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Everything posted by travel_dude

  1. We can now answer the question, can Bread-eater play without Janko? A resounding yes. I hope we get a chance to see him in a callup.
  2. Except for the fact that he left in the 1st period of that last game, injured. Don't know the extent.
  3. Of course they have to start scoring more. Then again, digging a hole by being behind by 2 goals makes that more difficult. Teams start clogging the neutral zone, a tired team has to score two just to tie, it all adds up. Lack kept them in the game in the first period. He stops the first goal and we have a lead going into the break. Period Shots Scoring Chances Scoring 1 12-9 Flames 7-7 1-1 2 9-7 Blues 10-4 CGY 2-1 Blues 3 11-6 Blues 7-3 Blues 2-0 Blues Arguably, the first and third were Lack's best periods, but the 2nd period undid that effort.
  4. Well this is all about goaltending, picky or not. I'm glad you feel you speak for the majority here.
  5. On the "screen" shot, he was cheating away from the right side post. 1/3 of the net was open. The angle of the shot made it look like a perfect shot. On the Gio blocked shot turned Statsny shot, he gave up the top 1/4 of the net blocker side. On the other two, he either had no chance or he was giving up too much of the far side. Fairly deep in nets on both. All of them were great shots. We lost to the better team. I'm not really sure how Lack kept us in the game after we were down 3-1 early in the 2nd period. Yes, he gave us some big saves, but a team in the 2nd night of a B2B needs it closer than that to have any chance of a comeback. I liked what I saw and I hated what I saw. Very much like having Elliott in there.
  6. We've seen this chain of events before. Get an early lead. Other teams scores 3 in a row, one being impossible to stop. Team gets back in with a goal. Other team deflates the bubble with a goal. Three of four were stoppable. If you are screened, then you shouldn't be past the post lookin'. Too much open net. He's not the worst I have seen. And he's not the reason for the loss. But he didn't doo enough to win it. I wouldn't go back to him in the next game, but that's just me. Dallas will be tired, but not enough to risk by playing your #2 guy. Not at this pont.
  7. That's at least promising to hear. But I did notice that his only win since playing for the Nucks was in January 2016. He didn't play them since then. I hope that Eddie Lack shows up, and his dad is in the stands.
  8. I heard the same talk, but just that he would get a start in the B2B. I think it may be better to use Smith in the game where people are going to be more tired. I guess they prefer to use the best in the game when they are fresh.
  9. He's the most obvious. It's also cheap. Total lack of decision making to do it just because of Jagr. Never mind the issues with the team or player that perhaps shouldn't be here over Janko. MY fear with this type of recall is that they use him on the 4th line with Brouwer and Glass, and just move Stajan up.
  10. Jagr officially on IR, so he's out a week. The need isn't for a center, though. That is unless you re-work the present lines. Mangiapane is the most deserving (IMHO) if you call up a winger. Nobody on Stockton is going to replace Jagr on the top line. I would also suggest it's time to waive a player and bring up Janko permanently. Give them Stajan in Stockton, or enjoy watching Glass fight. Any guesses on first recall? Janko to see some action and delay the inevitable waiving of a player? Mangiapane to replace a wing spot and bring in a high octane speedy player? Ole' Hathaway to bring in more of the grit and less of the scoring ability?
  11. The question becomes who did we get it right with? Backlund Brodie Monahan - some may still dispute this Gaudreau - was already used to playing against bigger guys, just needed a Hudler to help him complete it Tkachuk - good start, needs to play in other situations perhaps Who are we failing on? Bennett, Lazar (not 100% on us) Poirier, Shinkaruk, Pollock, Klimchuk MacDonald Kulak, Andersson, Kylington This list is probably a lot longer, but some of this is just lack of talent (perhaps), lack of NHL opportunity to show the next level, or just plain misuse. Most of these guys could still become fulltime NHL players, but when will they ever play for the Flames. And every year we have new guys coming into the AHL or could jump from the OHL. Guys like Foo (??), Janko, Mangiapane seem to be the best of the AHL.
  12. I may be of the minority here, but I don;t think Bart is the 6th best d-man we have. Even at 11 minutes, the holes show through. Andersson outplayed him in the pre-season. Simple as that. What logic do you use to play your 7th or 8th guy every night, if that guy is not proving his value. We are leaking shots every game. What's our average, 39 shots now. I'll shut up now.
  13. So here's two stats from last night. Interpret them how you like: With Bart on the ice last night, the Flames were outshot 17-2 and outchanced 6-0. The effect carried over to Stone, who was fine on the PK, but the pair was getting buried 5v5. It's not hate as much as it is frustration. Maybe it's a result of starting 20 to 33% of the time in the D-zone, which plays against his strength. Or maybe he can only play offensively. Brodie made some real bonehead plays last night, but at least he made up for it in other ways.
  14. Smith has looked like a true starter. That's more than we could say last year in the month of October. Way too many shots per game, though they are counting anything that even makes it to the net. He's far better than I predicted. I had way more faith in Elliott and was really let down early. What I like about him is that he can actually stop a breakaway. It's not a sure goal. Either is a mistake by a player.
  15. Spokane Chiefs have acquired Zack Fisher. Guess it was an issue with the team.
  16. My big issue with Gully last year was riding a goalie just a bit too long. It was strictly win (or good performance) and you're in. This year may be worse because he has a bonafide starter. Harder to pick games with that guy being the goto guy. I want him to look at teams that a particular goalie lines up well against. But I would also like him to recognize alarm bells. Elliott showed those tendencies but still got the start. How bad was Elliott after his 10 game streak? Saying all that, Lack has to perform whenever he gets the call. If he can't, then we need to know that sooner than later. As a backup, he has to have at least a 500 record. Anything else is reason to make a move, whether that be through picking up a waiver player, promote a guy for a few games that looks strong, or making a trade.
  17. They gave the game to Smith, which was the right decision. An added problem of playing a former team is they may know things about you that other teams don't. He was coached by CAR's goalie coach. They knew his tendencies then and made changes to it. They practiced against him. Same is true of VAN, but that was not so recent. Go with the guy you have the most faith in, and had shown to be the best in practice. Some nights you may make a snap decision, but that is sometimes just reviewing recent tapes and looking at the types and quality of shots that they put up. If you have a blocking goalie, that may be the best one to use.
  18. I would rather put Lack in a game against a team he played well against and Smith has played bad against. Nashville or Minny?
  19. I don't think it matters to him if the new city will pay for the arena. All it matters is the value of the team, versus the cost of keeping it. Maybe a city like Houston wants a NHL team. Lots of oil money there. And it's not like you are buying an expansion team that will take years to be a contender. EDIT - Then there could be epic BOT games. Last goal wins.
  20. I would say that they are in no different state today then they were two weeks ago. Maybe it was a tactic to walk away from the table. Maybe they don't see the current environment conducive to making any deal. Either way, nothing has changed. Nenshi is not going to change his stance now. He was (supposedly) elected because of his stance. If the Olympic bid has any traction, the city will be building the arena. They can lease or rent it to the Flames, which is a better proposal (to the CSEC) than what the Flames were offering. If a business does not see a benefit for paying (almost) entirely for a new building, then they won't push for one, they will sell the franchise. Business is business.
  21. The biggest difference between the city and CSEC is who owns or should own the building. Paying taxes on the building, not a small sum of money. If the Flames move, then both sides look dumb. Actually, if the Flames move, it's a business transaction, not a decision to move. The new owners may not be in any better position with regards to taxpayer funded digs.
  22. Whether I agree with the strategies used by both sides, this is inevitable. I don't know that many cities would offer an Edmonton-like deal, but there is a chance. Much better paying for a new barn than the expansion fee. Just like the value provided by having a NHL is hard to quantify, so will the loss of a team. People will be out of work directly. Businesses will fold up shop. Blame will go to the city and to the province for policies that drive away business. The creosote site will remain the same. Reasons for impact to the economy will be argues by politicians and economists.
  23. A lot of people were quick to trash the trade, so those same people providing some positive comments after 3 wins in a row or 4 wins in total. Let's talk about his bad game(s). Game 1 - over 40 saves, kept in an outclassed team long enough to give them a chance. Was it really a bad game? Breakaway by McD. Tap in by McD. Game 5 - I don't know how many were good or bad goals. Flames were in it until things started unraveling. What I do remember was there were very few people commenting about the game in progress. The GDT had various comments about the the team, but most was about the team shutting it down early. Don't worry, if any goalies we have on the team start to lay eggs on a nightly basis, this will thread will start to fill up with negative goalie stuff, whether deserved or not. From my perspective, I have seen a few positives so far: when was the last time the Flames won a home opener? 2010 was it? I enjoyed seeing a Flames goalie stop odd-man rushes and breakaway chances, instead of the inevitable goal getting outshot and still winning a game?
  24. When I talk about the kids making the team, it's going to have to be based on at least half a season of killin' it in the AHL. Even then, they would only be considered as ready for the BU role, and that is assuming that Lack just doesn't cut it and/or we have a major injury. We have no idea at this point what version of Lack we have. The only real action was against Ottawa. Wasn't bad. Wasn't that great, but he was brought in during a whitewash.
  25. You ignored my previous responses to JJ. I talked about him having to face 40+ shots per night and said we need to give him props for that. You must see a little bit of sarcasm in the comment about letting McDavid score twice. Yes, a breakaway and a tap in goal. Bad goalie!! As for Ottawa, it was a loss. Not entirely on him, but he is not without fault in it.
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