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Wasent it ekblad that layed the hit? I just found it odd, you could see hendricks target ekblad as soon as he picked up the puck behind the net. Im always suprised when people say why was he facing away and putting himself in that position? I dont get why they would expect the player to be standing there in hockey stance facing the on coming hitter.

No, I believe it was Kulikov.

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It was Eric Gudbranson that crushed Taylor Hall.


Hendricks went after Ekblad in retaliation the next period.

^^^^^^^ this above.. and they feel justifying it because they are the black sheep club from refereeing, or they feel most teams pick on their stars.


The bottom line is Elite Stars can be targeted with career ending hits and of the guy is in fair standing he is only going to get a couple of games roughly punishment and a team can lose their stars for weeks months or long term.

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It was Eric Gudbranson that crushed Taylor Hall.

Hendricks went after Ekblad in retaliation the next period.

He absolutely folded Taylor Hall!..the way the stick ended up all mangled between his arms..Hall looked like a marionette for the Ice Capades! Hendricks hit on the other hand wasnt a hockey play, it was purely retaliatory and now Ekblad is likely suffering from a concussion. This is why they need to be careful with a guy like Kassian..Todd is likely preaching more push back and sticking up for each other..Kassian is known for taking it too far, he's on new team and still looking to make an impression...

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It seems that the Oiler fans are chirping Hrudey over his lack of insisting that the Oilers are a better crop of young stars in last night's game coverage:




Hrudey said he didn't know if they were better now or set for the future.


Here is a link to Staples' article which seems to be what a lot of Oiler fans feel.  What a moron.

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The funniest part about that conversation, was whats his nuts saying that because they had mcdavid they had a better crop. I would say its a close comparison, but I would agree with what kyprios? said in that the flames group stands a better chance of still being together in a couple years vs the oilers group.

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The funniest part about that conversation, was whats his nuts saying that because they had mcdavid they had a better crop. I would say its a close comparison, but I would agree with what kyprios? said in that the flames group stands a better chance of still being together in a couple years vs the oilers group.


People like Staples are incensed that you can compare McDavid and anyone in the same sentence.  McDavid alone makes them the best team in the league.  RNH, Hall, Draisaitl and Nurse just confirms the many, many championships the team will win for years to come.  How dare a CBC Hockey talking head ever question that? 


What makes me laugh is that George talks about McDavid like it's a foregone conclusion that he is and will be the best player on both teams.  Wow.

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I hate to admit it but McDavid will be a difference maker moving forward. It's a shame the Oil lucked out again, once he learns this league he'll haunt us if he ever fully reaches his potential. Now that doesn't automatically mean the Oilers have the better crop of prospects. I think by far Flames have a better overall pool of prospects. Oilers have 1 Dman on their list, Flames are much more balanced with Brodie and Hamilton already signed long term. That doesn't even include Hickey, Rasmus or Kylington! Kipper of all is speaking the most sense knowing that core will be too expensive to maintain, already commited $18mill amongst Hall, RNH and Eberle. Nurse, McDavid and Draisatl won't be cheap

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The funniest part about that conversation, was whats his nuts saying that because they had mcdavid they had a better crop. I would say its a close comparison, but I would agree with what kyprios? said in that the flames group stands a better chance of still being together in a couple years vs the oilers group.




McDavid does give the Oilers the edge because he has top end talent the Flames just don't have but I agree that out of that list Flames should be able to keep all of them and I don't see the OIlers being able to retain all that list. Not to mention, worth pointing out that on that list there are 2 dmen for the Flames and 1 for the Oilers and while Nurse is playing well I don't think you can say he has "arrived" quite like you can with Hamilton/Brodie.


Oilers have more top end but the Flames have more balance and imo will be a better "TEAM" in the future even if the Oilers have be more skilled.  

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McDavid does give the Oilers the edge because he has top end talent the Flames just don't have but I agree that out of that list Flames should be able to keep all of them and I don't see the OIlers being able to retain all that list. Not to mention, worth pointing out that on that list there are 2 dmen for the Flames and 1 for the Oilers and while Nurse is playing well I don't think you can say he has "arrived" quite like you can with Hamilton/Brodie.


Oilers have more top end but the Flames have more balance and imo will be a better "TEAM" in the future even if the Oilers have be more skilled.  


The other thing to note is that McDavid has not broken out as a player able to consistently be a difference make.  Not saying he won't, just that he hasn't proven himself at the NHL level, apart from a good start this season.  Coming back in the midst of a playoff race for every other team, he will have to be ready to face even hard play than the first 13 games of a season.  I give the edge to Bennett right now, since he has that experience.


I only posted the discussion as an indication that the Oiler fans feel that everyone dismisses them or the refs target them.  Whether McDavid is a better player in the long run is another discussion.

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The other thing to note is that McDavid has not broken out as a player able to consistently be a difference make.  Not saying he won't, just that he hasn't proven himself at the NHL level, apart from a good start this season.  Coming back in the midst of a playoff race for every other team, he will have to be ready to face even hard play than the first 13 games of a season.  I give the edge to Bennett right now, since he has that experience.



I know you are more the wait and see with McDavid and thats fine, but most people arn't. I will guarantee it right now that in 3-4 yeras time McDavid will be one of the top 10 player in the NHL and probably top 5, he is that good and i've seen more than enough in junior to see that he is a special kind of player so I don't need him to "break out" i have completed faith and know he will he is just too skilled and if you want to bring up someone like Daigle as a first overal pick who bust then you either didn't watch much Mcdaivd or you didn't watch Daigle. Its not a comparison.


I get where you are going but when I "assume" McDavid is going to be a stud its becuase i belive with virtually 100% certainty he will.  That's why i, and most people, talk as if he has already arrived and if you don't believe the same way that's fine but thats how I approach it. 

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I know you are more the wait and see with McDavid and thats fine, but most people arn't. I will guarantee it right now that in 3-4 yeras time McDavid will be one of the top 10 player in the NHL and probably top 5, he is that good and i've seen more than enough in junior to see that he is a special kind of player so I don't need him to "break out" i have completed faith and know he will he is just too skilled and if you want to bring up someone like Daigle as a first overal pick who bust then you either didn't watch much Mcdaivd or you didn't watch Daigle. Its not a comparison.


I get where you are going but when I "assume" McDavid is going to be a stud its becuase i belive with virtually 100% certainty he will.  That's why i, and most people, talk as if he has already arrived and if you don't believe the same way that's fine but thats how I approach it. 

Even if he has arrived if the oilers cant build a defence they will just end up like pittsbugh, which I wouldnt be able to help but laugh at. Although I was impressed by that davidson kid they have on D the other night.

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I know you are more the wait and see with McDavid and thats fine, but most people arn't. I will guarantee it right now that in 3-4 yeras time McDavid will be one of the top 10 player in the NHL and probably top 5, he is that good and i've seen more than enough in junior to see that he is a special kind of player so I don't need him to "break out" i have completed faith and know he will he is just too skilled and if you want to bring up someone like Daigle as a first overal pick who bust then you either didn't watch much Mcdaivd or you didn't watch Daigle. Its not a comparison.


I get where you are going but when I "assume" McDavid is going to be a stud its becuase i belive with virtually 100% certainty he will.  That's why i, and most people, talk as if he has already arrived and if you don't believe the same way that's fine but thats how I approach it. 


Sorry if I don't share the same faith you have.  He may well become a special player in the future, but marking him to be top 5 is presuming a lot.  He is very fast, has the moves, and has a great release.  Sets him up well for the future, but some players never get to the potential they showed in junior.  Whether that be injuries, linemates, work ethic or whatever.  


I'm not comparing him to Daigle.  Just need to see what he does in a season.  Did he embarrass the Flames back in early October?

For sure, but so did the goaltending.  The 2nd game against the Flames he had zero impact.  I watched more than a few of his games, and he made some awesome plays that didn't quite connect, but those were the ones that the announcers were fawning about.

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Even if he has arrived if the oilers cant build a defence they will just end up like pittsbugh, which I wouldnt be able to help but laugh at. Although I was impressed by that davidson kid they have on D the other night.


Agreed, which is why I think its a very valid debate as to who has the better future of Calgary or Edmonton. Calgary has the more balanced team and good young assets everywhere wereas Oilers are more concentrated. However, they do have the assets to change that and if they do I think it changes the discussion. 

Sorry if I don't share the same faith you have.  He may well become a special player in the future, but marking him to be top 5 is presuming a lot.  He is very fast, has the moves, and has a great release.  Sets him up well for the future, but some players never get to the potential they showed in junior.  Whether that be injuries, linemates, work ethic or whatever.  


I'm not comparing him to Daigle.  Just need to see what he does in a season.  Did he embarrass the Flames back in early October?

For sure, but so did the goaltending.  The 2nd game against the Flames he had zero impact.  I watched more than a few of his games, and he made some awesome plays that didn't quite connect, but those were the ones that the announcers were fawning about.



As I said its fine if you don't I'm just explaining my position and why I think you hear a lot of pepole talking in absolutes when it comes to McDavid. Your right now all players get to the potential they showed in Junior but part of what i'm getting at is McDavid isn't "some players". he is special. 

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Agreed, which is why I think its a very valid debate as to who has the better future of Calgary or Edmonton. Calgary has the more balanced team and good young assets everywhere wereas Oilers are more concentrated. However, they do have the assets to change that and if they do I think it changes the discussion. 



As I said its fine if you don't I'm just explaining my position and why I think you hear a lot of pepole talking in absolutes when it comes to McDavid. Your right now all players get to the potential they showed in Junior but part of what i'm getting at is McDavid isn't "some players". he is special. 

McDavid may well (& probably will be for a while) be a special player but until he's surrounded by a team it'll be hard for him to hit the achievements that matter. He could lead the league in scoring for a decade but without leading the Oilers to a Stanley Cup he'll be considered another great individual player even though the lack of a balanced supporting cast rests fully on the shoulders of management.

Instead of Daigle think Ovechkin who will always be overshadowed by Crosby until he leads the Caps to a SC.


McDavid will also have to prove that he's durable. We've seen lots of players where we think how good he could be if he wasn't always injured.

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I believe that RNH sustained that injury by actually blocking a shot for once.


RNH blocked a shot from Kulikov early in the 2nd while standing like a goalie back in the day...   It wasn't that hard a shot, but he took it in the wrong spot on the hand...   Sounds like he's out 6-8 weeks...

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RNH blocked a shot from Kulikov early in the 2nd while standing like a goalie back in the day...   It wasn't that hard a shot, but he took it in the wrong spot on the hand...   Sounds like he's out 6-8 weeks...

Long enough to make it unlikely he'll be traded. :o

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Long enough to make it unlikely he'll be traded. :o

Which is unfortunate. I read today on TSN that Minnesota is looking for scoring, and reportedly offered Dumba for Drouin. Failing that, RNH+ may have been an adequate consolation. I don't think Yakupov or Eberle gets it done, and I don't think Draisaitl is going anywhere.


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Which is unfortunate. I read today on TSN that Minnesota is looking for scoring, and reportedly offered Dumba for Drouin. Failing that, RNH+ may have been an adequate consolation. I don't think Yakupov or Eberle gets it done, and I don't think Draisaitl is going anywhere.



Eberle is really the only other trade chip they have, other than their lotto pick.  He's the most consistent scorer, but is a perimeter player most games.  $6m for that type isn't worth as much as their fans seem to think.  He doesn't get you a 1/2 D-man.  Nuge probably has more value, but is really just playing like a scoring version of Backlund right now (before injury).  Doesn't get you a Seth Jones, so likely wouldn't get a 1/2 D either.


Yak has little trade value.  Washington might have interest, because they seem to value Russians.  He wouldn't fetch a Mike Green.

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Apparantly the Oilers tried to get Seth Jones for RNH and Nashville said NO thanks, but countered and asked for Draisatl and the Oilers said no (which I would probably suggest is smart) so I agree that the assets they have to trade are not going to get them that top pairing dman. Having said that, when you look at the mix of Nurse, Klefboom and Sekera they really don't need a top pairing dman. I'm of the opinion you can win a cup, or at least field a cup contending team, without having a true number 1 dman on the blueline so the Oilers can make that happen but who do they give up?


Thats where I agree its tough becuase I think the guys the Oilers want to trade, or prefer to trade, their values are sinking. I like RNH as a player but thats a big ticket for a guy who is starting to get injuried pretty frequently. I think he is a good 2nd line center, not a top line center, so I don't think the value in return is a top pairing dman. Eberle is good but doesn't have the game breaking qualities or consistancy that warrants a high return plus he is a winger and I think teams are reluctant to give up studs on D for wingers. Schultz and Yakupov carry very little value IMO becuase niether have proven to be solid full time NHLers.


So the question for the OIlers is you settle for a good 3/4/5 dman for RNH or Eberle or are you willing to put assets like 1st rounder, Hall, Draisaitl or McDavid on the table? Going to be interesting.


But also we talk alot about their Defence but their 3/4 lines arn't near good enough either so its not like the only have 1 major need they are trying to fill. STill lots of holes and not a ton of propsects knocking on the door to fill those spots. Its honestly shocking to me how a team can have so many high picks for this long and still have this many holes on their roster. 

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Apparantly the Oilers tried to get Seth Jones for RNH and Nashville said NO thanks, but countered and asked for Draisatl and the Oilers said no (which I would probably suggest is smart) so I agree that the assets they have to trade are not going to get them that top pairing dman. Having said that, when you look at the mix of Nurse, Klefboom and Sekera they really don't need a top pairing dman. I'm of the opinion you can win a cup, or at least field a cup contending team, without having a true number 1 dman on the blueline so the Oilers can make that happen but who do they give up?


Thats where I agree its tough becuase I think the guys the Oilers want to trade, or prefer to trade, their values are sinking. I like RNH as a player but thats a big ticket for a guy who is starting to get injuried pretty frequently. I think he is a good 2nd line center, not a top line center, so I don't think the value in return is a top pairing dman. Eberle is good but doesn't have the game breaking qualities or consistancy that warrants a high return plus he is a winger and I think teams are reluctant to give up studs on D for wingers. Schultz and Yakupov carry very little value IMO becuase niether have proven to be solid full time NHLers.


So the question for the OIlers is you settle for a good 3/4/5 dman for RNH or Eberle or are you willing to put assets like 1st rounder, Hall, Draisaitl or McDavid on the table? Going to be interesting.


But also we talk alot about their Defence but their 3/4 lines arn't near good enough either so its not like the only have 1 major need they are trying to fill. STill lots of holes and not a ton of propsects knocking on the door to fill those spots. Its honestly shocking to me how a team can have so many high picks for this long and still have this many holes on their roster. 


They have always been hoarders.  They want their #1's and they want a top D-man.  They had chances to draft top ranked D-men in drafts, but chose the sexy offense over responsible defense.  They could have made a package to FLA to get Ekblad, but didn't want to.  They could have got Jones for something else.  


I can understand why they hesitated with trading RNH, even though he wasn't going to get you a top d-man (or Jones now).  Without him, they are Draisaitl, McDavid and a bunch of nobodies.  Two rookies taking the top two spots.  By the same token, trading Hall or Eberle leaves you weak down the wings.  


Talbot seems like a good signing, but it's more of the same; sign a former backup goalie or one with limited experience to a 3 year $4m deal.  Didn't even wait till May or June.  Sign him after he has some wins or good games.  

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