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Status Updates posted by Crzydrvr

  1. So I learned today that The_Don is one of the top 5 NHL forum posters in terms of amount of posts....holy smokes.

    1. C_worthy


      the Canucks require a LOT of defending

    2. C_worthy


      the Canucks require a LOT of defending

  2. With the way we've been playing, we don't deserve to make the playoffs....I already miss the energy from the team with Sven in the lineup. Next year can't come soon enough.

    1. bluecharlton


      Can't agree more. Cant wait for some changes, and as much as I've liked jokinen, i think if he isn't going to show for big games, we can let him go.

  3. Remember back when their was debate as to whether the Bear would play in the NHL next season? I think that one's been answered. #Svensational

  4. Despite all the injuries, despite all the criticism, this team just keeps on plodding right on through....it helps to have a gem to look forward to. #IggyGets30 #Svensational

  5. Linsanity, meet Svensation. It's Sventastic!

  6. For a team that was under fire by its own management....I really didn't see any desperation after the first half of the game. Thanks for bailing on us again.

  7. To everyone else it's a Valentine's Day, but to me....it's a Tuesday. :(:(:(

    1. 403Loyalty


      correction, ITS GAME DAY!

    2. kutarna


      Is it S.A.D.? (Singles Appreciation Day)

    3. FlamesShine4ever


      Is it a Toonie Tuesday?

  8. It's midnight, there are 88 users online....c'mon guys, Cammy would tell you to get some sleep, you're going to need it.

  9. Chalk up another Canada-Russia classic in international play. Pretty damn exciting, even if the hometown boys did lose. It's games like that where I remember what made me fall in love with the game in the first place.

  10. I think Irving just played the greatest game the Flames have ever seen from a rookie goaltender....

  11. It's 2 am, I'm watching Youtube videos on an asian kid who's a year younger than I am and by far a better hockey player....remember the name Ho-Sang. This kid is a better stickhandler than Stamkos and as good as Yakupov as a 15 year old.

    1. Crzydrvr


      wtf, when did i get so old, i'm now scouting kids whose draft years are after mine....

  12. Dedicating this to Alex, who died before his time. We'll tend nets together again someday old bud, and I have no doubt that you'll win again when we do.

  13. Happy Birthday Cross! :D

    1. Flyerfan52


      I just caught that. Happy Birthday! Enjoy Black Friday. LOL

    2. Pyromancer


      Happy Belated B-Day Cross - The Flames obviously failed to give you your present.

  14. Crosby's back....and with a chip n his shoulder. Will we see another stunning year from the kid? Time will tell. But I'm not betting against it.

  15. i just lost my entire 2012 draft excel....probably should have saved. DAMMIT.

  16. Does God hate the Flames? Now that I look back on it....Iggy's missing out on the Hart by an illegal voting move, the whole Flames getting screwed in 2004, the crazy LA bounce, Jokinen's amazing accuracy when it comes to hitting metal pipes...

  17. Really impressed by the Baertschi-Reinhart-Holland line, still smiling at Baertschi taking down Connauon. Brodie wasn't exactly as good...

    1. successfulblackman


      I thought that brodie played well, but baertschi was by far the best player

  18. I'll be gone for the next month, but when I get back something good better have happened to the Flames.

    1. Lil_Reaper
    2. Baalzamon


      if it hasn't, I'll break the news to you gently

  19. Welcome to the Flames Sven! We shall now be taking away your personal privacy and scrutinize your every move for at least the next 5 years. No pressure :)

    1. FlmsFnWindsor


      Ya Sven, kick some butt or else. lol

  20. http://www.chatzy.com/314800426724 Note: I will be posting a permanent link to Chatzy on the GM Draft. I will also look into having it posted in both the Main Page as well as the Free Agency main page. The chat room has proven to be quite useful :)
  21. http://www.chatzy.com/314800426724 Traffic has been slow for those of us signed up for the GM Game. To those of you who consistently come on, I thank you and ask that you continue to come online, and hope that I will soon be able to as well. :D
  22. http://www.chatzy.com/314800426724 The Draft has officially started! Feel free to use the Flames GM Chat however you wish during this time.
  23. http://www.chatzy.com/314800426724 OK, so NOW I'm finally done what I was doing, if you guys want to make a small deal or two or just want to chat, then hit me up.
    1. Crzydrvr


      gaiz, im getting pretty lonely in here all by myself lol

  24. http://www.chatzy.com/314800426724 Trade Tracker chat room. Free to use, just make up some name and enter, no signups or anything. Discussing trades for the Fantasy GM game. I'm in it right now so if anyone wants to hit me up then by all means be my guest.
  25. http://www.chatzy.com/314800426724 Flames_123 would like to chat. Free to use, just make up some name and enter, no signups or anything. Discussing trades for the Fantasy GM game.
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