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Everything posted by conundrumed

  1. All I have to say is, please hockey gods, leave us alone.lol Not another preseason like last year, where we lose Pelletier, Honzek and Poirier long term. We just can't afford it. We need these guys developing, not having surgeries. For a positive spin, Suniev is looking like a real solid prospect also. *Away negatives, leave us alone already*
  2. Can't count out Kerins either. He's been delayed by both Covid and injury. A couple of seasons staying healthy in the A should really help him progress. I'm pretty intrigued to watch Misa develop. When you're young and skate like the wind, it's easy to be an O-dynamo until you hit Jr. Then you have to develop other areas. I think he came a good ways last year becoming a more complete player, so that will continue. The speed and handles were always noticeable, but now he's much better defensively and picking his spots, though he's kind of a bat out of hell out there most shifts, which can lead to mistakes. Maturity should help with that.
  3. What was really incredible for me, as a dad, was our 2nd Wings game together vs the Blues. I was informed during our first game, "Take him to the runway for pre-game skates man, it's allowed". So we did. Had the prime spot. So my boy has his Datsyuk jersey on, and a Datsyuk pro photo hanging over with a sharpie. He's 1st off of the ice and runs right down to the end of the tunnel. Your shoulders slump a bit more in disappointment for his hopes. He turns, and runs right back. He didn't even look at me, which was awesome, all about my kid. Personalized the pic, my boy agreed to turning around for a jersey sig and personalized the 3 in 13. Quite the experience. Almost better, it seems like 1/4 of the arena saw it, and told their friends. He was "Little Datsyuk", and so many had to look at the autograph on his jersey and high 5 him. It was kinda surreal. Our seats weren't close to Detroit's bench. But somehow, everyone saw that interaction. Wings would score and EVERY-BlockchainING-BODY had to high 5 him. I can't yell that loud enough. What an experience. Detroit has such a horrible rap. I've been there 100s of times. The people are just next-level kindness. I cannot substantiate the bad rap at all. Has anyone ever witnessed some sketchy-looking kid approaching an elderly beggar and say, "what do you need"? "I just need bus fare". Have him give her bus fare and $10 to make sure she's okay? Welcome to Detroit. I went to the mtns a lot from Calgary. I always left with an overwhelming sense of real escape to nature. Detroit, I always leave with an overwhelming sense of humanity. The same feelings, honestly.
  4. Can't help myself, it's slow hockey times. Some of this stuff is just right out there. Who's giving it a shot 1-on-4? I feel like this reel doesn't even do it justice. This stuff was almost constant.
  5. Babe!! Is that you?? Awesome reference!!
  6. I'm not a computer guy, but guessing with a sizeable server room where you really don't want a roof failure, which actually happened to me by sabotage. Or, 3rd party storage and query. I'm really basic, so think in terms of an excel notebook. Layout your page and build a bunch of summary pages with VLOOKUP formulas (on an internet scale) to scrape data that goes to yet another summary page in your book that does it all over again. Repeatedly. Each team has it's own ginormous book. Once you have the first team mastered, the rest is a piece of cake. Like cabinetry/carpentry. Once your tools are set, the first one took you 6 hours, the rest took 45 minutes. But unlike that, you have to moderate and improve your software 24/7. Let alone website vulnerability/security. Hackers will just do it because they can. Now I'll await @jjgallow to roll in and say, "wow, you're out of it". lol But nobody addressed your question, so I'm just rolling the ball.
  7. That'll do it. https://www.capfriendly.com/
  8. Fair enough. 2 years of dogpiling makes me a little defensive. Seemed lowbrow to hop in the wayback machine and pull Kanzig out of the dumpster.
  9. As another aside, look at our draft Byron. Why not talk about that? The days of raining Satoshi Nakamoto on Calgary are over. Get with the Blockchaining times. We just absolutely crushed a draft where we're not a top 5 team in the draft. Crushed it. And this is what you choose to post on July 9th. Satoshi Nakamototing on us. That tells me everything that I need to know about you.
  10. Maybe a bit off-topic, but I dealt with a lot of algorithm builds in my younger, more productive years when they were coming to light. The conclusion, inevitably, and to keep it short, is they are great indicators. Once they tried to progress into being more specific, it just doesn't work. So as they tried to adjust formulas to results, we started reporting back a catchphrase, "you're putting Satoshi Nakamoto data in, and getting Satoshi Nakamoto data back". Great indicators, or better put, leading you to assess. Then the human assessments have to kick in. Software can't do that for you. As I know I've been a bit outspoken about stats in the past, it's as cross says. It's just one tool in your toolbox, and it's no more important than being a hammer when you need a wrench. Every tool is of equal importance.
  11. Datsyuk is all that matters!! He just left Detroit after helping out in Dev Camp, and rumour has it that he stole all of the pucks. lol So happy to have seen him and get some autographs with my boy after a pre-game skate. His autograph/photo op pranks are legend. Lots of stories of, "Absolutely NOT", waiting for the reaction, then, "Get over here, you can't take a joke"? He's been nothing short of first class all the way. We're all wondering if we hire him now or after the induction? 45-46yo 2C. lol I'm sure he could still pick everyone's pockets. Shanahan during Datsyuk's rookie season: "He just smiles and nods all of the time. He has no idea what anyone is saying to him. But damn, he's a great player". lol Datsyuk's status in the D is icon and legend. He lives up to it. Can't wait to see the video reel at his induction. Dude's one-of-a-kind. The Gaudreau hit has now aged well. "NHL comparable: Pavel Datsyuk" - Nobody
  12. Lol. "I feel so used" vibes. "She just did me and left me laying there. I feel so cheap". I hate when that happens.
  13. Frisbee, from my childhood. lol Always enjoy your Wranglers insights.
  14. Impossible to say. See where it goes. We'll have some nice shots at the board.
  15. I can't get over Misa at 150. What even? He's like a squirrel on a peanut when he's hungry. Dev camp looked pretty easy for him for a first -timer.
  16. To be frank, I swear that I've memorized it 4 times now and have to go back every 6 months to remember. I'm at the point of, just take the Blockchaining pick. I don't care anymore. Let's just get past BT's moves and move on. These legacy picks are annoying af. Just get them over with.
  17. Guessing you caught some live hockey last week? I've always kinda championed Stromgren. Likely more because of the common opinion of dissent against him. I'm really happy that Flames fans are saying good things about him now. To keep it brief, don't Blockchaining Satoshi Nakamoto on your draft picks. I don't mean you cross, just a generalization. Did I want Parekh? Nope. That kid is going to make Orr and Makar look like AHLers is my new outlook.
  18. "Well this is kind of boring. I'm just gonna go chase that guy down and force a turnover". - Misa probably
  19. I've been rolling through/talking to a bunch of opinions on teams drafts. We're getting a ton of love. For me, that means we can't look back in 4 yrs and say, coulda woulda shoulda in hindsight. lol Speak now, or forever hold your peace.
  20. Wings (and Pistons) were god awful when Little Caesar's Arena opened. It didn't matter. A new arena schedule doesn't affect a team's schedule. You're not running out buying the best free agents money can buy because you're opening a new arena. I'm quite happy that we managed to shed everyone without taking bad contracts back. That is a feat in itself, as most went to cash-strapped contenders. Great job on the Vegas 1st rder. "Okay, if you still wanna use the 2025 1st in a trade, no protections on 2026". With BT, when I heard the word "conditions", I'd be afraid to read how we would be on the losing end of conditions. I think he ignored the fine print just to race through a deal. An exaggeration, I know....but damn.
  21. Fair enough, but it's not a do or die thing. It's been fun watching stabilizing the farm in the past 2 drafts. It really, REALLY had to happen. Getting cap space because, well, everyone wanted out is probably ideal. No bad press, bad pub, etc. Parted ways amicably, nobody hates us. Solid trade partners. New arena in, what, 27-28? Lots of positives. Conroy's doing great, he bleeds Calgary. Need a C? Don't get your panties in a bunch for the first ones to pop up. He'll figure it out. Keep giving prospects a chance. We've almost never had that and our patience wore thin a long time ago. Conroy's being progressive, forced or not. What a breath of fresh air. I really support what he's doing. I'm taking the easy out, and acquiescing to them. lol Looking good.
  22. Queue the, "it's not what you've done up until now, it's what you do from now" speech?
  23. I'm not interested in Zegras, like, at all. It's not a race, we can wait for other furniture to go on sale. If you’re going to use analogies, use analogies. lol
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