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Everything posted by conundrumed

  1. omg, is that the Flames anthem singer? Which reminds me, yesterday I drove by a church blasting the anthem. My 1st thought was, "is there a hockey game"? That's what it has come to.lol
  2. Projected lines: https://www.nhl.com/flames/news/young-stars-projected-lineup-flames-vs-canucks
  3. Hopefully the stream is as good as the Detroit one was. Outside of the commentary that was pretty awful due to huge stretches of story-telling rather than commentating. Not sure what happened with the 1st game, TML vs CBJ. I got in from work and it was on standby. Announcers came on briefly and said there's 12 minutes left in the first, 2-0 CBJ, there are ice surface issues, then the stream just turned into "Thank You for Watching". 4-2 Dallas. Elmer Soderblom doesn't need to be at this tourney. He's just hands down way better than everyone else. Amadeus Lombardi is fire. Looks like a 1st rder ('22 4th rd). Danielson is as advertised, plays the whole ice calmly like a general. Immediately takes charge on the PK covering lanes and pointing to teammates where to be. Cossa was weak letting in 3 in the 1st half, Bednar took over and played really well. Gave up nothing. 4th was en. Logan Stankoven was nearly invisible. Christian Kyrou was really noticeable for Dallas, in on everything. Poirier was solid in net. 2 of Dallas' goals were 3-on-0 and 3-on-1, Cossa's reads were awful though. Cheating the pass and the puck-carrier beats him short side. Get ready for mistake-riddled hockey and don't blame.lol They haven't played competitively in a while. The systems are, "get out there and do your best". If Lombardi's linemates were aware of his passing skills he'd have had about 4 more assists. Dude is going to be a good player. Impressed the heck out of me with Flint, here against better players was no different. He'll be in the A, but he's not going to make that an easy choice by the looks of him rn.
  4. The Sting had a big shakedown on hazing about 6-7 yrs ago with some pretty Blockchained up Satoshi Nakamoto that had gone on in the past. It was rampant everywhere. In the late '80's my buddy joined the Wheat Kings via trade from Spokane. He told me the first time (as a vet) he saw the hazing was on the bus for an away game. It was so nasty that he just started swinging at the hazers he was so pissed. The coach would have been Vegas' GM. That Satoshi Nakamoto was everywhere, but he said in Spokane they just pranked. In Brandon they made it full-on sexual and he was just disgusted to the point he was beating up teammates as the new guy. One of the rookies quit afterwards. When the dust settled McCrimmon pointed at him and said, "they're you go boys, it's his team now. Got a problem with that, take it up with him". He was a snipe and tough af. He told me the only guy that beat him up badly was.....Mike Modano.lol Who knew?
  5. So give me all of the details about how Peters directly impacted a player's career by frustratingly having a racial episode about turning down loud music? There are obviously details that I'm not aware of. I played both hockey and basketball into the late '80's, so I'm well aware of all of the racial insults hurled. In general, it was mainly London teams. We had natives, blacks and east indians on various rosters. They didn't. One London school's coach and our coach were suspended in Sr Bball because our coach went right after him after their coach went full racial tirade on one of our players. Shows precisely where the players get it from. To this day, why were both suspended equally? Aliu was with the Flames pre-Peters Flames. Was our org too racist to have him on the big club, or was he not good enough? He implies that he never had a chance due to racism. I'm just saying that he can't imply that is the sole reason. I'm in no way saying that hurdle didn't exist, nor am I defending Peters or Babcock's actions or follow-up perception of inaction. I can't speak to the inaction, because I have zero ways to know what the circumstances were. They undoubtedly had lawyers directing them. For Aliu, it became an equality in sports movement so I'm really happy that's a thing and he's a big part of it. I was never a victim of racism, but I'm not deaf, dumb and blind. To this day, racists just soften their language to what they believe is acceptable. Like, "brown people", and "new Canadians". In general and on the whole, many of them never surpassed the Dr. Seuss level of reading and comprehension. The problem is, those are just the sheep. The shepherd's are a massive issue. I can only be myself and encourage those around me to cut that Satoshi Nakamoto out. My only hope is the next generation.lol
  6. But Jenner is 30 and of the leaders on the team. Both have stated that Bisonette really twisted it. So we're left with believing Bisonnette or the 2 guys that were actually in the room? Again, it's being portrayed that Babcock demanded. Both parties said that wasn't the case at all. Go back and watch Spittin' Chiclets early episodes. They epitomize the toxicity in their storytelling but no one seems to care.
  7. I'm not so sure high end 1st rders qualify as surprises, but every team is pretty much thrown together without much time together and no one has played high-end competitive hockey for a while. So it should look a lot like pond hockey, which is actually my favourite kind of hockey. I'll be comparing notes between Honzek and Danielson. Rumour(mildly verified) has it Detroit was taking one of them come hell or high water, if not both if possible. And Calgary wasn't budging on their 16th oa if either were there. Some were a little surprised that he lasted until 16th.
  8. I've updated the OP with a link to all tourney skeds and believe a lot of teams broadcast from their website. Detroit's tourney kicks off today with @jjgallow's THAT defenceman TML vs CBJ followed by my Wings vs sallaD Dallas. CBJ looks pfg.
  9. oof. I better start minding my manners vs out overseas posters! I believe(but don't quote me) that the games will be posted to youtube for replay for the less Nosferatu crowd.
  10. It seems like a good mix of stay-at-home and O-minded dmen. Baring in mind they're all undrafted, I think Duarte and Peer(players I'm a bit familiar with) are a pretty good indication that they're trying to find guys that go hard despite how they've been perceived. Also important to remember that Peer's invite is undoubtedly because Marc Savard has been his coach for the last 2 seasons and is now an asst for us. He sees something there, I hope. I can say he's a great skater, but have only seen him a few times. I expect the games to be loaded with mistakes up the ying-yang, but interesting to see what each player can showcase vs quality opponents in the same age group. I don't have much doubt that Coronato will be on a whole other level from the action. Just don't get hurt!!!!
  11. Also interested to see what these goalies are. I'm gonna love this. Hate the 10:30 starts though...hopefully the Wings prospect games keep me jacked. CBJ's roster is flipping crazy. Holy prospects. I may need to rely on youtube re-plays.
  12. I'm not sure why they'd try that rn. Maybe a few reps swapping spots with Nikolaev. I want to see Honzek on Kerins' left. Kerins should be up for a really good season this year. I think a few guys will surprise us with how good they actually are. Kerins, Stromgren, Duarte, Peer off of the top of my head. We really need to bare in mind that everyone in this tourney missed a year of hockey-playing development in 2020. Peer could be the epitome of an overlooked player. Not even drafted in jr. Had to make a solid Spits team out of camp. Shades of Mangiapane but missed a year of playing. I hope he does well, great skater when I've seen him. Duarte's another one whose entire path is paved by determination. I love guys like that!
  13. Seems like Bissonette's grinding an axe. Both Babcock and Jenner basically responded, "wth? That is waaay out of context." They both said it was a first meeting and they shared family pics. Nothing unusual. They air-dropped the photos onto the board. Again, not unusual. Bissonette's take is basically that Babcock demanded his phone and took ALL of his personal photos. It doesn't jibe. Jenner isn't a small man. You're not "making him" do anything, coach or otherwise. I feel for guys like Babcock and Peters. They can regret, apologize, self-reflect, feel shame, change, try to pick up the pieces... Yet there will still be a large group of people that will ignore any of of that. They've got forks and knives and they want to eat something. The social justice mob, ironically, can't wrap their heads around the perpetrator/victim thing. Yet want to tell everyone that they are the bastions of morality. Irony at it's finest. Peters used racial slurs 30 years ago. I'm positive that he was the only one. He is an absolute garbage human until the day he dies. He derailed what would have been a Gretzky-esque career because the victim could never recover from such hurtful words. He originated calling rap music n%$#$% music. He must have. No one had ever heard that before he said it./s
  14. 17 & 22 look like a lot more production than last year!
  15. lol Monastery be the office, zen be the way. Free dharma.
  16. Okay guys, guys, guys, listen up team, we're not in Stockton anymore so don't worry if we want you in the A. Oooof:
  17. Maybe the next graduation can be music? I'd go, say, deathmetal, smoothjazz, dentistmusic, boyband. All of the genres I ignore.
  18. Yeah it's a bummer when I see Detroit putting a lot of effort in, stories together, events etc in fun ways, not just a dry report/statement. It's like the high energy out-going friend and then the other expressionless friend that never gets excited about anything.lol
  19. The PP is slow. Everyone has to hold the puck, have a look, safe pass and repeat. Not getting the defenders moving much, too tentative. I find myself constantly muttering, "guys, it's only 2 minutes, move the puck".
  20. Stop making excuses for lame mgmt.lol Will we see: Honzek-Nikolaev/Kerins-Coronato 1st line? Looking fwd to seeing how Stromberg looks. No Ronni, Liiga's already rockin'. Invites (all CHL): Jari Kykkenen/G/Kelowna/19yo Dmen: Charles Cote/Rimouski/19yo 6'6" oowee Tyson Galloway/Calgary/20yo Mikael Diotte/Drummondville/20yo Donovan McCoy/Peterborough/18yo Quinn Mantei/Brandon/18yo Forwards Oliver Tulk/C/Calgary/18yo Oliver Peer/C/Windsor/20yo Nathan Pilling/C/Edmonton/19yo
  21. 2 hours ago. It's about time they started listening to me.lol
  22. I know that. I was saying they have zero updates/news/hype, whereas the Wings had their roster up 3 weeks ago. Fans are excited and discussing possible lines, pairings etc. Aka generating excitement/conversation. Here, crickets. Not interested in PR? Whereas Detroit's site 3 weeks ago... https://www.nhl.com/redwings/news/red-wings-release-2023-nhl-prospect-tournament-roster-and-schedule-345657788
  23. No one will accuse the Flames of amplifying this tourney. Detroit released their tourney roster about 3 weeks ago. Zero on the main board regarding the tourney from the Flames.
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