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Everything posted by travel_dude

  1. You missed the trade with NJ for 10 overall? We pick 9 and 10.
  2. Haha, I see what you did there.
  3. I was never in favor of trading for him, but as a UFA it might make sense. But again, there are only a few reasons to do it. One is to get him short term. Build up his stock and make an in-season or off-season trade. 2 years would be better than 4. Two is to get him longer term so that you have a player that builds out a roster you are trying to have. I mean, let's face it, we have Kadri, Huberdeau and Weegar long term. Have maybe 3-4 good years of all three. The rest of the team has to be firing on all cylinders by then to compete. Or we need to tear it down and trade Huberdeau and/or Kadri.
  4. I'm wondering why Hellenius fell on a lot of lists. He should be top 11. But who knows what scouts think anyway. I think that teams will draft according to needs, so it makes the job of picking orders really hard. There is no real consensus, nor should there be.
  5. Fly your stupid single car flags if you like, but the idiots driving trucks seem to think that having 4 massive flags flapping on the 4 corners of you stupid truck makes you a better fan. It just makes you an annoyance and a safety hazard. 2 day breaks between each of the next 3 games? What idiot came up with that? FLA lost the game before McD even got a single point. Nurse gets the 5-1 goal when he should have been watching from the dressing room. This game was more like game 1 without Bob standing on his head. FLA should be pumped up to win at home. Expect more of a game 2 feel.
  6. Well, as a long term add, it may make sense. But only in the sense that when the Flames are again a good team, that he would help them win. The same type that Coleman was or is. I don't know that he is any worse than Mangiapane. I'm not trashing Mange, just that he isn't the 35 goal scorer he was one year. He probably would be similar in goals to Debrusk. But I think JD has parts to his game that Mange lacks.
  7. ABC has coverage, the normal American version. But, City TV is using the coverage so it's all the same commencials. And it's 30 seconds behind.
  8. Gotta love the picks the Oilers do on the PP. Subtle.
  9. And yes, that should have be 5 + game.
  10. Florida's PP is a bit jumbled, but they almost scored. Bad pinch and they get beat by Brown and Janmark? Goal goes off the sprawling player.
  11. I know the GM hates to override the coach, but sometimes you have to. Trade him for nothing if he isn't helping you win games or develop other players. You want a big dude to protect your goalie and young guys? Play Klapka. So the thing you might consider is that Zary/Pospisil may be ready for their own line with a good C. Use Kadri with Pelletier and Coronato. Backlund becomes the 4th line without calling it that. 5v5 the lines play almost equal. Special team decides the extra minutes. For that to work, you need a C that is young like Zary. Target one in the Markstrom trade. If that is the plan.
  12. Owners look for profit in everything they do, unless the books need to be cooked for a year or two. I don't know who the other 31 are so no real comment otherwise. Maybe BT only ever looked at 2 year minimum signings or that's all he could get signed. Mind you, that was for the players he targeted. Rodrigues was a one year guy for a few years, then signed for one in COL. FLA waied and signed him for a few years. Who did we target? Rooney for 2 years. Yes, the big prize was Kadri, but the big names are just part of it. We saw players get scooped from the waiver wire and we were nowhere to be found. Forsling.... Anyway, I do hope we start with one year signings. Tired of the long term, gotta buy em out deals. Rooney was fine in Y2, but what a waste that was as a UFA move. 2 Years couldn't give him away.
  13. I agree about short term deals. If we are signing JD, then Mangiapane has been moved. If we ended up with a top 6 player in another trade, then we have to be smart. Pospisil or Zary can play with Backlund. I like Fischer, so that's not a if/or question. I haven't been able to figure out how to use Pelletier. A 4th line with him, Schmidt and say Fischer might be interesting, but weird. Or maybe it's genius.
  14. I like Arvidsson, but Not sure what he is worth. I tend to agree about one year deals. We have always tended to sign for too long and can't flip the player. Pick up guys that can help and if they work out, decide if you want to get value or keep them. Assuming they ain't too old.
  15. He was paid well in ANA, but took a discount in MTL and Tampa. Was being paid for the buy out in ANA while playing for Dallas. CHI paid way too much for him. Then bought him out. Enter EDM. The karma killer. Sign a douchebag like Kane or Perry and you get the shaft. Well, I don't think Perry is so much one, just plays like one.
  16. The thunder, lightning and rain is a couple hours away. If they lose tonight, I hope they accept it and walk away from the mosh pit. How many sweeps have they been on the wrong side of in the last 10 years? 2021 - Swept by WPG 2022 - Swept by COL 2024?
  17. Perry reminds me of James Neal. Teams win once he leaves. Maroon is the opposite, and managed to play for 3 cups in a row.
  18. My list based on no trades for teams to move up or down. Really doesn't matter, this isn't going to be close. I would be happy with any of the guys listed here. 2. Demidov 3. Bulium 4. Iginla 5. Catton 6. Dickinson 7. Levshunov 8. Lindstrom 9. Parekh 10. Yakemchuk 11. Eiserman
  19. Louie was rooting for his kid in BOS, and also when they played in EDM. He found it difficult to criticize BOS that game. Debrusk isn't a bad target, but he is another LHS; does play both wings. He's like a Coleman, so not a bad idea. We just can keep guys like Mangiapane if we sign JD. Honestly, I have trouble with the lineup pieces. Guys like Pelletier, Zary, Pospisil, Rooney, Hunt, Duehr, etc. Could construct a lineup, but to what end? Just to ice a team or at least compete? What type of team are we building? Fast, tough, possession beasts, defensive? Comparing us to FLA, we are short a couple of C's and deep D. So, building that out while solidifying the goaltending (not replacing).
  20. Possibly only another weekend to see Oiler flags on cars and trucks. Hope they can recycle them. Being an avid Tim's drinker, I was perplexed and disgusted at the Oiler Orange cups with the Oiler crest on one side. Nearly puked in my mouth, and that wasn't from the taste. I just hope that the Mosh Pit (or is it the Moss Pit) doesn't get stupid if the Oilers lose at home. We don't need more idiots trashing the city. Yes, the difference on the scoresheet is the goalies, but they are two teams that play 100% different. EDM got here by exposing a bad goalie (VAN) and a poor PK (DAL). Game 1 could be described as EDM trying to win on over shooting. One side of their game was keen, while the other side was poor. FLA controlled the defensive side with shot blocking and a good PK. Game 2 was a reversal where EDM barely did anything and FLA was controlling every aspect of the game. Game 3 Bob made saves you expect a SCF goalie to make. FLA scored on the mistakes you can't make, but were better defending on the mistakes they made. 29 or 97 were on for 3 of the 4 goals scored. Down by 3 goals going into the 3rd, they managed all of 6 shots. 2 were goals but that's not a desperate team.
  21. I live somewhat north of the city (yeah, you know where ) and I haven't been able to figure out what the weather is supposed to be here. One year surprisingly warm spring, even as early as February. April in the high 20's. And this is after a two week stretch in December of minus 40's. No windchill to speak of. Dry as dirt last year and we have had more rain since the winter ended this year than I can remember. I look at the record highs on a given day and they are in this decade. The record lows are maybe a year prior to the record high. Calgary is more impacted by wind off the mountains, so even less easy to get a handle on what is normal. The El Nino and La Nina effect doesn't just impact one cycle. I come from the other coast and have a lot of memories of very different winters and springs. As a kid, you never asked for a sled for Christmas, because it rained most of the time on December school break. Then as a young adult, I went through winters with weekly snow storms of 20 cm or more. So Stevie Ray could have renamed it Can't Figure Out the Weather.
  22. I think you are stating what the team will not try to do, and in that I agree that is what we are going to do. The listed core is probably accurate, though I think Backlund is only there because he's the captain and Mr. Stability. I don't see a prolonged initial re-tooling. I think we will see measured moves. Goaltending and D replacement, with a sprinkling of F replacements. That has to happen since we are not a good team at present. But I think that revolves more around replacing Dube and Mange. Seeing if we can land a soon-to-be #1C. Evaluating the prospects and rookie F. Huberdeau does not have to be the top LW, if he can perform a needed role on another line. Backlund is the default 3C and one of the ice time leaders because we don't have anyone yet stepping up. The 4th line is a bit of spare parts. The D is even more critical due to the trades of 3 top 4 D. We have a few good players but we need to figure out what is missing from the pairs or overall skills. We need to see what we have in our current 2 and 3 goalies. Markstrom has to go, since he is blocking full use of the 2 and 3 guys. Do we have a Skinner and Campbell or a solid pair? We won't know right away, but we have to find out over the next 1-2 years.
  23. My list was not all inclusive. Tkachuk got a concussion playing against Dallas (as a Flame) by the whiplash of being hit twice in two different directions. It's common, though I don't think players admit the injury when it happens. They want to play.
  24. Okay, so how do you stop people from getting a concussion outside head shots? Boarding doesn't target the head but can result in one. Fighting is probably the worst culprit for CET. Could ban fighting or have an automatic 1 game minimum suspension. Trip and fall into the boards because you are skating 33 mph. So, every penalty that has a head shot is a suspension. Every fight is a suspension. IMHO, Draisaitl should have gotten a game for that hit. It wasn't maybe dirty (I think he hides his sleazy plays) but it was a head shot.
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