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And you do? Really, an Oilers fan who knows more about the inner workings of the Flames than a Flames fan.

We didn't fire Sutter, we just didn't renew him. How many bosses out there say to a parting employee "We aren't going to give you another contract but you can't talk to anyone else about different jobs before you part ways." Hell, my mother is about to be released again (she works as a lab technician for the U of Calgary, god bless her, and the profession tends to have a lot of turnover because research budgets for the different departments change faster than a hipster changes fashion trends) and she has spent the past month looking for a different position within the University. And her contract doesn't come up until January 2013.

Unlike the Oil, who work under dubious rules of conduct at best (Lowe's pissing match with Burke back in 07 probably didn't generate much applause from the 28 other GMs around the league) the Flames are well-known for having a great organization in terms of code of conduct and ethics.

And how would Jay Feaster and Co. benefit from holding Sutter back from a position? Especially the Oilers one. Either way we'll likely see a decent number of victories against the Oilers irrespective of whoever's behind the bench. And we aren't getting money to keep him from ever working in an Albertan hockey organization ever again.

As one of the previous posters said, you're trying to light a fire without a match. It's just not logical.

I quoted Friedman twice, I'm not making stuff up. NONE OF YOU are acknowledging the the quote from above.

I sig bet you the 2013 playoffs on who wins the season series next year between Edmonton and Calgary.

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I quoted Friedman twice, I'm not making stuff up. NONE OF YOU are acknowledging the the quote from above.

I sig bet you the 2013 playoffs on who wins the season series next year between Edmonton and Calgary.

Because Friedman works for the Flames? I understand the rivalry and all that but it just doesn't seem to me that it is something that Feaster/King would do. It's gotta violate some human rights declaration somewhere.

He's only a bit more informed than the general masses. Friedman's every word is not god. He neither works for the Flames nor does he have a really strong connection to the organization or the people who populate it. Could it be true? Yes. There also happens to be an equal chance that it is false unless it comes directly from the people who control those types of personnel decisions, namely Jay Feaster and Ken King.

How would you sig bet me the 2013 playoffs? What, you gonna hand total control of it to me or something, not really understanding that quote. I'm not here to get into a fight over who's going to win more games, and really, it shouldn't matter for this current trending topic right now. I will however state that the Oilers have added Yakupov and nothing else, and yet you expect them to immediately dominate the season series.

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Let me try a different approach here, Conner, and I'll even acknowledge your quote....

26. Wrote a couple of weeks ago that Brent Sutter would have received "official" permission to talk to Edmonton if he wanted (his contract with Calgary ends this week). Think I was wrong about that one. Sounds like the Flames weren't happy with the public dalliance between their former head coach and the Oilers. It's tough because we all understand the rivalry. But Calgary did fire Sutter and you can't blame a guy for looking at new work.

The bolded seems to be the point you're stuck on, at least for the purposes of this conversation thread. Well, it just so happens that the day that the new head coach was signed in Edmonton, Bryn and Pat @ Fan960 reported (and I believe even played an audio clip from Tambellini/Lowe saying the same thing) that Butter wasn't even on Edmonton's short list of candidates.

Now, between Friedman (your corner), and Bryn and Pat @ Fan960 (my corner), who's word do we believe? I will try to find the archived audio from Fan960 to back up my statement while I wait for your reply.

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The rumour and it was nothing more, was due to the 'musings' of jim matheson, who i personally believe has been irrelevant for over a decade.

Oilers didn't want Sutter (not yet anyway,) and Sutter didn't want to go to the Oilers(not yet anyway.)

I think brent wants some time off before going anywhere. there was no solid proof the Flames were blocking him.

That said, saying the Oilers are viewed as shady, but not the Flames? How Brent ended up in calgary was in fact viewed as shady around the league. It was predicted when he left NJ, that he had a backroom deal cooked up over a bottle of Wild Turkey at the Sutter ranch kitchen table, that Keenan would be fired and brent brought in shortly after, It happened and it was definitely against protocol, had the Sutters not been brothers the hue and cry would have been much bigger. No team is viewed as lily white. It is level of competence where the Oilers management lag behind everyone else not scruples. Offer sheets don't make a team unethical, and in fact Oilers players have received the most offer sheets since their inception, it was only Burke being a loudmouth that made that any kind of big deal.

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The rumour and it was nothing more, was due to the 'musings' of jim matheson, who i personally believe has been irrelevant for over a decade.

Oilers didn't want Sutter (not yet anyway,) and Sutter didn't want to go to the Oilers(not yet anyway.)

I think brent wants some time off before going anywhere. there was no solid proof the Flames were blocking him.

That said, saying the Oilers are viewed as shady, but not the Flames? How Brent ended up in calgary was in fact viewed as shady around the league. It was predicted when he left NJ, that he had a backroom deal cooked up over a bottle of Wild Turkey at the Sutter ranch kitchen table, that Keenan would be fired and brent brought in shortly after, It happened and it was definitely against protocol, had the Sutters not been brothers the hue and cry would have been much bigger. No team is viewed as lily white. It is level of competence where the Oilers management lag behind everyone else not scruples. Offer sheets don't make a team unethical, and in fact Oilers players have received the most offer sheets since their inception, it was only Burke being a loudmouth that made that any kind of big deal.

It was a while ago and I don't have a link, but I remember Sutter making a comment in an interview on the radio that he would be quite happy to entertain an offer from the Oilers.

"no solid proof the Flames were blocking him"? That is pretty mis-leading... There was never a claim by the Oilers that he was blocked. And Feaster repeatedly denied it. So I would say it's way past "no solid proof" and is more in the "total garbage" neighbourhood.

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"no solid proof the Flames were blocking him"? That is pretty mis-leading... There was never a claim by the Oilers that he was blocked. And Feaster repeatedly denied it. So I would say it's way past "no solid proof" and is more in the "total garbage" neighbourhood.

what meant by that was, the people suggesting Calgary was blocking a deal were working only off of the musings of an old media guy who tries desperately to be relevant but isn't. It was pure conjecture on his part, even he never worded it as anything but an "I wonder if.." kind of phrase. Instead of no solid proof, i should have said "no proof at all" total garbage is as good a phrase as anything.

On another pure conjecture note, with nothing at all to back it up, if the Oilers crap the bed hard again and Kreuger isn't effective I could see Sutter as a mid-season hire, or (shudder,) MacT stepping back behind the bench. Anybody is an upgrade over renney.(even one of us fans, hell, even one of you Flames fans with an agenda of sabotage would be a lateral move from him.)

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Anybody is an upgrade over renney.(even one of us fans, hell, even one of you Flames fans with an agenda of sabotage would be a lateral move from him.)

We would never do that. :rolleyes:

Now as figurehead GM I might have some great trade ideas before being replaced by Lowe. ;)

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Wayne Gretzky and Paul Coffey making sales pitches for Shultz to join the Oilers... Almost looks like begging? Please come to this filthy city!!!!!!!

I understand getting Hall to reach out, but now it just looks plain desperate...

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Wayne Gretzky and Paul Coffey making sales pitches for Shultz to join the Oilers... Almost looks like begging? Please come to this filthy city!!!!!!!

I understand getting Hall to reach out, but now it just looks plain desperate...

That doesn't even approach the way Lowe was debasing himself & the organization in his pursuit of Heatley. That was downright pitiful.

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Plan A- Schultz

Plan B- wait for another lotto

I actually hope the Oil can dig themselves out of the basement as I'd like to see some more intense BOA games. The potential is there to start taking some steps up so that should be the objective. If that doesn't happen look for management to bring back Stortini to hug it out with the angry fans.

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Wayne Gretzky and Paul Coffey making sales pitches for Shultz to join the Oilers... Almost looks like begging? Please come to this filthy city!!!!!!!

I understand getting Hall to reach out, but now it just looks plain desperate...

(assuming its true, since this is the 1st i heard of it..)


That is mind bogglingly awesome that they could even pull that card!

You smell of envy...

The Great One and the 2nd coming of Orr visiting to recruit you?? Plain awesome!

Whether it works on the Canuck fan waits to be seen... but man... that would be hard to choose against.

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Is this a missprint? 21 years old & only 163 lbs? he won't be making much of a big impact anytime this season. :lol:

A lot of sites have him listed as 6-1/6-2 and 185-188 pounds. About the size of TJ Brodie. Not exactly scary. He could use a year in the AHL to play against men. But he demanded top 4 in the NHL, so good luck buddy.

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The deal looks like a base of salary of $925,000 for 2 years and up to $2.85 mil in bonuses... As was expected...

Does the way Schultz handle this remind anyone else of Lebron James? Except without being one of the best players in the league for years... :lol:

Shultz really stuck it to the Ducks... One also has to wonder if they traded away Visnovsky for peanuts in an effort to give Schultz assurance of getting ice time...

Could he be a good player? Absolutely... But if he falls short, he has sure set himself up for a train wreck... He has also no doubt left a sour taste with a number of teams due to the way he handled this, and they will not forget any time soon...

I am just as glad the Flames did not pick him up, as the diva attitude he has shown can be some pretty heavy baggage... I can't wait until this guy makes his first trip to the Honda Center... ;)

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The deal looks like a base of salary of $925,000 for 2 years and up to $2.85 mil in bonuses... As was expected...

Does the way Schultz handle this remind anyone else of Lebron James? Except without being one of the best players in the league for years... :lol:

Shultz really stuck it to the Ducks... One also has to wonder if they traded away Visnovsky for peanuts in an effort to give Schultz assurance of getting ice time...

Could he be a good player? Absolutely... But if he falls short, he has sure set himself up for a train wreck... He has also no doubt left a sour taste with a number of teams due to the way he handled this, and they will not forget any time soon...

I am just as glad the Flames did not pick him up, as the diva attitude he has shown can be some pretty heavy baggage... I can't wait until this guy makes his first trip to the Honda Center... ;)

Yes, I can imagine an open-ice hit by Getzlav or Perry will remind him of what he will face. Don't go into the corners alone there. :ph34r:

Connor, this isn't sour grapes. Reality is that that "me" attitude will get a lot of reaction from long-time NHL players that have scraped and clawed their way to the top 4.

Divas tend to get hit a lot.

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Yes, I can imagine an open-ice hit by Getzlav or Perry will remind him of what he will face. Don't go into the corners alone there. :ph34r:

Connor, this isn't sour grapes. Reality is that that "me" attitude will get a lot of reaction from long-time NHL players that have scraped and clawed their way to the top 4.

Divas tend to get hit a lot.

Meh. Whatever happens happens. He could be a star or a bust or get seriously injured, that's hockey.

This was a big day for Oiler fans for two reasons. The obvious is that the Oilers add a blue chip offensive defenceman. The other is the Oilers finally were able to attract a wanted free agent which shows that other people outside the organization see the potential in the team.

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This was a big day for Oiler fans for two reasons. The obvious is that the Oilers add a blue chip offensive defenceman. The other is the Oilers finally were able to attract a wanted free agent which shows that other people outside the organization see the potential in the team.

Either that or he thought their defense was bad enough that he could get significant playing time. Maybe he just wants to make an immediate impact on a bad squad and proceed to get out of dodge with a massive contract early in his career. Money makes the world go round and all that.

But honestly you give a "meh" reaction if he got seriously injured which makes me skeptical as to his success in the NHL. If his own fans don't really care whether he gets hurt or not....well, I guess you guys wouldn't mind Getzlaf and Perry taking their shots at him in the corners then.

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