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Everything posted by travel_dude

  1. They tried to fix Rittich by teaching him to play the puck more. How's that working? Honestly, if it wasn;t for Rittich's skills, we would have another failed goalie. Keep them away from JS until they are fully developed. Parsons is better off in Kansas right now. I don;t know much about the guy in Stockton. Gillies has been playing better and Zag continues to win. Then again the team is dominating on the scoresheet.
  2. Talbot, Jones, Andersen, Allen are good examples of how hard t is to bcome a starter. You toil away behind the best goalies and never get the right chance. Talbot's career derailed under a fake defense in EDM. Jones is behind the worst D bunch I could imagine. Andersen suffers from a mobile defense that only cares about scoring. Rittich is our best chance of turning a backup into a stellar starter. Maybe we can develop Parsons and Wolf, but beyond that we have mostly crappy stuff. Zag is adjusting to winning, but struggles with the size of the ice. Still trying to figure it out. He may be another Rittich, but it remains to be seen. I agree that BT has no clue about goalies, and Sigalet has done little to solidify the scouting/drafting. How did we end up with Elliott, Hiller, Ramo, Mason, Gillies, Smith? Some haven;t exactly been cheap either, whether salary or trade chips.
  3. Luck has a lot to do with a goalie's development. Murray came up at the exact right time. Playing well in the AHL and had a contender in front of him. He doesn;t seem to be magic right now. Binnington came up amid a coaching change where players were fighting fo their jobs. He's have 1/2 a good season and 1/2 a good one this year. Could be a stud. Rittich is a find. Developed properly, at a later age, but still developed well. Gillies was a big guy that looked like he could be a thing. He's far too inconsistent and has not improved his weknesses much. Ortio had a chance, but couldn;t even beat out lesser guys. Inving.... Missed pick. When you miss out on picks, you have to look outside. And be lucky when one is available. Bishop, Andersen, Bob, MAF... All except Andersen became available due to being too expensive to keep (and drafts). There's only a few actual prospectes turned NHL goalies out there. And the sample size is still small. And the chance of them having long careers is just as small. We have a few guys developing that could take the next step. Zagidulin and Parsons. Wolf later. Sure, the ones closest are not 18 year olds. Very few are ready that early.
  4. Part of the answer to defensive issues is to trade away the crap that you have.
  5. Expected and appreciated. They haven't changed much from last year and Smith is the new Talbot/Dubie/Insert Ex-Oiler Goalie. Even with the top two in points, they are still a failing team. 13m spent on about a dizen even strength goals. 6m on a #2 center with 2 even strength goals. I thought Backlund was killing us, but Nuge is supposed to be their go-to guy to shut down the world.
  6. Well, the point for us was that we would need to waive/demote sombody to have an unproven goalie in our "system". I guess they can give one goalie the day off in practice to keep developing him. Or they plan on waiving Brossoit. Their current AHL goalie is widely outplaying Comrie, so I guess it's a win for WPG? No need to worry about which goalie to use; ya got 3 to choose from. By the way, he was claimed by ARI, didn't play in the NHL, sent to the AHL, traded to DET, played like crap, waived and re-claaimed by WPG. Props to the kid for having the mental fortitude to stick it out. Yup, they are superior at taking advantage of lesser opportunities. Cup faves now for sure.
  7. Not sure why WPG claimed Comrie. 3 headed monster. Brossoit is a pending UFA, while Comrie is signed next year. Not like he is playing like crap, but he's been inconsistent. Not Comrie bad, but not Helly good.
  8. BT has been scouting the younger goalies this past week. Here's the latest one he looked at, compliments to JJ for his suggestions: He's undrafted, unbeaten after he has an afternoon nap. Hates to lose.
  9. You want to talk about trading for DeSmith and ditching Gillies? I would be okay with that. He's old by your standards, but would be a good emergency call up.
  10. Too old. Ready for retirement.
  11. A coach is always going to be about results. SJS had a good coach but he suffered from a GM that couldn;t seem to understand the value of guys that made them successful. Little Joe and Donskoi were killers that were allowed to walk. Their goalie was worse than Talbot but SJS scored enough to make a difference. Wardo is a good coach that was stifled under BP. Whether the results are there, he fits the mold of the new NHL. He's already done what previous coaches could not do; turn around the team's play. By the end of the year, the results and the way the team plays will be used as the measuring stick.
  12. Interesting observarion: Last season, through the first 34 games of the season, Edmonton had an 18-13-3 record, eerily close to the 18-12-4 record the team currently has. The 2018/2019 Oilers had 39 points compared to the 40 the 2019/2020 Oilers currently have. The team from last season would go on to gain only another 40 points through the remaining 48 games and finish 25th in the league.
  13. The guy JJ was talking about. He was sub-900 last year in the AHL, but 914 in the NHL.
  14. You have success, you trust the coach. When things start going south, you start to question. Especially when the same things are rolled out and you are told to trust the process....for 30 games. One thing has always been true, and that is the team knows how to battle back. I would suggest that under a coach, the team gets better and better by using some of the teachings and some of their natural talents. After a while, the coach tryies to reel in some of that. The result is a return to losing. You can;t always fix everything without hurting something that made you successful.
  15. You want to see JJ's head explode?
  16. ^^^^^^ Gifted with a 5 on 3 PP and then a PS. And the fans whine about the refs missing calls and only giving them 4 or 5 PP's per game. The mighty rely on a PP and two players that have played the most minutes in the NHL among forwards. Neal has 4 even strength goals (well, not PP at least) and 2 even strength assists. And he's -17. Here's a nice goal from Dougie last night.
  17. ^^^^ Same old, same old. Some guys get away with it. Ovi would have gotten away with it. McD of course. Crysby yes.
  18. Still listed on IR, so he has to be cleared to play. That hasn't happened yet, though he seemed closer when they were last on the road the end of November. He last played November 16th. Considering they just recalled Matt Phillips, I doubt he is close.
  19. Just about perfect shots, but he makes those rioutinely. Perhaps he was cheating to the pass a bit too much. Recovery after the pass meant he was giving up too much room on far side. But, I thought he was otherwise flawless. He tracks well on screened shots.
  20. When your team is making mental mistakes, it down't show up in the numbers. Smith was terrible in games last year, where the team in front may not have been at their best. I don't think that was on the team as much as Smith. Talbot has looked good for the majority of games he's played but let in a stinker or two. He hasn't had a good team in front of him at times. A lot of times it's B2B games.
  21. Gillies has been around as long as Rittich, yet he never seems to be able to take that next step. Decent one game in the AHL, bad the next. That's with the same team in front. Has NHL size but not senses. Parsons has had injury trouble and hasn;t been able yet to show his battle game. That's why he trying to get it back in the ECHL. He gets the most starts to see if he is the one. Schneider is a fall back plan. Maybe he should be in the AHL over Gillies, but he isn;t lighting up the ECHL. We can debate who is better, but really we haven;t seen anyone other than Zag be consistent enough at the AHL level. If you aren't lighting up the ECHL level, why would you be better in the AHL?
  22. Right now there is one prospect doing well in the AHL and one in the ECHL. Both are Flames property. You always talk about signing free-agent goalies, but as soon as we do you crap on them and say they are old. We're burying our (best) prospects because we chose a guy that is winning the majority of his starts and his backup (former top prospect). The AHL team is a mess because we don't have Parsons and Schneider playing there. So you say. Schneider (7-6-2 in ECHL) is barely 900 in the ECHL and Parsons has played 4 due to injury. I like that Parsons is starting to win games. I don't think many would argue that guys like Elliott, Hiller, Smith, Ramo and Berra were great choices to back the team up to. The drafted choices by the Flames haven't lived up to be starters, yet. The best chance is with guys like Rittich, Zagidulin, and Parsons. One drafted guy, so I know you won't be happy.
  23. Half of your posts in this thread are about how bad our current goalies are (meaning Flames property) and how godly upcoming or picks selected by other teams are.
  24. If you mean the disaster of 10-1-1 season for Zagadulin, sure turf them both. You won't be happy unless we draft "your" guy from somewhere in Europe. Consider that the AHL team consists of one actual NHL capable D-man. But Schneider must be a stud due to his one AHL game this year.
  25. Pelletier is out. Suffered a lower bidy injury and will miss camo and the tourney. Too bad, would have been a great building block for him.
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