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Moss Injured


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If Backlund doesn't get the call I'm gonna freak out. The way he played against the Canucks should be enough for him to AT LEAST get a chance. Also, recall Kotalik. We have nothing to lose at this point.

No matter what Backlund does, Butter just don't trust young players. His ice time has declined throughout the year, not increased.

I honestly thing it's most likely that he shifts Tanguay to the middle, moves up Bourque and keeps Backs to ~10 mins a night. He only played 10:31 against Vancouver despite being easily the best Flames player on the ice. That goal of his was one of the biggest effort plays I've seen from any Flame all year.

Hagman, Jackman and TKO all played substantially more than Backs. When a coach plays his 4th line pluggers over a skilled centre (when you only have 3 centres) that is producing and playing at the height of his game you've got to question his ability to coach at this level.

Stajan played 17 minutes for heaven's sake. I know he scored a goal, but in that game he was no where near Backs level of compete. No where near it. No one was. Yet Backs played less than every forward other than Bouma. Where is the logic?

And when Butter punishes those that try due to youth or whatever his reasoning is, team morale must suffer. There is no connection between the effort or results of a player and his ice time. That's a major failure in my opinion.

To be honest, this "shouldn't" be a big deal. If this team misses the playoffs because of a David Moss injury, then this team doesn't deserve to be in the playoffs because it would mean this team has some big problems.

I agree 100%. If David Moss is your superstar, you are effectively screwed. However, in the way that Butter coachs, Moss is very important. Butter isn't flexible enough to deal with this loss. He needs these crash and bash players because it's all he know hows to coach system wise.

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I am a bit bewildered by a couple of things Mr. Feaster has done, now that things have progressed a bit.

Why did he feel it was necessary to force $500,000/year center and all around love sponge Craig Conroy into retirement when he was looking at someone like Freddy(single-pane) Modin for depth? Conroy is a better fit, cheaper and more durable. We could really use him right now.

I'm probably in the minority, but I would not want Conroy on this team right now. I coudln't stand watching him anymore he was just too slow and just frustrating how he was consistantly behind the play. I back that move 100% actually, althought I agree you have a case in why Modin was a better fit. However, I for one am glad Craig Conroy is no longer on the roster despite being a great guy.

If Moss is going to be out for any length of time I see either John Armstrong or Ryan Stone up here and I would much, much prefer those two guys over Connie.

I've seen this mentioned a few times about Tanguay taking on first line center role. I thought he did a decent job of it a week or so ago (can't remember who we played). To me it seems a logical choice. So much so that I wonder why he wouldn't be asked to play the centering position regularly.

He was, back when they orginally acquired him from Colorado. Darryl Sutter came out and said that he thought Tanguay was actually their answer to their search for a number one center. Tanguay intially said he would play whereever, but when camp rolled around he said he was only comfortable on the wing and wasn't ok with a switch. Maybe that has changed, as i believe Tanguay's general attitude have changed, but given that he was pretty non committal even over the last week to a swtich to Center I don't think it has.

Backlund makes the most sense and IMO should be there, but I have to agree that with Brent as the coach it will not happen. Brent will either put someone there who isn't a natural center of he'll put Stajan up there. He'll give Backlund a couple of shifts and then keep him on the 4th line regradless of how he plays up there just so that he can say he did and not create media attention.

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No matter what Backlund does, Butter just don't trust young players. His ice time has declined throughout the year, not increased.

I honestly thing it's most likely that he shifts Tanguay to the middle, moves up Bourque and keeps Backs to ~10 mins a night. He only played 10:31 against Vancouver despite being easily the best Flames player on the ice. That goal of his was one of the biggest effort plays I've seen from any Flame all year.

Hagman, Jackman and TKO all played substantially more than Backs. When a coach plays his 4th line pluggers over a skilled centre (when you only have 3 centres) that is producing and playing at the height of his game you've got to question his ability to coach at this level.

Stajan played 17 minutes for heaven's sake. I know he scored a goal, but in that game he was no where near Backs level of compete. No where near it. No one was. Yet Backs played less than every forward other than Bouma. Where is the logic?

And when Butter punishes those that try due to youth or whatever his reasoning is, team morale must suffer. There is no connection between the effort or results of a player and his ice time. That's a major failure in my opinion.

I agree 100%. If David Moss is your superstar, you are effectively screwed. However, in the way that Butter coachs, Moss is very important. Butter isn't flexible enough to deal with this loss. He needs these crash and bash players because it's all he know hows to coach system wise.

I didn't see anyone make this claim, who are you agreeing with? The Flames are balancing close to a tipping point and can't afford to lose any key players especially at center. Moss is a big loss, I hope someone can step up for this stretch push, it would be a real shame to faulter now because of a few injuries.

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I'm probably in the minority, but I would not want Conroy on this team right now. I coudln't stand watching him anymore he was just too slow and just frustrating how he was consistantly behind the play. I back that move 100% actually, althought I agree you have a case in why Modin was a better fit. However, I for one am glad Craig Conroy is no longer on the roster despite being a great guy.

If Moss is going to be out for any length of time I see either John Armstrong or Ryan Stone up here and I would much, much prefer those two guys over Connie.

He was, back when they orginally acquired him from Colorado. Darryl Sutter came out and said that he thought Tanguay was actually their answer to their search for a number one center. Tanguay intially said he would play whereever, but when camp rolled around he said he was only comfortable on the wing and wasn't ok with a switch. Maybe that has changed, as i believe Tanguay's general attitude have changed, but given that he was pretty non committal even over the last week to a swtich to Center I don't think it has.

Backlund makes the most sense and IMO should be there, but I have to agree that with Brent as the coach it will not happen. Brent will either put someone there who isn't a natural center of he'll put Stajan up there. He'll give Backlund a couple of shifts and then keep him on the 4th line regradless of how he plays up there just so that he can say he did and not create media attention.

I hope Sutter surprises us all by putting Backlund with Iginla and Tanguay. Let's see how it goes, the younger guy may just open up some ice and put a charge into those two again. I like the second line with Glencross, Jokinen and Bourgue. If they are bringing in Kotilik put him with Hagman and Stajan for a 3rd line.

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I'm probably in the minority, but I would not want Conroy on this team right now. I coudln't stand watching him anymore he was just too slow and just frustrating how he was consistantly behind the play. I back that move 100% actually, althought I agree you have a case in why Modin was a better fit. However, I for one am glad Craig Conroy is no longer on the roster despite being a great guy.

If Moss is going to be out for any length of time I see either John Armstrong or Ryan Stone up here and I would much, much prefer those two guys over Connie.

I don't disagree with bringing up the kids at all cross. In fact, I thought that was what Feaster said he was doing dumping Conroy and demoting Ales. But to me that is a separate issue. My post was just addressing the the 'veteran depth player role' issue. I just don't see Modin as an upgrade over Conroy, or someone who can expected to stay healthy anymore. Especially at twice the salary. Conroy may have lost a 1/2 step, but Modin didn't exactly look fleet of foot either :lol:

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I hope Sutter surprises us all by putting Backlund with Iginla and Tanguay. Let's see how it goes, the younger guy may just open up some ice and put a charge into those two again. I like the second line with Glencross, Jokinen and Bourgue. If they are bringing in Kotilik put him with Hagman and Stajan for a 3rd line.

Can Kotalik play while he is on the 24 hour waiver period?





I think we'll be fine.

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I don't disagree with bringing up the kids at all cross. In fact, I thought that was what Feaster said he was doing dumping Conroy and demoting Ales. But to me that is a separate issue. My post was just addressing the the 'veteran depth player role' issue. I just don't see Modin as an upgrade over Conroy, or someone who can expected to stay healthy anymore. Especially at twice the salary. Conroy may have lost a 1/2 step, but Modin didn't exactly look fleet of foot either :lol:

Yeah I guess I seperate the two. I do like the fact that Conroy was let go because I think the days of him helping the team are behind him.

in terms of acquiring Modin I think the wing vs center thing was the driving force but I don't disagree that the logic wasn't fantastic. I support the Conroy move, but would have rather see Feaster claim Sturm off of waviers if he just wanted a veteran presence. So I don't diagree about the Modin thing, althought I sort of see where he was coming from, I just veiw the releasing of Conroy as seperate.

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Don't even hope for anything involving Backlund guys. If he can't even get good minutes with Jokinen out....





according to DailyFaceoff

If this is really what we're throwing on the ice tonight I'd definitly be pissed. The ''anyone but Backlund on the top line'' mentality would continue.

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I didn't see anyone make this claim, who are you agreeing with? The Flames are balancing close to a tipping point and can't afford to lose any key players especially at center. Moss is a big loss, I hope someone can step up for this stretch push, it would be a real shame to faulter now because of a few injuries.

I agreed 100% with the guy that I quoted... if you miss the playoffs because of David Moss's injury, you don't deserve to make the playoffs.

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To be honest, this "shouldn't" be a big deal. If this team misses the playoffs because of a David Moss injury, then this team doesn't deserve to be in the playoffs because it would mean this team has some big problems.

While I can understand what you are saying, you have to look at more than just the fact that it's David Moss who is injured. No one player is greater than the team, right? That's because it takes more than just a so called "superstar" to make a team successful. You also need an awful lot of chemistry and I think this is what is going to be affected. Remember that it is not just a Moss injury... Moss was playing on the top line to fill in for BMo. So, there was already some shuffling on the lines.

I know that the Flames are not considered a top team and I would agree that they are not when you look at it from an unbiased position. Having said that, I also believe that this team has the potential to compete and win with any of the so called top teams on any night. Though to do so, I think they need to maintain the great chemistry that was found within the team and with injuries, the chemistry is going to be tested. Hopefully they can put together something that will have a chemistry of its own and the success can continue. They can still do this!

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If this is really what we're throwing on the ice tonight I'd definitly be pissed. The ''anyone but Backlund on the top line'' mentality would continue.

He could score a hat-trick tonight in the 8 minutes he will play and still he'd be 4th line. Butter just really doesn't want to give this kid a chance. His play last game was absolutely better than any other Flame on the ice and despite having only Stajan as another true centre, he played 10:30. Surpassed by TKO and Jackman.

There is nothing this kid can do to earn a #1 spot. He'll just have to wait until Butter is turfed.

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He could score a hat-trick tonight in the 8 minutes he will play and still he'd be 4th line. Butter just really doesn't want to give this kid a chance. His play last game was absolutely better than any other Flame on the ice and despite having only Stajan as another true centre, he played 10:30. Surpassed by TKO and Jackman.

There is nothing this kid can do to earn a #1 spot. He'll just have to wait until Butter is turfed.

You meant to say Stajan and Jokinen, right? Jokinen is a true center too.

Also, you are wrong about Sutter not giving Backlund a chance. Backlund has been shuffled through the lines a number of times and has so far shown that he shouldn't be on the first line going up against other team's top defenders. Moss on the other hand has had a great season and was showing he is able to play in the top 6. Moss definitely deserved the shot before Backlund.

Now with Moss injured, Morrison still out and Jokinen's second line looking good and shouldn't be broken up I would give Backlund another shot. However, Stajan should be ready to step in as well. I'm sure there will be some juggling with the lines tonight.

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Don't even hope for anything involving Backlund guys. If he can't even get good minutes with Jokinen out....





according to DailyFaceoff

If this is really what we're throwing on the ice tonight I'd definitly be pissed. The ''anyone but Backlund on the top line'' mentality would continue.

Did you forget Jokinen, or is he out too? I know he had the flu and missed a practice, but I would be surprised if he doesn't play tonight.

As for who to put in, after further thought, I have changed my mind from Backlund to Stajan. Yes, Backs had a great game against the Nucks, but that does not mean he is ready for 20 minutes against a top line.

Stajan has been contributing almost nothing to the team in his current role. However, he understands the 1st line role and has done it before. Put him there for now which will allow him to make a larger contribution to the team.

Bump Backs up to 3rd line duties and 14 or 15 minutes to see how he handles that, giving him an opportunity to contribute more as well. Leave Joker on the 2nd line where he has been contributing nicely.

Bring up Stone for the 4th line. To whoever called Stone a kid that just isn't true - he is 25 years old and has played NHL hockey in each of the past three seasons (albeit not very many games). He is more than capable of giving NHL minutes on the 4th line.

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You meant to say Stajan and Jokinen, right? Jokinen is a true center too.

Yes, yes. My bad.

Moss definitely deserved the shot before Backlund.

Backs has way higher top end skill than Moss (or Stajan). He needs to develop and get comfortable with first line minutes. That's something Stajan still doesn't have. Perhaps Moss was the answer... but he's out now too.

Now with Moss injured, Morrison still out and Jokinen's second line looking good and shouldn't be broken up I would give Backlund another shot. However, Stajan should be ready to step in as well. I'm sure there will be some juggling with the lines tonight.

I thought Backs definitely earned more ice time last game, but he didn't get it. Curious to know what happens with no Moss though. Butter might not have any choice.

Did you forget Jokinen, or is he out too? I know he had the flu and missed a practice, but I would be surprised if he doesn't play tonight.

I think I heard an interview this AM on SN Radio and it sounded like he was ok.. but I was half asleep at the time.

Scary to think of a flu going around the team at this time in the season. Trouble. Backs had the flu last week. I know I don't recover the next day 100% from the flu. How many guys are playing 60%?

As for who to put in, after further thought, I have changed my mind from Backlund to Stajan. Yes, Backs had a great game against the Nucks, but that does not mean he is ready for 20 minutes against a top line.

I agree, but I think in the 15-17 minute range, alternating with Stajan, he should be good. I'd love to see Backs on the point on the PP, playing Tangs spot. Move Tangs to Morrison's spot and put Jackman in Mosses spot. The kid has an absolute bomb when he's given the chance to shoot.

Stajan has been contributing almost nothing to the team in his current role. However, he understands the 1st line role and has done it before. Put him there for now which will allow him to make a larger contribution to the team.

Putting Backs there would give him a larger contribution too... I know Stajan has played there before, but he has never found success there. I'd rather take the gamble on Backs breaking out in this last stretch. Stajan as your top centre simply won't be good enough. Backs has the skill set to be a #1 if he gets his mind in the right place. Best skating forward, hardest shot forward... great creativity. He's got all the tools. He needs to get it done mentally.

Bring up Stone for the 4th line. To whoever called Stone a kid that just isn't true - he is 25 years old and has played NHL hockey in each of the past three seasons (albeit not very many games). He is more than capable of giving NHL minutes on the 4th line.

100% agreed.

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I don't agree that it makes more sense to put someone who has admitted he isn't all that comfortable at center, there on the top line and the reason is becuase Backlund may not be ready to handle the minutes????

I cannot agree with that logic. You arn't asking Backlund to play 20 minutes a night your asking him to play 16-18 against better competition. If he isn't ready for the challenge he'll never amount to anything in the NHL. I am 100% confident than Backlund can handle it and he SHOULD get the opportunity to. Backlund is an offensive player who has raised the level of his game every time i've seen him put out there with Ignila and I would expect no difference if it were to happen again.

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I thought Backs definitely earned more ice time last game, but he didn't get it. Curious to know what happens with no Moss though. Butter might not have any choice.

Sutter has a few choices. He could move Bourque to the first line and try Tanguay between Iginla and Bourque again. He could move Stajan to the first line or Backlund.

I agree, but I think in the 15-17 minute range, alternating with Stajan, he should be good. I'd love to see Backs on the point on the PP, playing Tangs spot. Move Tangs to Morrison's spot and put Jackman in Mosses spot. The kid has an absolute bomb when he's given the chance to shoot.

I don't agree with Backlund on the point trying to QB the power play. That is a high pressure position where if you screw up you will likely end up with a break away or odd man rush going against you. I would rather see more Dmen on the point instead of Backlund.

Putting Backs there would give him a larger contribution too... I know Stajan has played there before, but he has never found success there. I'd rather take the gamble on Backs breaking out in this last stretch. Stajan as your top centre simply won't be good enough. Backs has the skill set to be a #1 if he gets his mind in the right place. Best skating forward, hardest shot forward... great creativity. He's got all the tools. He needs to get it done mentally.

Stajan has had 50+ points in the last two seasons in the NHL. That gives him a legitimate, factual leg up on Backlund's possible larger contribution. I would rather see Stajan on the top line trying to find his 50+ point performance from last year than put Backlund in the pressure cooker and under the microscope going down the stretch. That is the kind of experiment you do when a game is out of hand or when the game doesn't matter.

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I support the Conroy move, but would have rather see Feaster claim Sturm off of waviers if he just wanted a veteran presence. So I don't diagree about the Modin thing, althought I sort of see where he was coming from, I just veiw the releasing of Conroy as seperate.

I think the buzz is out that Sturm's knees are done. That is perhaps the reason Feaster passed on him.

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I think the performance of tonight and the previous night proved my point about Backs on the first line. He was a huge presence tonight, and worked great with Iggy.

And guess what, you throw him on the PP and look what happens.

Definitely run with Backs + Iggy + Whoever's hot for the rest of the season. Backs has earned it.

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I think the performance of tonight and the previous night proved my point about Backs on the first line. He was a huge presence tonight, and worked great with Iggy.

And guess what, you throw him on the PP and look what happens.

Definitely run with Backs + Iggy + Whoever's hot for the rest of the season. Backs has earned it.

I wouldn't call that lines play tonight anything too positive, but liked the Tangs-Glenx switch, then I thought Iggy-Backs-Glenx were pretty solid. One man's loss is another's gain, hopefully Backs can keep running with it.

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I think the performance of tonight and the previous night proved my point about Backs on the first line. He was a huge presence tonight, and worked great with Iggy.

And guess what, you throw him on the PP and look what happens.

Definitely run with Backs + Iggy + Whoever's hot for the rest of the season. Backs has earned it.

Your missing some things geos. He was only okay. His performance showed maybe he is not quite ready for top line or big minutes.

He scored 1 sure but he was also -2. What does that tell you? You cried for more ice time for him and he got 18+ mins. He should have been better. Time will tell, we don't have many options anyway.

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Should have been better? He was easily the best forward on Saturday against Vancouver, and he scored again last night, probably one of the top 3 forwards last night. I don't know what more you can ask. He plays so well defensively too... I know he was -2, but watch both goals, he was playing properly positionally. Regehr and Bouw were just too awful last night to be considered top defenders. Not much you can do when your defensemen decide its a good night to take it easy.

For his first game on the top line, I thought he played great. Earned the 0:18 he got on the PP too.

Looking at the last three games, Backs has been a standout from the rest of the team.

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I think the buzz is out that Sturm's knees are done. That is perhaps the reason Feaster passed on him.

Perhaps, and I know he is damaged goods but more so than Modin?

I view those two as your getting huge injury concners with both and thats the only reason your able to get them for such low cost. But I would still say Sturm>>>Modin even with the injuries. If MOdin was 100% healthy I'd agree.

Your missing some things geos. He was only okay. His performance showed maybe he is not quite ready for top line or big minutes.

He scored 1 sure but he was also -2. What does that tell you? You cried for more ice time for him and he got 18+ mins. He should have been better. Time will tell, we don't have many options anyway.

I agree with your first line, I too thought Backlund was just ok not great but ok. I do think that he fit in every nicely with the line and I prefered him there over Moss but he was not great despite the goal.

Where I disagree is the -2 and that meaning he needs to play better. The first goal, thats 100% on Tanguay for failing to pick up his man and letting him walk right down the middle. Backlkund was in a great spot assisting his dman with the cycle. He played that right and his teammates didn't.

2nd goal he may have been able to keep the puck in, but that goal was caused mainly becasue Jbow made a poor read.

Overal, I thought Backlund had a fantastic 3rd period, but was up and down through the first two. I thought he was solid defensivly, but offensivly tried to do a little too much at some times but in the 3rd I thought he settled down and was fantstic. I think the fit with him Iggy and Glencross is there for sure.

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I don't think Backlund's confidence has been impacted in the least. In fact I think Sutter has kept him off the top line to maintain his confidence. A couple of bad plays in a critical situation or bad play in general forcing a demotion would impact his confidence.

good point, I didn't look at it that way (obviously)

my analysis of Backlund's night..... not bad. He didn't start out so well (though no one did, really) but his third period was starting to look more like his Vancouver game, especially after the goal.


1g 0a 1pt -2 0PIM 63%+FO 18:00+TOI 2ht

not too bad. the -2 is somewhat troublesome, but his goal was on the pp (so no plus). His third period was looking good too, starting to connect passes with Iggy. The whole line looked better once Glencross and Tangs switched spots. In fact every player effected by the switch was better.

(so in other words I agree with Cross (not surprisingly)

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