Renney and your boss hires Sutter to coach the WC team as a thinly veiled tryout, how are you feeling? Do you think the hockey world doesn't see what the Oilers are doing to Renney (one of the nicest guys in the game)? And all this after they threw him under the bus for the last two years by not getting him a decent support cast to help the kids along. Ri-donk-ulous.

As long as the current management is there, the Oilers will be the joke of the NHL. (not being a hater, just calling it as I see it). And it's too bad because with those kids, a real franchise could turn them into one of the most exciting, promising teams in the NHL overnight.

I want the Oilers to sign with Smyth if he can accept a lesser role.

I'm not sure why the Oilers are going about what they're doing. They probably want to name the head coach and the Tambelinni re-signing at the same time.

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I want the Oilers to sign with Smyth if he can accept a lesser role.

I'm not sure why the Oilers are going about what they're doing. They probably want to name the head coach and the Tambelinni re-signing at the same time.

God i hope that happens!

Tambellini's Top 10 acquisitions:

1) Ryan Smyth

2) Ryan Jones

3) Ryan Whitney

4) Andy Sutton

5) Nick Schultz

6) Nikolai Khabibulin

7) Mike Comrie

8) Ales Kotalik

9) Corey Potter

9) Eric Belanger

HM: Hordichuk, Eager, and Cam Barker

heh heh... painful, eh.

Obviously if he stays, the moves are now to bring in real support players if he can...

The good thing for the Oilers is their window of opportunity to win is a ridiculously huge one..

Now they just need competent management to put it all together and start taking some baby steps towards the playoffs...

As a rival fan, its easy to bust your chops over your organization's woes... but seriously... No offense, but again as a rival fan - i really hope you guys hold on to Lowe and Tambellini.

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God i hope that happens!

heh heh... painful, eh.

Obviously if he stays, the moves are now to bring in real support players if he can...

The good thing for the Oilers is their window of opportunity to win is a ridiculously huge one..

Now they just need competent management to put it all together and start taking some baby steps towards the playoffs...

As a rival fan, its easy to bust your chops over your organization's woes... but seriously... No offense, but again as a rival fan - i really hope you guys hold on to Lowe and Tambellini.

This is Lowe and Tambelini's year to make something happen. This off season will set the tone for the future and start their legacy or their decline from their positions.

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This is Lowe and Tambelini's year to make something happen. This off season will set the tone for the future and start their legacy or their decline from their positions.

So a question for you as a hard fan of the oilers.... Sample size is significant enough... you've seen 4ish yrs of Tamby's work now, and what seems like a decade of Lowe's...

How much faith do you have in L & T being the right people to spearhead this build right now and going forward for the Oilers?

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So a question for you as a hard fan of the oilers.... Sample size is significant enough... you've seen 4ish yrs of Tamby's work now, and what seems like a decade of Lowe's...

How much faith do you have in L & T being the right people to spearhead this build right now and going forward for the Oilers?

Actually I believe Connor stated MacTavish is in the running for the coaching job.

I would say, "that's how much faith"!

Always fun to watch.

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So a question for you as a hard fan of the oilers.... Sample size is significant enough... you've seen 4ish yrs of Tamby's work now, and what seems like a decade of Lowe's...

How much faith do you have in L & T being the right people to spearhead this build right now and going forward for the Oilers?

I think this goes beyond the level of TambLowe. i think this next season or so will tell us what vision Katz has, if any.

I think a lot of the issues that sank Lowe were a result of mandates from the old ownership group, and it's absolute insistence to sacrifice the future in order to scrape into the playoffs year after year after year, without aiming any higher. When things went south there weren't enough resources to fix it. Lowe did a good job executing the old owners wishes, but they did not give him the resources to overcome a major set back.

Katz has shown he is willing to make some gard choices, but what remains to be seen is what the long term vision is. We need to see that, first, then next is to see how Lowe and (possibly,) Tamby can execute it.

the first positive we have seen is the building of a farm system. OKC is in the AHL finals in only it's second season, so there are already some results in the master plan. How that will translate to bolstering the Oilers depth problems (we had major injury issues over the last several years, but it was really our organizational lack of depth that made us completely unable to cope with them.) Hopefully this will go a long way t addressing this issue.

We have multiple "Goalie of the Year" winners in our development system, though likely still not ready to contribute at the pro level next season. We have high level defensive prospects, but really only one I think has good odds and one with decent odds of being legitimate top pairing guys,

Up to this point I feel the team has largely been hand-cuffed by decisions made in haste when the wheels fell off in the wake of the Pronger fiasco, and resultant implosion. This is the year where management is finally in possession of renewed resources (though not in all areas,) this is the cross roads where we need to shore up some of our gaping holes in our line up.

I don't think it can be done in the next season alone, but progress must be made, and be measurably made.

right before drafting Hall mention was made of that being the start of a 5 year rebuilding plan. Next season is year three by that measure, so basement seems unacceptable to me. I do consider this year three of a rebuild. I think what happened before was an aborted and failed attempt to reload. This effort has been different, but it is far from certain to be successful at this point. (Though I am optimistic, even if I don't see quite as short a timeline as a few who think the Oilers should have been a playoff team this past season.)

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  • 4 weeks later...

From indications from various media sources around the internet, it sounds like their is a list of 4 for the Oilers head coaching job.

1. Brent Sutter

2. John Stevens

3. Ralph Krueger

4. Jon Cooper

I want the Oilers to hire Cooper. If they hire Stevens or Krueger I'll be ok with it but Cooper is a winner.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My view on their future is becoming a little bit more discouraging. Only because of seeing this repetition of being in 30th place for the past three years.

Also the fact this year... the events are just very sideways to me.

Hemsky being signed. Whatever, this was a mistake the moment I saw it and what does this self entitled player who hasn't proved himself to the team which failed miserably. It's not his fault though... MacT ruined his development long before he can be fixed.

Speaking of, why bring MacT back into our organization for just being a guy having discussions with Tambi and Lowe? What the heck is going on behind the scene's to really cause this to happen is my first question... is there debates where there needs to be a mediator like MacT... who are we kidding that will support Lowe and kiss his butt. Lowe should still not be touching this organization in anyway possible but this whole group is just... disgusting. While Katz works on his projects and such... this is just... cruel of him to allow this... while I feel that owners shouldn't be a part of anything going on but still the personal relationship between Katz and Lowe has me more awry.

I hate the OBC... can you tell my seething anger against MacT and Lowe? Their legacy left a pile of crap and that crap has me more tired from the grief and sorrow I had over the past decade. I really feel this team needs a fresh pair of eyes from more successful NHL businessmen... but who are we kidding anyway, seats are selling year after year... how? why? The passion in the Oiler base is very dedicated and I feel for every fan... we're in a cycle of repetition and dealing with the repercussions afterward.

This is a cruel fate handed to the Oilers and while there is hope and bright spots in the team with the rookies... they need to provide results and in order for that we need more results directly from management. We need D. We need a goalie. A coaching change is very minor especially when you don't have the pieces needed. Okay okay... there is still summer to go through... but with how painfully slow Tambi has been... how can I be so certain this is the year he improves the key positions. I feel like they're still picking out which rookie to go for and which to let go.... DECIDE.... okay beginning to see how MacT can fit in the table for this discussion. After all he did coach a bunch of the loser veterans.

I once drank the kool-aid... look who I became... two different contrasts... *sigh*

I want to hope. I want to think the future is still a prized nugget and I still want to feel something special is going to happen in this team..... I want to become that crazy passionate Oiler fan which believed in their crest. How do I become that again after all the pain they caused....

Also with the drafting of Nail is just a very "meh" moment for me, I was not surprised... I mean come on... the moment the Oilers won the draft lottery and the statements Tambi said confirmed my thoughts he will go after Nail. Why not? He'll be another asset which will lead to further discussion on which to keep and let go... you really think keeping Hall, RNH and Nail would be helpful? No... it's just keeping things at a stagnant. DECIDE!!!!

(I been playing Skyrim for a bit and the worst thing I am doing for their economy is keeping a stagnant war between the Stormcloaks and Empire which helps the Thalmor and if I get it from a video game of all things then lol)

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From indications from various media sources around the internet, it sounds like their is a list of 4 for the Oilers head coaching job.

1. Brent Sutter

2. John Stevens

3. Ralph Krueger

4. Jon Cooper

I want the Oilers to hire Cooper. If they hire Stevens or Krueger I'll be ok with it but Cooper is a winner.

I feel for the future coach.... since when has any Oiler coach got the pieces needed to be a contender in the past decade?

This will be their future job.

-Have fun figuring out which line combo's to work with, eventually one will tire out or else not produce and have to switch it up. Also coming up with other combinations for special team's or put someone who clearly doesn't belong in the PP or PK anyway to give someone else a bit of rest or else the other combo is just not producing. They're learning right? *nudge* They are so young still.... soooo much potential... it's an oppurtunity...

-Try to figure out how to win in the faceoff circle more often. Not only that but have more puck control, especially transitioning from our end to theirs. *Looking at Hemsky and sighing cause he will turn it over more times than I ever touched a bear*

-Figure out how to position the Defense and have them buy into a system of blocking, punishing the body and being physical.... not only that but to keep that consistent. That means forechecking, backchecking, hitting, fighting, blocking shots, pushing, getting gritty. We don't have anyone that can eat up minutes like a monster, makes smart plays, in key positions, reads plays very well and can pass beautifully. So without that elite defenseman we need extra guys in because of the injuries this will cause when players get tired, usually at the start of the new year is a bugger. Which will cause offense to play a bit more gritty and let's face it, we drafted skill... not grit.

-Reduce the amount of turnovers and giveaway's.

-Create a mentality that losing is very evil and hold people accountable for poor performances and kept the attitude's in check.

-Check the goalie's waterbottles for vodka ;) I know I have to drink beer to watch this team...

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Saying Edmonton isn't Detroit is neither here nor there. If Smyth wants to stay in Edmonton, he can sign for less. What the Oilers are offering is comparable and not some low ball insult and Smyth would likely get a NMC. The facts you're missing is that Smyth thinks he deserves more money because he still thinks he's a top 6 forward. Smyth has had a hard time accepting a lesser role in Edmonton but it is inevitable with wingers like Hall, Eberle, Paajarvi, Hartikainen, Hemsky and possibly Yakupov taking over the team. Smyth burned himself out after 25 games last season playing 20 minutes a night He had 24 points in those first 25 games. He then followed that up with 22 points in the remaining 57 games. Smyth needs to have less ice time per game and he will be more effective and that would make him in the ball park of 2 mil per.

This is some funny stuff Conner. So it is Smyths fault that he got too much ice time? and how about the coach who put him on the ice, he couldn't tell the difference whether he deserved that much ice time at his age? As a self proclaimed future GM you would think you would have a handle on your vets abilities and limitations but no you can't even see the problems that a rookie coach should realize.

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oilers will be better than the flames this year.

When the dust settles , and both teams actually ice teams, you can make your wild claims then.

Consider these things that will give you a better view of the teams:

- all the trades

- FA signings

- training camp decisions

See ya in October.

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This is some funny stuff Conner. So it is Smyths fault that he got too much ice time? and how about the coach who put him on the ice, he couldn't tell the difference whether he deserved that much ice time at his age? As a self proclaimed future GM you would think you would have a handle on your vets abilities and limitations but no you can't even see the problems that a rookie coach should realize.

A lot more goes on behind then scenes. Smyth has high demands for ice time. Whether he deserves it or not he gets it, maybe because he's a veteran. Same thing happens in Calgary with Iginla. It's even worse with Iginla because he gets to run the entire show.

I'm not saying it's right or I agree with it but it happnes.

Yeah, we know. You & Connor keep telling us that year after year. :lol:

Sorry, I passed on the kool aid KLowe was selling.

What did Lowe even say?

Did he guarantee that the Oilers would make the playoffs? Oh yeah, that was Feaster. Did the Flames make the playoffs?

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My view on their future is becoming a little bit more discouraging. Only because of seeing this repetition of being in 30th place for the past three years.

- Two years and if you look at the stats, the Oilers improved in a lot of areas this last season.

Also the fact this year... the events are just very sideways to me.

Hemsky being signed. Whatever, this was a mistake the moment I saw it and what does this self entitled player who hasn't proved himself to the team which failed miserably. It's not his fault though... MacT ruined his development long before he can be fixed.

- I'm not sure how you get the impression that he is self entitled but Hemsky played his best hockey under MacTavish.

Speaking of, why bring MacT back into our organization for just being a guy having discussions with Tambi and Lowe? What the heck is going on behind the scene's to really cause this to happen is my first question... is there debates where there needs to be a mediator like MacT... who are we kidding that will support Lowe and kiss his butt. Lowe should still not be touching this organization in anyway possible but this whole group is just... disgusting. While Katz works on his projects and such... this is just... cruel of him to allow this... while I feel that owners shouldn't be a part of anything going on but still the personal relationship between Katz and Lowe has me more awry.

- MacTavish does not strike me as a guy who will kiss the @$$.

- He will state his opinion whether people agree or not. From what I've seen so far, Katz seems fairly hands off.

I hate the OBC... can you tell my seething anger against MacT and Lowe? Their legacy left a pile of crap and that crap has me more tired from the grief and sorrow I had over the past decade. I really feel this team needs a fresh pair of eyes from more successful NHL businessmen... but who are we kidding anyway, seats are selling year after year... how? why? The passion in the Oiler base is very dedicated and I feel for every fan... we're in a cycle of repetition and dealing with the repercussions afterward.

- I think you're not giving the current regime a chance to change your mind. I give the Oilers this off season and coming season to make significant improvements to the team, to take some gambles. If the Oilers are in a similar position next off season, heads will roll or fans will revolt.

This is a cruel fate handed to the Oilers and while there is hope and bright spots in the team with the rookies... they need to provide results and in order for that we need more results directly from management. We need D. We need a goalie. A coaching change is very minor especially when you don't have the pieces needed. Okay okay... there is still summer to go through... but with how painfully slow Tambi has been... how can I be so certain this is the year he improves the key positions. I feel like they're still picking out which rookie to go for and which to let go.... DECIDE.... okay beginning to see how MacT can fit in the table for this discussion. After all he did coach a bunch of the loser veterans.

I once drank the kool-aid... look who I became... two different contrasts... *sigh*

I want to hope. I want to think the future is still a prized nugget and I still want to feel something special is going to happen in this team..... I want to become that crazy passionate Oiler fan which believed in their crest. How do I become that again after all the pain they caused....

Also with the drafting of Nail is just a very "meh" moment for me, I was not surprised... I mean come on... the moment the Oilers won the draft lottery and the statements Tambi said confirmed my thoughts he will go after Nail. Why not? He'll be another asset which will lead to further discussion on which to keep and let go... you really think keeping Hall, RNH and Nail would be helpful? No... it's just keeping things at a stagnant. DECIDE!!!!

(I been playing Skyrim for a bit and the worst thing I am doing for their economy is keeping a stagnant war between the Stormcloaks and Empire which helps the Thalmor and if I get it from a video game of all things then lol)

I feel for the future coach.... since when has any Oiler coach got the pieces needed to be a contender in the past decade?

- I've heard a few different people in the hockey media refer to the Oilers' coaching job as a favourable position. They feel the Oilers are about to spring out similar to how the caps did when Boudreau was brought aboard.

This will be their future job.

-Have fun figuring out which line combo's to work with, eventually one will tire out or else not produce and have to switch it up. Also coming up with other combinations for special team's or put someone who clearly doesn't belong in the PP or PK anyway to give someone else a bit of rest or else the other combo is just not producing. They're learning right? *nudge* They are so young still.... soooo much potential... it's an oppurtunity...

-Try to figure out how to win in the faceoff circle more often. Not only that but have more puck control, especially transitioning from our end to theirs. *Looking at Hemsky and sighing cause he will turn it over more times than I ever touched a bear*

- Faceoffs are not a great indicator for successful and unsuccessful teams. Hemsky does produce trun overs but he also can create chacnes and he is one of the few Oilers that have good advanced stat ratings.

-Figure out how to position the Defense and have them buy into a system of blocking, punishing the body and being physical.... not only that but to keep that consistent. That means forechecking, backchecking, hitting, fighting, blocking shots, pushing, getting gritty. We don't have anyone that can eat up minutes like a monster, makes smart plays, in key positions, reads plays very well and can pass beautifully. So without that elite defenseman we need extra guys in because of the injuries this will cause when players get tired, usually at the start of the new year is a bugger. Which will cause offense to play a bit more gritty and let's face it, we drafted skill... not grit.

- The Oilers right now have four top 4 defencemen but none of them is 1st pairing material. My hope is the Oilers bring in two more top 4 defencemen and carry eight defencemen and thirteen forwards. That should protect the Oilers well enough in case of injury.

-Reduce the amount of turnovers and giveaway's.

-Create a mentality that losing is very evil and hold people accountable for poor performances and kept the attitude's in check.

-Check the goalie's waterbottles for vodka ;) I know I have to drink beer to watch this team...

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A lot more goes on behind then scenes. Smyth has high demands for ice time. Whether he deserves it or not he gets it, maybe because he's a veteran. Same thing happens in Calgary with Iginla. It's even worse with Iginla because he gets to run the entire show.

I'm not saying it's right or I agree with it but it happnes.

you're going to compare Ryan Smyth to a player continues to show year-after-year that he can produce points at a pace that is inline with the best players in the league? I'm sorry, for some reason I'm not seeing the comparison. Perhaps you could expand on this idea to help me (please don't, I'm being sarcastic).

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Sorry, I passed on the kool aid KLowe was selling.

Even from a number of edmonchuk residents, word is the kool aid just hasn't been the same ever since Pronger pissed in it right before he went out the door with a big smile on his face...

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