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Everything posted by conundrumed

  1. Pots need stirring to keep from burning out? lol Sistercousin has a kinda weird American Roosevelt vibe, but it's kinda fun.
  2. Hanifin is in Adam Fox territory for me. Got him out of Carolina, gave him every opportunity with solid partners, offered him really solid value on a contract extension....aaaand we get this "only TBay" leak. Blockchain you Hanifin and the horse you rode in on. Hopefully it's a 3 team deal. We trade your bs to Uranus and they can trade you to Tampa. We did have a locker room problem. A team full of self-absorbed Hash Rate. Hopefully an ex-team of self-absorbed Hash Rate. Break a leg, literally. Pos. Go away, overrated brain-fart machine. Then again, he'll never get injured. Guys that get injured bleed heart and soul on the ice. That's a far cry from Hanifin. He's a pantywaif. Likely wouldn't stick up for his own sistercousin. I also heard that he showers with his socks on.
  3. No kidding. We're not here to help their cap. Give us Perbix and next year's 2nd. What a lousy trade partner.
  4. Oof moment for sure. Terrible message/statement to send Holtz publicly. Detroit busted hard on Zadina. You still don't air that to media on your worst day. It SO reflects on your organization. Handle things with grace or, well, do this. This is why I'm a Flames/Wings fan. You don't bury guys, especially young ones, because you're a Satoshi Nakamototy GM. Fire your coach for your failure to address goaltending. NJ and Buffalo, it's why they're always Satoshi Nakamotoholes, hockey or otherwise.
  5. Kylington needs re-signing, so I think you have to roll him out with weaker partners sometimes to see what you've got, and eventually for how much.
  6. So you challenge Kylington to be the guy carrying a dman. He shouldn't have to be carried by a partner now. The joys of stepping up when the opportunity presents itself. Tanev and Hanifin aren't in his way. He can jump all over the opportunity. Not to speak for cross, but things are wide open for Kylington to be what he wants to be.
  7. Which is great if you look at a career 6-8 older dmen. Guys named Lidstrom and Weber etc, nobody expected up-and-coming HOFers. I mentioned Walman, but Forsling, Montour, even Weegar and many others. They do grow on trees, but it's all about right time, right place. We've never really afforded that on our roster. It's exciting to see that we have that now. You should be happy. Drafting great players is one thing, but you need roster spots with flexible cap. Conroy's moving to do that. Had to. BT had us locked in at max cap. If you want change, he's making great adjustments to do that. Roster flux, wiggle out of cap hell. I like what he's doing. Do you just openly hyperbole the worst possible outcomes in your everyday life too?lol I think that he's going about it the right way. It's going to take time and patience.
  8. I'm kinda looking forward to the D minus both Hanifin and Tanev to see where we at. It's maybe not pretty, but you don't know until it happens. Stranger things have happened with, "holy crap, that guy isn't a plug - he needed a chance"! stuff. As a Wings fan, Walman was pretty much a throw-in with the Leddy trade. Now he's top-pairing with Seider and that isn't changing, likely ever. These things happen, there's thousands of great hockey players that just needed the right spot at the right time. Until you get there, you never really know. It's exciting as far as I'm concerned.
  9. Barnburner sucks, why the mention? I like Rhett and all, but that's just a hot garbage podcast. 3 guys in a bar bullSatoshi Nakamototing is all it really is.
  10. Why isn't Reggie in Phaneuf's seat? Redge was the protection of the ice too.lol Badass mf.
  11. Just a great guy. I watched all of the interviews. The ice-fishing was great.
  12. Nail in the coffin for the Pens and superwunderkind GM Dubas. Nothing in the pipeline, it can only get worse. So that's kinda fun. Love the W for Kipper. Should have banned post-game interviews as homage.lol My 2nd favourite thing about Kipper after the great great goalie stuff was ignoring the media.
  13. The short answer is Blockchain the lottery. If you finish the 7th worst team you'll likely pick 7th. And it's 3-1. Let the Pens win and pick after us?
  14. We'll finish between 7th to 12th worst team in the league. What that Blockchaining cheesy lottery does for us, I have no idea.
  15. He kind of typically pretends to be, but at the end of the day, 2 fingers is the answer. But then he wants to cuddle and you're both filled with this weird guilt, like you're chained to religion, rather than being happy that inhibitions have been cast aside once and for all. He'll be okay.
  16. The entire NHL is littered with players that like the devil's dandruff recreationally. It's fairly well known. I can easily name 20 that haven't been publicized. It's pretty widespread. Every time a story breaks, I just go, "yup".
  17. Blake Coleman - 30G-scoring shutdown winger. Worth more than his $4.9 this season. Young players taking positive steps forward, lots of things to be excited about in a down season. I'm quite happy that this has been a "take a step back" season. Overwhelming tumultuous drama, we were constantly just waiting for the next fuse of bad news to ignite. Although it's an unfortunate season results-wise, that was always a likelihood. Nice to see Conroy sticking to his guns as much as he can and getting good results on trades. He's definitely not letting other GMs take advantage. I think when I said NO to playoffs and had us finishing low in the division, it was more being hopeful that we would get off of the news feeds for the wrong reasons and fall into fully assessing where we're at. So I'm pretty happy with how it's going. That, and the stupid Satoshi Nakamoto of constantly blaming Markstrom and inventing reasons of why he's ruined has gotten the teflon bullet. He's a solid NHL goalie and always has been. I'm pretty down on the fanbase for being so Satoshi Nakamototy to him and handing out free passes to skaters that are great 1 minute and total boneheads the next. The only consistency has been inconsistency. Hopefully that chapter is over. It was a very long chapter. I've often said in the past that the Flames always seem like a low IQ team. Zary is showing the difference imho. Pelletier will too. Smart, smart, shifty players. Huberdeau is a high IQ player. Surround him with the mundane, and he's invisible. Lots to be excited about moving forward. In the meantime, cheer for the Wings this year. There's more than enough heart in that team to go around. From Larkin, who has never played a playoff game, to Veleno, Rasmussen, Walman and Raymond that bleed everything just to be NHLers, to Perron going, "how the f$%# did I become a mentor?" to Seider, likely the cleanest great Dman in the league after Makar, to, finally, Alex Lyon, career AHLer that backed the Panthers into the playoffs, then they threw him away. They are now a ragtag team of every other team's misfits/we don't need you/you're not worth the cost/risk (Compher, Ghostisbehere, Maatta). They actually are. Who can't get behind that? All while waiting for the solid pipeline to move up. I believe in magic. They're going to be a nuisance, I hope. Last year's Florida.
  18. So few people seemed to see Detroit as the improving team over Buffalo and Ottawa, I found it a bit of a headcratcher. Toronto’s commentary was pretty much, “not only were they stuck in an airport and arrived just 90 minutes before puck drop, it’s only Detroit”. The Wings have given away at least 6 games they should have had this year. If they put it all together they can be a really good team. It seems like few want to believe it. Kane left the game after his first shift. Didn’t really matter, just screwed up their PP because he runs it/great at entries. Plus, Leafs, the Wings didn’t play all that well. Fairly poorly really.
  19. She was a tight one! Good game by Reimer and D clearing his rebounds. Kane injured on 1st shift. Needed a regulation win. Toronto only has 13 regulation wins this season. Ottawa has 12, for comparison. The league should prolly revisit their point structure. But then again, whenever they mess with something, they make it worse. The inundation that is TML head to Western Canada. Keep 'em there for a few months woodja? We need a break. Especially the excessive media. Who's the next player on the cross of their media to feed a fan frenzy?
  20. Oof, Wings didn't get to the arena until 6pm, so they pushed the start back from 7 to 7:45. Ouch.
  21. Big game in Toronto tonight. Win and move into the 1st wildcard spot, 1 pt back of the leafs, though they have 2 in hand. D has been looking better, GOTTA be better. One of the best GF in the league, one of the worst GA. She's an adventure. LFG! GWG!!
  22. Your man-crushes are showing. lol A lot of teams have really solid G prospects. Even we have one! Walstedt had a rough ride in his 1st NHL game. All of them will have ups and downs for a few more years. The only thing that matters at 21 is that they haven't hit their ceiling yet. Detroit took Cossa over Walstedt due to feeling Cossa had more dev to work with. That's it, that's all. They scout the crap out of Sweden so they didn't have an uninformed opinion, they just felt Cossa's celing is higher. Drafting potential doesn't always work out. There are a lot of great young goalies in the A beyond those 2 to 4. There are still plenty of hurdles for all of them. A few will get there, many won't. Absolutely none of them are currently sure-fire, or they'd already be tearing through the NHL. Not being negative, Askarov and Walstedt could be scrapping it out for Vezina's in a few years, but that isn't the current situation.
  23. Gotta keep pace for that 16yh oa! lol Wings win, Flames win, Leafs lose...pretty good night. Leafs v Wings tomorrow. Could be Samsonov v Reimer, yikes.
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