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Everything posted by cross16

  1. And to fair I obviously hope you are right. I agree Stromgren is a very toolsy guy and IMO was a big project when they drafted him so there is for sure something there and not necessarily reason to panic. Wasn't the intention. Just that I don't think he was trending well, especially in terms of ice time/opportunity so there is some work to do with him iMO which is why I think it was smart of the Flames to bring him over. He had 1 more year left on his deal in Sweden I understand.
  2. Sort of... For Coronato there was no option of signing an NHL deal or AHL deal, it's an NHL deal only and then it becomes a matter of where is he assigned. So no he could not have said "nhl is only where I'll sign" because the contract is the same whether he plays AHL or NHL. What he would have said is sign me now, as opposed to sign me next season, or i'm heading back. What contract he signs and then where he plays are 2 different things. The advantage to him signing right now is he is now a year closer to getting off his Entry level deal (which is a lower salary and lower potential to make money). This has nothing to do with US college rules these at standard entry level rules that everyone has to follow. Would apply to a European player CHL free agent etc. Comes down to their age and what leverage they have. Not IMO. I believe Gaudreau did speak to Edwards but I don't' think he screamed at him. I don't doubt the Flames were mad, they thought they had a deal and as I understand it the agent told them that. I'm certainly not suggesting this was all above board but if we are trying to make the case that this was negotiated in bad faith or the Flames were led on that implies that Gaudreau did this intentionally. I have no reason to believe that was the case I do think the genuinely considered Calgary, he just put off the decision for as long as he could. If people define that as bad faith that's fair I guess but I don't and therefore it's weak to try and connect his 2nd contract negotiation to some sort of bad feelings that I just don't think existed. He has so many opportunities to get back at the Flames if that was his intention, why wait 6 years? Anyways best to move but at the end of the day I think this organization does a fantastic job of treating it's players so I think the concern level around what they will do with Coronato should be small.
  3. not the case. Options were: 1 sign him to an NHL effective this year. This option means you cannot be assigned to the AHL and must stay on the NHL roster. Option 2. Sign him to an NHL deal that would have started next year. Then they could have signed him to AHL try out deal for the rest of the season. Risk here was Coronato could have said no and gone back to school for another year and be closer to UFA. there was no option to sign him to an nhl deal this year and put him in the AHL. AHL rules prevent it.
  4. Wranglers getting some reinforcements. Be interesting to see if he plays. Best to get him out of Sweden though is they have any hopes of salvaging the pick (it's not looking good at this point)
  5. What reaction? I have no reason to believe, based on everything i've heard, read and seen, he negotiated in bad faith. I believe he was considering signing in Calgary and as long as he was willing to consider it I don't see how it's bad faith. I'm not suggesting he NEEDS to be in the AHL just that it's a very viable option and I don't think him being in the AHL has any negative connotation to it. I think at the end of the day all the Flames need to do is give him a real shot at the NHL. If that doesn't happen then I would agree you have risk to the relationship but I also have no reason to believe the Flames won't give him a fair shot. I don't think anything needs to be promised and you can do danger by promising too (see Sven Baertschi).
  6. Or maybe he is a human being that struggled to make a really challenging decision, didn't want to make it, put it off until he no longer could and then made it when he had to? I really think it's as simple as that and it doesn't have to mean bad faith, that's just an opinion and assuming so is silly personally. Funny discussion. Most here think the Flames are not ruthless enough (should rebuild sooner, trade for more picks) but then they were too nice with Gaudreau and now need to be extra nice to Coronato
  7. no kidding.... This is nuts
  8. It doesn't prove anything because there is no proof this is what he did, it's just your theory. I know for a fact the Flames treated Gaudreau extremely well throughout his whole career. If you want to point to 1 negotiation to try and disprove that fine but as I said I think that is tinfoil hat stuff. I don't think how the Flames treat their players is an issue here and if it is then there is one person you might want to look at it and it's not the GM.
  9. Treliving has already said exactly this. Was a center due to injuries but they feel he's a winger and this game strengths lend themselves to wing and not center. Well it's not that they can't it just depends on the negotiation. There was the option to sign him to an NHL that started in 23/24 and then an AHL tryout agreement for the rest of the AHL season/playoffs. You'll see a lot of players sign these in the coming weeks I'd bet. In an agreement between 2 leagues I don't think you can have rules that cover every single scenario. This is just a really small subsection of the rules that no one probably feels like is worth implementing.
  10. Think Elias Lindholm is a good comp for Coronato. Not a burner but has no problem getting around the ice. No need to be concerned about his skating IMO. I have no doubts people are going to like Coronato, he's tough not to like. Hight floor to his game, he impacts all areas, he's intelligent, feisty, and plays well above his size. He'll remind people a lot like Mang in that way.
  11. Gilbert is ineligible to return to the Wranglers. Wasn't on their roster at the trade deadline.
  12. In terms of rebuilds there are times they make sense. I can stomach rebuilds but I think they have to be more strategic then what gets sold on here. I think just pulling it apart and drafting is not a successful model, you have to look at the upcoming strength of drafts, you have to look at your finances, state of your franchise etc. For this club right now I think they missed their window and not i'm not sure a rebuild makes sense because I think even getting to the starting place of a rebuild (ie the studs) is going to be tough. Their long term deals would be tough to get out from under, they don't have a lot of young players and most of their tradable assets are 1 year away from UFA so you are not going to get the value you are looking for. I think your looking at a 2 year (maybe 3) process of just getting to the point where you can then start to accumulate assets. Maybe i'm wrong and you can still get value for the likes of Kadri/Huberdeau/Markstrom but i'm just really skeptical you can. I also don't see very strong drafts upcoming. I think this team is much better than they've shown and it's very likely they'll have a better year next year and be into the playoffs so I do think it's better to ride this out. Run with your 3-4 window here, make the playoffs probably more than you miss, maybe you hit on Wolf/Coronato and see what happens. At least by the end of it your too a point where they longer team deals become more movable and then you can look at a rebuild that perhaps isn't as long because you don't need as much work unwinding the team. A rebuild was attractive 1-2 seasons ago I just don't think it is now, mostly because I think the period of time the Flames would spend in the mushy middle, and then the bottom is much longer than under normal circumstances. All of that to wind up building a team that is no guarantees to be better than what they are right now.
  13. Beyond silly that this is a thing. We honestly think that Gaudreau played 6 years, played through multiple coaches, engaged in extension talks, had a career year, then engaged in extension talks again all the while secretly plotting to get back at the Flames? The same guy who signed in Columbus for 7 years because he misplayed the market? This is tinfoil hat stuff. I just think this is all getting way, way ahead of ourselves and this process is more procedural. Contract's signed, he's in the organization and how he's really no different than a Pelletier, Zary, Wolf or any other player who had to earn their way onto the club. Do what is right for his development and if that includes the A then so be it, and it shouldn't be viewed negatively. End of the day let's not overrate the prospect/player just because he's a good news story in a crap season.
  14. That was common last year too. I actually think the reason the style is most boring this year, is they backed off their aggressiveness in the neutral zone. They play more of a collapsing, give up the blueline, take spaace away style which has limited their rush chances. That and once in the o zone they almost never send the puck east-west. It's all cycle, use the boards and use the points. They don't get the puck moving east - west and IMO you need to do in today's NHL if you want to score consistently. Not major changes but subtle. I get why Sutter did it (doesn't' feel his team is as talented so he can't risk it) but I don't agree with him. I think this team has more talent then he gives it credit for but that's his style as a coach.
  15. I would not agree with this. Watch Colorado and Tampa bay the last few years and you want to try and convince me that's boring low event hockey? Heck look at the conference finals, not 1 of the teams plays that way. Defensive hockey no longer has to be boring if you are employing modern tactics.
  16. I understand that this is your opinion, and held by some others for sure, but I think there needs to be realism here. The VAST majority of fans do not feel that way. Not going to have a team for very long if you ignore that.
  17. They lose their exclusive rights June 1st and if unsigned he'd go back into the draft.
  18. Think this is really making a mountain out of a molehill. why do it now? leverage. The Flames leverage in all of this was they can offer him something no other team can, and that was to sign him this year so he can burn the year and start the clock on his 2nd contract. If they didn't do that now they lose really the only leverage they had. I think this year was key because you wait until next spring your 1 year clsoer to him being a UFA. Now only does that give ideas, your really reduce your own leverage. Had Coronato turned them down this spring then I think a trade as an option but that leverage is greatly reduced by this time next year. AHL>>>>>NCAA in terms of his development (especially in the div Harvard plays in). This is furthering his development not wasting his time. Coronato wins in all this too. He just got a signing bonus and he essentially just got a free year of service time. So now he is off his ELC 1 year earlier so he is 1 year closer to earning more real money and he got to do it while being in college. Bit of a win/win for him. I'm not even suggesting he needs to go to the A. I personally think he does but we'll see but I think this discussion is just getting so far ahead of where we actually are. ELC are pretty much always just procedural and I don't think there is much to look into other than that.
  19. why is it a bad look? He was offered and signed the standard ELC all first round picks would get. No different than Zary, Pelletier or any other of their first round picks. no reason he should be treated differently.The only reason he can’t go to the AHL is he wasn’t on the AHL roster at the deadline. Has nothing to do with his contract.
  20. I don’t think it’s that obvious. He’ll have to earn it and it won’t shock me at all is he is in the A next year. Think the incentive here is burning the year and starting the clock on his next contract
  21. as long as the try out agreement mentions playoff he could. either way not relevant. He signed his deal and it starts immediately. so this year counts regardless of whether or not he plays a game. As I mentioned above this make him ineligible for the AHL this season.
  22. Really good season from Connor Zary. He’s also on fire right now with 9pts in 7 games. Doing so without the aid of Phillips or Pelletier back to top prospect territory for Flames
  23. I will be very surprised if he doesn’t sign yes. Doesn’t make much sense for him to wait.
  24. While technically true, it depends. it he signs his ELC for this seasons he’s only eligible to play in the NHL. it he signs for next year he can sign an AHL tryout agreement for the rest of the year. I’m pretty sure he has to pick. Can’t do both
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