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Everything posted by cross16

  1. I actually think Gaudreaus played well under Sutter. He’s doing a lot of really good little plays at both ends of the ice, his compete level is high, I’ve liked what I’ve seen. I know the points arnt there but I think that’s more of a product of some questionable linemates, more d zone starts and the flames pp being out of sync. he’s been a more complete player this year but left to do too much on his own. I think moving him away from Monahan would really help.
  2. That really sucks. Posposil was having a good season hopefully that doesn’t impact his career. What a dirty hit. Guy should get a lengthy suspension for that one.
  3. I think this is they product of a short leash late in the season. Flames can’t really afford to lose any points but even with that I’m quite surprised that really the only tinkering being done is the 6th dman.
  4. I’ve been only able to catch a few periods but the Heat seemed to have really cooled off. I’m not sure if the change is due to Sutter and changing up styles or just a rough patch but they are not the same fast/aggressive team from earlier. not playing poorly by any means just not what they were. Doesn’t help that I don’t think Dominique has been particularly great.
  5. Phillips is already eligible for the expansion draft already, playing in the A doesn’t change that. I could see them wanting to keep him down there as a way to hide him but he’s already eligible. I feel like the season is too deep to making such radical changes but the flames really need to made the decision on what they want out of their lineup, I particular Gaudreau. If your content for gaudrea to just be another guy then keep rolling with what you have, but if you want a game breaking talent they need to make some changes. Either get a legit RW for that line or better yet get Gaudreau some players that can he can play and thrive with. what they are doing right now is basically taking their best offensive weapon out of the game. This is nothing against Gaudreau I’ve actually really liked his game under Sutter but he won’t be able to be himself if they keep him with Monahan and Ritchie.
  6. See for me, Sutter hockey isn't boring. Obviously I'm biased but I like to see pace, transition and pressure based hockey which is the hallmarks of Sutter. Sure he wants his teams sitting back a little more than I would ideally like but that not traditionally until late in games. Sucks for the other team to get smothered and that's why I get the "boring" label but isn't that the point? Play well enough that the other team can't do anything. At least Sutter's teams generate a high number of chances.
  7. Yup this, was just typing the same thing. i have no problem with Ritchie he is playing his role well. The problem is not with the player they problem is that role is not well suited to a top 6 role with 2 of your best offensive players. He is dragging down that line because he is no help in transition and while yes he can dig pucks out and get involved in the forecheck he really creates nothing out of it (unless it's a hit that leads to a turnover), he isn't going to make a play off of it and when they try and get the cycle game going the puck just dies on his stick. In a 4th line energy role Ritchie would be awesome, he's just miss cast right now. I would swap him and Leivo if it were me. The underlying numbers of Gaudreau-Monahan-leivo were very good and I think the Flames just went away from it too quick. Now that Leivo has some confidence back I think that line could thrive and putting Ritchie with Bennett-Ryan provides a nice energy line too.
  8. This matches the eye test for me. I don't think Gaudreau-Monahan have struggled under Sutter they just haven't thrived but for me a big part of that is Ritchie. Nothing against him as he has been what you want him to be, that role is just not a good fit alongside 2 of your best offensive players. I don't think you can break up Hanifin-Tanev, they've just been too good. I'd like to see Valimaki-Andersson but given how much praise Sutter has for Gio so far I'm suspecting we won't see a change in the short term.
  9. Missed 3 times in 17 years as a head coach. 1 year was the year he was fired by SJ and hired by Calgary and the other the Kings missed by 2 points (Hartley Flames beat them out funny enough). They were well back his last year with the Kings. Lost in round 1 7 times Lost in Round 2 twice Lost Round 3 twice Lost in Finals once 2 Cups wins
  10. It would make no sense to claim Vesey. He's basically a very slightly better version of Simon. Just crowds their cap and taxi situation. I don't see it.
  11. I don't think it's a line thing at all so I don't see that making a difference. I thikn he's in his own head so until he find comfort I don't think moving him around the lineup is going to do anything. Could even make it worse to be honest.
  12. This has been going on for over a month but I think Tkachck has put too much pressure on himself this year. I actually hated it when he came out and said it was all on him and he was going to turn this team around and I think it's been downhill ever since. He's rushing everything, he's just throwing the puck into open areas, he's taking himself out of position to finish checks, game is just too fast for him right. I don't think Sutter's system caters to Tkachuk anymore than anyone else, but I think the bigger issue is Tkachuk settling into his game and the team game right now. I don't think coaching had anything to do with Tkachuk's struggles this year so I wasn't expecting a coach to fix it now.
  13. I don't think there is any doubt accountability was lacking under Ward, i've been questioning that since the end of the regular season last year. The disappointment comes from this group consistently needing the head coach to provide ALL of that accountability. How about show up and play because you like your teammates or your organization. Make that play because your teammate is counting on you, not because it's out of fear your going to get benched. That's what gets me and frustrates me you should not need a coach to provide you effort. I look at the 5 games against the Senators. 10 points on the line and you are playing one of the worst teams in the league. You get 5 out of a possible 10 points and give up 4.2 goals against/game. We need a coach to tell us that's not acceptable? It's the primary reason, IMO, they are out of the playoffs right now. I think we can be both happy they hired Sutter, believe he is a big upgrade and will improve thing AND believe that this is not all Geoff Ward's fault. This is the only point i'm trying to make that, especially when you consider much of what we've seen this year has existed for many, many years here and across multiple coaches. Anyway, i'm moving on just gets me frustrated when so much gets put on coaching. Even if the coach in question isn't any good, and as I've said for a while Ward wasn't, the players always should be accountable too.
  14. At the end of the day I'm just so tired of letting the players off the hook. Already again the buzz around the Flames is "see what happens when they finally hire a real coach" and I personally hate it. As much as I disliked Ward I also don't believe for a second he was out there saying "hey slow that play down", "hey throw that pass through the middle of the neutral zone", "hey go stand around on the PP" etc etc. Could there have been more accountability, probably but it's really disappointing that after all these years its always a coach that has to step in and hold this team accountable. Again I was no fan of Ward and while I do like Sutter I'm also not a believer that this is all fixed now just because Darryl Sutter is here, doesn't matter how much of a coaching upgrade you have. Flames upgraded huge in the coaching department for sure, but i'm sill not a believer it has the impact that some seem to. I fully expect the same problems to arise after 5-6 games. The question for me is not is it coming or not, it's can Sutter smooth out the valley or can he identify a different way around it. To be clear i'm not second guessing the decision, letting Ward goes was 1000% the right call, i'm just not going to let the players off the hook that easy.
  15. I also agree. The biggest difference between Ward and Sutter so far is the work ethic of the team. Little has changed schematically or systems wise and while Sutter is emphasizing pace I also don’t believe for a second Ward was telling the team to play slow. Im not vouching for Ward I’m just saying the immediate results are more due to worth ethic change than the coach. The test is yet to come.
  16. A 1-2-2 does not have to be passive nor is it the trap. Sutters 1-2-2 is aggressive unless it’s late in games.
  17. A ton of good there but also a red flag for me. When this team exploded offensively under Peters is was because they were lethal off the rush and counter attack. As a heavy forecheck team 3 different coaches have now tried and failed to consistently generate offense with this group. Really going to need several players to change their mindset and style. not saying it can’t be done and if you improve defensively, especially with Markstrom, you can win a ton of games if it’s just something I’m really going to keep my eye on.
  18. This really feels making a story out of nothing. It sounds very common to me for GMs and coaches to speak often on lineups and it’s not like the flames did crazy stuff with their lineups. Also I’d Treliving was basically writing the lineup why was a FA signing of his in Leivo basically benched? I could see this as a thing towards the end of wards tenure. I’m sure Treliving did start spending a lot of time there but when things were going as bad as they were I would too.
  19. considering the pulse around the Flames seems to be the cupboards are empty, the Heat are sure challenging that. 4 of their top 5 scorers down there: Ruzicka. 7G 7A. 14pts in 10 games. 3rd in AHL Scoring. 4th rounder Phillips 4G 9 Assists 13pts in 10 games. 5th in AHL scoring. 6th rounder Pospisil. 5G 5 Assists for 10 pts in 10 games. 26th in AHL scoring. 4th rounder Pettersen. 4G 5A for 9 pts in 10 games. 46th in AHL Scoring. 8th in AHL rookie scoring. 6th rounder Not all of these guys are going to make it of course but the Flames continue to do a good job with their scouting.
  20. Was just about to post the same thing. This would scream special teams to me and perhaps Bennett becomes a primary penalty killer. I think there is some intriguing potential there.
  21. I thought Ritchie dragged down that line last night IMO. I thought the puck died on his stick and he really struggles to keep the play going north which means you are essentially cutting off half the ice for that line. Monahan already goes to the net so IMO that line will flourish with someone who can either be able to accept rims around the zone, or go and get the cross ice dumps from Gaudreau. I think they need to spread the ice out to let Johnny work. They were the only line that did not hold their own at ES and were under water in ever category. I'd rather move Valimaki to the RS and acquire a physical LS dman. I think Valimaki looks really natural on the RS and I think it really plays to his ability to see the ice and make passes. Would likely open up options if they wanted to go the trade route too. I'd just run Kylington-Valimaki for a while if it were me, but I get where you are coming from.
  22. Kylington in today at practice, Nesterov demoted. I'm kind of done with the Nesterov experiment personally. I really likes his chemistry with Valimaki early on but now I just think he makes the same mistakes over and over again and isn't adjusting. I'd love to see them run Kylington for a string of games. Not thrilled they are keeping with Ritchie up there but also not surprised.
  23. I really liked the Bennett-Ryan-leivo line but i still can't help but feel Leivo is the best bet alongside Gaudreau-Monahan. He's looked good there, results were good there and I think they just went away from it too quicky. Now that Leivo has his game I think they should go back to it.
  24. Zary was impressive. Showed he belonged in all the games I watched.
  25. This is cool. AHL did this and I could just purchase the games for the Heat but at the same time it really didn't save me much $. I think they need to package it all to justify the price tag they are asking This is only 1 of 2 US TV deals expected so there are more games coming.
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