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Your trades are nothing but Blue and Copper coloured fantasy. You don't build a team by trading away all your players for prospects. The Oilers aren't a team, they are a joke. And the only reason that they have any talented kids is because the draft rewards failure.

The Flames are acquiring and developing prospects at a fine pace now - they have fixed their drafting woes and eliminated the trade-picks-for-now strategy. They do not need to rebuild and it won't happen.

As to JBo for Rattie - Rattie might never play in the NHL (I doubt he will). What a joke of a trade and it just goes to show how little you know about building a team.

Bouwmeester isn't worth nowhere near as much as you think. I understated the value slightly, it would be Rattie and a 2nd. If you think the Flames would get more than that you're wrong.

As for the Flames development or prospects, what players currently on the roster did the Flames draft? Brodie and Backlund, did I miss anyone else? The Flames have yet to show they can develop their own players, until they have more self drafted players in their lineup, you can't say they are doing a good job drafting.

They traded ray for steven jyles. Jyles is young but completely unproven. You also cant pick up a qb in the offseason and expect him to learn the offence in training camp and 2 preseason games, kind of the same way peyton hasn't made the broncos a contender. Difference is Manning is a sure-fire hall of famer who has proven himself so even with his rather poor performance over the first few games he will likely be able to shake it off by the time he figures out the offence, where as jyles is a joke who sucked in Toronto so after losing enough he loses all his confidence. Typical terrible edmonton pr, after one of the eskis many horrible losses the gm was asked if he would do the ray trade all over if he could and replied "probably not".

The thing you forget is that in the stanley cup playoffs anything can happen. The flames were a group of grinders back in 04 and somehow came within a goal of the cup. The caps made the conference final with a rookie goalie and a sub par ovi. The canucks had a solid team top to bottom and two solid goaltenders and couldn't even make the 2nd round. The stanley cup winner was only 5 damn points ahead of us. While i agree that we should focus on getting a stronger team rather then dreaming of a legendary run, Anything can happen in the final month of the season if your anywhere near that wild card race and anything can happen in the playoffs.

I agree anything can happen in the playoffs to a certain extent but a team has to make the playoffs to have it happen. The Flames were much closer than the Oilers to making the playoffs but both teams failed to go on to the post season. What's the point of being close if you aren't in?

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As for the Flames development or prospects, what players currently on the roster did the Flames draft? Brodie and Backlund, did I miss anyone else? The Flames have yet to show they can develop their own players, until they have more self drafted players in their lineup, you can't say they are doing a good job drafting.

This is just the perspective of a fan of a losing team that has been in the absolute basement of the league for enough years that they now think they finally have the answer as opposed to their just having some level of acceptance that they have become the laughing stock of the NHL...

It is pretty easy to say that drafting is the solution to your woes when your team has sucked bad enough, and for long enough that you keep getting those top picks year, after year...

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Bouwmeester isn't worth nowhere near as much as you think. I understated the value slightly, it would be Rattie and a 2nd. If you think the Flames would get more than that you're wrong.

As for the Flames development or prospects, what players currently on the roster did the Flames draft? Brodie and Backlund, did I miss anyone else? The Flames have yet to show they can develop their own players, until they have more self drafted players in their lineup, you can't say they are doing a good job drafting.

I agree anything can happen in the playoffs to a certain extent but a team has to make the playoffs to have it happen. The Flames were much closer than the Oilers to making the playoffs but both teams failed to go on to the post season. What's the point of being close if you aren't in?

1. Bouwmeester is a proven commodity. Proven commodities are ALWAYS worth more than a prospect. Whether they get what they are worth in a trade is an entirely different scenario, but fact is Bouwmeester is a top pairing NHLer while Rattie has been a good (but not great) prospect who maxes out at 2nd line forward. And with the way he's started off his last junior season I wouldn't bet on that very much either.

2. It's not that we're doing a good job, it's that at the very least we are doing a BETTER job. Until the results from 10-12 start sifting through we'll really have no clue. But the early returns are promising. We are going more for smart players with skill and a fair bit of bust risk than the safe steady guy who busts anyways. Although, no matter what we draft the public perception of our prospects will likely always be negative (high-risk-high-reward player? Flames are stupid, they need guys who will play in the NHL. "Safe" choice? Flames are stupid, they need to go for more skill....).

3. By that logic 14 teams every year would be looking to dump every player of note for as high a pick as possible. Which is funny because that's how it used to be pre-2004, where the also-rans were basically farm teams for the Detroits and the Colorados of the NHL. Nowadays you can't do that, one because there isn't enough cap space for all the playoff teams to take on veteran players and two because the cap floor won't allow navajo fry bread teams to dump everything til they get to Nashville-22 M levels of payroll. Only 1 team comes out a winner every year, and everyone else is the loser, yet Cup finalists don't just dump every star player because they couldn't get it done and go for the high picks in the hopes they can try again in 10 years.

I think the biggest thing keeping you from actually sounding reasonable is the pink goggles that you have on for any player under 20 on an entry-level contract. Rattie hasn't even touched NHL ice yet. Yet he's supposedly able to pull in a # 2 minute muncher on the backend with nothing else except a throwaway 2nd rounder for company. At least with Chris Kreider he showed something in the NHL playoffs, Rattie can't even score without buddy Svenster sending him gifts on a platter 4-5 times every evening. And he's supposed to be worth close to Bouwmeester? He isn't even close to JBo in the EA NHL games.

If 1st round picks and prospects were so valuable, why are they shopped around so often? And why always in groups? I dunno about you but that to me says that no prospect is worth a proven star NHLer alone without multiple assets to go with him.

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1. Bouwmeester is a proven commodity. Proven commodities are ALWAYS worth more than a prospect. Whether they get what they are worth in a trade is an entirely different scenario, but fact is Bouwmeester is a top pairing NHLer while Rattie has been a good (but not great) prospect who maxes out at 2nd line forward. And with the way he's started off his last junior season I wouldn't bet on that very much either.

2. It's not that we're doing a good job, it's that at the very least we are doing a BETTER job. Until the results from 10-12 start sifting through we'll really have no clue. But the early returns are promising. We are going more for smart players with skill and a fair bit of bust risk than the safe steady guy who busts anyways. Although, no matter what we draft the public perception of our prospects will likely always be negative (high-risk-high-reward player? Flames are stupid, they need guys who will play in the NHL. "Safe" choice? Flames are stupid, they need to go for more skill....).

3. By that logic 14 teams every year would be looking to dump every player of note for as high a pick as possible. Which is funny because that's how it used to be pre-2004, where the also-rans were basically farm teams for the Detroits and the Colorados of the NHL. Nowadays you can't do that, one because there isn't enough cap space for all the playoff teams to take on veteran players and two because the cap floor won't allow navajo fry bread teams to dump everything til they get to Nashville-22 M levels of payroll. Only 1 team comes out a winner every year, and everyone else is the loser, yet Cup finalists don't just dump every star player because they couldn't get it done and go for the high picks in the hopes they can try again in 10 years.

I think the biggest thing keeping you from actually sounding reasonable is the pink goggles that you have on for any player under 20 on an entry-level contract. Rattie hasn't even touched NHL ice yet. Yet he's supposedly able to pull in a # 2 minute muncher on the backend with nothing else except a throwaway 2nd rounder for company. At least with Chris Kreider he showed something in the NHL playoffs, Rattie can't even score without buddy Svenster sending him gifts on a platter 4-5 times every evening. And he's supposed to be worth close to Bouwmeester? He isn't even close to JBo in the EA NHL games.

If 1st round picks and prospects were so valuable, why are they shopped around so often? And why always in groups? I dunno about you but that to me says that no prospect is worth a proven star NHLer alone without multiple assets to go with him.

1. You mention the salary cap in one breath and ignore it in the next. Bouwmeester is overpaid, extremely overpaid from a offensive point of view. Teams aren't going to be lining up for a player who produces less than 30 points a season while being paid in the top 6 of cap hits for NHL defencemen. He plays well defensively but he doesn't bring much else to the table (physicalness, leadership, offence). He is basically an defensive defenceman that can chip in offensively. Cap hit aside, he'd be a great #3 defenceman but he gets paid as a #1. Add to that, he has a NTC so whatever market there would be for Bouwmeester, it would be limited further. Ask the Canucks how trading Luongo is going.

2. No one knows how the Flames are doing until the players are proven at the NHL level. Because public perception of the Flames is they suck at drafting, any change in the scouting and development of players would be viewed as an improvement even if no player is proven yet.

3. OK, I change my original statement. All teams go in cycles and teams improving could benefit from being closer to making the playoffs. Look at the Flames recent trend, they're slowly going down. If the Flames were well out of the playoffs seasons prior and then came within a couple points it would be considered an improvement. The Flames made the playoffs and are now missing the playoffs hence their trend line is pointing down.

4. You are overestimating Bouwmeester's value. I put his value at a 2nd and a B prospect.

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All i have to say is that Paul F'ing Gaustad got a first rounder.

Rattie could be compared in value to a lower first now. So jbo's value is only a 2nd rounder (late 2nd cause its st louis) higher then gaustad? Get off the pipe man.

Bouw cap hits high but its only two years left. He has huge offensive potential (which should mean the world to you as your oilers pay hall 6 for 6 for huge offensive potential), and he can shut down the best forwards in the league without pulling himself out of position trying to hit.

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1. You mention the salary cap in one breath and ignore it in the next. Bouwmeester is overpaid, extremely overpaid from a offensive point of view. Teams aren't going to be lining up for a player who produces less than 30 points a season while being paid in the top 6 of cap hits for NHL defencemen. He plays well defensively but he doesn't bring much else to the table (physicalness, leadership, offence). He is basically an defensive defenceman that can chip in offensively. Cap hit aside, he'd be a great #3 defenceman but he gets paid as a #1. Add to that, he has a NTC so whatever market there would be for Bouwmeester, it would be limited further. Ask the Canucks how trading Luongo is going.

4. You are overestimating Bouwmeester's value. I put his value at a 2nd and a B prospect.

Like I said, there's a difference between what a player is worth and what he'd actually fetch in a trade. You act like we need to trade him when really we don't. His cap hit is big and sure some people will shy away from the cap hit, but for a lot of GMs the contract is reasonable (especially given that they won't be locked in longterm if everything fails to work out). Bouwmeester is worth a lot more than a B prospect and a 2nd rounder. Whether he would get that in a cap system is an entirely different scenario.

Let me reiterate: we don't need to trade him. Thus, any offer we'd accept would be for a lot more than what you peg him as. GMs would be lowballers if they sent that offer and Feaster would be a fool for even thinknig of accepting it. And make no mistake, he is a smart man surrounded by hockey men regardless of what the public thinks.

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Hey FF2 just wondering if the lakes are frozen there yet?

We wish!

We're still fighting forest fires (Vita evacuated Mon.) & grass fires. Add a $150 million fire @ a fuel plant (that would have made 1 heck of a hole had the train cars ignited) & snow/freeze or even rain would be welcome. I hope that rain/snow forecast for tonight is right (I heard there are drizzles around Vita area) but I can smell the grass fires in Charleswood from 10-15 miles away.


But the only skating around here is still on the artificial ice. The unassigned Jets + other local NHLers that didn't bolt to Europe have time booked @ the Iceplex (Jets practice facility owned by TN but available for rent @ any unbooked time for those that don't know the 'Peg) for daily skates/self run practices.

[Funny fact is last week they'd locked themselves out of the dressing room & the only other key was @ the MTS Center. They sat in the hall with reporters while an employee brought the other key from downtown. :lol: ]


Joker is still here & quoted in 1 or the other daily paper almost every day. He was through the last stoppage & just wants to play.

I doubt he's the only 1 as these players have been programmed to be ready to play in Sept./Oct. since they were kids.

Even us old farts know practice is a lot different then game conditions. Your teammate might check you but sure as heck won't hit the guy he might be linemates with as hard as an opposing player.

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All i have to say is that Paul F'ing Gaustad got a first rounder.

Rattie could be compared in value to a lower first now. So jbo's value is only a 2nd rounder (late 2nd cause its st louis) higher then gaustad? Get off the pipe man.

Bouw cap hits high but its only two years left. He has huge offensive potential (which should mean the world to you as your oilers pay hall 6 for 6 for huge offensive potential), and he can shut down the best forwards in the league without pulling himself out of position trying to hit.

A lot of teams/fans recognize the value of defense.

The young 'uns don't as they guage value only on offensive stats.


There are shifts in the NHL value from era to era but most GMs realize that having nothing but offense skating while your HHOF bound goalie has a GGA of 3-4 isn't ideal.

JBo still has a lot of worth to those that realize all aspects of the game.

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Like I said, there's a difference between what a player is worth and what he'd actually fetch in a trade. You act like we need to trade him when really we don't. His cap hit is big and sure some people will shy away from the cap hit, but for a lot of GMs the contract is reasonable (especially given that they won't be locked in longterm if everything fails to work out). Bouwmeester is worth a lot more than a B prospect and a 2nd rounder. Whether he would get that in a cap system is an entirely different scenario.

Let me reiterate: we don't need to trade him. Thus, any offer we'd accept would be for a lot more than what you peg him as. GMs would be lowballers if they sent that offer and Feaster would be a fool for even thinknig of accepting it. And make no mistake, he is a smart man surrounded by hockey men regardless of what the public thinks.

Fair enough. If the Flames don't like value the market has on Bouwmeester they don't have to trade him.

To GSP: The trade deadline is a different story. Say Bouwmeester waives his NTC to all 16 playoff teams, his value could go as high as a 1st, a -A, B+ prospect and a conditional pick.

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Dont know why JBo's trade value is being discussed here, because i didnt bother wanting to read back in the thread. but make no mistake... JBO has huge value around the league despite the contract. The man is beast. Unforunately the lack of physical dmen surrounding him brings to light his main deficiency - being non-physical...

He is basically Lidstrom... minus the scoring but with better skating... think about that for a sec..

The guy placed on a unit where the players make up for his weakeness... BAM.. they are fricken set!

i said this once before... but one of the best D pairings the league could ever see would hypothetically be a Chara and JBo pairing..

anyways.. pt of my intrusion into this thread.. Support JBo with the proper supporting cast that makes up for his weaknesses.. and you would see zero comments about his value or his lack of physicality. Flat out a minute munching beast that can play EVERY situation.

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Dont know why JBo's trade value is being discussed here, because i didnt bother wanting to read back in the thread. but make no mistake... JBO has huge value around the league despite the contract. The man is beast. Unforunately the lack of physical dmen surrounding him brings to light his main deficiency - being non-physical...

He is basically Lidstrom... minus the scoring but with better skating... think about that for a sec..

The guy placed on a unit where the players make up for his weakeness... BAM.. they are fricken set!

i said this once before... but one of the best D pairings the league could ever see would hypothetically be a Chara and JBo pairing..

anyways.. pt of my intrusion into this thread.. Support JBo with the proper supporting cast that makes up for his weaknesses.. and you would see zero comments about his value or his lack of physicality. Flat out a minute munching beast that can play EVERY situation.

Bouwmeester would look better with Weber IMO.

Best pairings in the league?






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Dont know why JBo's trade value is being discussed here, because i didnt bother wanting to read back in the thread. but make no mistake... JBO has huge value around the league despite the contract. The man is beast. Unforunately the lack of physical dmen surrounding him brings to light his main deficiency - being non-physical...

He is basically Lidstrom... minus the scoring but with better skating... think about that for a sec..

The guy placed on a unit where the players make up for his weakeness... BAM.. they are fricken set!

i said this once before... but one of the best D pairings the league could ever see would hypothetically be a Chara and JBo pairing..

anyways.. pt of my intrusion into this thread.. Support JBo with the proper supporting cast that makes up for his weaknesses.. and you would see zero comments about his value or his lack of physicality. Flat out a minute munching beast that can play EVERY situation.

Trading Bouwmeester right now would be a huge mistake for the franchise, IMO.

He has had the wrong defensive partner (not a slight on Butler - he just wasn't in the right role), and he - JBo - was not properly utilized by the coach.

Let's get him into a better environment where he can be successful and utilize his skills properly.

Than at that point, the team can determine whether or not he is part of the long term plans or should be moved. But at least they would get more appropriate value for him at that time.

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Bouwmeester would look better with Weber IMO.

Best pairings in the league?






I like how your so high on suter yet so low on bouw. If bouw played next to weber I could see 20 goal 50 points, he would also have an unreal +/-. I

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Bouwmeester would look better with Weber IMO.

Best pairings in the league?






I like how your so high on suter yet so low on bouw. If bouw played next to weber I could see 20 goal 50 points, he would also have an unreal +/-. I don't know if you watch the flames other then when they play the oil, but butler is probably the worst top pairing dman in the league. He was forced into the position because of a lack of quality depth. If not for bouw, butler would be -50 and crying in his mom arms. This isn't a slight against butler, I just think he should have started the season on the bottom pair and made his way up to the second pair but there is no way he should be top pair. He will likely never be a top pair. If bouwmeester gets a good partner next year he will definatly rebound in a big way.

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Your trades are nothing but Blue and Copper coloured fantasy. You don't build a team by trading away all your players for prospects. The Oilers aren't a team, they are a joke. And the only reason that they have any talented kids is because the draft rewards failure.

All drafts do. That's their entire purpose.

The Flames are acquiring and developing prospects at a fine pace now - they have fixed their drafting woes and eliminated the trade-picks-for-now strategy. They do not need to rebuild and it won't happen.

Changing their "trade-for-picks-for-now" strategy to a "acquire and develop prospects at a fine pace" strategy is rebuilding. It may not be the hunker down and blow this beatch up for the rebuild that happened in Edmonton, but make no mistake, it is rebuilding.

As to JBo for Rattie - Rattie might never play in the NHL (I doubt he will). What a joke of a trade and it just goes to show how little you know about building a team.

The problem with JBO is his contract. As Calgary has seen over the summer, it will not be easy to move JBO's contract especially considering his underachieving since coming to Calgary. Detroit should have been a shoe-in to move a defenseman to, yet they wanted no part of JBO, ask yourself why that is.

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We wish!

We're still fighting forest fires (Vita evacuated Mon.) & grass fires. Add a $150 million fire @ a fuel plant (that would have made 1 heck of a hole had the train cars ignited) & snow/freeze or even rain would be welcome. I hope that rain/snow forecast for tonight is right (I heard there are drizzles around Vita area) but I can smell the grass fires in Charleswood from 10-15 miles away.


But the only skating around here is still on the artificial ice. The unassigned Jets + other local NHLers that didn't bolt to Europe have time booked @ the Iceplex (Jets practice facility owned by TN but available for rent @ any unbooked time for those that don't know the 'Peg) for daily skates/self run practices.

[Funny fact is last week they'd locked themselves out of the dressing room & the only other key was @ the MTS Center. They sat in the hall with reporters while an employee brought the other key from downtown. :lol: ]


Joker is still here & quoted in 1 or the other daily paper almost every day. He was through the last stoppage & just wants to play.

I doubt he's the only 1 as these players have been programmed to be ready to play in Sept./Oct. since they were kids.

Even us old farts know practice is a lot different then game conditions. Your teammate might check you but sure as heck won't hit the guy he might be linemates with as hard as an opposing player.

I was trying to rib you but truth be told I am envious because a couple of guy's here have told me how good the fishing is there which I love. For the record even though I am an Oiler fan Curtis Glencross is my fav. nex to ebs and you will see Curtis will proove me right....

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There are different ways of building teams.

1 is the tried & true combination of drafting, signing & trading for a good team.

Another is to pin your hopes only on the draft & the hope UFAs will want to join all those high picks. It rarely works. In defence on the Oilers KLowe did try the 1st option but the combination of players asking for trades out of Edmonton & others refusing trades to the Oilers (even begging couldn't get Heatley to agree) forced his hand.

So far players haven't demanded out of Calgary & the Flames haven't had a problem with trading for soon to be UFAs & then re-signing them (JBo & Wideman are just 2 examples). Feaster has moved vets for new blood to supplement our draftees while slowly turning over the roster. The Flames are always in contention for the playoffs rather then being numerically eliminated by the trade deadline so we continue to hope for success rather then viewing the lottery as the ultimate goal.

I find the Calgary ideal more interesting to watch as hope remains for the season rather then years down the road. :)

I know we've recently been at odds but I have to say this post is bang on. The only thing I'd add is that we are beginning to see hints of players wanting in to Edmonton rather than others wanting out. The most highly sought after defenseman in this off-season chose Edmonton even though he was sought after by many other teams including many cup contenders, and it wasn't for the balmy weather.

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I know we've recently been at odds but I have to say this post is bang on. The only thing I'd add is that we are beginning to see hints of players wanting in to Edmonton rather than others wanting out. The most highly sought after defenseman in this off-season chose Edmonton even though he was sought after by many other teams including many cup contenders, and it wasn't for the balmy weather.

Did ya paint the Bronco? Must have mellowed you out. WoooSaaa! :lol:

I don't know if Schultz is a good example of players wanting in. He is going to his first NHL team, so what matters most is being able to have opportunity. If you compare him to Erixon, you will probably see what trying to play on a cup contender will result in; playing 3rd line minutes and being demoted. Competing for minutes on the Oilers will be more of a level playing field. He will get opportunity. He will play some good and bad games. He won't likely get demoted.

Ultimately, he is playing for his next contract. No matter how modest his speech was, he needs to develop his rep and his game.

As I said, he's not a great example of players wanting in. When players with NTC's accept a trade to EDM, and when UFA players sign, well that will be the sign. I do think it is less about the city and team, and more about management. KLowe days have been hard on the team's rep. Owners are owners, so they don't usually make a big difference(except maybe in Buffalo).

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Did ya paint the Bronco? Must have mellowed you out. WoooSaaa! :lol:

Yup, my first rebuild and I'm pretty happy with the results. Especially the Oilers orange :lol:

I don't know if Schultz is a good example of players wanting in. He is going to his first NHL team, so what matters most is being able to have opportunity. If you compare him to Erixon, you will probably see what trying to play on a cup contender will result in; playing 3rd line minutes and being demoted. Competing for minutes on the Oilers will be more of a level playing field. He will get opportunity. He will play some good and bad games. He won't likely get demoted.

Ultimately, he is playing for his next contract. No matter how modest his speech was, he needs to develop his rep and his game.

As I said, he's not a great example of players wanting in. When players with NTC's accept a trade to EDM, and when UFA players sign, well that will be the sign. I do think it is less about the city and team, and more about management. KLowe days have been hard on the team's rep. Owners are owners, so they don't usually make a big difference(except maybe in Buffalo).

haha come on man cut me some slack. It's the first time in a loooong time that we can brag that somebody actually chose us over anybody else as a place to play :P

I think there are a lot of factors that led to Edmontons inability to attract talent. Management for one I agree, but also a basement team, cold fishbowl city, cruddy stadium, northernmost venue in the league, that and more all contributed in my opinion.

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The problem with JBO is his contract. As Calgary has seen over the summer, it will not be easy to move JBO's contract especially considering his underachieving since coming to Calgary. Detroit should have been a shoe-in to move a defenseman to, yet they wanted no part of JBO, ask yourself why that is.

Have you ever seen him play other then against the oilers? Bouw is probably one of the top 5 shutdown dman in the league. Hes lost his offensive touch but for good reason, he plays next to probably the worst top pairing dman in the league named butler. Suter who makes a mill more then bouw played next to the leagues best dman and all that got him was another 20 points? I honestly think suter is lesser defensively then bouw as well, we will know for sure this year when he likely plays next to some plug. Fact is on an open market bouw's worth an easy 6 as a player who can play in absolutely any situation, and play tremendous minutes against the best players in the league alongside a very incapable dman.

As far as us not being able to trade him, thats an absolute joke, sorry but it is. Theres a reason why it took detroit so long to sign carlo. Feaster wasn't trying to dump bouw, with the addition of wideman we have finally come close to solidifying our defensive corps and you think he wanted to go ahead and dump his best dman for peanuts when our dman were obviously our biggest weakness last season? Detroits got a ton of cap space and a ton of need for bouw, I will go out on a limb and guarantee detroit made fair offers for bouwmeester which were turned down by feaster because without huge overpayment theres not reason to dump bouw. I wouldnt even be at all surprised if your very own oilers made a reasonable offer on bouw as he would be a huge huge addition to your struggling defence.

Honestly Im sorry if i come off as an a hole but Im just so sick of everyone (including a lot of calgary fans) talking down on bouw. Hes the best dman we have had for at very least since reggies injury and hes as valuable to this hockey team as gio or cammy. Also this was not meant as a insult towards butler.

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I was trying to rib you but truth be told I am envious because a couple of guy's here have told me how good the fishing is there which I love. For the record even though I am an Oiler fan Curtis Glencross is my fav. nex to ebs and you will see Curtis will proove me right....

I knew you were funning decided to treat it serious in case all our fires didn't make the news out there. Fortunately the rain/snow we've had for the last 2 days put out the fires. Poor Vita. Town evacuated, 4 homes lost & just as it's safe to return they lose their electric power.

There's good fishing all over the place but you should try ther Flin Flon trout festival. Or the NW angle (Lake of the Woods) we share with Ont. & Minnesota.

Glencross is 1 of my favorite Flames & Eberle is definitly my favorite Oiler (no other comes close).

Both would look good in O&B. :)

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I know we've recently been at odds but I have to say this post is bang on. The only thing I'd add is that we are beginning to see hints of players wanting in to Edmonton rather than others wanting out. The most highly sought after defenseman in this off-season chose Edmonton even though he was sought after by many other teams including many cup contenders, and it wasn't for the balmy weather.

I rail about the Oilers but part of that is disappointment @ what a once great team has been reduced to. It feels like KLowe has removed any shred of pride. It's hard to imagine a fan base (1 that I always saw as knowledgeable) not only allowing that but applauding it.

I see KLowe as a major part of the problem but Katz is unlikely to get rid of him.

Schultz as UFA is a start but, as dude points out, it's his best chance for big ice time to get a large 2nd contract. His situation was away from the norm & leaves his motives a ?.


As to JBo, other contracts for top pairing minute crunchers have put his contract right in the ballpark. I expect the offers to come in once teams see what they have to work with.

There weren't any major trades over the summer other then the Nash trade that the BJs had backed themselves into a corner on (I figure the POed him enough to ask for a trade). GMs were reluctant with the CBA being an unknown (even though the UFA frenzy proceeded as usual that was early when management had more hope of a quick resolution.).

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Have you ever seen him play other then against the oilers? Bouw is probably one of the top 5 shutdown dman in the league. Hes lost his offensive touch but for good reason, he plays next to probably the worst top pairing dman in the league named butler. Suter who makes a mill more then bouw played next to the leagues best dman and all that got him was another 20 points? I honestly think suter is lesser defensively then bouw as well, we will know for sure this year when he likely plays next to some plug. Fact is on an open market bouw's worth an easy 6 as a player who can play in absolutely any situation, and play tremendous minutes against the best players in the league alongside a very incapable dman.

As far as us not being able to trade him, thats an absolute joke, sorry but it is. Theres a reason why it took detroit so long to sign carlo. Feaster wasn't trying to dump bouw, with the addition of wideman we have finally come close to solidifying our defensive corps and you think he wanted to go ahead and dump his best dman for peanuts when our dman were obviously our biggest weakness last season? Detroits got a ton of cap space and a ton of need for bouw, I will go out on a limb and guarantee detroit made fair offers for bouwmeester which were turned down by feaster because without huge overpayment theres not reason to dump bouw. I wouldnt even be at all surprised if your very own oilers made a reasonable offer on bouw as he would be a huge huge addition to your struggling defence.

Honestly Im sorry if i come off as an a hole but Im just so sick of everyone (including a lot of calgary fans) talking down on bouw. Hes the best dman we have had for at very least since reggies injury and hes as valuable to this hockey team as gio or cammy. Also this was not meant as a insult towards butler.

Yes I have seen him play against teams other than the Oilers. I'm not one of those "If my team ain't playin' then I ain't watchin'" types. I watch quite a bit of hockey. I wasn't trying to talk down to JBO, in fact if you search my history you will see that I've said several times here and on the Oilers board that I would take him on my team in a heartbeat. He is the type of D'man that Edmonton desperately needs. The only thing I criticize is his contract. There are plenty of bad contracts going around (ahem Horcoff). If JBO had a 4.5 to 5 million contract then he'd be a great value and sought after commodity. I'm sorry, but in my opinion 6.7 million is too much for Bouwmeester. You must remember that when he came to Calgary he was at 4.8 and got a 50% raise to 7 mill.

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