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Jim Playfair Speaks


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I don't see much difference in Butter and Carlyle at all, to the point they could be almost clones. Very similar in systems, both my way or the highway type coaching, heavy on the D, dump it in and backcheck to perfection for success.

Carlyle has a more offensive system in my opinion. Also it is rumoured that he places very heavy expectations and demands on his players, something this team is in need of. Something needs to happen to this core to tell them they are not in charge.

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I didn't distort any facts.

Have yourself a wonderful Sunday.

When I confronted you over in the Oiler thread about trolling us, you came back with this response:

I'm not on here to rattle cages. I'm on this thread to kind of get a Battle of Alberta discussion going on team building philosophies. Some times it can be mild mannered and sometimes it gets dicey. If you don't like it you don't have to come on this thread. At the same time, if I go on other Flames threads I don't say anything inflammatory. I just put in my two cents and move on.

So I replied this to you:

Somewhere along the road to putting in your two cents, you forgot the "Move along" part. 49 posts alone in this thread and still counting. Is this the same logic you use as your vision of Oilers "Rebuilding".

Your reply was:

I was talking about other threads.

Which brings us to this "other thread" here. I feel compelled to mention again. "Somewhere along the road of putting in your two cents, you forgot the "Move along" part."

Maybe you should look up the context of the word trolling in regards to forums. You should then think of where your alliances and roots are and why you seem to insist on nitpicking with people here, in just about every thread.

This is our house and we expect a few courtesies when you come to visit:

-It is not your place to tell us

If you don't like it you don't have to come on this thread.
If I want to go to our bathroom and discuss how you plugged our toilet then I can and will.

- We expect you to be polite and take your shoes off at the door not leave them on and put your feet up on the table.

-If you are going to come here and drink our beer because your Oiler fridge is bare then don't complain our beer is not to your liking. Our beer is not home brew and we don't water it down.

-What we don't want to hear from you is that your big batch of homebrew in your basement is going to be the best ever brew in a few years. It still tastes like crap and is showing little progress in quality right now.

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lol That's CLASSIC!! "How the hell can I make my teammates better by practicin?"

If you drank to every time he says practice, I think one would be pretty drunk. lol

Said it 25 times, drink up a pack of beer :P

Playfair really doesn't live up to his last name after all.

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Carlyle has a more offensive system in my opinion. Also it is rumoured that he places very heavy expectations and demands on his players, something this team is in need of. Something needs to happen to this core to tell them they are not in charge.

Maybe, but it could just be he had one of the best 1st lines in hockey and did what most coaches would do, let them play. I don't recall him giving his other lines very much offensive leash to work with.

Butter places similar demands on his players too. His sitting down with Joker last season is a good example. He told him what was expected of him, how he would need to adjust to be effective and showed him how to play the 2way game properly(north-south instead of east-west) then worked with him. You should dig up Jokers interview where he specifically says it took him like 12 years to realize that by learning a 2way game his offense would blossom.

I will agree with you about this core. The Country Club mentality is what has to go, and I have heard bits and pieces where Feaster is trying to change that. Winning attitude and such talk from the Fan Fair Open Housemost recently.

Edit: This isn't the same interview I was talking about but Joker does talk a bit about his change in role and change in thinking. He does go on to mention the Flames System and a bit on how the Flames with this bunch have to play to be successful. Over in the vid section back in Nov:


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Great ammo for those who would like to believe and point the finger at Iggy, as having been the main part of "Difficult Core to Coach" that Dutter described.

I don't fall into that group, well maybe just a tiny little bit, but that part of the interview does hint show reak of hard feelings.

What really left a bad taste in my mouth was the Doan question. He could have just answered about how Doan goes about his Captain business with the Yotes but he didn't do that. He immediately pulled Iggy into the conversation so he could make his points through a comparison.

I can believe that though about Iginla and practicing. Not saying he's lazy, but when it comes to our PP, how is it that we don't have a better one if we've got the talent up front and on the Blueline to make it better. That's the part of the game that REALLY frustrates me because in today's NHL it's a momentum changer. It's what lacks in the Flames game, minus our defensive woes. But those woes can probably be shadowed or lost if the PP was better.

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Maybe, but it could just be he had one of the best 1st lines in hockey and did what most coaches would do, let them play. I don't recall him giving his other lines very much offensive leash to work with.

Butter places similar demands on his players too. His sitting down with Joker last season is a good example. He told him what was expected of him, how he would need to adjust to be effective and showed him how to play the 2way game properly(north-south instead of east-west) then worked with him. You should dig up Jokers interview where he specifically says it took him like 12 years to realize that by learning a 2way game his offense would blossom.

I will agree with you about this core. The Country Club mentality is what has to go, and I have heard bits and pieces where Feaster is trying to change that. Winning attitude and such talk from the Fan Fair Open Housemost recently.

Edit: This isn't the same interview I was talking about but Joker does talk a bit about his change in role and change in thinking. He does go on to mention the Flames System and a bit on how the Flames with this bunch have to play to be successful. Over in the vid section back in Nov:


I think that that country club atmosphere starts with your captain... or leadership in the room. I am not mad, well, kind of, because I think that if they didn't think this way, we'd be well into a playoff spot by now. It's that work ethic for the 1st two months that loses our ground every year... Well, minus that year we lost 9 in a row to lose our 10 point lead on the Canucks, but still... I am a firm believer that what you put into a practice creates habits in a game situation. It's all good to go out and play every game and live off that momentum from game to game, but, by forming those habits in practice, they come out in games. If you're not practicing, you're margin of forming bad habits increases...

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If dion bought in what the coaches where saying all the time, then why did his defensive positioning blow when he played with us? It sounds like playfair is pulling his info out of his arse. P.d I love the way how the heat are winning when he's not coaching

They were winning when he coached. They were amazing at what he got out of the players, then everyone started going down with injury and they started losing a lot.

I believe him. I don't think Dion bought in because he didn't feel it necessary to improve his game. Maybe he bought into the offensive system Playfair was running?

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I think that that country club atmosphere starts with your captain... or leadership in the room. I am not mad, well, kind of, because I think that if they didn't think this way, we'd be well into a playoff spot by now. It's that work ethic for the 1st two months that loses our ground every year... Well, minus that year we lost 9 in a row to lose our 10 point lead on the Canucks, but still... I am a firm believer that what you put into a practice creates habits in a game situation. It's all good to go out and play every game and live off that momentum from game to game, but, by forming those habits in practice, they come out in games. If you're not practicing, you're margin of forming bad habits increases...

The country club things starts at the top and extends down through the coaching staff and on down to the players.

If you remember when Keenan was around his theory was you had to practice with the intensity of a game situation and at the speed of a game situation, so you would react at game situation speeds from muscle memory.

Did Iggy show better productivity when playing for Keenan because of style of practices? Nothing stands out in my memory. I know there was one big complaint near the 2nd year with Keenan, where he had not been practicing the PP when he said he had been.

If you're not practicing, you're margin of forming bad habits increases...

No one has said Iggy hasn't been practicing as far as I know. Playfairs comments were along the lines that Iggy did not like to practice not that he wouldn't or didn't.

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Connor, did you ever notice that Jokinen and Bouwmeester, are on that list? As well as CHRIS PRONGER. That list is the stupidest thing made. Iginla got MAYBE 5 votes from who knows, likely an agitator or grinder. Do you really see Crosby, Ovechkin, or Stamkos answering a question like that? Most of the answers are probably opinionated from someone who just doesnt like Iginla or his 7M cap hit. Peoples opinions don't ever change of people. Many think that jbow and jokinen are terrible because they dont have the same production as when they were in Florida, yet in the topic discussing the most UNDERRATED on these forums, almost everyone answered jokinen or bouwmeester. Vancouver also has Kesler and Luongo on that list and they seem to be fine. Luongo back stopped canada to gold at the olympics and got his team to the stanley cup finals.

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Maybe, but it could just be he had one of the best 1st lines in hockey and did what most coaches would do, let them play. I don't recall him giving his other lines very much offensive leash to work with.

Butter places similar demands on his players too. His sitting down with Joker last season is a good example. He told him what was expected of him, how he would need to adjust to be effective and showed him how to play the 2way game properly(north-south instead of east-west) then worked with him. You should dig up Jokers interview where he specifically says it took him like 12 years to realize that by learning a 2way game his offense would blossom.

I will agree with you about this core. The Country Club mentality is what has to go, and I have heard bits and pieces where Feaster is trying to change that. Winning attitude and such talk from the Fan Fair Open Housemost recently.

Edit: This isn't the same interview I was talking about but Joker does talk a bit about his change in role and change in thinking. He does go on to mention the Flames System and a bit on how the Flames with this bunch have to play to be successful. Over in the vid section back in Nov:


I wonder with Sutter if its more the name blocking the players then himself. I dont like parts of his system, especially how he uses his defensemen. I think a major difference between him and Carlyle is the way Carlyle uses his defensemen. Carlyle' style would let us get the most of Bouwmeester in my opinion. As to what I was saying with Sutter though, I wonder how much the players tune him out strictly because he is a Sutter and the issues that D Sutter brought with the team in the last year or so.

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You're compairing Iginla's possible image distortion towards 9-11?

I rest my case.

No, I'm comparing your 'thinking' to the 'thinking' that 9-11 truthers engage in.

Namely, you hear some idiot blather on about something and since it's controversial, you immediately decide it must be true.

P.S. Distorting the facts isn't changing them, it's twisting them to fit your (erroneous) conclusion.

So yes, it's a fact that Iginla was named #12 most overrated by an idiotic survey, and yes, it's a fact that a two-bit failed coach is blaming others for his lack of success. Neither of those facts mean what you're trying to claim they do.

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