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If the coach can't get better results, Chia will like realize that there is a problem in the room that has been there for the last number of years.


The big moves this year was signing a 3/4 d-man to be your #1D.  Sounds like the Ference signing - great promise, but his leadership was questioned by the rich kids.  I wonder how long before the #1OA's start asking to be traded because they don't want to play 2nd fiddle to McDavid.

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  • 1 month later...

and just when you think the Oilers had maybe turned the corner with their management team...


Oilers sign Oscar Klefbom to a 7 year 29mill dollar deal




yes you saw that right, 7 years and 29 million for a guy who has yet to complete a full season in the NHL. That is a cap hit of 4.1 mill or approixmaley 500K less than the Flames will pay TJ Brodie this year.


Now i'm actually a fan of Klefbom and think he will be a good dman but to hand out another long term deal to a kid who has yet to really prove anything is what got the old management in so much trouble. And honestly at that cap number i'm not sure they are saving enough to warrant getting the deal done this year. Just not sound managmeent IMO.

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and just when you think the Oilers had maybe turned the corner with their managemente team....


Oilers sign Oscar Klefbom to a 7 year 29mill dollar deal




yes you saw that right, 7 yeras and 28 million for a guy who has yet to complete a full season in the NHL. That is a cap hit of 4.1 mill or approixmaley 500K less than the Flames will pay TJ Brodie this year.


Now i'm actually a fan of Klefbom and think he will be a good dman but to hand out another long term deal to a kid who has yet to relaly prove anything is what got the old management in trouble so much. And honestly at that cap number i'm not sure they are saving enough to warrant getting the deal done this year. Just not sound managmeent IMO.


Most of the MSM are saying what a steal it was, with some risk involved of course.  I for one could not believe the apparent return of the "Old Boys Network" and their signing players that had proved nothing.


Two fellas that must be miffed with this - Schultz (The Norris boy) and Yak. I guess they are the only ones that get a bridge deal.


To put it in perspective, Nashville signed Josi for 7 years @ $4m AAV, while his final season pays $4m.  Kelfbom's deal is $4.167 over 7 years with his final season paying $5.169m.  


Wow. Wow. Wow.

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That is a lot of money for a guy who has played 77 games in his career. I won't fault him on his horrible +/- (career -27) because he IS on the Oilers after all. They may see potential but that is a BIG risk still. At least the Golden Boys were given their pay-day on potential after a couple seasons in the NHL over their careers (and I still think it was too early for those contracts).

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  • 2 weeks later...



Leon Draisaitl, who was drafted ahead of the more talented Sam Bennett on the reason that he was the more NHL-ready prospect, has been sent down to the AHL.


I wonder if the current regime is to the point now where they are going out of their way to distance themselves from the previous one. I didn't see a ton, but i wouldn't necessarily say Bennett was better then Drasaitl in the pre season so I'm wondering if this move, coupled with the burying of contracts, is the current organization trying to send a big message of things are different and not ncessarily a completely hockey based decision.


I would disagree with them if they were doing that because it needs to happen.

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I wonder if the current regime is to the point now where they are going out of their way to distance themselves from the previous one. I didn't see a ton, but i wouldn't necessarily say Bennett was better then Drasaitl in the pre season so I'm wondering if this move, coupled with the burying of contracts, is the current organization trying to send a big message of things are different and not ncessarily a completely hockey based decision.


I would disagree with them if they were doing that because it needs to happen.


Draisaitl was the driving force on McDavid's line.  Basically, he took a simple pass and usually turned it into a goal.  Mind you, that was earlier in the pre-season and before they split them up.  He was less dominant in the final two games.


I think it is sending the wrong message, when you cut one player and keep another who was no better (Lander). He is big enough to handle himself, as opposed to some that made the team.  But the coach said early on that McDavid was on the team.  Can't cut him just because he isn't NHL ready. 

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It could be about development as well. If they think Draisaitl could learn more from the A, why not develop him slowly.

I think we should do that with Bennett if we find out he is not really NHL ready. BUT, I don't think that happens.


We also can't do that with Bennett this year either. He isn't old enough to play in the AHL since he was drafted out of the CHL. It's either NHL or Juniors for him

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Ya, he has to go back to the CHL. I would rather develop him if he has to. 

Personally, I'm not sure he mas much more he can learn at the CHL level. I'd rather give him some time with Uncle Hudler be it on a line or on the bench.


...But we're getting off topic. How long do you think it takes before the first sweater or other article of clothing is hurled onto the ice by a disgruntled fan?

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Here's my take:


1. The Oilers will not make the playoffs.

2. The Oilers are an improved team. (spits on the ground)

3. The Oilers will not get the number 1 pick this year.

4. McDavid will be good....not great. I predict a season close to Monahan's first year.

5. Oiler fans will still be posting crap about their team on here. (Except for Bronco, his stuff is usually pretty good)

6. Ferance will be the anchor that holds back the team this year.

7. Their goaltending, although improved, is still weak. Talbot is a good goalie who will probably project to a solid number 1 but not with their D as it is now.


All in all it should be an interesting year for them. I believe they have some of the pieces now to start learning to gel as a team. Up until now they have played individualistic games of hockey. There was no structure, no chemistry and very little discipline. One of the issues is the amount of first overall picks of arrogance they have. Generally speaking with that many number 1 picks attitudes are going to clash. Alpha male syndrome is what I like to call it. McLelland will have his hands full this year trying to get his team all on one page. Subsequent to this their picks are 1 way players, not a defensive specialist to be found in any of them. I feel like the Oilers could make a trade or 2 with some of these guys and end up with a very good hockey club.


I will finish by saying this. As much as I hate the Oilers I love the BOA. I think it rates right up there with the Montreal-Toronto rivalry. I look forward to having meaningful games again.

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I don't think the OIlers make the playoffs either but are better. I expect another 10-12 wins for the Oilers this year and I think that's a positive step forward for them and likely even keeps them in the playoffs race towrads the last few months.


I think McDavid winds up with 65-70 Points and has an impact greater then Mackinnon had. 70 plus is not out of the question for him either.


I'm not sold on their D nor their goaltending which is th emain reason I don't think they have a playoff roster yet. For them to be the Calgary of last year they need to have Talbot play at borderline Vezina calibre and i'm not sure he's that good of a goalie, but I think Todd Mcellan gets them at least playing as a team. either way, I think this year the BOA is on becuase I think the days of the Oilers getting completely blown out by teams are done. The talent gap has been significantly narrowed.

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Here's my take:


1. The Oilers will not make the playoffs.

2. The Oilers are an improved team. (spits on the ground)

3. The Oilers will not get the number 1 pick this year.

4. McDavid will be good....not great. I predict a season close to Monahan's first year.

5. Oiler fans will still be posting crap about their team on here. (Except for Bronco, his stuff is usually pretty good)

6. Ferance will be the anchor that holds back the team this year.

7. Their goaltending, although improved, is still weak. Talbot is a good goalie who will probably project to a solid number 1 but not with their D as it is now.


All in all it should be an interesting year for them. I believe they have some of the pieces now to start learning to gel as a team. Up until now they have played individualistic games of hockey. There was no structure, no chemistry and very little discipline. One of the issues is the amount of first overall picks of arrogance they have. Generally speaking with that many number 1 picks attitudes are going to clash. Alpha male syndrome is what I like to call it. McLelland will have his hands full this year trying to get his team all on one page. Subsequent to this their picks are 1 way players, not a defensive specialist to be found in any of them. I feel like the Oilers could make a trade or 2 with some of these guys and end up with a very good hockey club.


I will finish by saying this. As much as I hate the Oilers I love the BOA. I think it rates right up there with the Montreal-Toronto rivalry. I look forward to having meaningful games again.


I think Ference is the least of their worries.  Any top 4 that consists of Schultz is suspect.  Sekera is ok as a puck-mover with ok defensive abilities, but not a top-4 on a good team.  Klefbom is a good prospect, but not top 4 now.  In goal, they waived a goalie while they could have sent down Nilsson without waivers.  Scribbles is a good backup goalie, just like Talbot.  Sounds like last year.


I am yet to see McDavid show anything like Eichel has.  Not saying one is better than the other, just that McDavid has not shown what is supposed to make him special.  I disagree with playing him on the top line.  He need to be sheltered his first year.

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It's funny, but watching Eichel play, you see the exact type of player the Oilers are lacking.  They would have been better off trading the 1st OA to Buffalo for 2nd overall and a stud d-man.  Chia would have been chased out of town, but down the road the Oilers would have been a better team.  But EDM always has 1st OA in their eyes and can't see anything else.  McDavid was the golden ticket that would justify the 20% increase in ticket prices.  


Call me crazy.  McDavid may become a generational player in EDM, but that won't change the team.  Pittsburg also has Malkin and offensive D-men.  Chicago has Kane and Toews.  LA has Kopitar, Quick and Doughty.  

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It's funny, but watching Eichel play, you see the exact type of player the Oilers are lacking. They would have been better off trading the 1st OA to Buffalo for 2nd overall and a stud d-man. Chia would have been chased out of town, but down the road the Oilers would have been a better team. But EDM always has 1st OA in their eyes and can't see anything else. McDavid was the golden ticket that would justify the 20% increase in ticket prices.

I made the same argument a few years ago. Should've traded 1OA to Columbus, and picked up Murray.


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