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Everything posted by travel_dude

  1. For sure it's the safe play. Extra D in case he needs some minutes off.
  2. Bring the fire to the game and the heavy rain to the Ice District.
  3. One player is out, but not sure who. Tanev listed with the A.
  4. Dominant win in game 3? Nice to say, but the other games say hi.
  5. Let's stop taling about the "clips" already. We are not a trash team, we are the Pacific champs. Let's show these primadonnas what a team plays like. SN already has awarded the cup and the Conn.
  6. Just because an Oiler fan boi, so called media guy can clip together a sequence in low def doesn't mean every team is that pathetic. Run the play from before that sequence and you might see something that pouts Drai in a different light. But crying to the media is so Oilers. How come Connor doesn't draw more penalties? Send in a bunch of clips. In the playoffs, the NHL PS doesn't look at targeting a player as intent to injure. If you are healthy play. If not, don't play. No need to run to the teacher after recess. I wouldn't even call this series hard hitting. One hard hit on McD. A cross check that resulted in a dive call. Couple of scrums. The penalties called don't do this series justice.
  7. Good job RD. I hope we actually some non-biased reporting tonight. Between Amber/Hrudey and Cuthbert/Simpson, we have one side of the game. One win in the difference. Flames dominated most of two games, but you would think we don't even belong on the same ice.
  8. Seravalli is reporting a non-story. The NHL doesn't need to see something sent in by a media hack. I'm sure the coach or GM may have sent it in if they felt it was an issue. Oilers coaching through Twitter? Really it's more likely them whining about not getting PP's, not the supposed targeting of an injured player. Who ever heard of that before? You play, you will be targeted in some way shape or form. There are 100 of these little clips every day. If they feel some of them need discussion, that happens before the game. Probably as many that show the Oilers targeting the hands of Gaudreau or Kane clipping him.
  9. Typical NHL responding to Oiler trash.... Frank Seravalli @frank_seravalli #NHL is aware of this clip and the apparent targeting of #LetsGoOilers Leon Draisaitl’s ankle. Safe to say Player Safety / Hockey Ops / Officiating Depts are in communication and will keep an eye out for the same in Game 4 and beyond. Do they even watch games or just clips that homer media publish. Okay to slash hands I guess. But the darlings can't have anyone target a player with some fake injury. Keep track of all the BS, not just the ones that butthurt fans post.
  10. It may be just temporary, but the guys that did games 1 and 2 are in the East. At least McCauley is gone. Kozari is in the East. We get O'Rourke and another vet ref.
  11. Playing COL was a waste of 8 (7? 6?) days for NAS. Playing TBL was a waste of fan money for the Leafs. The elite are starting to rise in the NHL. I don't like our chances against COL, but hopefully STL will take a bite out of them. Against TBL? Yikes. It would have to be a different game than what TO or FLA tried on them. Beat the bloody piss outa them? I doubt it.
  12. Yeah, I know about streamin (if that's what you mean), but my goto doesn't have them. If you are talking about paying for the AHL playoffs, I only care about one team. 3 rounds left, including the current. If we take this, we likely play the Wolves. Wolf vs the Wolves. Tonight is a B2B for the Heat. Next two a couple of days apart in COL (Fri and Sun). Wolfie has been sharp, so I hope he starts again. Lots of break, and he's only played 4 games in total so far.
  13. The risk of trading for rentals. Chiarot one point in 10 games. Giroux was good, but he's not back next year. They also have a ton of cap issues.
  14. 9:30pm EDT start tonight, but I don't have a subscription to watch anyway. Same time as the Flames play Oilers tonight. I normally keep track of the score during the game, so I may post during the Flames GDT.
  15. I laugh at the high and mighty fans that see no wrong when it comes to the Oiler and see everything wrong with every other players in the league. Seen a lot of uncalled slashing of the hands go uncalled, mostly of players in white/red. But, stir up the pot if you like. If you want to avenge him, go ahead. What's that? Right. Kassian plays 4 minutes. fringe NHL player Archibald plays 7 and scoring threat and noted big body Foegele plays 7. You wat to send a message about the Smith hit? I am sure that smith is tougher than 90% of the Oil players. Let him get hacks in, if that's how he wants to respond. Don't worry, we will look for your weakness, and maybe actually get some difficult shots on you.
  16. He's not scoring much, but involved in every goal. If Poolparty got a pass like the ones Kane got, he would have a hatty too. Or he misses, which is so much like him. I think perhaps Tkachuk is using a bit of verbal warfare to suggest they are a garbage team without McD. He's not wrong. What that says to the Oilers is that roster players are just out there to set the table for McD. Get in their heads that they need to show something.
  17. They have 3 C's listed in the lineup, so I'm not entirely sure. Here was the projected lines, but neither Gawdin nor Goulborne played. Kerins and Pospisil played. If I had to guess based on scoring, the third line was intact. Maybe Philp moved up. Jakob Pelletier – Glenn Gawdin – Matthew Phillips Justin Kirkland – Luke Philp – Tyrell Goulbourne Emilio Pettersen – Connor Zary – Eetu Tuulola Alex Gallant – Byron Froese – Walker Duehr Kevin Gravel – Nick DeSimone Juuso Valimaki – Colton Poolman Ilya Solovyov – Andy Welinski Dustin Wolf
  18. It's quite possible that Gio wants to retire, so that $800k helps TO in that case as well. It will be a long season for TO. Lots of highs and lows. At least they stand a fighting chance with cap, assuming they trade away some of the supplemental stuff.
  19. And that dude is a noted Oilers hack. He only sees the ice through a Kool Ade induced haze.
  20. Awe, too bad. I think it was a fake story that he suffered any type of injury. Gamesmanship. He can't skate, so there no need to cover him on the rush. I don't know of any team that talked so much about two player's injuries as EDM. Why would you suggest that Nurse needs surgery? Or that Leon needs recovery time? He's big and slow. If anything, his shot looks bad. I saw a single one-timer so far that actually hit the net. And it was stoppable.
  21. I'm not even sure what he's doing out there. Leading the team in a bad way, tied with Lindholm for -7. But I give some leeway to Lindy for having to play in many situations that was not on him. Stone is a +6 FFS. Kylington is +3. Both those guys have had to play in situations they are not used to. Hanifin is a vet. Ras is making mistakes out there as well, but he's seeing McD and Draisaitl more.
  22. We need to stop putting it in behind the net on shoot-ins. Diagonal or straight on the end boards, if you are doing that. Mangiapane has the speed to beat a lot of players in on the dump in, but if Smith gets to touch it, it's a wasted play.
  23. There's a mushy middle with him. Get one or two past him early. Then nothing for a bit then pounce on him in bunches.
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