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Everything posted by cross16

  1. cross16


    Sounds like Ramo could return next week potentially. Don't have a quotable source buy it was out on twitter today.
  2. cross16


    I agree on both counts. I think if the flames can channel Burkes history of a big, shocker trade for a top 3 Dman and a top 6/ top line forward the playoffs are not far at all. Getting thoss players is gong to be tough however but I agree that I don't think they are looking at an Edmonton style rebuild and I think the playoffs are a possibility in 2016.
  3. cross16


    Mikka Noronen once was traded for a 2nd round pick. Just saying..... Agreed that ortio looked great. I'm most impressed with how poised and confident he looks in the net despite being a rookie. I never felt that same confidence with Berra back there.
  4. cross16


    In his presses Burke said they want to give Ortio a shot provide he plays. Plan right now it let Ortio play some and sounded a big like they may even play him a bit more then Ramo. If it doesn't work out they'll send him back down so he can play. Burke was very specific he wants Ortio to play but whether that's in the NHL or AHL is remaind to be seen based on ortios play.
  5. cross16


    Flames are 2nd last in team save percentage and I have no idea why we should feel good about having the 2nd worst save percentage and the 5th worst GAA, that to me screams you don't have NHL calibre goaltending. Actually I feel very differently about Ortio because age absolutely matter. Thinking that 7 years of pro experience, regardless of the league, doesn't play a factor is ridiculous to me but whatever. It has a huge impact.
  6. cross16


    You are comparing a 20 year old rookie who had never played pro hockey to a 27 year old pro? Not valid comparison. I don't like that people seem willing to grant Berra this long leash by saying oh well he is an NHL rookie, that's hogwash. Nicklas backstrom didn't need time to adjustment neither did Jonas hillier or Federick Andersen, and in fact most European goalies who Are any good don't take that much time to adjust. It's an adjustment,It's not like a rookie who has to learn a whole new game. Calgary is 3rd last in the NHL and statistically has the worst goaltending, I believes I n the NHL so sorry no they do not have capable goaltending and yes the goalie experiment hs work out jus to Ike many of us thought it would. Not very well.
  7. cross16


    Remember how you like, but for me kipper was a classic case of a guy just needing n opportunity and was not a case of someone who was non NHL quality. His first 20 to 30 games int he NHL were pretty impressive and he also was an AHL all star. Remember the flames had to give up a 2nd round pick to get him which is not exactly chump change. It's easy to revise history now but San Jose clearly knew they had an NHL goalie otherwise e price would have been significantly lower. It's also not true that they would not have acquired him, Sutter was actually shopping for a goalie that whole season and had two in mind. It came down to kipper and apparently Cujo, but Sutter went with kipper because he couldn't make cujos salary work under his budget. The flames were acquiring a goalie under Sutter as Sutter never gave turek any vote of confidence. Goalies with save % under 90 are not keeping you in a lot of games and the amount of weak goals he lets in are not NHL calibre. He doesn't cost then a ton of games but he has cost then more then one and the type so f goals he seems to let in frequently are back breakers.
  8. cross16


    Big difference in kipper was he proved he could play in the NHL, he just needed someone to stick with him. Berra is 27 and still hasn't proven he can play in the NHL so it's not the same example at all. I get that 27 is a prime age for a goalie but prime indicates they are at their best not a starting point and needing to improve. And Berra was not dominant where he came from, in many seasons he wasn't even the best goalie. I actually don't have that expectation at all. My expectation of a goalie at a minimum is give your team a chance to win every night, and a starter should steak games for you now and then. Berra does not give his team a chance to win and on more then one occasion has cost his team the game. That's an unacceptable standard for an NHL goalie.
  9. cross16


    NHL quality goalies don't let in bad goals at the frequency Berra does. I will agree Ramo is an NHL calibre tender, although not sure how good he is/will be, but not Berra. As has mentioned before Berra is 27 so not sure why we should assume he will only get better. I agree with Kehatch and I think the flames should move on from him. Let him go to FA, very unlikely he gets any offers, and if you can't upgrade then you can always sign him later.
  10. cross16


    Honestly at this point I'm not even sure if I'd bring Berra back next year. He may have upside but he lets in too many weak goals that arnt related to technique so I'm not sure it's something he can overcome. Is like to see ortio get another game or two but a Ortio/Ramo tandom, pending no upgrades, is an alright option in my opinion.
  11. cross16


    Roy is definetly ahead of Brossoit and was not a throw in as some thought. I personally think Brossoit has more upside but it's very debatable as to who actually received the better prospect. Roy was a really nice pickup to maintain the depth in goal IMO.
  12. cross16


    Troy ward has mentioned he likes to run very uptempo and hard practices and there are home for the next two weeks or so with lots of days of in between so they'll be working very hard and practicing frequently as they typically don't get that opportunity due to travel schedules. I think Roy is there to keep goalies fresh in practice and for them to see him practice and work at he AHL level as they need to start somewhat of an evaluation process with him being an rfa this year.
  13. cross16


    Burke wouldn't be doing his job if he wasn't looking for a goalie. Quite frankly with the state of the flames there is no position or area of the organization they shouldn't be looking to upgrade in.
  14. cross16


    Ramo has really passed Berra as the flames best option in net. I'm it will be difficult fore Hartley to move past his little project but I think Ramo deserved to get e ball and see if he can run with it. Not impressed by Berra as of late he can't shake giving up bad goals.
  15. cross16


    My post wasnt directed at you entirely it was overall thoughts on Gilles as well.
  16. cross16


    In Gilles defence I thought he played very well in he tournament. Yesterday against the Russians he was good but not great ands many of the goals the Russians scored he had no chance on. I don't think the big ice was it at and i don't think he needs excuses. He played very well just not extraordinarily well which is fine by me. How many goalies have you seen play extraordinary in this tournament and it mean anything tot he it career? Doesn't change anything IMO that Gilles is a top prospect for the flames. Edit: I'm not making excuses for him but it hink it's worth noting that was not a very good American team they sent this year especially on the backend. Gilles was a big reason they looked so good early on but it caught up to him and them and personally I'm not surprised they are going home. Very different squad then last years.
  17. cross16


    I don't think there is anyway Berra gets 4 mill per as a starter I think if he continues on this pace he is looking at 3 mill MAX which is why I don't see the value in negotiating right now. One season of ok starter play which is best case for Berra as it stands right now, doesn't get you 4 mill especially when there are likely to be more NHL proven options available. 4 million puts him in , Cory Schneider, anti niemi and just below Bobrovsky territory and no way is he worth anything close to that.
  18. cross16


    I think you wait. I agree with Kehatch while yes the flames goaltending has played better I think we should stop short of saying we shouldn't be looking or that they've found their goalies. These two have been brutal for a month or so and then good for a month or so and you need to see far more consistency IMO before you anoint them as the answer. I personally wouldn't even think about extending Berra unto he plays the full year and shows me what he can do over a full season. Extending a goalie while they are playing well is one of the worst mistakes a GM can make. Berra isn't playing all enough or looking at enough $ in fa that would make you want to sign him right now.
  19. cross16


    I'm not blaming them for any losses as this is all part if the process. But if you want to be an NHL starting goalie you have to make those saves and the big saves are key. Backups give them team chances to win while starters win games and that's the change/development both those guys need to make.
  20. cross16


    I think both goalies are progressing but the next step is to stop giving up these big goals, most of them not very good ones, and make key saves. That's going to continue to plague this team if either Ramo or Berra can't start coming up with big saves. That's the main think I ask of a goalie. Flames should have won in regulation last night and it's what you need if you want to be a starting goalie at this level.
  21. cross16


    I agree you don't hang the loss on Berra. Having said that you need a save there and that's the difference between being just a goalie in the NHL or an NHL goalie. To date, flames have not been getting that type of save.
  22. cross16


    Agreed. If you want to preach you are a performance based team you better practice that and this is a great chance to do so. No question Ramo deserves the next start.
  23. cross16


    The funny thing with Ramo is he was actually starting to improve before he essentially got benched. Not improving to and exciting degree but enough that as a coach you'd be a bit intrigued. As mentioned though Hartley really has his favorites and it's clear it's Berra. I agree it's a bit ridiculous especially after they gave Ramo the deal they did.
  24. cross16


    How is an NHL backup/AHL starter going to fetch you a nice return? Every team has one or two of those.Edit: for the record I'm not necessarily calling Bera that I'm just pointing out a goalie at that level doesn't have trade value unless there is a lot of upside there.
  25. cross16


    And that's fine it's just ridiculous to suggest the flames will go nowhere unless they get a goalie better than kipper. Plenty of teams have great success without an elite goalie and the flames can to if the team is built right.
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