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Everything posted by cross16

  1. cross16


    This is not he first time hiller has had a stretch like this either. He's shown at times to be top tier and then he'll struggle, that's life in the NHL. Flames do need to see what et gave in Ramo as well which is why I fully expect he'll get some games. Hiller is not a long term solution.
  2. Why would you need to watch this year? If you did last year you would have seen Brodie's defence and even last year it was without question top 4 calibre. He shut down, on his own without gio, more then a few top players last year. Clearly you saw something else but I think most will tell your and the numbers back it up, that TJ played fantastic defence last year. Offence may have been his best skill set when he was drafted but he's developed his defence to a top tier level.
  3. I think you are seriously under rating Brodie. He's a top 4 d on virtually any team in the league without question. Gio does not carry Brodie, they just play off each other extremely well and both of them raise the game of the other.
  4. I don't agree that Englelland is redundant or doesn't fit a need. IMO in the offseason a big need for the flames was a physical dman and another RH shot and he fits both. Yes would it be better if he was a true top 4 dman of course, but which dman exactly was out there that would have filled that need and would have signed for the short term deal Engelland got? I agree that the flames likely saw either Smid or Russell in the top 4 but he and Widenan playing well to get her is forcing their hand to a degree.
  5. I think everyone is too harsh on Englelland. It's not a good contract, no question and even the flames admitted that but does it really matter? They've got a boatload of cap space even with that deal and for the next 3 years I cannot see that deal preventing them from doing anything they want to do. Considering he is in a new place with a new team and carrying a free agent deal I think Englelland played ok. I agree that he and smid are not the greatest match but that's more circumstance then anything IMO but I also think they can and will get better. It's still very early for two guys that have never played together and are likely use to playing the same role.
  6. All I'm saying is for th right return I would absolutley deal Wideman because if the flames can get a piece that can help then more in 2-3 years I would do it. I would not give him away like some want to because IMO he is a still solid top 4 dman but if you out can make a smart future move I would do it.
  7. The flames defence is a tale of two cities IMO. Offensively and puck carrying wise they've been excellent and they are doig a great job leading the offence. In their own zone I still think they are below average however and there is no question that goaltending is really the primary reason the flames are where they are. Wideman and Russell are an ok 2nd pairing but one that is below avg in their own end and while I like the grit that smid and Englelland bring, you'd like a bit more mobility on that 3rd pairing. The issue with Wideman is in 2-3 years when the flames are hopefully contending is Widenan going to be an asset? I'm not do sure so IMO finding a dman in the 21-24 range who can do a bit of everything is the number one need in this organization right now.
  8. cross16


    I get what you are saying but when in a rebuild I'll take it every single time because I really like how it reinforces the young players to compete at all times. I think from a mental perspective when you go into a game knowing you at least have a chance its a great teaching tooling reinforces that you always have to compete. Not to mention I think of brings a team closer together and allows you to trust each other. Look at Edmonton right now no one on that team trusts anyway they all try to do it themselves and I think goaltending is a big part of that. When you see your goalie doing everything they can to keep you in the game you feel you've got to pull your weight for him. The other issues are up to the coaching staff to identify and correct and I trust in this staff they will do that so I'll take the trade off. If this was a contending team I would be more inclined to agree.
  9. cross16


    I'm fine with an early rotation to get them both into thd season and get their reps if it last the first 10-15 games are so. After that then I think you have to start riding the hot hand and I hold Hartley commits to that because I agree his handling of thd goalies last year wasn't great. Flames need to know what they have in Ramo before his free agency
  10. cross16


    I agree 100%. As well as Ramo played last year it was pretty clear you don't have a kipper like star and your hands so why not go the group route? If Ramo is that all it's going to do IMO is force him to get better. I'm happy to see this play out
  11. It is frustrating that arena plans have been delayed because I remember about two years ago king saying at the season ticket meeting that they would likely have an announcement in the coming months and as I said that was years ago. However, reading between the lines of he last ticket holder meeting I went to I think get delay is because the flames bought the stamps and had to re do their plans to include two facilities. He skipped over it but I'm 90% certain that I heard king say three things about the plans. 1- it will be a duel facilitiy 2- it will be more then just an area or facility project and 3 it will be part of a revitalization. He didn't expand on that and didn't clarify that by duel facility it means both hockey and football but that's what I took from it. I also am almost positive it will not be on the stampede grounds anymore and it will be closer to downtown as the stampede wants that land
  12. cross16


    I love both the idea of creating competition and I think that should create an atmosphere again were the flames arent likely to get blown out in a lot of games. I think heir goaltending is good enough to keep then in it and thus competitive so win or lose they can keep battling and building the right type of attitude with this club. As it stands right now their forwards and offence are looking pretty horrific but this is a rebuild so I don't mind that but like that you compensate for that by being strong in the pipes
  13. cross16


    At the seasons ticket holder meeting Burke referenced and Gilles and his growth. Said he is playing well down in the NCAA but to be a prospect worth getting excited about he needs to dominate and take games over and they arnt seeing that to this point. That's the step they want to see him take is year.
  14. cross16


    I think Ortio has a great future and I think he could end up being better then Ramo but right now I think Ramo has proven to be a very good NHL starter and Ortio has yet to assert himself as a starter. Personally I would have no issue with the flames using both Ramo and Ortio next season and giving then even starts but the problem with that is also the potential that someone like Ortio could go weeks without a start if Ramo gets hot so that's why I think it's best to have Ortio run as he starter whether or not he plays well or poorly in abbotsford you can keep giving him starts but in calgary you'd have to roll with the guy who is playing the best. That's not the right situation to develop Ortio properly.
  15. cross16


    Your answer is right in your own post. Ramo had a bad start and a terrible save percentage and he still managed to finish at .911 which means he played llike a legit starter the rest of the season. December had a 922 save percentage in 7 GP January 911 with 11 GP February was 100% but that was only one game March 924 with 5 GP April 914 with 6 GP. On a bad team those are starter numbers. Ortio did the opposit he started strong and began to fade which is an indication he is not qu ite there, close but not quite and he needs to play. Sure if he can beat Ramo out in camp the option is there and I have no doubt that the flames would make theta move if that happened but I don't think it's plan a. Ortio needs to play and needs to carry the load as a starter and he can still prove things in the a.
  16. cross16


    [ http://www.calgaryherald.com/sports/Flames+prospect+Gillies+comfortable+with+decision+return+school+Providence+rather+than+turn/9702937/story.html?__federated=1Ortio will go and start with the Heat and the flames also have a young goalie in Roy who is still worth developing. The only goalie that should come into the organization this offseason is a backup to Ramo.
  17. cross16


    Gilles has already committed to another year of college so he isn't an option for the NHL next season.
  18. cross16


    I can see both sides of this and there are advantages to both but I think no my preference is not someone who could be part of a long term answer unless you don't believe in Ramo. I you believe in Ramo and push to resign him next year I think keeping a spot open behind I him for Ortio is a wise move. So even if they go the route of Greiss or Montoya for example I don't think I'd do longer then a 2 year deal.
  19. cross16


    Flames finished bottom third of the league in goals for, shots for and PP. Definitely no hiding the fact that this is not a very good offence in calgary right now and the fact they had so many 1 goal games support that. Just not enough good goal scoters.
  20. cross16


    Keep in mind with Marcoux that the flames saw little or no improvement in their organizations goalies outside of kipper. Being a goalie coach has more to do with just developing the starter. Keep in mind with Marcoux that the flames saw little or no improvement in their organizations goalies outside of kipper. Being a goalie coach has more to do with just developing the starter.
  21. cross16


    One more thing to consider with the backup goalie is brining in a UFA is an opportunity to add more salary and get your closer to the floor. It may not matter if say Cammy is brought back or a big deal is swung, but if both of those options fail the flames are going to have to add salary and do so in a way that still promotes opportunity for young players. Brining in a Montoya or Greiss who will cost more than macdonald is an opportunity to get there. May not matter but worth considering IMO. Personally I wouldn't bring back macdonald at all. He is not a quality NHL backup IMO. He faired ok, behind Kipper when he played here and there but I don't feel comfortable with him at all playing 20 or more games, ideally closer to 30. I think there are plenty of options out there that you don't need jmac and I also don't see much league wide interest in I him so I think you try and upgrade and if all else fails you bring him back.
  22. cross16


    I think having Ramo start 50 games or so and Ortio taking the rest would be ideale as I think 30 NHL games is just as good as 50 or so in the AHL. Problem I see with that is you have to commit those starts to Ortio and Hartley, as a lot of coaches would, likes to ride his guy so my fear there is Ortio could go stretches of 2 weeks without starting. So even though the number of games would probably work I think it's best to go and get a backup but the tricky thing there is I think ideally you'd only want then on a one year deal because you do have Ortio who isn't going to sit in the AHL forever. A name I have seen yet who I think could fit is Tomas Greiss. He's backed up workhorse goalies, in case Ramo turns into that, and has flashed some potential here and there and would likely come on a pretty reasonable contract and I think the potential for him to play up to 30 games or so beats being in pheonix where you know mike smith is going to play a ton.
  23. cross16


    This and bad goals were my problems with Berra and IMO bad goals are the result of concentration lapses not technique. Having problems with concentration lapses and handling the puck are two very very tough problems to fix in a 27 year old goaltender and it's why IMO I don't think Berra is an NHL goalie.
  24. cross16


    Can't link it because in on my phone but Gilles posted in twitter today he is heading back to Providence for one more year. 100% right call IMO.
  25. cross16


    Personally I would encourage Gilles to stay in te NCAA. I think he can accomplish a lot there and the Friars are likely to remain a verh good team and he can get some bigger game experience in a lower pressure environment. I'm a big believer that when it comes to goalies to really take your time and I always liked what the flames did with ortio. You have a unique opportunity with European and NCAA goalie prospects that you can retain their rights for a longer period of time while keeping them away from pro hockey and I think the flames should take advantage if it. Personally I don't think Gilles is ready for pro hockey especially to start in pro hockey.
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