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With The 14th Overall Pick - Who Do You Want? (2012 Version)


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It would cost to much. I honestly don't see what we have that we would give up and would entice them. Especially without another 1st or our 2nd. Most of the roster players we have that they want probably won't waive their NTC to go to Anaheim. Perhaps we could trade for another mid-round first and bundle those together, but I would rather have the two firsts. We can't afford to give up the type of prospects needed to move up to 6.

I am also not sure why we would want to. Draft projections are all over the map this year.

I would like one of Faksa, Galchenyuk, Collberg, or Gaunce and chances are at least one of them is available come 14. And if they aren't then chances are a player like Ceci, Reinhart, Trouba, or Teravainen has slipped.

I think Dumba, Yakupov, Foresberg, and Murray are all gone top 5 so getting up to 6 doesn't help you. After that the projections are a dogs breakfast. I wouldn't mind moving up to 11 or so to give us a better chance at one of the above players (darn wining the last 2-games). But I don't think it would be worth moving up to 6.

Agreed there really is no clear consensus this year as too the draft order. I would really like to see management aggressively try and fill some of the voids this team has had for the last few years , Sven is a good start in the right direction but it is just a start and the last thing we need is to leave him high and dry with out a center just to be in the same boat as our other franchise winger. If they get the ball rolling now and actively target players to fill in these gaps then we will be in much better shape when it is time for Jarome to move on and the new era in Calgary to begin.

I do like Gaunce, Big kid with a great attitude and approach to the game. He comes to the rink everyday ready to work and I like that hes willing to drop the gloves.

Collberg also looks like he has allot of skill and could be deadly on the other wing, great shot and plays with some tenacity, he can play both sides witch is a plus as well.

As far as Alexander Galchenyuk goes I doubt he falls that far, Toronto seems to be really high on this kid and if he drops that far I wouldn't be surprised if they call his name.

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What's everyone's opinion on grigorenko? He has a ton of talent and he is rated in the top 5 of this draft but there are a ton of question marks with him. He could very well be the type of guy to bolt to Russia, and he didn't really show up at all in the qmjhl playoffs. To be fair I believe he was suffering from some injury or something.

I do believe Montreal will nab him, but if they don't I see him being the Sean couturier of 2012 but even more drastic.

If he was still there at 14 would you roll the dice on him?

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What's everyone's opinion on grigorenko? He has a ton of talent and he is rated in the top 5 of this draft but there are a ton of question marks with him. He could very well be the type of guy to bolt to Russia, and he didn't really show up at all in the qmjhl playoffs. To be fair I believe he was suffering from some injury or something.

I do believe Montreal will nab him, but if they don't I see him being the Sean couturier of 2012 but even more drastic.

If he was still there at 14 would you roll the dice on him?

In a heart beat, I didnt bring him up because I dont think there is a chance he falls as far as 14th and I dont see him taking off back to Russia, most of these guys that come over early want to play in the NHL, you dont move half way across the world and leave your family behind just to bolt once you finally achieve your dream lol with that being said I know there are more then a few examples of this happening but grigorenko looks like hes going to be a stand out NHLer and a pretty good bet.

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What's everyone's opinion on grigorenko? He has a ton of talent and he is rated in the top 5 of this draft but there are a ton of question marks with him. He could very well be the type of guy to bolt to Russia, and he didn't really show up at all in the qmjhl playoffs. To be fair I believe he was suffering from some injury or something.

I do believe Montreal will nab him, but if they don't I see him being the Sean couturier of 2012 but even more drastic.

If he was still there at 14 would you roll the dice on him?

In all honesty, I would let him keep on sliding. His playoff performance was underwhelming to say the least, especially up against a potential 1st overall pick in 2013. He had a great opportunity to show what he was made up of against one of the best prospects in the world (who was only 17, I might add) and was significantly outplayed.

It's not the be-all-end-all, but a lot of people are looking at him and wondering why, for all his skill, he disappeared in a second-round series against a young, inexperienced squad made up of largely 17 year olds, while playing for a President's Cup contender.

There's going to be a few really good players where we pick. We could go for a skilled defender like Griffin Reinhart or Derrick Pouliot. If we need size up front, Brendan Gaunce and Radek Faksa (especially Faksa after his playoff disappearing act) are both projectable in our range. If it's skill players, names like Pontus Aberg and Sebastian Collberg would likely still be available.

Out of all the players I listed, Grigorenko is the most talented. But it's not always the most talented player who develops to his potential. I for one am hoping he's gone before we pick, because I sure don't want to have to make that decision.

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Yes I know Hagman was picked up for nothing on our tab, I understand how waivers work hes merely one example of how Anaheim likes to use left overs to fill there roster and there for we do have a chance to come out on top with them as a trading partner, Beachemin for Joffrey Lupul and Jake Gardiner is another example of overvaluing players and not appreciating there own assets

Lupul was a known quality for the Ducks (so they knew he could be great some games but useless in just as many) while Gardiner was/is still a maybe.

They knew Beauchemin well from his recent 4 years with them. They happened to need a D so went for 1 that had been dependable for them before.

So that's hardly a case of undervaluing their own & overvaluing others.

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What's everyone's opinion on grigorenko? He has a ton of talent and he is rated in the top 5 of this draft but there are a ton of question marks with him. He could very well be the type of guy to bolt to Russia, and he didn't really show up at all in the qmjhl playoffs. To be fair I believe he was suffering from some injury or something.

I do believe Montreal will nab him, but if they don't I see him being the Sean couturier of 2012 but even more drastic.

If he was still there at 14 would you roll the dice on him?

@ #14 he's worth the risk. There is the chance he could take off to the KHL (probably not for a year so he can test the NHL) but that's a chance you take with any Euro. The guy is rated top 5 & too talented not to take the chance on. If he bolts we maintain his rights so he's still an asset (like Ramo). But the players that come to NA to play junior as usually serious about the NHL.

If he refuses to sign we get a 2nd rounder next year as compensation.

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I think with feaster's BPA mantra there is no doubt that the flames wouldn't take him at 14. That's the thing about this draft it's hard to call the spots.

Come draft day I think there will be some interesting risers and fallers, and grigs will be one of them.

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In all honesty, I would let him keep on sliding. His playoff performance was underwhelming to say the least, especially up against a potential 1st overall pick in 2013. He had a great opportunity to show what he was made up of against one of the best prospects in the world (who was only 17, I might add) and was significantly outplayed.

It's not the be-all-end-all, but a lot of people are looking at him and wondering why, for all his skill, he disappeared in a second-round series against a young, inexperienced squad made up of largely 17 year olds, while playing for a President's Cup contender.

There's going to be a few really good players where we pick. We could go for a skilled defender like Griffin Reinhart or Derrick Pouliot. If we need size up front, Brendan Gaunce and Radek Faksa (especially Faksa after his playoff disappearing act) are both projectable in our range. If it's skill players, names like Pontus Aberg and Sebastian Collberg would likely still be available.

Out of all the players I listed, Grigorenko is the most talented. But it's not always the most talented player who develops to his potential. I for one am hoping he's gone before we pick, because I sure don't want to have to make that decision.

I agree, there would have to be alot of players gone by 14 for me to pick him. Honestly i've never really bought into the hype and I never would have taken him in the top 10 and now i don't know if i'd take him in the top 20 and i could easily see a fall coming for him. Talent without the willingness to work and pay the price isn't going to go anywhere.

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I agree, there would have to be alot of players gone by 14 for me to pick him. Honestly i've never really bought into the hype and I never would have taken him in the top 10 and now i don't know if i'd take him in the top 20 and i could easily see a fall coming for him. Talent without the willingness to work and pay the price isn't going to go anywhere.

At 14 he would be a bargain. The thing with this years draft is Yakupov is pretty much alone at the top, with a minor cluster of guys like Murray, Forsberg, Galchenyuk and maybe Dumba right below. Grigorenko has the skills to be a part of the 2nd tier, but there are so many question marks, he might drop, but I really doubt past ten. (You never know though.)

Where you guys pick it's probably not worth what it would cost you to move (swap first picks,) unless it's a very significant move, like up to the group of guys I mentioned above. I don't remember what you hold for picks this year, but it would be expensive, and if you don't have a 2nd rounder plus to move it won't happen.

to only move a space or two would be pointless, as where you pick there are a variety of quality picks, but none that really stand out from the pack. this might be the year for you to hit a Baerschi-esque homerun with a defender, as there are a few likely candidates with high upside that could be available, like Ceci, Reinheart or Thrower,

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to only move a space or two would be pointless, as where you pick there are a variety of quality picks, but none that really stand out from the pack. this might be the year for you to hit a Baerschi-esque homerun with a defender, as there are a few likely candidates with high upside that could be available, like Ceci, Reinheart or Thrower,

After watching the WHL final, all I can say is OMG I want Griffin Reinhart - kid plays with such poise on the puck, with good offensive instincts. Also thought he looked quite good physically, which has often been a knock on him despite his size. Looks like a great 2-way Dman. I would absolutely be willing to look at trading up for this kid.

As for Ceci, haven't gotten to watch him play but seems like a real good offensive defensemen - would definitely look at picking him at 14 depending on who else is available but I probably wouldn't trade up to get him. Thrower I'm actually really interested in, especially if we can't get Reinhart. Would look at getting another late first and trying to nab him, not sure what we could afford to give up for that pick - any suggestions?

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After watching the WHL final, all I can say is OMG I want Griffin Reinhart - kid plays with such poise on the puck, with good offensive instincts. Also thought he looked quite good physically, which has often been a knock on him despite his size. Looks like a great 2-way Dman. I would absolutely be willing to look at trading up for this kid.

As for Ceci, haven't gotten to watch him play but seems like a real good offensive defensemen - would definitely look at picking him at 14 depending on who else is available but I probably wouldn't trade up to get him. Thrower I'm actually really interested in, especially if we can't get Reinhart. Would look at getting another late first and trying to nab him, not sure what we could afford to give up for that pick - any suggestions?

I think Glencross could get it done but I dont like the idea of loosing him, I do however see Curtis as a good fit with the ducks and with his contract we could probably get there 1st round pick.

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Personally I don't think moving up in a draft is wise unless you are giving up something you have a surplus of or your are moving into the top 5 or 6. At the end of the day you give up known NHL commodities in order to take a chance on someone that no matter how much you may like them the reality is they are a risk.

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Personally I don't think moving up in a draft is wise unless you are giving up something you have a surplus of or your are moving into the top 5 or 6. At the end of the day you give up known NHL commodities in order to take a chance on someone that no matter how much you may like them the reality is they are a risk.

exactly, and I would go further and say in most drafts it`s really usually only the top 3 that would be worth the all in move. In drafts like this year, the #20 player is hard to differentiate from the #12. any assets you would move for minor increase in draft picks would likely have been better spent trading for a known "system prospect", rather than the bigger risk of a draft prospect.

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@ #14 he's worth the risk. There is the chance he could take off to the KHL (probably not for a year so he can test the NHL) but that's a chance you take with any Euro. The guy is rated top 5 & too talented not to take the chance on. If he bolts we maintain his rights so he's still an asset (like Ramo). But the players that come to NA to play junior as usually serious about the NHL.

If he refuses to sign we get a 2nd rounder next year as compensation.

I don't get to correct you often but if we drafted Grigerenko at #14 and he didn't sign it would be the 44th pick in 2014 we would get as compensation. As he would have 2 years to sign.

Also I am under the impression if a player disappears to the KHL you can retain their rights until they reach the age to be a UFA.

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I'm almost in the mind that we trade for a higher 2013 pick or get some play now players (like strome) instead.

Late round Wilson (we need a big RW, I don't think aliu is better then a 3rd line) and Thrower (he's Dumba light at the moment, but I think he's going to be a steal at early second). Maybe even Subban in net. and for a meaner streak - Matteau (he'll be a bigger marchand)

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So Button has another rankings list out today. There's a reason this guy isn't running anyones draft.

1. Nail Yakupov 1 Sarnia (OHL)

2. Mathew Dumba 2 Red Deer (WHL)

3. Morgan Rielly 4 Moose Jaw (WHL)

4. Alex Galchenyuk 5 Sarnia (OHL)

5. Teuvo Teravainen 7 Jokerit (FIN)

6. Griffin Reinhart 6 Edmonton (WHL)

7. Filip Forsberg 3 Leksands (SWE)

8. Malcolm Subban 10 Belleville (OHL)

9. Matt Finn 8 Guelph (OHL)

10. Hampus Lindholm 9 Rogle (SWE)

11. Cody Ceci 11 Ottawa (OHL

12. Ryan Murray 12 Everett (WHL)

13. Jacob Trouba 13 USNTDP

14. Mark Jankowski 15 Stanstead (Quebec Prep)

15. Andrei Vasilevski 20 Ufa (KHL)

16. Zemgus Girgensons 16 Dubuque (USHL)

17. Radek Faksa 18 Kitchener (OHL)

18. Derrick Pouliot 17 Portland (WHL)

19. Ludvig Bystrom 21 MODO (SWE)

20. Mikhail Grigorenko 14 Quebec (QMJHL)

21. Tom Wilson 22 Plymouth (OHL)

22. Tomas Hertl 23 Slavia Praha (Czech)

23. Pontus Aberg 24 Djurgardens (SWE)

24. Michael Matheson 28 Dubuque (USHL)

25. Scott Laughton 30 Oshawa (OHL)

26. Gemel Smith 25 Owen Sound (OHL)

27. Brady Skeji 33 USNTDP

28. Sebastien Collberg 19 Frolunda (SWE)

29. Phillip Di Giuseppe 27 Michigan (CCHA)

30. Olli Maatta - London (OHL)

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I think if they stay put at 14 then Sebastian Collberg (rw) would be a great pick. He outshined the bigger more regarded Filip Forsberg at the world juniors(7pts). He posseses good speed, great hands and excellent one on one moves. He would need to bulk up though 5.11 174pds.

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As we get closer to the draft I have been looking at some potential 3rd round picks. A couple that I like are:

Matia Marcantuoni: one of the fastest skaters in the draft has slipped a lot this year due to injuries.

Esa Lindell: big defenseman had 21 goals in 48 games for Jokeit Jr. last year

Charles Hudon: size an issue but has a good skill set, might go in the 2nd round.

Calle Andersson: 6'2" defenseman makes a good first pass.

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As we get closer to the draft I have been looking at some potential 3rd round picks. A couple that I like are:

Matia Marcantuoni: one of the fastest skaters in the draft has slipped a lot this year due to injuries.

Esa Lindell: big defenseman had 21 goals in 48 games for Jokeit Jr. last year

Charles Hudon: size an issue but has a good skill set, might go in the 2nd round.

Calle Andersson: 6'2" defenseman makes a good first pass.

I'm calling it right here, this is a Hakan Andersson pick right here. Right up Detroit's alleyway; skilled defenseman with hockey IQ. He won't last past Detroit's second rounder (if he even makes it there).

Marcantuoni, I'm not quite sold on. He reminds me a lot of Rico Fata, good size, FANTASTIC skating, and beyond that doesn't bring anything to the game. I haven't seen much in the way of hockey IQ from him this year, and not all of the blame for that can be shifted to injuries.

Lindell, I haven't seen personally, but from what I hear he's basically the Finnish Calle Anderson. Smart, big defender who can play. Just going by his stats, he had a phenomenal year, even more so than Andersson.

I've always been high on Hudon, he's just small. Granted, that wouldn't be that big an issue right now if it weren't for his lack of top-end speed. When people see a forward who stands on the lesser side of 5'10" they expect him to be a roadrunner for some reason. To me he looks a bit like Brian Gionta, smart player who despite a lack of size or insane speed manages to find the soft area of the ice for quality scoring chances.

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I don't get to correct you often but if we drafted Grigerenko at #14 and he didn't sign it would be the 44th pick in 2014 we would get as compensation. As he would have 2 years to sign.

Also I am under the impression if a player disappears to the KHL you can retain their rights until they reach the age to be a UFA.

You are correct.

My oops. :blush:

Even so the reward end is worth the risk.

Worst case scenario he's a bargaining chip like Ramo (if signed) or Erixson (if unsigned).

Best case gives us an 18 year old center that has a leg up on most to become a keeper/possible star.

The draft is a crap shoot as you need to forecast what a teenager will become. The draft combine this week will give the scouts a good idea if he's got the balls to be an NHLer or a fail. If he has the heart & is available we get a player that was predicted top 5 not long ago. That's a gamble I'd take.

If the scouts see him as a Semin type we pass.

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You are correct.

My oops. :blush:

Even so the reward end is worth the risk.

Worst case scenario he's a bargaining chip like Ramo (if signed) or Erixson (if unsigned).

Best case gives us an 18 year old center that has a leg up on most to become a keeper/possible star.

The draft is a crap shoot as you need to forecast what a teenager will become. The draft combine this week will give the scouts a good idea if he's got the balls to be an NHLer or a fail. If he has the heart & is available we get a player that was predicted top 5 not long ago. That's a gamble I'd take.

If the scouts see him as a Semin type we pass.

I predict that if Grig is available we take him, and we blow our wad on Semin
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With cervenka, new coach, baertchi and iggy in lead would semin may make a lot of sense for the right price, even at 5 mill. Iggy shows him heart, his talent helps develop baertchi and cervenka and the new coach has the intelligence to make system thats taylored to the players and what made them successful rather than the same old system that's quashed the potential for last few years

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With cervenka, new coach, baertchi and iggy in lead would semin may make a lot of sense for the right price, even at 5 mill. Iggy shows him heart, his talent helps develop baertchi and cervenka and the new coach has the intelligence to make system thats taylored to the players and what made them successful rather than the same old system that's quashed the potential for last few years

I personally think Semin is a decent option. He fills a position of weakness (if we keep him at RW) and he fits what the Flames are trying to do related to skill. I also think his defensive issues are overblown as are his work ethic issues. I have said it many times before but the Flames mantra has to be to buy low.

People want wart free risk free trades and pick-ups. They are going to be few and far between for the Flames. We either blow it up entirely or we take some chances.

Oddly enough many of the same people that are against taking risks on players like Semin are the same people that are against a rebuild. The only other option is inaction and that hasn't been working at all. But that is another tangent.

Back on topick I would take Grigerenko in a heart beat unless there is serious concern on him bolting. They are at the combine now and will have a chance to interview him and see him in action. Considering he joined the CHL of his own accord I think the flight risk is minimal unless there really is a year long lockout.

He would be a gift at 14. I don't think he is available though. Most reports have Faksa available. My money is on him getting drafted.

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if iggy sticks around, the line ups are pretty solid in the future with collberg. Just need to really work on faceoffs or consider getting a player like stoll on the 3rd line. Grig or girg would fit in just as well, and help with our smaller wingers we have in development though




bouma/jones/ferland (neminsz)

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