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Everything posted by cross16

  1. Because all Olympics in recent memory have gone over budget to the tune of 150% if I'm not mistaken. Not talking about cost over runs when the risk is that high Is incredibly foolish imo.
  2. The fact that the city continues to be so secretive about this bid, the budget and the cost overruns is making it very difficult for me to vote yes. Nenshi, Councillors and people on the Yes side say we are getting an "extraordinary" deal, but if it's so extraordinary why all the secrecy? So far the only comment on cost overruns is they've taken out an insurance policy of up to 200 million (good luck with that) and they will pay the insurance premiums on it. Other than that there is next to nothing being said about them which is extremely troubling considering it's cost overruns that usually wind up killing a cities budget.
  3. cross16


    There have definitely been games where you can point to both the goalies and the team but last night was not one of them. The only blip on the Flames performance was the PP, everything else was excellent and Smith still was terrible. It's early and while he can still turn it around I personally don't believe he will. This has all the signs of a player who age has simply caught up with. I see it in his reflexes, he's just not quite as sharp or as quick and I think now that's starting to impact his confidence. He's just fighting the puck like crazy and that's just such a troubling sign for a veteran goalie of his experience level. Not much you can do but monitor the situation and mintor situations around the league but I think the idea that Smith is your starter is out. You have a goalie committee and you need to run with it.
  4. It's quite a sad state. I love the olympics and I honestly think they can be a good idea but it's just clear that at all levels this Bid has the wrong people involved. Politicians, leaders etc. It's sad.
  5. cross16


    Other than Niemi, who played behind a stacked Blackhawks team, is this really a fair statement? I'm not sure I would agree with this statement. Many point to Chris Osgood, but then also don't realize that Chris Osgood has more career wins than Dominik Hasek. I'd be wiling to concede that avg to good goalies, non elite, have won cups because they were able to raise their game to a borderline elite level. I think of names like Cam Ward or Holtby, guys you may not considered anything but solid goalies but I think they key thing is they played like very good to elite goalies in order to help those teams win cups. Do the Flames have that goalie right now? i'm not sure and I think its fair to question. Personally i'm not sure if Smith has that level anymore and with Rittich it's still early but I question it too. That being said I only think it's a situation worth monitoring and I don't think the Flames are in "we must acquire a starter" mode right now.
  6. cross16


    Ya i'm just not there, not even close. Goalies don't tend to generate massive returns in trade even if they are under contract, let alone when they are pending UFA.
  7. cross16


    No they wouldn't. Assuming Tkachuk at 7 mill cap hit and Bobrovsky at 8 million and a cap rise to 82 million for next year looks like this. Gaudreau - Monahan - Neal Tkachuk - Backlund - Frolik Jankowski - Lindholm - Czarnik Dube - Ryan - ?? Gio - Brodie Hanifin - Hamonic Anderson - Valamki Stone 19 players and it's 60k over the 82 million cap and still includes both Stone and Frolik, Brodie, Backlund etc etc etc They'd have options. for the records though I have basically next to zero interest in giving Bobrovsky 8 million as i've outlined before. But the option exist to do it and keep Backlund. I also understand the roster does not include Bennett but I think there is a good chance that's who your giving up for Bobrovsky.
  8. cross16


    If that's the route you want to take I think you pay the deadline price, which would not include Backlund, and then make a deal in the off season to first re coup some assets and free up the space to sign Bobrovsky. Giving up Backlund for a pending UFA just makes no sense to me, irregardless if its Bobrovsky or not, but for me giving up Backlund in order to bring in Bobrovsky also makes no sense to me so i'm a little biased.
  9. cross16


    Very briefly. Torts was fired the off season after they acquired Smith. Thats way too much to give up for a pending UFA. I don't think he would garner near that much. I don't see a big market if he's dealt during the season.
  10. cross16


    Something worth watching... Joonas Korpisalo is about to start his 3rd straight game for the Jackets. Neither goalie has been fantastic, Korpisalo slightly better but it is really slight and Elliott Friedman was speculating the other day he was wondering how happy Bobrovsky is. Given there appears to be nothing on the extension front as it relates to Bobrovsky, and the fact they seem high on Korpisalo it's probably one of the few starts the Flames realistic may have an option on and it could turn into a situation where if Columbus isn't interested in paying him does Bobrovsky ask to go elsewhere? Worth monitoring at least as it is early and it does seem to be a situation where it's not a given Bobrovsky is staying there long term.
  11. cross16


    Exactly. for those that never liked the deal, this was the argument that was made. Typically when goalies reach older ages the decline is not gradual, it's a fall right off of a cliff. The fact that it appears it may be happening now it just simple probabilities and should not be reflective of anyone in the organization.
  12. cross16


    I'll give him this, Peters has guts. I get what he is doing but this is a risk I wouldn't take personally.
  13. cross16


    Flames are now the worst team per game in terms of high danger chances given up. Has Smith been bad, absolutely but at the same time when I look game by game i'm not seeing many games where you could pin the L on goaltending. For the most part I think Smith is just making bad games look horrible. For example I don't think last night should have actually wound up as bad as it did based on game play but Smith turned that into a joke. Now is it affecting their confidence? Very possible and that's why I think it's probably wise for Rittich to be given the net.
  14. I agree with pretty much all of this, but I also think it's not just the D core too it's team D. I don't see a lot of forwards very engaged in the D zone, and a lot of soft clearing attempts or sometimes flying the zone too quick and not giving the D man an outlet pass. Outside of the Backlund line, Flames need more help from their forwards in the d zone too. Team has done a good job thinking offense and that makes sense given their season last year but they've just lost their details on the defensive side which is not all the surprising.
  15. Nor am I disputing the numbers. I'm disputing the fact that it's sound economic policy to spend 3 billion on the Olympic and justify it with unemployment.
  16. Tough situation for Peters right now because you have your top line producing offensively, but getting slammed defensively. You may have to look at breaking up that line.
  17. Depends on your benchmark I guess. IMO, it's bad but terrible is a bit of a stretch. i certainly don't want to make it sound like I think things are good in Calgary, they are not, but bad enough to justify 3 billion? I don't think so. Especially when the likelihood that it will make a long term change to unemployment is probably small. Think we all understand why that unemployment number is where it is and i'm just not sure it's enough to justify the cost of the olympics.
  18. Pretty indisputable that Calgary could sure use the money and the economic boost, but at the cost of billions of dollars? That be a very poor ROI. Just spend a fraction of that and you'd probably see the results you want. The economics of spending billions of dollars to create a 7 year job markets, what isn't poor to being with, are not very sound.
  19. Hard for the city to ignore the results now that thd province made their portion contingent on it City can't afford 800 mill let alone over 1 billion and I doubt the Feds are gonna make up the difference.
  20. According to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation they are estimating it will cost around 2K per Calgarian and that does not include cost overruns or interest payments etc. They didn't break down thie math as well as you Cubicon so i'm not sure exactly how they came up with the number. The CTF tends to be more of a worst case/scare tactic organization as well so I do take what they are saying with a grain of salt. https://globalnews.ca/news/4566104/calgary-2026-winter-olympic-games-cost-taxpayers/
  21. cross16


    Sure and there is a possibility it continues next year too. But it needs to end. When is the questions, but it does need to end. When and how everyone will differ on, but what I would say is it won't end by picking up an aging/declining 30 plus year old goalie who will cost 6 million for the next 4 years
  22. cross16


    This is the cycle that needs to stop though. Unless we want to keep having this discussion every 2 years. I get what you are saying but if you are going after a non ideal option they better not cost 6 million and be tied up for 4 years. At least up until now they non ideal options have been easy to get out from under if they go south.
  23. cross16


    I'd pass on Schneider personally. I think his best days are behind him and I'm not interested in having another under performing goalie especially at his salary.
  24. cross16


    I'm not in favor of a strict schedule. Up to now, including preseason, you can't say anyone has been great so I'd be wanting to be flexible and see who steps up. Ritttich got a win sure but he didn't need to be very good so i'm not sure we can say he "stepped up". Right now my plan would be Smith is my starter and let's get him going. However, a bad game tonight and I probably start Rittich Friday and open up the net. A good game from Smith tonight then I would be targeting Rittich in either NYR or MTL, no real preference to which one, and then give Smith the rest but think you have to be flexible.
  25. cross16


    Mike Smith to start tomorrow
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