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Everything posted by travel_dude

  1. Elite Prospects @eliteprospects SHL U21 scoring leaderboard. 2022 #NHLdraft eligible Marco Kasper is #13 with 6 points in 27 games.
  2. It does help us in playoff odds. We actually are tied for 1st in the Pacific in points %.
  3. I like watching Zegras. Man that kid has moves.
  4. My Gord, you are so right. Curtis McElhinney helped win two cups. Easily as important as MAF's contribution to the 15/16 PITTS cup. Hint: Don't ever let details get in the way of your narrative. MAF won the cup twice recently. He's a 1st rounder. Nothing else is important.
  5. If you watched Darryl's presser last night, he told Pike to go watch the game. I nearly spit out my coffee. It wasn't a douchy question, but it was the type of question that is dumb to ask a coach. Anyway, it really is a sideshow how a presser turns into national comment. TSN ran three segments on it last night. How dumb. As you suggest, they are given softballs when the season is good and tough questions when it's falling apart. The team was never as good as they were being portrayed. And the team should never have believed they were that good. Sutter would have called out this team for their play, not leaving the players to joke about stuff. I don't think Tippet was taken seriously, when they were winning. Hey, I'm at the top of the league in scoring and points, what is your problem.
  6. Come on, stop changing what you are saying. "MAF. Put another way 4 out of the last 10 cups were won by goalies drafted in the first round. Which, when you run the numbers, and how rare first round goalies are....is Astronomically high." MAF played 2 games in the first of the B2B wins. In the 2nd win, he played until he went 1-2 against Ottawa. Never saw another game. He got a cup ring and contributed to the win, but so did everyone on the team. He was not the guy that won the final 4 games. That is the hardest part.
  7. The PK and Markstrom were critical to holding them in check. We got their backup goalie, who made a few good saves but is no Bob. It wasn't the Flames best game but there were shifts where we dominated the entire shift. Winning the battles, cycling the puck, getting chances. I counted far fewer prolonged attack in our zone. Their PP was 2 minutes in our zone, but we kept them outside most of it. The shutdown D were our best D. Tanev, Guddy and Zaddy at times. Kylington had one good shutdown play that stood out. Chased down a FLA player on a breakaway and managed to disrupt just enough. No penalty on the play. This was one of Markstrom's stronger games. Dialed in. Big toe save. Didn't let the puck be push in on the breakaway. Was a little concerned when I saw him way out of the net on a 50/50 play in the high slot. He played it fine, but it could have been another collision.
  8. As much as the reporter was baiting him, don't be such a douche. The EDM media carry the Oilers water most of the year and point to other problems than the sacred dynamic duo being at fault. The question was fair, but calling him out for not answering it sounded dumb. My opinion is that Leon is only interested in cookies. Personal awards. When he gets shut down, he gets pouty. When he misses a goal, he half-Hash Rate the game afterwards. He wants the media to ask him about his MVP abilities, leading in scoring or leading the Great 8. Not a good look from a team leader. Unfortunately, Tippet rewards top players with more ice even when they half-Hash Rate plays in a game. They want to win and lean on the top players. Sutter or Torts would have benched Leon after his lazy play against Ottawa in the 3rd.
  9. Gaudreau will give the gears to Ras for hitting him with a slapper. And Hanifin laying the body on him. RED means stop.
  10. And I will mention that the reason why they are winning is due to playing the little details properly. You can get the offense if you play the other half of the ice well.
  11. Monahan gets 2 off the stick of Gaudreau. Who would figure they can still play together.
  12. Oh, Mangiapane.... How you starting to do Gaudreau breakaways from last year?
  13. That was like an OT shift of 4 on 3 PP. How strange.
  14. I saw the Ekblad part of the oenalty, where did Mange do anything?
  15. That's some good hand-eye coordination. Speaking of which, when did they start calling that eye-hand coordination?
  16. I know we let him walk, but I can;t get why EDM didn't pick up Lomberg. They would have seen him play. Type of player they are missing. Too many giys that think they are skilled but just selfish babies.
  17. What a weird goal. We normally have those ones go in on us.
  18. Does it surprise you that Kassian was on Vancouver when the bench clearing brawl broke out?
  19. I wasn't going there. We normally just have her on the road when Hrudey can't travel. And the odd home game.
  20. Flames up 3-1 after 2. Win the period is all you need to do Flames. Don't worry Oilers, we will take pieces out of them before they get to you.
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