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Just wanted to say, don't think we will thank you.  We could've done it without your help.  That is all.





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The all-time NHL playoff drought record is held by the Florida panthers - 10 straight seasons. The worst part about Edmonton though is you can't even see light at the end of the tunnel up there... 

A very dubious record to have and less excuse up in Edmonton because the other teams like the Panthers / Islanders had serious constraints on their GM regarding money. The Oil have no such excuse.

On the bright side for the Oilers, the Leafs are seriously starting to look like the Chicago Cubs of hockey they have not sniffed a Cup final - win or lose in 46 years... 



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OK. I laughed.


The thing is, by that point have they been damaged too much by that system to reach their potential elsewhere?


Not hopeless in my opinion, (think Dubnyk) I'd pick them up, sign them to a 1 year contract, send them to Adirondack and see if they can't get whipped into shape down there for 1 season (assuming they'd cleared waivers).

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I have had a hate on for the Oilers since the 1980s; but this season, I really feel sorry for Edmonton's fans.


They can't do a thing about an owner who has hired and supported such a sub-par management team.


There can be little to no improvement in the Oilers until Lowe, MacT, Howson, etc.are replaced with qualified and competent people.

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The Yak agreement is a good bridge contract. The kid has had moments where he looked good, and to many where he looked terrible. We all know that upper management is the issue in the Tar pits. Until they move them out nothing will ever change. MacT got a big taste of reality when exploring some trades, he soon found out that the value of his players was far below his perceived value, hence the statement " you can't trade your way out of this".


Next season regardless of who they acquire in the draft, there team will be no better than what it is now. Really how dysfunctional can a club be when a 18 yr old fresh out of JR is better than anything on your farm team. Insert- regress- repeat, every year. This club has so many holes, cap issues, culture issues, management issues, it is the poster child of how not to run a NHL team. Much like TO I don't feel sorry for them. If you have that kind of money to fix problems but still can't put together a proper management team, you deserve every thing you get. As they say stupid should hurt, welcome to EDM and TO, stupidity capitals of the country.

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Hard to believe that MacT is saying next year will be a development year. Yikes.  Also, I believe that he said they have missed the playoff for 7 years. He must have trouble with math.  I think it is 9.



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Hard to believe that MacT is saying next year will be a development year. Yikes.  Also, I believe that he said they have missed the playoff for 7 years. He must have trouble with math.  I think it is 9.



Hard to know what is more incredible, the GM so out of it he doesn't even realize the difference between 7 and 9, or their fans if MacT believes stating bald-faced lies can somehow make their incompetence look less dreadful.

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Or this: “There is no greater springboard to development than failure,” MacTavish said at one point, discussing defenceman Justin Schultz’s game, particularly his unsatisfactory defensive-zone work, was coming along.

Schultz, clearly, is going to fail his way to Norris Trophy status, just you wait and see, you skeptics.


WHAT??????? Has anybody seen how much those first overall picks have been improving over the last failing seasons?


Oh my god, Welcome back in the playoffs Edmonton... in 2120....

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Holy Schmoly ... this is painful to watch and I am NOT an Edmonton fan by any stretch.   He is so out of touch with the reality of Edmonton's situation.  Watching this and commenting below.


  • Yakopov has apparently had a rebirth and on the cusp of breaking out. Craig's got no idea what but apparently it's happening ... really ... Even though you tried to trade him and he's not worth elbowing ....  So now that you can't get a return on him you are going to "develop" him ... OMG the Greasers have burned him hard.
  • Oilers are improving (not in wins mind you) in "potential to grow"   What utter bullelbowing doublespeak.  I guess the lower you fall the greater room you have to improve.
  • They need improvement in "critical areas" won't say what that is but apparently it's coming in development.  At least he realizes that it's their "collective defensive ability" that needs improvement.   NO elbowing Craig.  You don't have a defenseman on the team that would crack the top 3 on ANY other team.
  • Klefbom and Shultz are the top pairing and tossing them in now doesn't "Hurt their development". And he needs a couple more Klefbom's .. really the guy was 855th in the LEAGUE on +/- , go ahead and grab a couple more of him.  LOL 
  • They could go out and acquire "proven players" but it's better to develop the young guys ... bull elbowing Craig, you know damned well there isn't a proven top 1 or 2 defenseman who would want to go and sign on to Edmonton and you sure as hell don't have the players to trade for one.
  • LOL @ the 7 years of no playoffs ... apparently the culture is improving and "who knows what ignites it" but something will and lead them into the playoffs.    Seriously Craig if YOU don't have any idea what it will take to get the team moving how the hell is anyone else supposed to do it?!
  • Next year is a developmental year with modest growth from the current roster ... again "who knows who or what can ignite it" but it's gonna happen just trust him...  I actually pity the Oiler fans out there, they don't deserve this really, Vancouver sure as hell would but not the Greasers.  Gonna make our playoff run next year one team easier though.
  • Nurse is determining his "own level" ... I have no idea what he's talking about but I think he's saying that he probably won't be in the NHL but will go to AHL for some development... seriously Craig.  So very few defensemen can jump from Junior straight to NHL ... OF COURSE he's going to the AHL, at least if you don't want to ruin him as well.
  • Casting narrow net for a head coach.  Todd Nelson might be that guy... might not.
  • Will continue to build "through the draft" ... yeah I hear ya craig you are  betting on moving up via the lottery and drafting McDavid.
  • Goaltending ... he's going to look at UFA goalies.  Some teams have depth in goal and he's willing to move picks to try and pry one of them out.  Basically if they can't manage that then the develop the guys they have ... no elbowing sherlock not like you have much of a choice there.  Nice to basically tell your tenders that they suck and we only want them if we get stuck with them.
  • The team they are trying to build .. 3 line offensive, puck possession team that can play offence.  The fact they can make 6 or 7 passes and still have the puck is apparently very entertaining and impact... at least he admitted he's losing credibility here.   My God.
  • elbowing me ... Craig's touting the improvement on the 4th line as "great strides" really man, you seriously need "great strides" for the team in your top 6 and top 2 pairing on D... oh and a real goalie would help.  Klinkhammer's game coming up isn't turning this boat around man.
  • Schultz fell flat this season and failed.  Apparently there is no greater springboard than failure so I am guessing that Schultz gets a Norris nod next year... LOL

The only thing that he said that didn't make me want to laugh was when he admitted that he was losing credibility.  What is painful to me really is that he just doesn't see that his team isn't truly improving.  The "Development" of his young players is being cratered on this team.  They got thrown onto the ice before they were ready without any seasoning in the AHL, they didn't have any true veteran mentors to help guide them, they didn't have anyone to protect them.


If you expect to build through the draft Craig you need to have some veterans on the team to mentor, you need to allow them time to develop in the minors, you need to have management who can actually identify areas of improvement and you know  .. improve them!


Good lord, Darly Katz, needs to simply remove ANYONE who ever wore an Oilers Jersey from the Management.  Hell to be honest just look at the Leafs ... Daryl you need to break out a ShannaCAN and get this team moving forward.   Granted I like watching the Flames beat up on the Greasers but if I am being really honest I enjoy it so much more when both teams are competitive.


I mean we have had some hella painful years in recent memory but I thank Zeus every day that we aren't saddled with the Oiler's management.

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Holy Schmoly ... this is painful to watch and I am NOT an Edmonton fan by any stretch.   He is so out of touch with the reality of Edmonton's situation.  Watching this and commenting below.


  • Yakopov has apparently had a rebirth and on the cusp of breaking out. Craig's got no idea what but apparently it's happening ... really ... Even though you tried to trade him and he's not worth elbowing ....  So now that you can't get a return on him you are going to "develop" him ... OMG the Greasers have burned him hard.
  • Oilers are improving (not in wins mind you) in "potential to grow"   What utter bullelbowing doublespeak.  I guess the lower you fall the greater room you have to improve.
  • They need improvement in "critical areas" won't say what that is but apparently it's coming in development.  At least he realizes that it's their "collective defensive ability" that needs improvement.   NO elbowing Craig.  You don't have a defenseman on the team that would crack the top 3 on ANY other team.
  • Klefbom and Shultz are the top pairing and tossing them in now doesn't "Hurt their development". And he needs a couple more Klefbom's .. really the guy was 855th in the LEAGUE on +/- , go ahead and grab a couple more of him.  LOL 
  • They could go out and acquire "proven players" but it's better to develop the young guys ... bull elbowing Craig, you know damned well there isn't a proven top 1 or 2 defenseman who would want to go and sign on to Edmonton and you sure as hell don't have the players to trade for one.
  • LOL @ the 7 years of no playoffs ... apparently the culture is improving and "who knows what ignites it" but something will and lead them into the playoffs.    Seriously Craig if YOU don't have any idea what it will take to get the team moving how the hell is anyone else supposed to do it?!
  • Next year is a developmental year with modest growth from the current roster ... again "who knows who or what can ignite it" but it's gonna happen just trust him...  I actually pity the Oiler fans out there, they don't deserve this really, Vancouver sure as hell would but not the Greasers.  Gonna make our playoff run next year one team easier though.
  • Nurse is determining his "own level" ... I have no idea what he's talking about but I think he's saying that he probably won't be in the NHL but will go to AHL for some development... seriously Craig.  So very few defensemen can jump from Junior straight to NHL ... OF COURSE he's going to the AHL, at least if you don't want to ruin him as well.
  • Casting narrow net for a head coach.  Todd Nelson might be that guy... might not.
  • Will continue to build "through the draft" ... yeah I hear ya craig you are  betting on moving up via the lottery and drafting McDavid.
  • Goaltending ... he's going to look at UFA goalies.  Some teams have depth in goal and he's willing to move picks to try and pry one of them out.  Basically if they can't manage that then the develop the guys they have ... no elbowing sherlock not like you have much of a choice there.  Nice to basically tell your tenders that they suck and we only want them if we get stuck with them.
  • The team they are trying to build .. 3 line offensive, puck possession team that can play offence.  The fact they can make 6 or 7 passes and still have the puck is apparently very entertaining and impact... at least he admitted he's losing credibility here.   My God.
  • elbowing me ... Craig's touting the improvement on the 4th line as "great strides" really man, you seriously need "great strides" for the team in your top 6 and top 2 pairing on D... oh and a real goalie would help.  Klinkhammer's game coming up isn't turning this boat around man.
  • Schultz fell flat this season and failed.  Apparently there is no greater springboard than failure so I am guessing that Schultz gets a Norris nod next year... LOL

The only thing that he said that didn't make me want to laugh was when he admitted that he was losing credibility.  What is painful to me really is that he just doesn't see that his team isn't truly improving.  The "Development" of his young players is being cratered on this team.  They got thrown onto the ice before they were ready without any seasoning in the AHL, they didn't have any true veteran mentors to help guide them, they didn't have anyone to protect them.


If you expect to build through the draft Craig you need to have some veterans on the team to mentor, you need to allow them time to develop in the minors, you need to have management who can actually identify areas of improvement and you know  .. improve them!


Good lord, Darly Katz, needs to simply remove ANYONE who ever wore an Oilers Jersey from the Management.  Hell to be honest just look at the Leafs ... Daryl you need to break out a ShannaCAN and get this team moving forward.   Granted I like watching the Flames beat up on the Greasers but if I am being really honest I enjoy it so much more when both teams are competitive.


I mean we have had some hella painful years in recent memory but I thank Zeus every day that we aren't saddled with the Oiler's management.

May I copy and past this over to the Oiler's message board>NHL>Future of the Flames?

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I bet it's small comfort to Oilers fans that there's a sub-community of Flames fans that actually have their backs.


I've said it before on this thread, but I'll say it again; that organization is adrift, and it's bad for Canadian hockey. 


Five years ago, I said the Oilers were five years and a goalie away from being a Stanley Cup contender.  Boy, did they ever prove me wrong!  Now I think they're a five years and a complete management overhaul away from being cup contenders.

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Edmonton bars saw the success Calgary bars had showing Flames playoff games so they are showing Oilers playoff games.

The games are 9+ years ago but what the hey. If they buy into the KLowe/MacT rhetoric the fans might want to relive the days when their team mattered.

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Interesting time for the Oilers. They have 1st overall and no team to go behind it. No defense, no goalies, and overpaid youth that don't amount to a solid first line. Hall is a puckhog and selfish player, while Eberle is somewhat of a floater. RNH is a good #2C.

Their prospects consist of a goalie they traded Smid for, a solid D, and a slow moving center.

Their only two plays in the draft are select McDavid and hope he signs, or trade #1 to drop down to 3rd and hope for a decent package. They have already found out nobody will give them a bounty for Yak or their overpaid $6m boys. If they traded down, the GM and KLowe would be fired immediately. If they select McDavid and he doesn't sign, they are screwed. If McDavid signs, they will have no choice but to play him in the NHL next season. He may be great, but he isn't ready.

Good luck to McDavid.

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