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Hahaha, Iginla and Bouwmeester have both publicly said that feaster came to them asking if they would be open to trade and provide a list of teams. At no time was there any viable press release saying either of them wanted out. They both also commented on how sad they were to leave.


If they wanted to stay they would have stayed. Their NTCs would have reinforced that.


Jokinen was reported time a time again that he wanted to come back to calgary. It seemed that feaster didn't want him and thats why he is no longer here. If you want some proof look at us deadline dumping him on NYR and then him resigning with us at a fair price a few months later.


OK, Jokinen like Calgary but he opted for a better contract in Winnipeg and Jokinen isn't an example of a big UFA signing.


We consistently miss the playoffs yet continue to sign top free agents and have a high resign and loyalty rate. The fact that Iginla going to the pens over the bruins because of "player choice" will only raise the reputation of the calgary flames management and continue to make it a more desirable place to play. Before you say he made the choice because he had to waive, it would've been pretty easy for feaster to neglect mentioning that he had a satisfiable agreement with the pens to iggy.


What top free agents have the Flames signed?


If players want to retire Calgary would be a good choice, not if they want to win.


I won't deny our organization has made it's share of mistakes, but people like to play here and it's unlikely someone pulls a "too cool shultz" on us. I also certainly hope we don't draft anyone with the morals and arrogance of your new pp qb.


What did Nuge ever do to you?


What do morals have anything to do with it? The CBA is run under certain rules. Teams take advantage of these rules all of the time. Schultz took advantage of it to choose a different team to play for.


Tim Erixon

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If they wanted to stay they would have stayed. Their NTCs would have reinforced that.



OK, Jokinen like Calgary but he opted for a better contract in Winnipeg and Jokinen isn't an example of a big UFA signing.



What top free agents have the Flames signed?


If players want to retire Calgary would be a good choice, not if they want to win.



What did Nuge ever do to you?


What do morals have anything to do with it? The CBA is run under certain rules. Teams take advantage of these rules all of the time. Schultz took advantage of it to choose a different team to play for.


Tim Erixon

They didn't ask to me moved as you insist. They were asked if they would move, It doesn't nessesarily mean they want out. There was never ever ever ever a viable report saying iginla or bouw or really anyone wanted out. The Flames finally decided on a rebuild and their top players (except kipper) complied. Some players actually show a trait called loyalty and one thing involved in loyalty is doing whats best for those you are loyal to, which is what iginla and jbo did. Although keeping Iginla runs the chance of him not resigning.


There was nothing that ever said Calgary even offered Olli an extension, it doesn't mean it didn't happen though. Purely opinion here but I got the feeling we didn't because of his lack of conditioning not matching up with hartleys style along with his old age.


Top is a tough word to define. I guess the last top by what i would consider your definition would be jbo, but even the hudler and wideman signings were big. Wideman was definatly a top 10 free agent this year and hudler wasn't far off that. You take into consideration that the flames were widely regarded as a team to fail by a lot of people it's always nice to pick up guys like that.


I thought Shultz was your pp qb..? Anyways he's the one I have a problem with, that rule should be completely scrapped as it just loses credibility at the draft. A team spent their pick on him and he didn't even have the respect to show up.


Good call on Erixon though, but his antics haven't exactly made him a well liked player by my observations. Why should shultz be any different. If I were in the league I would have no respect for a player like that. But unfortunatly that's all just my opinion.

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Jones and Whitney are two of the most popular guys in the dressing room. Not only that but they do contribute to the team in some level. The Oilers have battled hard lately to get into the playoff mix. What kind of message would it send to the younger players ie Hall, RNH. Nuge, etc that yeah you guys are playing really hard and have a chance of making the playoffs but we're going to trade these two veteran, good guys for 2nd round picks. Yeah we could make the playoffs but we could just get picks and hopefully make it next year. Why would the team want to keep on battling if they thought management didn't believe in the current group?


Back to the thing I don't like. If the Oilers did trade those players you'd come on here saying some crap about how management didn't try to make the playoffs. You don't have a belief system, just a hatred for a team that's positioned far better than yours.



There was a day a long time ago Conner I used to think you had some semblance of logic behind some of your points. (Key words: Used to think; semblance) Those thoughts didn't take long to vanish however and all anyone needs to do is start reading this thread to see that for themselves. Your hatred of the Flames shows up in your posting and it only distorts any thoughts that might have had merit.


The thing I really don't like about you is you

For the record I hold no malice towards you, but lets face it, you come up with such gems (like these posts) please keep the comedy coming.2dsem9i.gif


Are you incapable of debating your teams without trying to deflect the debate to what is going on with the Flames? How many times do I have to point it out to you that is what you often do??

Some people around here use the expression "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over...."


The guy(Jerred Smithson) is a plug and the only reason your GM did the deal is so the fans can't claim he sat on his hands "Again" at trade deadline. The really really funny part is it appears that you can't see it.


Oh and another funny thing... you were the one who brought up the trading of your other popular in the locker room plugs not me. My original comment(see quote below) was your best move to help the Oilers was to bring in a old plug? Where is the tough power forward that your fans have been screaming for all year? or how about the D depth which is the Oilers biggest hole? A rental wouldn't have hit your cap much and there is no need to break up your "untradeable" guys with a rental. No one except Washington gave up much for prospects anyway this year.


Instead you get a nothing trade and your GM doesn't even decide if your team is a buyer or seller he did what he usually does..   wait for it:



It has nothing to do with the trades the Flames have made, it has nothing to do with the standings of the Flames. As much as you like to deflect the subject from Oilers to Flames when someone criticizes the Oilers that doesn't work with this plug you picked up.



LOL....Jerred Smithson the Game changer.... Yep your GM has the pulse of your team. Just what your team needed age and size on your bottom 6. and trading draft picks to get him..lmaorofl

let me add another lmaorofl in here..this is just too funny...ih0f9f.gif


Uh, no.


Contenders want players to help them now, not later.

Boston already made enquiries on John Gaudreau, he has played in their area, lead their US U20 team. Would be a big (no pun intended) pickup for them.


Boston is a contender, They weren't looking for now but rather future or down the line too..

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Only the village idiot would say he would rather his team have a lottery pick. (Than compete for the playoffs)



So are you the village idiot now?


A lotto pick is a lotto pick is a lotto pick. Your team still sucks. As a fan it must really suck to have to think next year.. then think next year, next year... then again think next year the next year after that.

Islanders West and next year you will be saying the same damn thing. Foreseeable Future Contending?? Please...

You have no D. Sorry you have a D but it seems to be just barely above AHL grade when healthy.

That combo will get you to the promised land quick.

Where is this Stanley Cup Contending Goaltender going to come from? Better yet who is it?

Come back and talk when you are at least contending for a playoff spot, instead of one team away from the bottom of the league. Again

Oh and your question..

We are working on it but we can't worry about being elite atm. We are kinda busy with this playoff thing, so for us right now it is baby steps, not huge Leaps of Faith like you guys.


Islanders of the west? Doesn't look too bad for the Islanders of the Oilers this year, unlike the Flames.


The New York Islanders, who have picked first twice, second once, and chosen third, fourth and fifth three times in the draft, remain the most dysfunctional franchise in all of hockey. for now.

Look below you Columbus:

The Columbus Blue Jackets have played in one playoff round in 10 years of existence. They’ve had top 10 draft picks 10 different times. It hasn’t taken them anywhere near contender status.

Well there must be some more comparables.. there is:

The Atlanta Thrashers have played 10 full seasons and have never won a playoff game. They have drafted first twice, second twice, third and fourth in their history: (Maybe finding them a Home in Winnipeg will help at least they are now contending for a playoff spot)GL Jets. I know your fanbase won't settle for another Lotto Pick instead of a possible playoff spot.

Okay lets look at another comparable:

While the Kings may seem to be a model for managerial patience and bottoming out — building through the draft being the catch phrase — understand this: The Kings missed the playoffs six straight years to get the draft picks necessary to compete. In the seventh building year, they made the playoffs and were eliminated in six games. Last year out first round. This is Year 9. If the season ended on Wednesday, the Kings would not be in the playoffs. So for all their patience, all their doing things the “right way” you can ask yourself a question: Where exactly are they?

And you are telling me this song and dance you will be contending in a couple of years?

Who exactly is delusional here?? You can show me the examples of how Chicago did it, and the Penguins did it, but until the Edmonton Oilers start to do it they haven't done anything.


Islanders currently have a playoff spot


Columbus and the Oilers are in the mix.


And the Kings, winning the Stanley Cup ain't too bad, IMO.


Thanks Conner for your uniformed and delusional thoughts.

I have to ask though. You keep referring to Flames difficulties, to sum up your Leaps of Faith Oiler thoughts.

This is the Oilers and how they are attempting to build thread.

Our Flames performance has nothing to do with "your lack of success" excepting the 2 points for each time we play. You seem to have difficulty separating that fact.

How long has it been since your "Going to Contend for a Cup" Oilers has been anywhere but the basement? You are welcome to conveniently ignore your poor D and Goalies that won't get you anywhere, all you want, but burying your head in the sand won't move you up any standings either.

In any drag race you have to make it off the starting line without jumping the gun. To make it to the finals you have to compete and finish better than a mediocrity of other teams. My team is competing and your team isn't.

Saying my team is worse off doesn't change the lack of any progress from your team now does it......

Standings prove we have not been worse off... this year, last year, year before that, year before that, year before that, year before that, year before that.....


Oh how times have changed :)


Connor.. you seem waay outta your element here. 1 win spurred all this?

Because a team lacks top 3 draft picks hardly dooms them in the future.

Calgary has the edge in organizational reputation... They have been and will continue to attract the better FA's to supplement their lineup to a much greater degree than the oilers will... till the oilers start winning. That's what recent history has shown.

'Potential' is a difficult sell to FA vets looking to win. Till we see those quality signings actually happen in Edm... its pretty obvious they aren't a FA destination for the foreseeable future. Come back when they do.. Despite what 'Oil Change' will have you believe, Belanger isn't that type of signing.

Calgary is set up right now and for the next couple seasons to contend for the playoffs much better than the oilers because of flat out superior depth.

Oilers are set up nicely with youngens... but it remains to be seen if management has the ability to supplement the roster with the right supporting cast. So far - not even close.

Keep screaming 'but the future!' tho... It's a nice dream.

And i have to add... i don't like the Oilers chances of sniffing the playoffs for awhile if the realignment goes thru 2 seasons from now.

They would have to crack the top 4 in a conference of:

Van, SJ, LA, Ana, Cal, Col and Pho....

But lots changes in 2-3 seasons... for you to spout like the oilers are some kind of lock for success screams ignorance.


- Oilers signed Schultz, one of the most sought after free agents in a long time.


- Flames are set up to contend for the playoffs better than the Oilers for the next couple seasons?

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First off, I'd say dissing on Kipper is the one thing you will get killed for here down south. You can say all you want about everything else, but if you touch Kipper that's just going too far. Or are you just jealous that we have a guy who can steal games for an average team?

Last time I checked, the LA Kings have made the playoffs only to be punted out in the first round each time. They're consistently a 6th-10th team. Sounds an awful lot like a team we have. Except that we made the playoffs for a longer streak before tailing off. Their prospect pool is arguably even worse than ours, our team is only marginally older, and the only reasons we both compete are because our goalies have to play lights out due to the fact that we are both slow. I don't see how LA is doing so good, especially since they have cap issues whereas our situation improves drastically over the next 2 years.

Let's look at the three situations you named Connor. Let's do that. We're going to look at each subjectively here.

1. Atlanta: Tanked 4 years and got the 1st overall 1999 (Patrik Stefan), 2nd overall in 2000 (Dany Heatley), the 1st in 2001 (Ilya Kovalchuk) and another 2nd overall (Kari Lehtonen). Kovalchuk and Heatley made their debuts and both did better than any Oilers youngster did in a tighter checking NHL. Second year, Heatley broke out and developed into a star while Kovalchuk improved on his own pace significantly. Everyone said that they were a team on the rise and that with two young superstars, they'd be contenders. 3rd year, Heatley starts slow, then gets into an accident that kills a teammate and takes him out of commission for the rest of the year before he requests a trade out of Atlanta. Kovalchuk develops into a star but still no playoffs. They end up trading Heatley for Hossa and despite having Hossa, Kovalchuk, Marc Savard, Slava Kozlov, and Kari Lehtonen, they fail to get anywhere over the next three seasons (beyond a first round powder by the lower seeded NY Rangers). Hossa gets traded, Savard signs with Boston, Lehtonen never met expectations and was traded, Stefan was a disappointment, and despite his years of service to the Thrashers Kovalchuk finally gives up on the cause and gets dealt to NJ.

That team had no defense, their goaltending was better than the Oilers and it still wasn't good enough despite having over a PPG players like Kozlov, Kovalchuk, Hossa, Heatley, and Savard at various points over 7 seasons. Scoring sensations, no D, and average goaltending. Sound familiar?

2. Columbus: Numerous top picks. It reads like a list of some of the biggest busts in recent NHL draft history: Picard (8th), Zherdev (4th), Brule (6th), Leclaire (8th), Filatov (6th). They had goaltending (Leclaire and Mason both had good seasons at one point for the BJs), they had scoring at various points over their tenure, but what's left now? Nash and Brassard are the only forwards from the old regime still around. Moore is the only defenseman. Beyond Brassard, Nash, and a small number of role players (Vermette, Dorsett) basically everyone else there looks like they want to play their way out of the NHL. Or at least out of Columbus. Luckily they managed to get out of the woods once before getting spanked by the Red Wings in 4 straight.

Nash was supposed to be their centerpiece. Now he's getting shopped around because every one else that was supposed to be around him failed. I personally still believe he should stay in Columbus but I'm not Scott Howson. And Howson already has a history of a gambler and making questionable decisions.

3. Islanders: The most mishandled team to ever exist in the NHL (though those 1990s Lightning teams could give them a run for their money). They've actually done pretty well for themselves lately, despite the apparent mishandling of both Josh Bailey and Nino Niederreiter. Nabokov is a solid NHL tender with comparable stats to Kipper this season. That hasn't stopped them from remaining in the both 5 of the league. Despite all-world play from Tavares, the rest of the lineup has been perennialy underwhelming.

Laugh all you want about our love affair with Kipper, but you won/t be laughing after you find yourselves in a similar spot to Atlanta or Columbus someday. Both those teams spent plenty of money too, and it didn/t get them far. In fact, the BJs are spending money RIGHT NOW to stay in the basement. It's an almost impossible task of trying to get over the hurdle and it needs a lot to fall into place. A goalie stepping up (Fleury and Niemi for example), a great D (Gonchar, Gill, Orpik , Letang , Goligoski and Scuderi for Pens; Seabrook, Keith, Hjalmarsson, and co. in ChiTown) and a great coach (Quenneville and Bylsma). The Oilers are hoping for something similar but so far the results are nil.

None of the current contending teams are rebuild-by-scorched earth methods beyond Pittsburgh. And they spent YEARS wandering through the forest building up depth before that final push over the top. Every other team has constantly retooled itself. I honestly don't know how much potential is good for, but if it's not in the right organization then you may as well kiss it goodbye. I don't doubt that Eberle, Hall and Company are going to be real good, I just doubt whether the TEAM will be any good. And history's shown us that teams who tank without the prerequisite depth on D and in net oftentimes fail to ever reach anything a la Florida, Atlanta, and NY. They have star players, but those star players basically waste their years away because nothing ever comes that pulls the rest of the depth out of a ditch.


- What happened to Kipper?


- Spoke too soon on the Kings, eh?


- All 3 of Islanders, Columbus and Atlanta/Winnipeg are competing for the playoffs and doing better than the Flames.


I've said several times that I expect the Oilers to be challenging for the playoffs next season.

Predictions are meant to be leaps. If I made a prediction Vancouver is going to make the playoffs isn't much of a prediction.


- Good call.


They have players that will definitely be upswinging in their development... no question.

But if the D stays status quo... i just don't see how the next developmental step of Peckham(24), Petry(24) and Smid(26) will flip their 25th ranked D up to sufficent levels.

The rest of the signed D is pretty much at what-you-see-is-what-you-get based on their ages... And what-you-see this yr and what-you-are-getting from those guys is far from the playoff-tier level of play required to truly compete.

Again.. it all gets down to who the Edm brass is able to add this off-season... But i definitely disagee with your take that development from within will be enough to bounce from 14th to top 8..

Historically i don't think you could pull a single comparable that pulled such a turnaround without significant turnover and significant additions to their rosters...

It's dream at this point.


- Oilers added two rookies and that's about it so the improvement this year has primarily come from within.


You have expectations that the Oilers make the supporting moves necessary to upgrade the lineup along side the developing youngsters.. and therefore you have expectations that they'll at least be challenging for the playoffs.

That's definitely fair.

It gets back to one of my original points, however.

I think the Oilers management will be hard pressed this yr to attract the quality supporting talent needed...

a - because i doubt the oilers' state as a 'rebuilding' team is a selling point

b - faith in the management

* It is an absolute MUST they have a better July 1st 2012, than their July 1st, 2011.

For reference purposes -

Edm signings July 1st, 2011 : Eager, Hordichuk, Barker, Belanger, Potter, Green.

If they go with (or get stuck with, or are forced to settle for) more reclamation projects and rejects again this season as their depth... maaan...

Can't wait to find out how they score.


- Oilers attracted Schultz as a rebuilding team

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You can try and provoke us all you want because of our teams current situation Connor...


But remember this...   I would not count on the Oilers brass having any concrete plans for a future dynasty...


The Oil will be the only team in the league to spend over a half billion dollars on a new arena that looks like a golf club...  






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if Kiprusoff goes down for a season, Oilers are better than Flames.


- Kiprusoff sucked and Oilers are better than the Flames.


Self Proclaimed Village Idiot.

If's, .... For every if you throw our way none will likely be true and there is the counter for Oilers. Is that all you got Conner.. If's ???

If Kipper went down Irving would come up. If they didn't play too well then we would trade for a suitable starter.

If you had no internet Conner life would be so much better.

If Oilers changed out the ugly Jerseys the team might play better.

If your coach stays concussed they might win a few more

If you Owners actually spent a bit of money they might have some D.

If the Oilers needed to sell tickets they wouldn't suck so bad.

Big if's:(close to truisms)

If the Oilers can't beg borrow or steal a few NHL calibre D then they won't move up the standings ever let alone anytime soon.

If the Oilers don't find some Average+ Starting Goaltenders soon, they won't be going anywhere.

Having a lot of Top picks is nothing to be proud of. They aren't Like Stanley Cups to be shown off, they are badges to show how bad your team was. More Badges is telling the world you sucked Big Time, for a long long time.


- Kiprusoff SUCKED so far this season and is retiring, where's his replacement?


- Pretty much same D-core as last year plus Schultz and Oilers moved up.


- Same goaltenders and the Oilers are improved


- So the Flames are getting their "badge" this year?


Yeah, what are you talking about?

No one has envy for the Flames. They're unlikely to miss the playoffs again and have a weak prospect pool. They refuse to assess their long term future. Next year is when the Oilers will surpass the Flames, especially if Feaster has to do his "win at all cost" strategy that's worked so well this deadline.


- Good call


You're going to need to sit down for this. Are you sitting down? The Flames have no future and will be a bad team for years to come.



- Good call again


right now the only good prospect not on your team is klefbom and other then hall RNH and Eberle our the only other good players on your team. Gagner is decent he had a 4 goals and 4 assists night it will never happen again he will never get more then 50 points Hemsky what a joke he got resigned for 2 years 10 million hahahahhaha he has what 5 goals and 20 assists ? he makes as much as tanguay and glencross and there both better then him. Horcoff sucks end of story. Smyth is a good player but too old. paayarvi has what 2 goals 3 assists what a bust he is. Reality is other then Hall RNH EBERLE and Klefbom you also have no future we might just have a better future then you with. Baertschi, Granlund, Reinhart, Ferland, Ramage, irving, Nemisz, Horak, Byron, Breen, Connelly, so stop talking crap lets jut wait until 3-5 years and see who has a better future.


- Gagner is close to ppg player this year


- Paajarvi had a bounce back season


- Flames future better than the Oilers? Not now and not anywhere near in the future.


If the Oilers do not bring in some significant top 4 D this off-season and perhaps a better G, I hate to break this to you but they are going to stay in the bottom 10.

As long as the Flames have Kipper he can mask the state of the team and allow the youth influx to continue by keeping the team reasonably competitive. This is the best of both worlds.

The Flames so called empty prospect cupboard is overblown, it is actually proving to be a bit of a myth. The Flames have called up a ton of youth this year. Brodie made the roster, Horak has played a ton of games, Bouma has looked good, Butler is very young and will be solid top 4 as time goes on, these are not the elite RNH / Hall players but they are a heck of a lot better than anyone expected.

If they weren't that good they could not have held their own on NHL ice and been part of the reason the Flames have been winning enough games and getting enough points to be in the playoff race. These are AHL players that should have been eaten alive by NHL players in Dallas, L.A., etc…



- Oilers defence same + Schultz and are not bottom 10. Same goaltenders too.


- Flames have Kipprer and are nowhere close to competitive.


Funny thing Conner you keep saying you don't need a goalie or to spend money on one, like your team is the second coming of Detroit. Your team isn't the second coming of Detroit, because Detroit has had among the best D in the league, with a guy on D who many will argue is the best Defenceman to ever play the game. Your D is nothing remotely close to what they have had for 12+ years. Add to that they have 2 of the best 2-way forwards, who also play as good as your best forward line your team can ice and your predictions become laughable.

Their(Red Wings) play this year is a big improvement over some recent years because their 1st round drafted goalie has matured into a top goalie. Took him long enough. Your goalie drafts may not be so lucky to be able to learn behind a top D and top 2way puck control team..


- Oilers have the same goalie tandem as last year and the Oilers have moved up. Flames have the same one and have bottomed out.


Time for me to weigh in...

Connor, why don't you just shut the F up! Until your management team does ANYTHING to improve your team via. FA or trades, ya'll might as well just keep getting the 1st or 2nd pick in the NHL and hopefully in the near or distant future you guys will be relevant. (23 players per roster = 23 years)

You guys ARE the NYI of the west!

As much as I like the Oilers with their young talent, the Flames WITH their talent can rebuild or retoll their roster way faster than the "burn it to the ground" solution the Oilers chose.

Suuuuuure I know you would love to see them trade an Iggy,Kipper or Jbo but they will get back a Hall,Eberle or RNH and prob. more in the trade!

Keep dream'n Connon, cuz thats what the Oilers management is putting in your kool-aid and EVERYBODY in the frozen north is sucking it up like honey.


- Islanders of the west isn't too bad these days.


- Yeah, look how well the Flames last "re-tool" went.


- Hahahaha look at what the Flames got for Iginla, Bouwmeester and Kiprusoff. Late 1sts, crappy prospects and retirement.


- Oilers management has done a lot better than anticipated, eh?

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So are you the village idiot now?



Islanders of the west? Doesn't look too bad for the Islanders of the Oilers this year, unlike the Flames.



Islanders currently have a playoff spot


Columbus and the Oilers are in the mix.


And the Kings, winning the Stanley Cup ain't too bad, IMO.



Oh how times have changed :)



- Oilers signed Schultz, one of the most sought after free agents in a long time.


- Flames are set up to contend for the playoffs better than the Oilers for the next couple seasons?

There you go again Conner. Trying to deflect "your GM's sitting on the fence and only bringing in a plug", with talk of Village Idiots and draft picks. People see through your muse Conner. Time for a new tactic.


Let me refresh your memory. You admitted to being the "village Idiot". When I put that admission in my signature you turned around and complained to the Mods to have it removed. Shortly after you turned around and removed your admitance in the post. I have a screenshot of that post and that admittance Conner, do you really want me to dig it out?


I patiently await the day you start ragging on the Flames. You have started already but it will be really funny to post some of your own quotes against you.


I am patiently awaiting your losing your sig bets you have to a number of people around here. I certainly hope they have some pink frilled panties kicking around for you to wear.

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first of all iginla is a active legend the only other legends in the nhl are jagr Lidstrom and selanne now you have the guts to come here and insult him mods take this guy away please. first of all the oilers have no good prospects outside of the NHL other then Hamilton and klefbom and them with hall eberle rnh can't make a good franchise and we all know that no one wants to sign in Edm other then players who get really overpaid or players that need a career team change or the left over players that no one wants. Calgary is far more attracting then EDM. Calgary flames also Have better prospects then you outside of the NHl and to me our fuure is looking bright because players would want sign with calgary and players are willing to waive there no trade clause to go to calgary.

Brodie vs petry=Brodie

Byron vs payarvi = Byron

lander vs Horak = Horak

Klefbom vs Breen = Klefbom

Ramage vs teubert = Ramage

Granlund vs Hamilton = Granlund

Arnold vs vandelveld = Arnold

omark vs nemisz = nemisz

petrell vs bouma = bouma

dubnyk/buns vs irving = irving

this is just little example how are future is gonna be brighter then your conny


- This is so off I don't want to take that much time explaining how everything you out was wrong.



I see. I wonder why you hold that 3 years and counting "badge of epic fail" so high? Personally I would be running for cover, not on other teams boards.


- Flames' 1st badge coming up.



A real possibility for the conference next year?..A couple of tweeks? FA here or there?

Son, I know most Oiler fans are drunk on getting the lotto pick but the Oilers have had it easy. Easy as in tanking it and drafting high picks! The Oilers have so much work in front of them to put together a team that can compete for a playoff spot it's stupid. Hell, The Flames have a better chance to make the playoffs over the next few years than the Oilers do.

Take it easy man! the Oilers are only 3 years in and it will take another 3 to 5 years before the Oilers will be relevant but at least you have some good players to go to the rink and watch laugh.gif


- Still think the Flames have a better chance for competing for a playoff spot?


Edmonton will make the playoffs in the 2012-13 season.


- Come on Oilers, fulfill this quote :rolleyes:


I disagree.

Detroit and San Jose are not the same teams they used to be. There star players are getting older. Not sure if they're poised to take a significant step back but they are receding.


- Good call


They may be receeding (though people have been saying that about Detroit for 3 or 4 years) but there is still a giant chasm between them and the 29th place Oilers.

If you think adding Yakupov to the 3rd line (assuming Eberle and Hemsky play RW on the top 2 lines) is going to somehow catapolt the Oilers past Detroit, well good luck to ya.

(and I already discussed SJ in my prior post)


- Well the right wing depth did help after all


Going to need alot of work. I can't say no becuase there is the whole offseason but there have so many needs I cna't see it. 2 top 4 dmen, top 6 forward, 3/4 effective 3rd 4th liners and better goaltending is alot to pick up in one offseason. To get all of that and assume you can leave 4/5 teams above you is very optimistic IMO. It's not like you can expect more out of RNH/Hall/Eberle, they got the playe they wanted out of their kids, its just their supporting cast is terrible.


- Hall-RNH-Eberle are now playing on a new level. Supporting cast has improved greatly under Krueger.


Justin Schultz signing in Edmonton is about as possible as Gordie Howe making another return to the NHL. Not completely out of the question, but the odds are even worse than the odds the oddsmakers gave to the Flames at making the postseason just a few weeks out. Which was around 2%.

He's got no connection to Edmonton. Why would he sign there? This is merely a "Hoping for the best" lineup. Doan won't move to Edmonton after all his years in the Jets/Coyotes organization, etc.


- Hmmmm

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What do you guys think for next year:


Should we sign Ryan Whitney to a Flames contract, or Sam Gagner?


Or, should we sign both?


Personally, I was hoping to sign Whitney, and make Gagner an offer just to drive up the cost, but just small enough that the Oilers can match.


Then, after they've overpaid for Gagner, we sign Schultz/RNH in 2014.   

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New slogan to go along with the new arena...


Eberle, Hall, RNH and Yakupov...   The big  FORE!!!   :lol:


Eberle will request a trade to an actual good team. 


So the big FORE will be Hall, RNH, Yak, and Sulks. :lol:

What do you guys think for next year:


Should we sign Ryan Whitney to a Flames contract, or Sam Gagner?


Or, should we sign both?


Personally, I was hoping to sign Whitney, and make Gagner an offer just to drive up the cost, but just small enough that the Oilers can match.


Then, after they've overpaid for Gagner, we sign Schultz/RNH in 2014.   


Sam Ganger for sure.  He'll most likely want to be part of a team that rebuilds in less time. 

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Eberle will request a trade to an actual good team. 


So the big FORE will be Hall, RNH, Yak, and Sulks. :lol:


Maybe before they do another show in the "Oil Change" series...


The Oil brass should consider consulting with these guys...




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ConnorFuture whatever your called, you really are a piece of work, ive read your posts all million of them in the Flames boards and many more in the Oilers boards, your big ego gets in the way of reason all the time, why dont you leave the trolling to others, you almost had my respect in here and the Oilers boards but you really are tiresome.

You say Oilers are on the way up and the Flames are on the way down,,, hmmm lets think about that one,, well,, The Oilers can go only go one direction,, and hopefully that is up, which they will do considering all the great draft picks over the past five years,, well I guess you know direction well..

The Flames are going down?? OK, you could be right but im trying to understand how you can determine that when the Flames dont even have a coach right now to base your reasons. The Flames are going through the same humble rebuild as the Oilers, maybe in a different platform worse or better, but how can you tell yet without a coach and being able to put a value on the younger newcomers coming to the team next season?

Finally, Connor, the amount of posts you and Flames111 post in here and over at the Oilers boards I have come to give you a news flash but Flames111 has total domination on backing up facts, comments, and respect in you boards.

Flames111 does not show disrespect and or Troll for that matter in your boards, maybe you should take a lesson from him and see how "healthy rivalry" can be shown..

Troll elsewhere...sick of your immature comments continuously.. .05 for what its worth (and I know its not much).


- Well Oilers are up and Flames are down. Maybe I don't come off as gentle as 111 but I can make calls.


The Flames should move on from what they were about: Iginla and Kiprusoff. Kiprusoff should be traded because he had a great season last year and he has a tendency to follow up a good season with a sub par one. He also loses his NTC at the end of the season. He also has two more seasons left with a salary lower than cap hit which would make him more valuble to floor teams. Kiprusoff's value is at an all time high.

Iginla is another situation. His decline in his play is becoming noticealbe. Recent rumours have come out that he may not be the ultimate team guy that many thought he was. I'm not sure how high his value would be making 7 million for a 30 something goal scorer. Moing Iginla would also help the Flames turn the page to enter a new era.

I think it would be best for the Flames to trade Kirpuoff and Iginla in the long run. One step back, two forward. I also doubt that Flames ownership agrees with me. From all insider indications, ownership does not want to trade Iginla and do anything they can to make the playoffs. Keeping Iginla would mean maintaining a competitive team which means not trading Kiprusoff. The Flames via ownership will probably do everything they can to make the playoffs next season just coming up short. Iginla could then walk as UFA and that is when the Flames would enter full rebuild mode.


- This was me saying the Flames should move Iginla and Kiprusoff last off season, probably would have turned out better if they did.


- Iginla didn't walk as a UFA but it has signaled a rebuild.


Unfortunately you don't take off your Oilers glasses to see things clearly before you call them.

It sounds like Edmonton will lose the 1 player that wanted to be there for a 2nd time by low-balling him. Smyth was 5th in scoring on the Oil & the only 1 of the 5 to play 82 games. He's 36 but would likely get 3-3.5 per on a series of 1 year contracts on a contender. Staying in Edmonton means he's giving up any chance of a SC to try to help them win 1 by mentoring the kids. The fact he asked to be traded to the Oilers doesn't mean he was agreeing to be bent over.

Even with a discount a # between 2.5 & 3 sounds right on a 1 year term. That could save the Oilers cap space in the long run as even if he retired in a year the 2 per carries over as a 35+ signing.


- Smyth is still an Oiler


oilers will be better than the flames this year.


- Good call


Yeah, we know. You & Connor keep telling us that year after year. laugh.gif

Sorry, I passed on the kool aid KLowe was selling.


- Did you need to get a stronger drink after watching the Flames' seasons unfold?


And you do? Really, an Oilers fan who knows more about the inner workings of the Flames than a Flames fan.

Unlike the Oil, who work under dubious rules of conduct at best (Lowe's pissing match with Burke back in 07 probably didn't generate much applause from the 28 other GMs around the league) the Flames are well-known for having a great organization in terms of code of conduct and ethics.

And how would Jay Feaster and Co. benefit from holding Sutter back from a position? Especially the Oilers one. Either way we'll likely see a decent number of victories against the Oilers irrespective of whoever's behind the bench. And we aren't getting money to keep him from ever working in an Albertan hockey organization ever again.

As one of the previous posters said, you're trying to light a fire without a match. It's just not logical.


- Flames and their code of conduct and ethics isn't being looked at to fondly by other managers these days.


That "me first" attitude is going to be interesting in that dressing room.

Can't you just see him talking to Eberle & Hall when they get closer to RFA status next July 1 & are mulling over what the Oilers offer & he pipes up with "Wait until July 1 guys, you're both good enough to attract offer sheets. Find out how much other teams want you. If the Oilers offered less but match you'll know they tried low balling you.". (Edmonton retains the players but distrust grows.)

The next year it's "Ryan, I'll wait for an offer sheet before I sign. You gotta get it while you can."


- Nice try but wrong again


The guy hasn't played 1 minute in the NHL and he wouldn't get top 4 mins on our team.

I'd be hard pressed to place him up with Brodie here.

Then again after looking at your D in Oilerland I can see why you already have him slotted in top 4 pairings.


- So Brodie has 8 points this season and Schultz 20. Schultz has more points than Wideman too.

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I don't begrudge the Oilers anything, I just don't think Schultz is all that. He may be a top 4 for you guys but he isn't here or on most other teams.

As for you guys good luck, but if he makes your top 4 right off, you should consider how bad your D is instead of this rose colored glasses garbage Conner is spewing.


- He'd be the Flames' #1 defenceman point wise.


That can only happen if they remain on the current course of being extremely weak on D and also in the net... The multiple bottom of the barrel finishes already speak loudly... and the team has not even had to come to grips with the fact that that they need to add dollars to the weak areas and at the same time plan ahead for the number of major dollar contracts that are soon to come due for the key players that should matter in the future...

I see the Oil as having a small window for success, that also faces an insurmountable obstacle of being an unbalanced and incomplete team unless some pretty radical moves are made in the near future...

In my opinion, they will have to trade away some of the front end talent to shore up the weak areas on the back end...


- Oilers have improved, mostly internally, the window is still huge and they don't need to trade any of the big 5.


Hey Connor try signing one of your guys at that price tag when a perennial contender offer sheets at 8mil. k thx have fun

ps. and if you think hall/eberle/mps/rnh will not get offer sheeted your out of your mind. i think not 1 but at least 2 will. and trust me if the oilers miss the playoffs again next year those players will find it hard NOT to sign with a different team


- Haha. Hall and Eberle already signed long term. Nuge is next.


I don't think you understand the situation I proposed Conner, it's not primarily up to management to sign these guys. If the oilers miss the playoffs next year reguardless if it's by 5 pts or dead last. It's another season of disappointment, these players will already have their agents in their ear telling them what kind of deals to expect on the market. For your oilers you think 5-6 mil will sign all of them each. But why would these players sign cheaper to stay in edmonton, it's already labeled a non attractive fa destination and now with 3 (4 if next season is another failure) there's no reason to stay. Now that only addresses the reality of signing them to a fair contract.

Now onto the reality of an offer sheet, in your response any quality rfa should get offer sheeted.. Thats not reality though ownership groups have a unwritten code to not go after players in this manner as it creates "bad business" and makes other teams less likely to trade with you or more so offer you fair value in the future. Ask David poile what he thinks of Philly and if he would like to have friendly trade talks in the near future. Unfortunately for the oilers you have a bad history in the last decade to try and offer sheet. I do believe most teams have no love lost for Edmonton and are equally watching if you can sign these guys because come July 1st a team like the ducks would gladly love to repay the favor of leaching penner and try and steal eberle or hall.

Now I'm sure edmonton will match but now that's over your estimated salary cap. One could easily see if more than one gets offered one will go, (hard to see the oilers shake off more first rounders lol) but that might be your best option if it's hall that leaves it resupplies the cupboard for top picks while still keeping a few strong pieces just not all of them.

Just for strawberrys and giggles, the other rfas you mentioned could potential get offered but most those players are or will be the number one star on that team and their respective organizations are still maintaining a competitive field no reason not to sign.

It's funny how oiler fans are so defensive and ignorant of their own team and want to live in a fantasy world where they an gather high end talent and believe they all will buy into the koolaid without any real results. It's been three years already (since most oiler fans don't include te two years prior to te year they went to the finals even tho that was a rebuilding phase as well) and your team still doesn't look like a championship caliber team with how your goaltending an defensive zone work is.


- Hall and Eberle already signed for 6 mil per.


- Oilers are improving internally and players are buying in.


On the Weber comment, I have a gut feeling Poile & Homer collaborated on this. After taking advantage of the week the Preds have to match/posture there will probably be after the fact trades to give the Preds roster players & return a few of those picks to the Flyers.

The Oilers have already POed a few GMs. If the Ducks OS Eberle the Sabers could go for Hall. That's 2 sheets for KLowe & his puppet to digest in 1 week. (If both are front loaded it would be tough to match both.) Alternately 1 could be designed to cost Edmonton big $s in 2013 & the other to be loaded in the 2nd year when RNH & Schultz can be targeted. If the Oilers decline both (3 1st rounders for 4 years would make KLowe speckle his shorts) Burke still could be lurking & if the Oilers submit an OS during that time they've got another POed GM. Add division rivals that would have no qualms about gut punching the Oilers & this could lead to a record # of years (& 1/1s) for that rebuild.

Scary when they are trying to raise money for that new arena (already the complex has been scaled down).

Even if the cap is reduced the % of the cap remains the same. A new CBA might change the rules but some cap adviser will have the loopholes figured out by July 1/13 & everything will be common knowledge by July 1/14.

They had better work on making sure all those kids drafted are happy enough in Edmonton to turn down big $s & the chance to go to a competitive team.


- Sorry but your demented dream wasn't even in the realm of reality.


See what you can look forward to. You might even learn to spell "wiser". laugh.gif

The players & their agents do have a say on that. Market value, offer & chance of winning a SC usually come into play (unless the players enjoy playing for a team that has that lottery pick as their goal).

Losing 1/2 of your star picks the 1st time they have a chance to change uniforms & having that followed by either another 1/1 &/or the "star UFA" could lead to less support for the city/province putting money into the new arena. smile.gif


- The arena is being built


Was Barker this hot UFA that was going to give the Oilers D some credibility last year? laugh.gif

& people in Edmonton believing the Oilers are on track = all those SCs the Canucks fans thought their roster would win.



- Oilers look to be progressing nicely. How the Flames doing?


So a team that values winning and effort above all else is worse off than a team whose management dropped them in a ditch? Right. And even if you say that was the previous management team, well, nothing changed between the management then and the management now beyond a nameplate.

1st overall picks were meant to level the playing field and make sure the biggest teams didn't always get the best players. Now it's used as a badge of honor to brag about how good your team will look in 5 years.

Feaster's done a lot with what he had to work with. In just 1 and a half years as the top dog he's injected some life into the prospect pool, revamped the scouting department, made the team faster and more skilled and injected some youth into the NHL squad, all while finishing 10th and 9th over his two seasons with the team. If we ran Edmonton's management routine, he'd have dropped the team into a gutter as well and took the easy way out.

It's one thing to rebuild by sucking so badly that you get the best prospects every year, quite another to try and rebuild piece by piece without losing your dignity.

That's probably true because we as fans are going to nitpick over every fault, but fact is we didn't bring him in to be a defensive stalwart. Is that so hard to understand? I'd be happy with "passable" as long as he continues to put up points. A team that signs Ales Hemsky sure as heck isn't bringing him on for his defensive acumen, same theoretical situation.


This thread is a perfect example of two different forms of mild propoganda. Flames management believes in being competitive almost absurdly to a fault whereas Oilers management convinced their fan base that being the worst is the best.

I'd be the first to say that we as Flames fans are jealous of RNH, Hall, Eberle etc. But we sure as heck aren't jealous of your perennial table in the first row of the NHL draft. Oilers fans would gladly go for middling at this point but they don't want mediocre picks in the teens.


- I like debating with you and respect your opinion. Not sure how you feel about this quote now though.


-Unless Nail Yakupov and Justin Schultz put up 88 and 49 points, respectively, I don't see how the Oilers are going to make as big a jump. Let's face it, guys like Malkin who come in and are superstars are few and far between.

-Nylander and Kozlov were far from depth players; at the time Nylander was a PPG player, and Kozlov was a top 6 winger. Tom Poti was also a pretty good puckmover even if he wasn't a star player.

-Lang was a top 6 center. Sopel was an experienced veteran defensive defender with great shotblocking abilities.

So far, besides Schultz and Yakupov, the Oilers have added....Dane Byers. I don't know about you but that move doesn't exactly look like a Robert Lang, Michael Nylander or even a Brent Sopel.

The Oilers could luck out and have Yakupov be the next great Russian forward, score PPG and immediately turn the team around, but even previous "generational" talents like John Tavares haven't done that, so I'd say the odds are stacked against that kind of explosion. MOST, not all, of the teams added a couple of impact veterans to go along with their young guns.


- Schultz and Yakupov aren't producing runaway Calder totals but the Oilers look to have made a big improvement this season

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Injuries as an excuse add to the myth that they are actually a good team & that all those 1/1 picks are because of a few bad breaks. laugh.gif

That kool-aid must be tasty as the Oilers fans keep buying more.


- So what's the Flames' excuse?


Leverage is what Shea Weber used. Not signing until he received an offer sheet is leverage.

The best tool very good RFAs have in their toolbox is the possibility/probability of an offer sheet.

Hall &/or Eberle could have their agents keep negotiating/stalling until July 1, 2013 to see how much other teams value them. A good OS comes in & they sign off on it which forces KLowe/Tambellini to match or let them go to the offering team.

Both could receive OSs (from separate teams) as there is little love around the league for your GM or his beard.

An in demand UFA is the target of a bidding war but also can just decide to play near home/for the team that gives him the best shot @ a SC or any other reason for a bit less then the highest offer. Again, it works for the top players because scrubs will just take a reasonable offer to keep playing (even if it comes from a cellar dweller) in hopes of a good year & a trade to a contender or a richer contract the next season.

I explained all 3. Is it clear enough yet? smile.gif

If not there are a few of us that will try to teach you the ways of the hockey world.


- Another one of your visions never materialized.


They bought into the build from the ditch as the best scenario. Those glasses/that kool-aid are powerful. laugh.gif

After another lottery & drafting MacKinnon they'll start trying to win (unless there's another hotshot projected as 1/1). biggrin.gif


- Is that the Flames' plan?


The Hall contract is a joke. He has done absolutely nothing to deserve anything close to that amount. He made the Oilers pay through the nose to lock him up long term.


- Hall is 7th in the league in points, 6th in ppg leading Oilers forwards in both corsi and quality of competition. The only players that have a lesser cap hit than him and have more points are Lupul and he is the youngest of the top 7 by two years. His contract still look like a joke?



Your trades are nothing but Blue and Copper coloured fantasy. You don't build a team by trading away all your players for prospects. The Oilers aren't a team, they are a joke. And the only reason that they have any talented kids is because the draft rewards failure.

The Flames are acquiring and developing prospects at a fine pace now - they have fixed their drafting woes and eliminated the trade-picks-for-now strategy. They do not need to rebuild and it won't happen.

As to JBo for Rattie - Rattie might never play in the NHL (I doubt he will). What a joke of a trade and it just goes to show how little you know about building a team.


So instead of Rattie who'd the Flames get FOR Bouwmeester?


There are different ways of building teams.

1 is the tried & true combination of drafting, signing & trading for a good team.

Another is to pin your hopes only on the draft & the hope UFAs will want to join all those high picks. It rarely works. In defence on the Oilers KLowe did try the 1st option but the combination of players asking for trades out of Edmonton & others refusing trades to the Oilers (even begging couldn't get Heatley to agree) forced his hand.

So far players haven't demanded out of Calgary & the Flames haven't had a problem with trading for soon to be UFAs & then re-signing them (JBo & Wideman are just 2 examples). Feaster has moved vets for new blood to supplement our draftees while slowly turning over the roster. The Flames are always in contention for the playoffs rather then being numerically eliminated by the trade deadline so we continue to hope for success rather then viewing the lottery as the ultimate goal.

I find the Calgary ideal more interesting to watch as hope remains for the season rather then years down the road. smile.gif


- Flames have tried rebuilding through free agency and that was a fail.


- Players are asking to be traded.


- Where's the hope now?


I hope you don't agree with sucking to gain better draft picks. Many of us believe that is was KLowe did to get RNH and Nail, but I am surpised you would suggest that.

If I ever suspected the Flames were trying that, I would leave them like yesterday's lunch.

I would compare Vancouver and Calgary in their development curve, more so than with Van and Oils. Van has an aging core and decent goaltending. Same for Calgary. Oils have a young core with questionable goaltending.

The only thing that makes the BOA boring is seeing men playing boys. Who really wants to see Sarich crush Hall or RNH or Nail? unsure.gif


- Flames have been looking like they are just trying to get the best pick possible this season.


1. Bouwmeester is a proven commodity. Proven commodities are ALWAYS worth more than a prospect. Whether they get what they are worth in a trade is an entirely different scenario, but fact is Bouwmeester is a top pairing NHLer while Rattie has been a good (but not great) prospect who maxes out at 2nd line forward. And with the way he's started off his last junior season I wouldn't bet on that very much either.

2. It's not that we're doing a good job, it's that at the very least we are doing a BETTER job. Until the results from 10-12 start sifting through we'll really have no clue. But the early returns are promising. We are going more for smart players with skill and a fair bit of bust risk than the safe steady guy who busts anyways. Although, no matter what we draft the public perception of our prospects will likely always be negative (high-risk-high-reward player? Flames are stupid, they need guys who will play in the NHL. "Safe" choice? Flames are stupid, they need to go for more skill....).

3. By that logic 14 teams every year would be looking to dump every player of note for as high a pick as possible. Which is funny because that's how it used to be pre-2004, where the also-rans were basically farm teams for the Detroits and the Colorados of the NHL. Nowadays you can't do that, one because there isn't enough cap space for all the playoff teams to take on veteran players and two because the cap floor won't allow navajo fry bread teams to dump everything til they get to Nashville-22 M levels of payroll. Only 1 team comes out a winner every year, and everyone else is the loser, yet Cup finalists don't just dump every star player because they couldn't get it done and go for the high picks in the hopes they can try again in 10 years.

I think the biggest thing keeping you from actually sounding reasonable is the pink goggles that you have on for any player under 20 on an entry-level contract. Rattie hasn't even touched NHL ice yet. Yet he's supposedly able to pull in a # 2 minute muncher on the backend with nothing else except a throwaway 2nd rounder for company. At least with Chris Kreider he showed something in the NHL playoffs, Rattie can't even score without buddy Svenster sending him gifts on a platter 4-5 times every evening. And he's supposed to be worth close to Bouwmeester? He isn't even close to JBo in the EA NHL games.

If 1st round picks and prospects were so valuable, why are they shopped around so often? And why always in groups? I dunno about you but that to me says that no prospect is worth a proven star NHLer alone without multiple assets to go with him.


- Again, Rattie looks better than any of the prospects Feaster got FOR Bouwmeester and or Iginla.

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 Players are asking to be traded.


Out of all the crap you spew I will pick this one for now...


Either back it up or shut up...   Once and for all...


Either post links to verify this statement that are factual and not just speculation, or once and for all admit that you just troll this board because you have an inbred hate for the Flames and have nothing better to do with your life than hang around here in an attempt to make yourself feel better about the OIl spending so much time in the basement that you now have spiders and rats counted amongst your closest friends...   :lol:


There are some good fans of the Oil like UC and bronco...   and then there are trolls..

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Out of all the crap you spew I will pick this one for now...


Either back it up or shut up...   Once and for all...


Either post links to verify this statement that are factual and not just speculation, or once and for all admit that you just troll this board because you have an inbred hate for the Flames and have nothing better to do with your life than hang around here in an attempt to make yourself feel better about the OIl spending so much time in the basement that you now have spiders and rats counted amongst your closest friends...   :lol:


You're right, my opinion is based on speculation. I base it on both Bouwmeester and Iginla having NTC and then both having a list of teams they would go to. I then look at the returns on these players as border line awful and conclude that these players asked to be traded. I also base it on the Flames' owner saying he want the Flames back in the playoffs next season. Why would Feaster trade two of the Flames' premier players for spare parts, especially if the thought is having a competitive team next season?


I don't come on this board because I have a hatred for the Flames. I come on here in hopes of having honest debate. I try to be honest and call it like I see it. If the Flames make a good move or play a good game I say it. I will also admit when I'm wrong. These are things I don't see from a majority of posters on this board with the exception of Kenatch, People and some times crzydrvr.


People accuse me of having goggles on but I have brought back several posts to show a lot of my predictions and statements are a lot more accurate than those accusing me. The ones accusing me turns out to be the ones having turned their blind eye.

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You're right, my opinion is based on speculation.




Either back this statement up, or admit that you are full of crap...   You did not make this post and represent it as speculation...




So just save yourself some time and grief, and admit you are full of crap...   :lol:

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*prediction* Connor will once again try and twist things and change the subject in an attempt to avoid a question he can not answer without burying himself...












*edit* You're late...   :lol:

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