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Everything posted by conundrumed

  1. My thoughts precisely. Detroit stayed completely out of the shenanigans, I call that a win. I wonder if Yzerman just turned his phone off, other than sending Kostin to the Sharks where maybe he can play. Now if only this stupid schedule would get them busy. They've barely played since the All Star break. Rhythm comes from real games, as we saw with TBag last night after they had a week off.
  2. Massive news. Hopefully that's the 2025 1st, the our 2026 is unprotected.
  3. I liked it at the time. I thought Elliott needed a real starters role. Then as I saw the draft board rolling, I was kinda, oh Satoshi Nakamoto, that's a great pick spot. Army's a Sarnia guy, he planned that whole thing knowing he'd get Kyrou there. Source - I asked him when he brought the cup here. lol I grew up with him so it was like seeing a long lost friend.
  4. Elliot for a 2nd that was around 35th oa in a good draft anyone? Turned out St. Loo took Kyrou.
  5. A fun game might be guessing the conditions on the 3rd rd pick. "He has to win 5 games or it's a 7th". "Make the playoffs or it's a 6th".
  6. Buffalo and New Jersey, Detroit thanks you for never attempting to address your goaltending effectively. We'll take that WC spot. I mean really, they barely even try. The Flames didn't overplay their hand, those teams have BT's old view that goalies are only a 3rd liners value. Allen should fit their philosophy perfectly.
  7. But can he help Wolf become a bonafide #1? Is that worth considering? Or are we looking for, "the best goalie not in the NHL" again, if things go south?
  8. If my recall is correct, it was the goalie coaches that loved Vladar is why we acquired him.
  9. Which is great and I know he's young, but he plays 3rd line RW. So he's not getting C reps and not facing the other team's best. If he was at C I'd understand that maybe he'll never overcome the phenomenal Hischier or Hughes. But his C is normally Haula. So why is everyone under the impression that Mercer would be a great top 2C? None of that has happened so far. Yet that's the guy that everyone is crowing for. There's likely 20 guys hiding in or around the league that are equal. Example, why is Nashville so effing good right now? Dawson Mercer's are around, why can't we get away from NJ? Buffalo really, really needs a goalie. As does Ottawa, maybe Detroit, Toronto, Carolina, LA, of Markstrom's calibre if we trade him. Maybe he won't waive for some, but options at least. If you're going to waive for Newark frigging New Jersey where wouldn't you waive for. Then if ours becomes a nightmare, don't say that I didn't warn you. lol
  10. I prefer those odds vs Vladar and Wolf. I much, much, much prefer removing Vladar any way necessary. We've maneuvered cap space, added picks and prospects yet still want to throw all caution to the wind on goaltending. Absolute suckers for punishment. Wolf should have been the backup this year. HAVE to do it next year now because we waited. Very very few goalies walk into a seat successfully and I'll be downright shocked if Wolf is Vasilevsky. You have to fight through a lot for that seat. Vladar isn't much fight. And I don't see a Plan B. Plan A is only as good as Plan B.
  11. The infatuation with Dawson Mercer echo chamber is nothing short of fascinating. We ripped Sharangovich already. The better of the 2. Is Dawson Mercer going to really explode here soon? What am I missing?
  12. How old is Fleury? Wasn't Roloson 36 during the oilers cup run? There are others. Goalies aren't skaters. What if he's good at 36 and we extend? What's up with these foregone conclusions? So many questions.
  13. Because a goalie coach isn't living it. A heavily experienced goalie KNOWS how 400 different players have tricked them and keep trying the same tricks. It's the old saying, "Those that can't do, teach".
  14. @phoenix66 quite eloquently described surfer-dude Kidd(there's a jr backstory I'll spare you) and what went wrong. Wolf should be Markstrom's backup. Markstrom can tell him the tendencies of every shooter in the league. If you need to figure it out for yourself, you could get in big trouble. Goalie coaches can't teach that. Experienced goalies can. Not unlike great young Centers that rock a 36% FO% to start. They need the experienced Cs to explain everyone's tendencies. Left alone, it takes forever. So I get that Markstrom gets a good return. The "but" is that goalies aren't skaters. I don't think aging is the same equation. Can Markstrom be great at 37-38? Maybe he can, I just can't 100% say he can't. If he stays the same, he extends to retirement for cheaper as a backup/1A-1B? I just hate the scenario where Kipper leaves and our goaltending becomes an endless quagmire of hot garbage. With Markstrom, options are still on the table. Without him we have no options.
  15. I love you for that!! The echo chambers would be fire. lol
  16. Trade Vladar and Wolf gets a great mentor, or gets to deal with this fanbase alone. Screaming now doesn't add jack-Satoshi Nakamoto btw. Nice try at effect though. I missed nothing but you pretending that your opinion is the all-encompassing truth. "Likely" and "maybe" statements contradict what you're trying to purvey.
  17. Not to be offensive, but if anyone knew the proper way to do things, they'd be worth 1,000 times their weight in gold. Instability at goal, we're watching it with NJ, Toronto, Carolina etc. Maybe we should trade stabilities? We already picked NJ the proper way. Take the guy that needs a chance. Mercer and Holtz get nothing but chances. We literally already ripped them off for that guy. We should wait and see if that's a trend. Maybe our scouting team is really nailing it for Conroy on finding players that need chances? I'm willing to make that bet. Never heard of Grushnikov? Me neither. But I'm willing to bet a Flames scout not only knew of him, but got a 2nd scout to audit, then they told Conroy he's a hidden gem that needs to be targeted. Start with Stankoven, but your real intention is Grushnikov. Let the other GM think that he really put you through the grinder. That's just me surmising, but I doubt that I'm far from the truth. Professional bullSatoshi Nakamototers. I'd imagine the Toffoli trade ended with, "look, I think I'm giving you more than a good enough player for Mercer, but I'll settle on Sharangovich, but I want your 2nd this year. You're killing me, man. Alright, a 3rd".
  18. That return kinda sucks actually. That 1st is going to be a 2nd is my guess. It is a lot of names though. None of those prospects scream NHLer, though there's some potential. I was mistaken as Ponomarev being drafted by Dubas. But that return looks weak. Bunting the only definitive 3rd line NHLer and likely no 1st rder. Conroy got quality, Dubas went for quantity.
  19. Oof. A 2nd that moves to a 1st in the unlikely event the Canes reach the finals. Guentzel for quantity over quality.
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