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Confirmed: QC Flames moving


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Damn, the flames AHL team is moving to BC. I feel sorry for the people that live in the Fraser Valley.

Yeah, its going to be a huge shock when they realize they've been watching crap hockey for so many years. Then they will quickly rally around the Abbotsford team and leave teams like the Nucks in the dust behind them. :P

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The pages are up but new Marketing reps might be needed. That sure looks a lot like Matthew Lombardi (I might be wrong - and if so, please tell me gently).


Either way, go there, login and help choose the name of the new team!!

I think, due to the close proximity to the Canucks, we would want to adopt a completely new team identity and color scheme. Then, adopt that color scheme as our Calgary Flames third jersey.

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I'm pretty sure that's Carsen Germyn, lanny. ;)

Also, this was in their blog:

There are numerous sites on the web through diffrent hockey groups including on this site, I have counted the times that a name has come up in the conversations and these are the top 5 to be mentioned (in no particular order) :

* Abbotsford or Fraser Valley Jets

* Abbotsford or Fraser Valley Wings

* Abbotsford or Fraser Valley Thunder

* Abbotsford or Fraser Valley Pilots

*Abbotsford or Fraser Valley Aviators

Also one that is coming up a lot is The Abbotsford or Fraser Valley Fire/Flames however the big wigs (owners) have confirmed the name will not have anything to do wit flames! If you Had to choose between these 5 Names which would you choose, Only out of these 5, the other names are great but I am just curious on comments and your pick out of THESE 5 names! Go Jets!

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Yeah, its going to be a huge shock when they realize they've been watching crap hockey for so many years. Then they will quickly rally around the Abbotsford team and leave teams like the Nucks in the dust behind them. :P

You'll never catch me watching them unless the Moose are playing against them. I hope lack of attendance forces them to move.

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haha. interesting point.

Not suprised. They've struggled in QC. Most of it being that, quite frankly, they are a boring team. McGill is a defensive oriented coach so they dont' play exciting hockey. Combine that with losing and your not likely to snag in a small american market.

Abbottsford should be a solid choice. They should be able to draw well given the mainland and passion for hockey. Be nice if they were somewhere in Alberta though.

nice to see the flames invade the whl home of the giants.. but if we are doing that.. why not go to edmonton or red deer?

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How about the Abbotsford Arrows?

I think they have a replica of that fighter jet in town somewhere.

Neat idea. I like that. They can still use the "Flaming A", too! Brilliant.

And boy, can I be dense sometimes: I couldn't for the life of me determine why all the proposed names had to to with aviation. The Abbotsford Airshow...riiiiiight.

I was like, "WTF did the Winnipeg Jets ever had to do with anything?"


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Neat idea. I like that. They can still use the "Flaming A", too! Brilliant.

And boy, can I be dense sometimes: I couldn't for the life of me determine why all the proposed names had to to with aviation. The Abbotsford Airshow...riiiiiight.

I was like, "WTF did the Winnipeg Jets ever had to do with anything?"


From what i've been reading, the owners does not want the team to resemble the Flames. IN name, in jersey or anything like that to anialate the local fans. So I doubt your going to see a Flaming A or anything on their jersey's.

I like the Jets or the Arrows. Either way I'd be shocked if it didnt include Aviation somehow. I'm not sure if the Jets would fly becuase for some reason I could see a certain group of people causing alot of ruckus over that one. Now, that I think about it trhough, there is already the HOuseton Aeros in the AHL so i'm not should that would fly either.

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I think the Abbotsford Spitfires would be a good name for the team. It has some connection to the Flames (but not enough to deter Nuck fans) and it also represents the aviation culture of Abbotsford. That's the name I suggested anyway.

I like that name, The Abbotsford Spitfires is distictly aviation-related as opposed to Flames-related. The OHL Winsor team might have something to say about it but, hey, different league, different pro level.

Maybe have Silvers, blues and reds as primary colours??

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I'm kind of bummed I even put the link up for the new team. Really? We have nothing better to do that to stuff the ballot with names like the "Flames" when all along it has been said that it should be a unique team? There is now a poll on the site that has the top four choices, and frankly, all of them suck. If anyone who knows anything about this area, we have one of the top airshows in the world, and I (along with many others) believe that our name should follow those lines. My top four go like this, and please do not vote for any others: Aviators, Bombers, Jets, Pilots.

/end rant


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  • 5 weeks later...
Abbotsford is an hour outside of Vancouver,this team will get booed to shreds every night,especially when the Moose are in town. This is a terrible move for the Flames,and I say this as a Canucks fan who will be booing them every night.

Saturday season tickets went on sale, and I can tell you from the turnout, there will not be people booing. This town will embrace this team as one of its own and immediately. Our town embraced the Chilliwack Bruins as one of their own because it was the closest thing to professional hockey to their community. Now we have the AHL team. I can tell you that I, and many others who signed up for the season tickets, will cheer the Canucks, cheer the Heat, boo the flames when they play Vancouver and so on...

We are not 4 years old, we get the difference. This will do wonders for Calgary and vice versa.

The arena is great, Lane Sweeting the owner is great, the best restaurant in town is walking distance away... it is a win-win-win situation...

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