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They should make the draft lottery entirely random. That will make it fair in the long run and eliminate tanking. As well, they already redistribute talent with the salary cap.


I think in the long run, the salary cap is the biggest equalizer amongst teams. I'd be fine with randomizing the draft. I'd also be fine with a weighted draft, so long as all teams had a decent shot, regardless of where they finished.


What I'd really like to see is an abuse oversight committee that would punish teams that tried to game the system. Inept management would be indistinguishable from trying to game the system, but they should be punished for having inept management anyways.


IMO, this year, Toronto, Buffalo and Edmonton should have been disqualified from the draft and made to pick last.

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There are no gaurantees either way. Winning the Cup ultimately justifies all your transactions and the journey taken. If you'd rather never win the Cup, then good for you.

They won 3 lotteries so that means they were not the worst team in the league for those 3 seasons. Isn't that a good thing for the league the team that tanks the most doesn't get the 1st pick but rather, another team does?

I'm not trying to be an Oilers supporter or anything but again, it comes down to winning the Cup. If they win the Cup as a result of these lotteries, then it was all worth it. It doesn't prove a gaurantee but it does proves viability. Or at the very least, it proves that winning a lottery is not an inhibitor to winning a Cup.

Those are crispy burned straws your grasping. One, even the worst team has to win the lottery to get the top pick. They just have a better shot. It isn't like the Oilers were the 14 worst team and got in. Second, you are missing the point. If they win a cup it doesn't prove anything except they are lucky.

What would you put up on the drawing board in your planning? Let's suck really really bad for a decade and hope to win the lottery 4 times?

That's the same as suggesting the gambling addict has it right. Should we all quit our jobs and buy lottery tickets?

That isn't a plan. It was a disaster of incompetence combined with fluke luck. Fortunately they have ruined almost every asset they have so the chances of it amounting to any success is really low.

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That, plus what are the chances of getting so many 1st OA's or moving forward even in the top 3 for 5-6 years. Also, that won't work for a small market team because all support and revenue would've dried up. Only reason the Oilers are still in Edmonton is because it's a Canadian city and they support hockey. If this was Arizona sucking for 10 years, they've been gone in short order. Really, any place that isn't a hockey town can't use this "strategy" without going bankrupt. Maybe the Oilers are still there because of the history of being good they have, giving fans something to hold onto (or Edmontonians are guilble but let's not kick them while they're down eh) and they've been gone otherwise. Why buy tickets (especially one's that are only going to get more expensive with the new building) or any other merchandise to support a team that sucked for 10 years?

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It's less that they were crappy and more that they were deliberately crappy, and still crappy after having 3 1/1 picks in 5 years.And they'll still be crappy with McDavid, because their deficiencies aren't addressed by McDavid

If I recall the Oilers are not deliberately trying to lose with everything that's been going on in an organization. Ooooo.... a bunch of kids together should be competent to be in the top league and be really successful straight away. Wow, your expectations are very high.

Also, other players wanting to come in don't have time in their old hands to be patient with the kids yet because well, the whole development thing.

The Oilers weren't in the bottom this year either, quit being butthurt that the Sabres who did really want to suck didn't get their way or hell, Arizona would've been nice for Bettman. Give them a reason to be in those seats. Jesus.

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You won 4 draft lotteries in 6 seasons and have been utterly incompetent outside of that. If you have even a marginal degree of success it's on the back of pure luck. Nobody in the NHL will ever respect the Oilers in the foreseeable future.

Bring on the dramatic side of things, bet you were right there with the haters when Pittsburgh won the lottery to get Crosby. Oh no, it's not closer to home. So you're bringing the emotional side of the argument because of your hatred of the Oilers in this sentence aren't you.

Hmm, no respect for this team with Bob and Peter in management now.... Ok then, guess we lost all respect hiring Olympic guys who have experience in the world stage and Peter with his extra experience of Stanley Cup wins.

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That, plus what are the chances of getting so many 1st OA's or moving forward even in the top 3 for 5-6 years. Also, that won't work for a small market team because all support and revenue would've dried up. Only reason the Oilers are still in Edmonton is because it's a Canadian city and they support hockey. If this was Arizona sucking for 10 years, they've been gone in short order. Really, any place that isn't a hockey town can't use this "strategy" without going bankrupt. Maybe the Oilers are still there because of the history of being good they have, giving fans something to hold onto (or Edmontonians are guilble but let's not kick them while they're down eh) and they've been gone otherwise. Why buy tickets (especially one's that are only going to get more expensive with the new building) or any other merchandise to support a team that sucked for 10 years?

Why buy tickets? Because you're a fan.

Too bad the NHL is too much of a minnow of a sport. I like the accountability of Premiere League if you really suck then you go to the lower divisions and the top of the lower divisions get a chance at the Premiere.

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Why buy tickets? Because you're a fan.

Too bad the NHL is too much of a minnow of a sport. I like the accountability of Premiere League if you really suck then you go to the lower divisions and the top of the lower divisions get a chance at the Premiere.

That would work. The Oilers would do very well in the ECHL. :) Edmonton could still charge NHL prices by telling their fans that when they start climbing they'll be SC champs in no time (they buy that now).


Under that system would only ECHL/AHL teams be eligible for the draft?

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That would work. The Oilers would do very well in the ECHL. :) Edmonton could still charge NHL prices by telling their fans that when they start climbing they'll be SC champs in no time (they buy that now).


Under that system would only ECHL/AHL teams be eligible for the draft?

Hockey is too tiny still. Least Football has millions and millions of supporters.

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Hockey is too tiny still. Least Football has millions and millions of supporters.


then it's a good thing the NHL is in North America, and the Premier League is European.  Your comparison is an apples-to-lugnuts comparison.

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Bring on the dramatic side of things, bet you were right there with the haters when Pittsburgh won the lottery to get Crosby. Oh no, it's not closer to home. So you're bringing the emotional side of the argument because of your hatred of the Oilers in this sentence aren't you.

Hmm, no respect for this team with Bob and Peter in management now.... Ok then, guess we lost all respect hiring Olympic guys who have experience in the world stage and Peter with his extra experience of Stanley Cup wins.

The only success you have had, at all, in any way, is winning a draft lotter a bunch of times. The Oiler's are the biggest joke in the NHL. I can say with all sincerity that I would be absolutely embarrasses to be an Oilers fan. Dumb luck wouldn't change that.

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Bring on the dramatic side of things, bet you were right there with the haters when Pittsburgh ditched for years before, ended up with Malkin as a consolation prize & then won the lottery to get Crosby. Oh no, it's not closer to home. So you're bringing the emotional side of the argument because of your hatred of the Oilers in this sentence aren't you.

Hmm, no respect for this team with Bob and Peter in management now.... Ok then, guess we lost all respect hiring Olympic guys who have experience in the world stage and Peter with his extra experience of Stanley Cup wins.

I gave your 1st statement some context.


Doesn't KLowe have experience on the world stage & "know about winning Stanley Cups"? 6 rings @ all.




There's history & then there's Edmonton excuses. 9 years in the ditch & hearing how next year will be much better should make even the most diehard Oiler fan winch.


TC is built from the best Canadian players & there is a plan that doesn't include the term someday we'll be good.


On the Oilers main page they talk about the Barons & how many players from the NHL(?) team are going to the WC (that tournament where countries bring the best of their players that aren't busy playing for an important trophy or healing from injuries recieved trying to make it to the SC supplemented by players NHL teams cut loose).


AHL team, WC & getting to be 1st to the podium rather than dreaming of a SC. Must feel good to pull on that jersey. :lol:

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The only success you have had, at all, in any way, is winning a draft lotter a bunch of times. The Oiler's are the biggest joke in the NHL. I can say with all sincerity that I would be absolutely embarrasses to be an Oilers fan. Dumb luck wouldn't change that.

you just got out of the first round for the 2nd time in 25 years.

Throw those stones.

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you just got out of the first round for the 2nd time in 25 years.

Throw those stones.

Our record is infinitely better then yours. But our pride is about our guys overachieving and making the second round with a team that battles every night.

You guys are proud of winning your fourth lottery in six drafts. Like it is an accomplishment.

Ask any NHL fan outside of Alberta about which of our teams they respect more. Once you get your answer I will keep throwing my stones at your laughably pathetic excuse for an NHL team.

Nobody likes you because your incredible incompetence was rewarded by dumb luck. Shame to the Oilers. Shame.

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you just got out of the first round for the 2nd time in 25 years.


Throw those stones.



The Oil are on the verge of tying the NHL record for most consecutive seasons without even making the playoffs, and barring a miracle could even break that record...   So is that going to be your banner hanging from the ceiling of the new arena?   :lol:

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The Oil are on the verge of tying the NHL record for most consecutive seasons without even making the playoffs, and barring a miracle could even break that record...   So is that going to be your banner hanging from the ceiling of the new arena?   :lol:

I feel sorry for Oiler Fans like UC. It is not him or the fans fault but being a rival and there being little sympathy to be had. At least most of what UC has to say makes sense.


As for their Oilers team I have been saying for 3-4 years now that they are building backwards. I may have been wrong because I have also thought and posted(somewhere around here) that this may be a planned "Conspiracy"? Maybe. If not why didn't the Oilers also rid of KLowe and TMac?


The Oilers got a huge opportunity with the draft. What they do with this opportunity and the responsibility of this pick/player remains to be seen. 


Side Note:

I hate this term Generational Player bestowed on draft prospects. Until they actually prove themselves over time the best they should be called at this stage of their career is a franchise prospect with potential.

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I feel sorry for Oiler Fans like UC. It is not him or the fans fault but being a rival and there being little sympathy to be had. At least most of what UC has to say makes sense.


As for their Oilers team I have been saying for 3-4 years now that they are building backwards. I may have been wrong because I have also thought and posted(somewhere around here) that this may be a planned "Conspiracy"? Maybe. If not why didn't the Oilers also rid of KLowe and TMac?


The Oilers got a huge opportunity with the draft. What they do with this opportunity and the responsibility of this pick/player remains to be seen. 


Side Note:

I hate this term Generational Player bestowed on draft prospects. Until they actually prove themselves over time the best they should be called at this stage of their career is a franchise prospect with potential.

Agree with the side note. I truly hate the way he is being touted as the next Sidney Crosby. Blaa blaa blaa, Ginger...Give it a rest until he plays at least a single game, or his first goal or his first point.

Even then, wait till he proves himself more than a "franchise" player like Hall or Nuge or Yak.

What exactly have the Oiler accomplished? Nothing. Do they have some players that could be part of a good team? Sure, I will give you that. Not exactly a team ready to take the next step, though. They need to trade away a bunch of forwards, D-men, and goalies. Doesn't leave much, so don't expect a quick turnaround. Maybe 3-5 years of development and they can make the playoffs.

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I feel sorry for Oiler Fans like UC. It is not him or the fans fault but being a rival and there being little sympathy to be had. At least most of what UC has to say makes sense.

As for their Oilers team I have been saying for 3-4 years now that they are building backwards. I may have been wrong because I have also thought and posted(somewhere around here) that this may be a planned "Conspiracy"? Maybe. If not why didn't the Oilers also rid of KLowe and TMac?

I feel bad for the fans too. But coming to a Flames forum to talk big because they won their 4 draft lottery in 6 seasons is silly.

As for the second, the simple explanation is usually the correct one.

Explanation one: They suck as badly as anyone has ever sucked for a decade so they could have a distant chance at a McDavid. Then they replace everyone that "got them there" but keep the other two in made up positions as thanks for all they have "accomplished."

Explanation two: The owner hired a bunch of buddies that "know a thing or two about winning" that aren't actually qualified to run a major NHL franchise. They (predictably) fail, despite winning 3 draft lotteries. They get lucky in the fourth lottery. After a decade of suck the owner decides he better hire some actual qualified people but he keeps his buddies around in other capacities.

The concipiracy theory doesn't work because the outcome isn't predictable or likely. This was pure incompetence.

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One thing is really bothering me about the Oiler forums more than anything. Over there they have already drafted McDavid. He is already anointed the "Generational Player" and they even have threads on how many points he will score next year.


What is really bothering me is:

  • They have not even drafted him yet.
  • They already claim him a generational player.


All I want to say is come back after 10 years of his play in the NHL and we can debate whether he is a true Generational Player.

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One thing is really bothering me about the Oiler forums more than anything. Over there they have already drafted McDavid. He is already anointed the "Generational Player" and they even have threads on how many points he will score next year.


What is really bothering me is:

  • They have not even drafted him yet.
  • They already claim him a generational player.
All I want to say is come back after 10 years of his play in the NHL and we can debate whether he is a true Generational Player.
I find it hard to believe that a fan base that gave up their team for dead can actually believe one player will make any difference. That thread you linked is insane. Fighting about how good he is going to be. :)

The sad thing is that PC has to draft McDavid now or the city would go (more) insane. They would burn him in effigy. They would start "Fire Pete" ads and websites. Pretty bad when a GM has little choice but to pick him or else. Imagine what you could get for a #1 pick (from those that overrate him). You could trade with Toronto for their pick and any players you wanted (ok bad example :) ). Just sad. Their rebuild could be better off in one draft without taking the #1.

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One thing is really bothering me about the Oiler forums more than anything. Over there they have already drafted McDavid. He is already anointed the "Generational Player" and they even have threads on how many points he will score next year.


What is really bothering me is:

  • They have not even drafted him yet.
  • They already claim him a generational player.


All I want to say is come back after 10 years of his play in the NHL and we can debate whether he is a true Generational Player.




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Will McDavid make this club a contender alone no. The largest impact was the removal of the two idiots at the reins. With a proper manager that understands talent, you could see a huge shift in change this season. PC is going to have to remove two of either, Eberle, Hall, Yak or RNH. They still need Defense and are in desperate need of a goalie. Really Mac T found out how little his prizes pieces are worth when he explored the market. Unless EDM moves some of the aforementioned players for better parts, they are marginally improved from 27th to 25th next year.  Does PC have the balls to do what MacT couldn't, time will tell.  PC had better buckle up cause he is in for a rude awakening as to how low the respect from other GM's are with tainted goods coming from the tar pits.

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