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Posts posted by DirtyDeeds

  1. Google maps using street view shows that property is owned/managed by Remington Developments.

    I wonder if Murray Edwards is a stake holder in East Village? :huh:


    There is a nice big chunk of vacant land just south of railway tracks along 9 Ave SE.  The SE LRT is proposed to run through here as well.  






    And click this link for a very interesting pan of the area:



  2. From the highlights, Hiller seemed to be a bit off in his rebound control. The puck would hit him and drop right in front of him, and he didn't play it. He would cover it on the next shot, though. That style concerns me, even though he was stellar the rest of the game.

    If and when we make the playoffs, you have to think that Ramo deserves to get the away games, and Hiller the home games. That is just based on their numbers, but we will likely see more running with the hot hand.

    As far as the off-season, my preference would be to re-sign Ramo, and let the chips fall where they may.

    Do it before the draft, so we have some chips if we need to use them. Even if we don't make a trade at that time, we have the rest of the summer and up till October to decide.

    You don't see too many trades for goaltenders at the start of the season. Around the draft now and then you will see the odd FA signing.

    I don't think the Flames would have continued on winning without stellar play from both our goaltenders.

  3. I am not getting into another pro/con advanced stat debate .  But the Flames don't play some special system that requires special tracking.  

    Neither am I. I just said the system the Flames play does not lend itself to great Advanced Stats.


    The Flames are what they are this year. Their system works for them because of the team systems they all buy into.


    The blocked shots is just one good reason of why.

  4. From a Cullen article on TSN...yikes:


    Deryk Engelland – Being pressed into a role beyond his capability since Mark Giordano was injured, Engelland was on for three shot attempts for and 24 against (11.1%) in a 4-3 shootout win at Boston. Flames forward Drew Shore wasn’t much better (5 shot attempts for, 27 against, 15.6%).

    Calgary is not a puck position team, their system is not a puck possession system so..... 


    These types of stats are more the norm for us and why Advanced Stats Guys scratch their heads(Clueless) as to why.....


    There are very few decent advanced stats for our style of hockey..  You could look at blocked shots I suppose

  5. Agreed. The one thing that annoys me to this day is the fact that after last season the Flames came out and said Ramo was going to be the number 1 coming into this season. Then things changed. For the better? Probably.....but whose to say really?


    Its been mentioned on here that Ramo reminds them a little bit of Kipper. I would say in one aspect he does. Kipper was a slow starter too and usually starting playing his best hockey a month or two in. I see this trait in Ramo. As well they both seem to have the same shyness in the media way about them  ^_^ and that's about where the similarities end in my opinion. I think Ramo has a better work ethic then Kipper. He's always out taking pucks even when he doesn't have to. He's stayed in game shape despite going long stretches on the bench. Hartley has gone out of his way to mention just how professional he is. Now does this mean Ramo is better than Kipper? Uh.....no. Is Ramo a quality tender? I would say yes, most definitely. Has he gotten the chance to prove it? Not really. He's just a victim of circumstance. And it doesn't get any better for him next season should the Flames choose to re-sign him. We have Ortio chomping at the bit to stay with the big club and we still have Hiller for 1 more year. Something has to give.


    As far as discussing who stays and who goes. You don't have to be a genius to see the writing on the wall for our goaltenders. One of them won't be a Flame come next season. I think its quite pertinent to be discussing these things at this time of year because at this point we see what our needs are and what we have as assets to acquire said needs. Goaltending just happens to be one of our strengths. Don't you doubt for one minute that Treliving and company aren't looking ahead to the off season and what moves they are going to make in regards to our goaltending as well.

    Its called healthy competition. I don't see anyone suggesting trading Ortio.......... and keeping Hiller/Ramo...

  6.  From the replays I thought for sure it was his left leg. Man I hope he gets better quick. Just going to miss seeing him every game.


    Edit: Could it be BT playing possum before the trade deadline? We don't play again until Tuesday. Or.. am I reading way too much into an injury?



    Oh and thanks Kehatch! 

    BT when pressed said upper body injury in his chat with reporters this morning.

    I wonder if Hartleys thinking is that Brodie can cover a lot of Engelland mistakes and may actually make Engelland look better.

    It's possible they double shift Wideman from time to time as he has had inflated minutes here and there throughout the season. We can see Wides with Brodie a bit tonight as well, or even a combo of Russell and Brodie too.

    The good thing about it all is, all three of these guys are used to more minutes and have played more minutes before.

    We will see what spotter can do?

    (Lazy to correct my autocorrect) Potter

    Also, I can see why Hartley wouldn't want to break up a pairing that definitely works.

    When I read your comments I thought maybe we are showcasing him for a deadline trade......  ... 33lfdpx.gif

  7. You got me. I give up.

    Let's keep the focus on which of these 2 needs to go.

    Seems like a good thing to stir up controversy about.

    I know media doesn't thrive on that.

    Our goalies brought it to the table this year. Heck, we're looking very unpredictable in my homer eyes.

    Again, and I can't stress this enough, I live in the now.

    And right now, we have a terrific tandem.

    In the off season, we have some hard decisions.

    It's where it's at.

    I love our tandem, piss off with the drama.

    I agree. This years tandem is far better than last years. We upgraded the position with Hiller and created some competition with the Ortio 1 way signing for next year. Might be BT's best moves since coming here.


    Seems every year around the trade deadline we see all sorts of deals come down the fan forums chute.... This year our goalies have been particularly rehashed, retreaded over and again.


    I am beginning to wonder how some of these proposals even show up?? is it that the trade works for XBox  Hockey(or whatever one allows trades) so it must be a good thing for the Flames or something?

  8. I don't see Ramo or Hiller going anywhere this season. With the injury to Ortio I just can't see the Flames putting themselves in such a precarious position.


    Think about it.. Say they trade Ramo at the deadline....

    Who is going to backup the Flames?? Doug Carr or Brad Thiessen??

  9. Ramo was our best player tonight. Other than a very unfortunate giveaway from Wideman  that lead to the goal, he had everything they threw at him. Baring that bad pass, that game definitey would have gone to a shootout.


    Hope they give Ramo a few more starts on this road trip.


    Sad not to get any points tonight though when the Canucks and Jets did though. At least Edmonton did us a favor with the Wild though...

    yes that was just an unfortunate bouncing puck that handcuffed Wideman. I don't or can't blame him for that. Should have been a 0-0 game.

  10. My biggest fear with Hiler is the return of the vertigo.  It hasn't happened, and he may be over it.  But there is a chance that he gets run over and it comes back.  Trading Ramo puts out out of the playoffs if that happens.

    This is a really difficult thing to analyze. We do no know much at all about his vertigo and subsequent treatments and possible cures. It could have been something simple like air sickness and dizziness from a fear of heights or something much more severe.


    We as fans don't know and he had all those problems before he came to our team. There are some things that we do know...

    1. He came back and played for the Ducks.

    2. He was diagnosed as cured after taking time off to treat these symptoms.

    3. He came and signed with the Flames as cured and past these problems.

    4. He has shown no signs of these problems returning since joining the Flames. (At least we the Fans have no indication)


    So I guess he could revert and have some problems again but all we are told is that this not happening or likely to happen. I know I won't be losing any sleep over the possibility of it reoccurring again.

  11. I'm not so sure you can say Hiller is that much better than Ramo. Hartley has definitely tried to ride Hiller's experience and Ramo did lose some time with the concussion. I see a lot of Kiprusoff in Ramo and wouldn't be inclined to cast him off just yet.

    Like a long ago passed girlfriend, you have to let her go sometime.


    There is no Kipper in Ramo no matter what your memories tell you.

  12. I doubt Potter could pssibly be worse then Engellend though. Might be worth at least looking. (I know he's not a prospect, but what else do you call guys in the AHL that's one word?)


    Wotherspoon should play every night in place of Engellend. Again, can't be anything but an improvement.


    We do need a big tough guy on the back end, hopefully that's what we'll see if GlenX gets traded.


  13. define "resigns".










    amazing what a difference little dash can make......

  14. Trade Ramo up. Ortio is gonna prob be signed to a 1 way contract next year. Unless we want 3G we have no choice but to trade Ramo. We should do it come the draft though. Hiller plus Ortio=fire. we can have Ortio play 4 amazing games then give him a brake with Hiller 

    I am pretty sure he is already on a 1 way for next year.


    I think he signed a 2 year contract with it being 2 way this season and 1 way next season.


    Then again I am getting older and my fading memory fails me one or two times a decade.

  15. Hiller does have a cup ring does he not? What I like about having him is that he knows what it takes to win the big games. Ramo is capable of coming in as relief or to give Hiller some rest if he has a bad game.

    Ramo actually has a better win/loss record than Hiller and was the starter last year down the stretch.

    He has had some bad games and has been pulled, but so has Hiller. He hasn't had that many stretches of games to hone his craft, post injury. I have more confidence in our tandem than I would for some other teams in the playoff hunt (SJ, NASH, LA, VAN). They are basically one goalie teams.

    nope. He played his first 23 games(2007-08) for the Ducks the year after they won the cup(2006-07).

  16. Agreed.  In a perfect world, each pair gets 20-minutes-per.  But at worst, the bottom pair should play 15-mins and the two other pairs share the load.  If Diaz, Smid, and Engellend cannot handle 15-mins-per, then we need to upgrade.

    To equally give all 3 pairings 20 minutes each you would have to have your opponents running all 4 lines equally in time.


    You should not expect the Flames to be able to put their 3 D pairing against the other opponents best, even on the road where they do not get last change.

  17. 74a77a85ed5e96df707cf970c89086ea.png


    Ice time of our top 4 seems to be getting within a couple of minutes of each other each game. There is a marked drop off of ice time for our 3rd pairing.


    I don't think that you should break up this ice time for our top 4 that seems to be working quite well.

  18. A change of scenery may do him good. He may also have to change is tune as the team concept is out work the opponnet. Phil is a different guy, good player, but different. I like your trade but put a different mix on it.


    Sven/Backs and 2016 1st TO retains 20% of his contract.


    For the size of his contract you had better be sure he is a good fit first before taking it on right??? 

  19. Why would you have a problem trading Bennett for a defenseman that is suppose to be real special ? What if Bennett's shoulder become a constant problem for him, you just never know with prospects.

    This team has traded way good player before Brett Hull and Marty St.Louis come to mind immediately. Depends what the GM feels the bigger need is for the team.

    Don't get me wrong, I love that we have Bennett but we also have a lot of good forwards starting to emerge. Just asking.

    Both Brett Hull and St Louis played some games in NHL for Flames before we traded them away. We knew what they were able to bring to the team.


    Bennett you are trading before he has played a game for us and on spec that his shoulder "might" be a constant problem for his career....

  20. :blink:   Well, I guess the speculators have to speculate...    :ph34r:    From:    http://www.edmontonjournal.com/sports/hockey/edmonton-oilers/Hockey+World+Short+shifts+Edmonton/10809043/story.html?cid=dlvr.it-twitter-ej_oilers



    - Phil Kessel is due $10-million next year and $28 mil over the next three seasons, which is a big swallow, but you’d think Brian Burke, who brought him to the Toronto Maple Leafs and now is president of the Calgary Flames, would still be interested. Key is what teams give up for his price-tag. Calgary has prospects (Sam Bennett is off-limits but Morgan Klimchuk, Emile Poirier, Jon Gillies in goal, and Sven Baertschi wouldn’t be), and they’d probably move a centre like Mikael Backlund. Sean Monahan would be untouchable, though. Just throwing it out there.

    He is long term Oiler reporter but...


    I don't see us going hard over Kessel at least hard with our prospect pool. Money only maybe, but a bunch prospects?  no I would not want to see that at all.


    Of those mentioned I would not be too happy to see Poirier or Gilles involved in any trade for Kessel. I am just not ready for them to go without some NHL time under their belt.

  21. Oliver Ekman-Larson for Smid and Engelland. Bring up Wotherspoon for a tryout.


    Giordano - Brodie

    Larsson - Wideman

    Russel - Diaz or Wotherspoon

    While this looks good for the Flames do you really think that Arizona would agree to this trade? or even consider it a serious offer? 

  22. That last part I wrote about him getting bigger was said with tongue in cheek. Perhaps it wasn't conveyed that way. As for him playing big minutes, he's already doing that and he's a +9 this season. He quietly goes about his business and has very few glaring errors. His defensive game has only gotten better as the season has progressed and he leads the league in blocked shots. What more could you ask for?

    He has really upped his game since playing with Wideman regular. I like those two as our second pairing too. As a combo they are almost perfect together for this role. 


    A lot of people prefer to single them out instead of look at their work as a pairing.


    I would rather we upgrade our bottom pairing to better help our other pairings minutes. I think that is where our upgrades should happen right now.

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