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Everything posted by conundrumed

  1. Dube looks like he's trying to play both wings due to Ritchie.
  2. Something tells me you won't be vanilla middle of the road though.
  3. I should add him to the list, had him in for a bit, but stopped for no apparent reason. I don't track the older guys, but he's young. I'm sure he's in the E solely to get playing time.
  4. Say what? We're going to destroy them.
  5. Finally a game day. Need to spank the Vegans and make up some ground.
  6. Clearly someone was a bit intoxicated after celebration with friends last night. Sorry Hearts, you're one of my faves and I think I meant that playfully. Doesn't work in text.:(
  7. Whatevs loverboy. Without a Blockchain about the hit, BT should stick with what he finds.He had a couple, right there.
  8. Let me bring this thing in. BT spent a lot of time and idiocy by not treating G or bottom 6 with the gravity it requires. Big, BIG mistakes. Signed Markstrom after al of that BS. Look everyone, the goalie position matters. Who knew? What's really annoying outside of that is how "whatever" the bottom 6 was. Hathaway, you're Blockchaining guy, wanted a raise. No. Lomberg, a $750,000 guy, your Blockchaining guy, don't qualify him. You've got to be kidding me. They were your awesome grabs, idiot. What are we, a farm? Louse. Show some dedication to those you buy into. We miss exactly those 2. But you're an idiiot. And you still are. I don't trust BT at all,
  9. I was thinking Barkov, so preseason. Production-based? The org watches the guy everyday. Do you want that or don't you? You're on the fence? Well, that's where you put him, too, then. He fully invests in you as much as you fully invest in him is fair. But, here we are...now he costs $1mil vs the cap more than likely. Managing?
  10. I didnt allude to a blank cheque. Just why wasn't he extended? I know there's 2 sides. But you don't let your best and most marketable player extend into tons of questions about FA. It's not a good look.
  11. That's where we differ. I don't understand the hesitation at all. On his part, maybe. He's your best player and better than a lot of team's best player. He always has been, not just this year. Why would you play with this? He IS your marketing strategy...
  12. The first part, can you say that, for sure? As cross said, to paraphrase, are you managing this very well? He's your best player, hands down. Did you offer him a deadly extension around when Barkov extended, is my question. There is zero whisper of it.
  13. I agree with him wholeheartedly. That's a great 4th line. Has Pitlick honestly been IR almost all year? wtf? Not understanding where this emanated from nor how it's become a constant. He should have been a good add to the bottom 6. Not always-on-the-IR add. What happened? Same injury from preseason keeps flaring up? I honestly loved the add at the time, but he's been for the most part ineffective/IR. The injury driving the ineffective part maybe?
  14. The limited NTC is the way to go, letting the player decide which teams he'll waive for. If he wants full NMC, that's perfect. That means he wants to win here. The pride of the best players can't be understated. They want to win with the team that took them. Hands down. It's up to the GM to prove they're on the same path. ROR in Buffalo is a good example of what happens when your best player has zero faith in mgmt. Eichel had the surgery thing, but I think the outlier is the same. I'm running heavily on the assumption that JG wants to win here, the rest is up to BT. I view Tkachuk exactly the same way. These guys aren't robots running to the highest bidder. They want a legacy. I hope our GM understands that. Buying into where each other stands means everything. If BT said, we need a retool, both might say, "get me out of here then". Just my thoughts. Most players don't want to leave. Frustration with direction is the surefire way to change their mind. We might be okay. BT always seems to be playing a little behind this concept though. Mangia is arbs rights, but that's a discussion I don't want in Johnny's thread.
  15. That's my thoughts. But my thoughts are to bring someone up pre-TDL to maybe get a different look. If the player isn't ready but you like the look, maybe it gives you an idea of what type of player you do or don't want to add. Of course you'd already know, but it would tighten up the perspective. Or I'm thinking out of my posterior, one or the other. Ritchie should be 13th at best. Not on the 3rd line. I don't wanna rag on the guy, it's not his fault he's on the 3rd line. He is what he is. He's not a better option than Lewis for 4th RW, so.... Are we just trying to torture Monahan?
  16. He's waiver-eligible now is he not? Does that create too much risk if it doesn't work out? My thinking was waiver-ineligible like Pelletier so not to potentially lose a guy if it doesn't work out.
  17. That's my line of thinking. When I look at FLA extending Barkov it makes me wonder. JG is also our best player like Barkov. So this is either a case of BT, "let's see how this plays out", which would be a horrendous attitude, or JG saying, "nah, I want to bet on myself maximizing this year". If it's the former, the guy you should have done a $9x8 extension with may now be over $10x8. And getting a lot of traction knowing he could be a bidding war. But all of this is hearsay. I have no idea how this has gone or how it will play out. Did BT try to extend? Radio silence on that. All-in-all, I'll cling to the silver lining of Sutter. He's removed all of the sulking and whining out of Johnny's game, applauds him as the best 200' winger in the game, and most importantly, has ownership's ear.
  18. NHL Markstrom: 17-10-5; 2.2gaa; .923sv% 7SO Vladar: 6-3-1; 2.64gaa; .911sv%; 2SO AHL Wolf: 19-2-3; 2.01gaa; .934sv% 0SO Werner: 7-4-1-1; 2.91gaa; .892sv% 0SO ECHL Daniil Chechelev 9-8-1; 3.41gaa; .900sv% 1SO USHL Sergeev: 23-3-1; 1.58ga; .934sv%; 6SO
  19. I thought Arizona had a field day in that 2016 draft 1st rd. If we had taken Keller or Chychrun I'd be equally happy as Tkachuk. I saw all 3 quite a bit, as well as Juolevi. If Van took Tkachuk and we took Juolevi, I'd have lost my excrement. I have no idea what Van was thinking. There were lots of great dmen. How on earth Juolevi got ranked so high I'll honestly never know.
  20. So evidently the search engine sucks. I searched "Johnny Gaudreau" under "Topics" and got a compendium of gameday threads. Enough about that giant nuisance or my lack of abilities. I feel we need a Johnny thread on Page 1. He's the franchise and every game he's doing something worth discussing outside of the random subject matter threads. So, to kick it off, the "Johnny Hockey" moniker has faded away. He trademarked it and buried it. At the time, he was being criticized about trademarking it and in it to make a ton of cash. Lowlifes were trying to capitalize on it. I thought then, correctly, he didn't like it, bought it, and buried it. He wanted it dead and probably embarrassed him. Big respect. That's pure class. Best feet I've ever seen, drives all of our O, backchecking hard this year. Truly elite and deserves every penny he gets. I think the, "contract year explosion" is BS regarding him. He has consistent quality linemates and this is him. He's in Iginla territory of best Flames ever. With the same modest disposition. I would assume a failure to sign would lead to BT's ousting. Let's talk Gaudreau in one place. Shouldn't he have a letter?
  21. And he just popped his 26th about 10mins ago to go up 2-1.lol
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