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Status Updates posted by Crzydrvr

  1. I want to know who's the idiot at Yahoo headquarters who made it so you can't edit your fantasy lineup in advance....so I can punch him in the face. Seriously. Do I look like the kind of guy who has time to spare each day guaranteed in the early morning to edit my fantasy roster so that Sidney Crosby isn't on the flippin' bench for his 3 point games?

    1. Canada15


      My Yahoo pools are set 2 weeks in advance. =)

      Go to my team, and you should be able to view day by day line ups... Remember to save your line up each day!

      Note: Every time you make a roster change (free agent, trade, etc) your line ups will be changed and you will have to set your line up in advance once again.

  2. Have I offended the hockey gods or what? I've seen maybe 20 wins in 2 seasons watching the Flames. I'm starting to get really PO'ed because I can't quickly flip on SN or TSN or CBC to catch 3 minutes of a Flames game without having them get scored on.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DirtyDeeds


      Forgot your rabbits foot again eh? No 4 leaf clover kicking around? Don't carry your lucky penny anymore? Shame...

    3. CastleMania


      Damn. Thanks for reminding me about the ban I need to hand out.

    4. CastleMania


      Damn. Thanks for reminding me about the ban I need to hand out.

  3. Happy Holidays to all you awesome people. :) I'll try to have the midterm report cards up by the first week of January. Until then, cheers mates!

  4. Quick notice being that the October draft rankings will be late again...it seems that life realizes that I put it in the middle of the month and decides to screw with me for the hell of it. Apologies for any inconvenience.

    1. Crzydrvr


      It turns out I lied. I was so good at it, I even fooled myself. Tricky trickster Crzy is already gearing up for Halloween it seems.

  5. It'd official, Yahoo's repeated asking for my password and subsequent "forgetting" of my just-updated fantasy draft lists has reminded me why I stopped playing fantasy hockey the first time....

    1. The_People1


      enable cookies. check off the "keep me signed in" at login. win.

    2. Crzydrvr


      Thanks, this technologically-illiterate person got saved from getting pissed off at an inanimate object (my computer). :lol:

  6. Hap-py-birth-day-to-you, hap-py-birth-day-to-you, hap-py-birth-day flyersfanfiftytwo, hap-py-birth-day-to-you!

    1. Crzydrvr


      Just doesn't roll off the tongue well when your name has 6 syllables. tsk.

    2. FlamesShine4ever


      Well, well, well. The big six-oh eh? Have a beer on me FF! Happy sixth decade! :D

  7. Something tells me the Flames hired a new guy to run their forums....and that this new guy really likes food.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. ali-iggy


      chicken tikka masala, bith, Wanker, Bastard, prick,

    3. ali-iggy


      spicy orange duck

    4. ali-iggy


      spicy orange duckass

  8. :confessionbear: I actually LIKE TSN because of Jay Onrait and Dan O'Toole.

    1. Wreckening
    2. Invin


      Agreed! Those guys crack me up.

    3. ifiwaschucknorris


      Remember when jay won the Juno? That nights show was priceless.

  9. Why's everyone hating on the Flames? Boohoohoo, they will suffer miserably for their follies after we end up about 20 points out of the basement in the West....

    1. Flyerfan52


      Gosh darn, we should just pack it in & do the constant lottery pick like the mighty Isles. We'd be champs in 5 years by gosh.

      After ROFL I got up & LMFAO that I typed that.

  10. Minnesota just crashed the leaguewide message board....must be excited!

  11. People laugh at the Wideman signing and proceed to talk about Garrison's "hometown discount"....*sigh*

    1. Demonous_Xodus
    2. UnrefinedCrude


      Why are people always surprised at big paydays on free agent day, it's what it's all about.

  12. The armchair GM fans who only appear nearing July 1st have started coming out of the woodwork....

    1. Flyerfan52


      @ 1st they are good for a laugh but soon it becomes tiresome. @ least a basic knowledge would be nice.

    2. BobbyB12


      Lol thanks Nhl video games and Tsn analysts everyone's a expert these days.

    3. Ring-a-ding-dong-dandy


      I hope its open season trolls or i will be banned quickly

  13. Am I the only guy here who thinks Nash will be a Blue Jacket come October? (I mean, even if only out of necessity....)

  14. Did anyone else notice that the Flames board just deleted a hundred pages' worth of topics in NHL Talk?

    1. Crzydrvr


      Men, it has begun. Anyone up for some zombie-hunting?

    2. Lil_Reaper


      Yeah I saw that story.. sick. :/

    3. Flyerfan52


      I read that too. Lots of zombie comments in the local paper along with some about Vince Li (the cannibal on the Greyhound a few years ago).

  15. Pet peeve of the day: NHL.com uses the acronym CHE for Switzerland. WTF is CHE supposed to stand for, cheese? Out of all the 3 letter combinations out there....

    1. Ring-a-ding-dong-dandy


      NHL.com uses the official contry codes. I am not sure what the E stands for tbut the CH stands for "Confoederatio Helvetica" which is Latin for Swiss Confederation

    2. Crzydrvr


      wow, actually learned something new today, thanks Ring! Feels good when a pet peeve goes away :)

    3. DirtyDeeds


      According to Wiki:



      ISO country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3, three letter code)

  16. Interesting, I was on the same thread as Facebook....not sure if that's a good thing or not.

  17. Gonna have to start saving my work....looks like I'm pulling another late-nighter...

  18. Oh, the irony....one of the most revved-up games I've seen the Flames play all year, and it has to come the game after we're eliminated from postseason contention (and against the Canucks, no less).

    1. travel_dude


      The irony is that they couldn't get revved up on the ones that really mattered. We finally played a physical game, and beat a team the same way Boston beat them. Only difference, no riots.

  19. What's this? A barrage of spam has hit the Flames board? Looks like someone needs to take out the trash. And by take out the trash, I mean purge the place of any evidence of this spammer's existence.

    1. wally31


      So many nuck trolls too.

  20. Originally I wanted Santa to push the Flames into the playoffs, but now that that's done with, I'd like to see a Pens-Flyers match in the first round, please. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mrjohnnycanuck


      I'v been asking Santa for a Nuck Vs Flame playoff series for years now! Really starting to think this guy doesn't exist :(

    3. DirtyDeeds


      They still play again on Sat first.

    4. Flyerfan52


      He exists Johnny. He just doesn't like the Canucks. That's why he lets them get close to the prize before pulling the rug out. lol

  21. Dan O'Toole is my favorite TSNer, can't help but laugh every time he does the SportsCentre broadcasts....

  22. Taylor Hall's been shut down again....this is getting ridiculous. He's had his face stepped on by his own teammate, tore up his ankle in his first career fight, slips and falls in front of a check and getting a face full of knee....

    1. Bastardsonofmacinnis


      Yep. I'm actually starting to feel bad for that goofy looking kid.

  23. You know the rest of the league respects you when other teams score 7 goals passing between the legs and spin-o-rama moves. /sarcasm

  24. So I realized that Columbus doesn't have a forum link on its own website. And me, being as curious as I am, decided to look for it. And that's how I found out that no one has posted on it in years....no wonder they ended up taking it down, it's not like anyone was going on.

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