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Everything posted by Anie8706

  1. Of all places to find 10 bucks, I find one randomly opening one of my old books, why would I do that when I know I won't touch there for months O_o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anie8706


      What is that implying :P

    3. DirtyDeeds


      Money makes a good bookmark.

    4. s4xon


      Since you didn't touch it for months, I wonder, did you have to dust it off first? :D

  2. Just glad my aunt is safe in her home in Southern Calgary, hope you guys return to your homes who have been evacuated.

  3. I got an iPad :)

    1. s4xon


      I'm so sorry.

    2. travel_dude


      Two words. Angry Birds.

  4. Nice to be back?

    1. Invin


      I was wondering what happened to you.

    2. Pyromancer


      You were gone?..Wheres my diamonds that you smuggled out in your secret hiding places? Welcome back nevertheless...

    3. Flyerfan52


      Welcome back kid. It was nice to see you donated your Oiler gear to Goodwill.

  5. Why do I keep getting redirected to google when I log in?

    1. DirtyDeeds


      Likely some place you surfed or downloaded changed your start page. There used to be a spoof Google search page that was part of a trojan but htat was years ago. Run a good virus check anyway.

  6. LOVED the new star trek movie :D

  7. 2 weeks if free time starting Tuesday, cant wait!!!

  8. perfect way to end the day, got a love bite on my shoulder :)

  9. Okay my friend is acting like a psycho.... *backs away slowly* I'm afraid

  10. Got invited to possibly the most.... interesting night ever, should I go or should I not :(

  11. I got a text saying I'm drunk, naked and you're cute. Best first impression ever!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anie8706


      I`m an only child :)

      Thank God

    3. DirtyDeeds


      Did they add a link to a Russian knockoff Running Shoes website ??

    4. ifiwaschucknorris


      Thas wash me (hic) Anie. I'm slurry but I jush can't tell you in pers(hic)...perso(hic)...per(hic)....myself.

  12. I have a nasty cold.... I need to get spoiled with a man taking care of me... :(

    1. Pyromancer


      Sorry - Too old for you.....

    2. ifiwaschucknorris


      I get the 200lb man colds like the NyQuil commercial.

  13. Found out my baby cousin is pregnant.... wow life changes fast, lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anie8706


      she is out of high school and all of that but she is my cousin who I babysat and grew up with.... one of the youngest cousins I have in our family.... it's awwww

    3. s4xon


      You're pregnant with your cousin's baby!?

    4. Cody1774
  14. i had a really great weekend in edmonton :)

  15. Oilers you're the biggest joke ever -_- i hate MacT

    1. s4xon


      Anie....its time. You must come to the light side of the force. We and the Flames welcome you with open arms.

    2. DirtyDeeds


      Sorry Anie you can't come over to our side. We have choc chip cookies over here. Way too much sugar for you.

    3. Heartbreaker


      ... and I'm totally one of those despicable people that will put a new cookie in my mouth before I've actually swallowed the last one.


  16. Can't wait until Wednesday! Get to see my sweetie that jacka.sss :)

  17. in edmonton next wednesday wooohooo

    1. travel_dude


      Beware the potholes.

    2. s4xon


      beware the Oilers fans, most of them are delusional... :P

  18. i'm very passionate and intense, deal with it

    1. Pyromancer


      Where's the other 1/2 of this conversation?

    2. ifiwaschucknorris


      Are you talking to yourself Anie? Hopefully you have some money in the bank or people will think you're crazy ;)

  19. I'm different than most women so don't expect me to bend to your will when i was treated like crap

    1. DirtyDeeds


      You mean most women will bend to someones will when they are treated like crap? Could have fooled me.

    2. Pyromancer


      Are you talking to someone specific or the general membership?

  20. A little choked Iggy is actually leaving, hard to say it

  21. Got a warning for a pic of a girl and yet guys here post other girls as well, F U hypocrites I AM OUT

    1. Cody1774
    2. DirtyDeeds


      Just a warning? You have to shoot for a 3 day suspension minimum.

  22. Guys really need to learn the word NO

  23. up up down down left right left right B A

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