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The Oilers have 1 less RFA to worry about. TSN said Omark signed in Switzerland for 1 year.

Omarks timing couldnt of been worse.The guys definetly got talent but hes kind of a top six guy .He was rolling in the AHL[16pts in 18 games} then suffered an angle injury.Ended his season just when OKC went on a good playoff run.The Oilers still have his rights so if he can put together a solid season in the Swiss leaque anything can happen.Trade value if nothing else and would give the guy another shot at the NHL..Hes still young and defintly brings excitement to the game.Best of luck to him.

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Omarks timing couldnt of been worse.The guys definetly got talent but hes kind of a top six guy .He was rolling in the AHL[16pts in 18 games} then suffered an angle injury.Ended his season just when OKC went on a good playoff run.The Oilers still have his rights so if he can put together a solid season in the Swiss leaque anything can happen.Trade value if nothing else and would give the guy another shot at the NHL..Hes still young and defintly brings excitement to the game.Best of luck to him.

Hopefully he has a good season and boosts his trade value but either way, it was nice knowin ya Linny.

The Oilers signed Eberle to a 6 year 36 Million extension 6M per year. My link

Two down, two to go.

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Another great contract and term for the Oil. The kids have bought in.

I have no doubt The Nuge will follow.

The top end talent up front is fricken scary looking for the next 6 yrs.

It's just fail-proof for Tambellin/Lowe up front.

I'll just continue to hope and pray they fail to get their #1 on D and in goal...

Congrats Oil fan...

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Don't ruin their happiness. Humor them that all these future stars love Edmonton (maybe the long summers & lack of pressure). :)

They got him for less then Toews (especially when adjusted to % of cap).

Toews already had a SC & Olympic Gold to go with his 2 WJC Gold & WC Gold & other awards but Taylor has a Memorial Cup under his belt & Jonathon doesn't (might have something to do with the fact he never played in the CHL).

Toews hadn't won Olympic gold or a cup when he signed that extension.

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He had by the time it kicked in. & nothing in my post mentioned that.

I said your Oilers signed a player for a bit less then a guy that had both NHL & international awards.

Soooooo what's your point? The fact remains he did not have those when he signed the deal. Hall has another year before his kicks in just the same.

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Soooooo what's your point? The fact remains he did not have those when he signed the deal. Hall has another year before his kicks in just the same.

It's impossible for him to win Olympic gold (next 1s are in 2014) & unlikely he wins a SC (he plays for the Oilers :) ).

It's the Oiler fans that keep raving about how re-signing those youngsters is a great deal. I mentioned they were signed for less then Toews & that the fact he had those trophies & medals in his display case. That might be the reason he makes the extra .3 per year.

Dang, you guys are testy! You see insults about your little darlings in every quote.

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It's impossible for him to win Olympic gold (next 1s are in 2014) & unlikely he wins a SC (he plays for the Oilers :) ).

It's the Oiler fans that keep raving about how re-signing those youngsters is a great deal. I mentioned they were signed for less then Toews & that the fact he had those trophies & medals in his display case. That might be the reason he makes the extra .3 per year.

Dang, you guys are testy! You see insults about your little darlings in every quote.

2014 is when the contract kicks in......

And what your saying still makes no sense. Toews had nothing but junior achievements when he signed the contract.

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Toews is on a whole nother level. The guy had no injury problems. He was a thirty five goal scorer his second year and tore it up in the playoffs that year which they made the conference final if memory serves me. Hall hasnt even played in the 6-12 spot battle in the last month which is similar to the playoffs nevermind an actual playoff game. Hall also has some major injury concerns.

Hes a great player. But all I see is another hemsky in how he is way overpaid for the amount of games he actually plays in a year.

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heres a premature question, what does seguin get when he renews? My guess would be very similar contract

At least 5 mil per.

Actually, 2013

Have you resorted to nit picking the most trivial of statements to find flaw?

Next season is the 2012-13 season which will be followed by the 2013 playoffs. The majority of the regular season and the entire playoffs will be played in 2013. Even the NHL game next year will be called NHL 13.

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Have you resorted to nit picking the most trivial of statements to find flaw?

Next season is the 2012-13 season which will be followed by the 2013 playoffs. The majority of the regular season and the entire playoffs will be played in 2013. Even the NHL game next year will be called NHL 13.

CW was pointing out that Hall couldn't possibly win Olympic Gold before the extension kicks in. That is hardly trivial.

But Hall could win WC Gold because he won't be distracted by something known as the playoffs. :)

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CW was pointing out that Hall couldn't possibly win Olympic Gold before the extension kicks in. That is hardly trivial.

But Hall could win WC Gold because he won't be distracted by something known as the playoffs. :)

Too bad Iginla most Flames can't even make the WC team unless they play for Switzerland.

CW was pointing out that Hall couldn't possibly win Olympic Gold before the extension kicks in. That is hardly trivial.

But Hall could win WC Gold because he won't be distracted by something known as the playoffs. :)

Teams don't pay players to win gold in the Olympics.

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Have you resorted to nit picking the most trivial of statements to find flaw?

Next season is the 2012-13 season which will be followed by the 2013 playoffs. The majority of the regular season and the entire playoffs will be played in 2013. Even the NHL game next year will be called NHL 13.

I didn't 'find flaw' I corrected a fact. Pretty simple, and nothing to take personally.

But what do you do? You attempt to insult me and then make a reference to NHL13 in some sort of demented attempt to justify the error (exactly how does the name NHL13 support the incorrect fact that said Hall's contract kicks in in 2014?).

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I didn't 'find flaw' I corrected a fact. Pretty simple, and nothing to take personally.

But what do you do? You attempt to insult me and then make a reference to NHL13 in some sort of demented attempt to justify the error (exactly how does the name NHL13 support the incorrect fact that said Hall's contract kicks in in 2014?).

Next season will be more or less be known as the 2013 season.

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NHL13 taught Connor (& most but not all) Oiler fans everything they think they know about hockey. :)

& when does Hall's contract kick in? It's July 1/13.

You're evading the question. :o

You know about NHL 13? Did you're great grandson ask for NHL 13 for his birthday?

I was never asked a question. This all started because someone was petty enough to state that Hall's contract started in the year 2013 which would continue into the 2013-14 season. Every season has the majority of their games, all-star game and playoffs in the latter part of the title of the season.

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You know about NHL 13? Did you're great grandson ask for NHL 13 for his birthday?

I was never asked a question. This all started because someone was petty enough to state that Hall's contract started in the year 2013 which would continue into the 2013-14 season. Every season has the majority of their games, all-star game and playoffs in the latter part of the title of the season.

You're calling me petty??? I corrected a statistical error. You're the one who has spent several posts trying to make July 1st 2013 be part of 2014 and trying to insult people.

I try to cut people some slack on internet boards - afterall, half the people on earth have below average intelligence - but you just bring it on yourself. You just don't know when to shut up.

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You're calling me petty??? I corrected a statistical error. You're the one who has spent several posts trying to make July 1st 2013 be part of 2014 and trying to insult people.

I try to cut people some slack on internet boards - afterall, half the people on earth have below average intelligence - but you just bring it on yourself. You just don't know when to shut up.

That's the median, actually

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