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I can still see you still lurking there, and no doubt grinding the gears as to how to best avoid a direct question about something that you represented as fact, but that was actually just BS, as usual...


What's the matter?




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They didn't ask to me moved as you insist. They were asked if they would move, It doesn't nessesarily mean they want out. There was never ever ever ever a viable report saying iginla or bouw or really anyone wanted out. The Flames finally decided on a rebuild and their top players (except kipper) complied. Some players actually show a trait called loyalty and one thing involved in loyalty is doing whats best for those you are loyal to, which is what iginla and jbo did. Although keeping Iginla runs the chance of him not resigning.


- I above quoted Carty explaining how I came to the conclusion they asked for trades. How do you conclude that they were asked to be traded?


There was nothing that ever said Calgary even offered Olli an extension, it doesn't mean it didn't happen though. Purely opinion here but I got the feeling we didn't because of his lack of conditioning not matching up with hartleys style along with his old age.


- There didn't seem to be much of a drive to re-sign Jokinen which IMO didn't make much sense with the Flames' lack of depth at centre.


Top is a tough word to define. I guess the last top by what i would consider your definition would be jbo, but even the hudler and wideman signings were big. Wideman was definatly a top 10 free agent this year and hudler wasn't far off that. You take into consideration that the flames were widely regarded as a team to fail by a lot of people it's always nice to pick up guys like that.


- Wideman and maybe even Hudler were top 10 free agents but I wouldn't go as far to say they were top as in franchise changing free agents. The Flames also paid market value for them.


I thought Shultz was your pp qb..? Anyways he's the one I have a problem with, that rule should be completely scrapped as it just loses credibility at the draft. A team spent their pick on him and he didn't even have the respect to show up.


- RNH mostly runs the PP. Schultz does to from the point. As far as the using a pick on him it's neither here nor there in my opinion. The rules in the CBA made it possible for him to become a free agent. All players want to reach free agency because they will have more options and better pay.


- The Canucks used a clause in the CBA to lower Raymond's cap hit, was that disrespectful?


There was a day a long time ago Conner I used to think you had some semblance of logic behind some of your points. (Key words: Used to think; semblance) Those thoughts didn't take long to vanish however and all anyone needs to do is start reading this thread to see that for themselves. Your hatred of the Flames shows up in your posting and it only distorts any thoughts that might have had merit.


- I have no hatred for the Flames, it's mostly fans of teams that can never admit wrong that get me.




For the record I hold no malice towards you, but lets face it, you come up with such gems (like these posts) please keep the comedy coming.


Are you incapable of debating your teams without trying to deflect the debate to what is going on with the Flames? How many times do I have to point it out to you that is what you often do??

Some people around here use the expression "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over...."


The guy(Jerred Smithson) is a plug and the only reason your GM did the deal is so the fans can't claim he sat on his hands "Again" at trade deadline. The really really funny part is it appears that you can't see it.

Oh and another funny thing... you were the one who brought up the trading of your other popular in the locker room plugs not me. My original comment(see quote below) was your best move to help the Oilers was to bring in a old plug? Where is the tough power forward that your fans have been screaming for all year? or how about the D depth which is the Oilers biggest hole? A rental wouldn't have hit your cap much and there is no need to break up your "untradeable" guys with a rental. No one except Washington gave up much for prospects anyway this year.

- Smithson addresses a need. He's a big, depth defensive centre who is tough and good on faceoffs. Smyth has been playing centre for while now and although he's been doing a decent job, his skill set isn't being utilized properly.


- What powerforwards were available? At what price? I thought the Oilers would make a move before the season started to address their defence but didn't or couldn't. I am making a prediction the Oilers will at least make one big trade this off season and or signing.


It has nothing to do with the trades the Flames have made, it has nothing to do with the standings of the Flames. As much as you like to deflect the subject from Oilers to Flames when someone criticizes the Oilers that doesn't work with this plug you picked up.


- Hypothetically, if the Oilers could make a big move for a powerforward the price would have been huge. Paajarvi and Hartikainen and both projecting to be top 9, big body players but it likely would have cost the Oilers one of those players +. Management at least made a move to address A need and at a low enough cost it wouldn't effect the rebuild and or time invested in the Oilers' youth.


Boston already made enquiries on John Gaudreau, he has played in their area, lead their US U20 team. Would be a big (no pun intended) pickup for them.


Boston is a contender, They weren't looking for now but rather future or down the line too..

- They probably did inquire about him but I doubt it was for a 1st rounder. They weren't even going to trade this year's 1st FOR Iginla.


There you go again Conner. Trying to deflect "your GM's sitting on the fence and only bringing in a plug", with talk of Village Idiots and draft picks. People see through your muse Conner. Time for a new tactic.


- No. I'm bringing up past posts were several of you said I was out to lunch. I'm showing that my speculation isn't that far off.




Let me refresh your memory. You admitted to being the "village Idiot". When I put that admission in my signature you turned around and complained to the Mods to have it removed. Shortly after you turned around and removed your admitance in the post. I have a screenshot of that post and that admittance Conner, do you really want me to dig it out?

- You saved that? I wouldn't put it past you.What I want is posters like you to SOMETIMES admit that you were wrong and SOMETIMES I was right. Is it that hard for you, do you have too much pride?


I patiently await the day you start ragging on the Flames. You have started already but it will be really funny to post some of your own quotes against you.



- Ragging? The Flames' returns have been brutal in trades. A lot of people some the Flames coming to this point, not just me. Kenatch is one and the general hockey media is another. I and a lot of people are now questioning the owner and his demand for the Flames to be a playoff team next season. IMO that would be a horrible move but time will tell.




I am patiently awaiting your losing your sig bets you have to a number of people around here. I certainly hope they have some pink frilled panties kicking around for you to wear.

- Most of my sig bets are the Oilers having more points than the Flames. I had another one from a Canuck fan on here with the Oilers making the playoffs vs the Canucks winning the President's trophy. I should be safe.


- PS: Keep your cross dressing fantasies to yourself.

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Just another wall of text crap, to try and avoid answering a question that you can't, because you backed yourself into another corner...


You are too easy, because you tried to start a gunfight armed with a stick...


You just aren't worth my time or effort...   :lol:

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Either back this statement up, or admit that you are full of crap...   You did not make this post and represent it as speculation...




So just save yourself some time and grief, and admit you are full of crap...   :lol:


Can you not read? Is yours and DD's lack of command of the English language so lacking you need pictures in every post to explain something.


I posted why I came to that conclusion. You can respond to that post if not find a picture of sad clown, that's how Iginla and Bouwmeester felt this season.

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"Not only did he carry the franchise on his back for most of the last 17 years, but his decision to ask for a trade will also help the organization moving forward." http://www.calgarysun.com/2013/03/28/iginla-trade-the-best-thing-for-everybody

Got links?   Real ones, not just speculation or your imaginary friends...   :lol:


Respond to what I originally posted if you can with any semblance of logic.

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Don't mind me, I'm just watching the show.




Also, the Sun got their source wrong Connor.  Feaster has been quoted on 3 different occasions in interviews stating he was the one to approach Jarome, Bouwmeester, and Kipper.


scroll to the 55 second mark.


Scroll to the 1:22 mark.  Again there's your answer.

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"Not only did he carry the franchise on his back for most of the last 17 years, but his decision to ask for a trade will also help the organization moving forward." http://www.calgarysun.com/2013/03/28/iginla-trade-the-best-thing-for-everybody


That's Eric Francis, who has about as much cred in the biz as Mr. Potatohead...   I did mention credible...


In Iggy's own words in easily available interviews the Flames approached him about a month earlier with the idea of a potential trade...


So try again Sherlock...   :lol:

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That's Eric Francis, who has about as much cred in the biz as Mr. Potatohead...   I did mention credible...


In Iggy's own words in easily available interviews the Flames approached him about a month earlier with the idea of a potential trade...


So try again Sherlock...   :lol:


Respond to my original post. If not then have fun talking to your cat.

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Nice try...


Either back this statement up, or admit that you are full of crap...   You did not make this post and represent it as speculation...




So just save yourself some time and grief, and admit you are full of crap...   :lol:


*prediction* Connor will once again try and twist things and change the subject in an attempt to avoid a question

he can not answer without burying himself...



What players can you prove that were were asking to be traded?  


That, was the question...


Answer...   None...   You are full of crap... :lol:


(PS...don't feel bad, we all knew it anyways) ;)

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Bouwmeester is worth a lot more than a B prospect and a 2nd rounder. Whether he would get that in a cap system is an entirely different scenario.

Let me reiterate: we don't need to trade him. Thus, any offer we'd accept would be for a lot more than what you peg him as. GMs would be lowballers if they sent that offer and Feaster would be a fool for even thinknig of accepting it. And make no mistake, he is a smart man surrounded by hockey men regardless of what the public thinks.


- The Flames got a little more than a B prospect and a 2nd but not much more.


I've stated what I see as JBo's return for a while. Some are starting to believe that's what he'll garner.

Most were team specific & rosters have changed as have team needs but I still see the return as a top 9 forward (or prospect that would probably start @ least 3rd line on teams that aren't stacked @ forward), a top 4 defense (the 1 JBo would replace) & a 1st rounder or highly rated prospect. Most likely a current top 9 to make the $s work.

Of course, that's from a contender as I doubt he'd waive to go to a perpetual bottom feeder. smile.gif


- Not even close


He was providing more unbiased opinion.

Conner, do you think that it is telling that in your "sig bet" during a discussion about D you use 1 d and 1 forward from each team?

I will happy bet you that Calgary's D combine for more points then Edmontons D this year, although that is not the only determining factor in what makes D good or bad. Heck, based on your 'offensive powerhouse team,' Your D should get waaaaayyyyy more points then the flames.

Lets look at that for a second. jjgallows pointed out that...

Flames defensemen: 25 goals, 125 points

Edmonton's defensemen: 21 goals, 105 points.

So we already know the flames D chipped in more goals and points.

Assists however make up a lot of those points for both teams. Its easier to get assists the more points your team scores.

Last year, the flames scored 199 goals. Not offensive powerhouse numbers, I think everyone will agree.

The mighty Oilers offense managed 207.

Lets look at the goals by D as a percentage of total goals:



So the flames D was a bigger contributor to the flames offense on goals.

Lets look at how many points the D got on each goal the team scored:

Flames: .6281

Oilers: .5072

Wow. The Flames D averaged about 24% more points on each goal then the Oilers D. and contributed more goals themselves.

Now I expect that the Oilers will get more goals this year as the 1sts and Eberle get older.

Once Again, I will happy bet you that Calgary's D combine for more points then Edmontons D this year

No, lets make it less biased towards which team is more offensively focused since this is a discussion about team D. I will happy bet you that Calgary's D gets more Goals, or if you prefer, I will happy bet you that Calgary's D gets more points per goal the team scores.

Or do you need your first overall (forward) picks involved in a bet to think the oilers D has a chance has a chance at scoring more then the flames D?

In your posts you keep talking about the amazing potential your players all have. How all of our good D are in their prime and won't improve. Potential is important when looking into the future for building a team. However, when comparing who is better this year, it doesn't mean squat. What matters is who is better now.

Currently, the Oilers look better 5 years down the road then the Flames, I doubt anyone disagrees with that. A lot can change in 5 years though from drafting, to trades and signing/failing to resign players, to players failing to meet their potential or exceeding what anyone expects. 5 years from now Coda Gordon may end up being the best player in the draft. Improbable to all but impossible, but it has happened before with late picks.


- With or without Bouwmeester?


I agree Schultz has a ton of potential, and could/should develop into a top 2 defenceman. heck, I hoped he would come to Calgary to help stock our prospect pool. However, can you name me the last college player who in his first year in the NHL was a force (only 19 D put up 40 points last year)?

I can't think of any D who did that. Most take a year or 2 to acclimatize to the game. There is just as good of a chance that his game never translates also. Far more college stars have been nhl busts/roll players then have gone on to be NHL stars. I don't expect Schultz not to pan out. In fact, I am willing to bet only Anaheim fans truly want him to fail. But to assume that he will be a top 20 scoring D in his first year is a stretch.


- He looks good so far, tied for 18th


You need a sig before you can bet it. biggrin.gif


BTW, players in their prime are the 1s being counted on to do well in the current season by most teams. Depending on the player those prime years can go on for some time. Others slip slightly but remain mainstays (Lidstrom, Selanne).

With newer players that haven't hit their projected top end there is a difference in when it's expected. Forwards are generally seen to hit their prime before defense due to the difference in responsibilities.

That's why you often see top end prospects included in deals for players that are in their prime by teams that want/expect to win in the now rather then in a few years. (See LA deals last season.)

You probably don't like Lyle Richardson's take on the Oilers on THN. He mentions the hole in goal, lack of experience on the defense & a general lack of size/toughness throughout the team. He's reiterating what all hockey fans that don't see the world through copper & blue glasses know.


- Oilers are doing better than you and Lyle have projected


I think Brodie will overtake Butler in a season or two.


- Called that


With the recent 2 losses down in Texas for your Barons, it appears your team is spinning its wheels. At least you managed 1 point of 4, so that is something for the die hard fans to grab onto.

What good is all that scoring if they can't win games because they let in more than they score?

I can't see them overtaking the Heat this year.


- Didn't happen

Nice try...





What players can you prove that were were asking to be traded?  


That, was the question...


Answer...   None...   You are full of crap... :lol:


(PS...don't feel bad, we all knew it anyways) ;)


I'll play the game like you do. Prove to me that they didn't ask for a trade.

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You're right, my opinion is based on speculation. I base it on both Bouwmeester and Iginla having NTC and then both having a list of teams they would go to. I then look at the returns on these players as border line awful and conclude that these players asked to be traded. I also base it on the Flames' owner saying he want the Flames back in the playoffs next season. Why would Feaster trade two of the Flames' premier players for spare parts, especially if the thought is having a competitive team next season?


I don't come on this board because I have a hatred for the Flames. I come on here in hopes of having honest debate. I try to be honest and call it like I see it. If the Flames make a good move or play a good game I say it. I will also admit when I'm wrong. These are things I don't see from a majority of posters on this board with the exception of Kenatch, People and some times crzydrvr.


People accuse me of having goggles on but I have brought back several posts to show a lot of my predictions and statements are a lot more accurate than those accusing me. The ones accusing me turns out to be the ones having turned their blind eye.

Many of the posts you brought back were from Feb. 2012 & held true for the 2011-12 season. Some mentioned the Oilers trying for another 1/1 pick. They achieved that & drafted Yakupov.

Now you try to apply them to the current season to prove you were right & our posters were wrong. It doesn't work that way.

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Whoops, there goes another $1.2 million in salary increases for marginal players.


Ya gotta do what you gotta do to keep these guys in Edmonton, I suppose.  They didn't come there for the weather.


Pretty funny how hyped this deal is in the blog.


I think it's just awesome that the Oilers have Smid for the same price range that the Flames have Giordano, lol.


I beleive the Oilers now have about $12 million left next season, and they need to sign about $20 million worth of players.


And the year after is much worse.

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Whoops, there goes another $1.2 million in salary increases for marginal players.


Ya gotta do what you gotta do to keep these guys in Edmonton, I suppose.  They didn't come there for the weather.


Pretty funny how hyped this deal is in the blog.


I think it's just awesome that the Oilers have Smid for the same price range that the Flames have Giordano, lol.


I beleive the Oilers now have about $12 million left next season, and they need to sign about $20 million worth of players.


And the year after is much worse.

It is much worse than that for the Oilers. They won't have much room at all.

You can read about it here from a guy that follows the Oilers and blogs on them almost daily:


The first part is a trade proposal but he goes into what he calls Oiler capanomics 101 in depth shortly after.

If what he is showing turns out to be true that window of opportunity is closing already for the Oilers.


They likely won't make the playoffs again this season. Not even Conner can envision how the Oilers are going to get 14-16 points from the remaining games they have left.



and I thought our remaining schedule was brutal.

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Since you seem so determined to dig yourself another hole, maybe you could use this Connor...





Just trying to be helpful...

I think this one is a tad more appropriate


Unless there's mental retardation running the Flames, Iginla and Bouwmeester asked to be traded. The Flames received noting of significant value for those players and the mandate of the owner is playoffs next season..

1st round picks. In a deep draft the Flames picked up 2 first round picks. Are you totally clueless? No one else gave away anything but later round picks.

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It is much worse than that for the Oilers. They won't have much room at all unless they dump someone.

You can rad about it here from a guy that follows the Oilers and blogs on them almost daily:


The first part is a trade proposal but he goes into what he calls caponomics in depth shortly after.

That window of opportunity is closing already for the Oilers.


Thanks, good read :)


Unfortunately, I think it's much worse than even this blogger suggests.


He speaks of things like acquiring players.  Ha.


His salary cap was based on estimates like Sam Gagner getting $4 million.   


Um, hello:   26th overall in points, 25th overall in goals, NHL records, and 23 years old RFA:


He is tied with H. Sedin, Kopitar, Vanek, and Koivu. 


Their average salary:  $7 million.    What is a younger version of them worth?



Gagner will cost the Oilers exactly  $6,728,781.  


That's the maximum offer another NHL team can make before they have to give up two first-rounders.


Gagner will receive multiple offers at this amount (from teams like us), and he will accept, and the Oilers will be forced to match it.


Now, forget the fact that he's not worth this at all.  That's the Oiler's problem.


He's clearly over-acheiving this year, and the Oilers will have to get used to that happening as more and more of their players approach negotiation time.  We all know what will happen after the contract is signed....he's a lifetime 2nd or 3rd liner.   The story is as old as time itself.


But that won't even factor into it.  It never does.


The only other possibility:  Some team goes gangbusters for him and offers as much as $8,410,976.  


They would need to give up two first-rounders (and a 2nd and a 3rd).


I only see this happening if a team has two very late first-rounders, and goes gangbusters for him.   This could actually be a good thing for the Oilers, but very hard to explain to their fans as they've promised a dynasty.  For that reason, I think they would do something really stupid like match the deal.


Either way, there is a whole new "Oil Change" coming, very soon.

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Unless there's mental retardation running the Flames, Iginla and Bouwmeester asked to be traded. The Flames received noting of significant value for those players and the mandate of the owner is playoffs next season..


Funny you should describe those first-round picks that way.  Because we'll be offering up Pittsburg's first when we give Gagner a $6.7m contract in the offseason.  Or maybe we'll offer them both, and give him a contract for $8.4m.   Either way, don't worry.  You can Always match.    :)


We don't want there to be any hard feellings, especially when we're really not interested in him.


We might even be able to help you with your cap space by taking Ryan Whitney off your hands.


We want these dealings to be amicable.   After all, this is nothing compared to next year, when we'll be pursing RNH and Schultz.   By that time, they should be in their prime and ready for a real team.   We'll be sure to give you some additional draft picks to develop future players for us.


Hey, I just thought of a new team name:  The "Edmonton Heat".  Kind of has a ring to it, hey?

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Unless there's mental retardation running the Flames, Iginla and Bouwmeester asked to be traded. The Flames received noting of significant value for those players and the mandate of the owner is playoffs next season..


I wouldnt go out out on a limb and pull a Feaster by saying the Flames will make the playoffs before the Oilers... but hey, wouldnt that be something to see... :D

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"Not only did he carry the franchise on his back for most of the last 17 years, but his decision to ask for a trade will also help the organization moving forward." http://www.calgarysun.com/2013/03/28/iginla-trade-the-best-thing-for-everybody


Respond to what I originally posted if you can with any semblance of logic.

Nice example of you taking one sentence in an article and using it out of context to try to substantiate what you are trying to defend.


1. You obviously didn't read the whole column because the article says later on  Iggy was given the choice of a shorter term  pay cut or ask for a trade. Note the key word "decision"?


2. When you just insult people with comments like

Can you not read? Is yours and DD's lack of command of the English language so lacking

You only show that the real ignorance and understanding of english is coming from your end. Is there any doubt why some of us have to resort to pictures when you fail to understand some simple sentences?


3. Eric Francis in his column got it right you just failed to understand the context of the timing of those events.


4. s4xon was right and Feaster expressed in multiple interviews the conferences he had during the California trip.

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Mind if I join you?  This is getting fun to watch!


You will need more than that little box of popcorn.



Trolls aren't on forums to admit they might be wrong, they are here to keep trolling. Expect more year old posts dug up, with obscure references to stuff that might have been said, in attempt to qualify what the troll wants to justify today.


To understand the physics behind trolls I submit the following explaination:



When that won't work all you will get is a subject change(again) to deflect the topic being discussed or you will get the more childish responce well the "Oilers are ahead of the Flames in the standings" as if that also justifies the verbal garbage. You know the sandbox kid who just wants to be king of his mound.

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1st round picks. In a deep draft the Flames picked up 2 first round picks. Are you totally clueless? No one else gave away anything but later round picks.


- Washington traded an  A level prospect. Flames received nothing close to that in value.



Thanks, good read :)


Unfortunately, I think it's much worse than even this blogger suggests.


He speaks of things like acquiring players.  Ha.


His salary cap was based on estimates like Sam Gagner getting $4 million.   


Um, hello:   26th overall in points, 25th overall in goals, NHL records, and 23 years old RFA:


He is tied with H. Sedin, Kopitar, Vanek, and Koivu. 


- Very selective player selection there. You forgot Ladd and Kessel.


Their average salary:  $7 million.    What is a younger version of them worth?



Gagner will cost the Oilers exactly  $6,728,781.  


That's the maximum offer another NHL team can make before they have to give up two first-rounders.


Gagner will receive multiple offers at this amount (from teams like us), and he will accept, and the Oilers will be forced to match it.


Now, forget the fact that he's not worth this at all.  That's the Oiler's problem.


He's clearly over-acheiving this year, and the Oilers will have to get used to that happening as more and more of their players approach negotiation time.  We all know what will happen after the contract is signed....he's a lifetime 2nd or 3rd liner.   The story is as old as time itself.


But that won't even factor into it.  It never does.


The only other possibility:  Some team goes gangbusters for him and offers as much as $8,410,976.  


They would need to give up two first-rounders (and a 2nd and a 3rd).


I only see this happening if a team has two very late first-rounders, and goes gangbusters for him.   This could actually be a good thing for the Oilers, but very hard to explain to their fans as they've promised a dynasty.  For that reason, I think they would do something really stupid like match the deal.


Either way, there is a whole new "Oil Change" coming, very soon.


- Do you know how offer sheets even work? A team has to have their own draft picks, they can't use another team's original picks to offer sheet a player.


Funny you should describe those first-round picks that way.  Because we'll be offering up Pittsburg's first when we give Gagner a $6.7m contract in the offseason.  Or maybe we'll offer them both, and give him a contract for $8.4m.   Either way, don't worry.  You can Always match.    :)


We don't want there to be any hard feellings, especially when we're really not interested in him.


We might even be able to help you with your cap space by taking Ryan Whitney off your hands.


We want these dealings to be amicable.   After all, this is nothing compared to next year, when we'll be pursing RNH and Schultz.   By that time, they should be in their prime and ready for a real team.   We'll be sure to give you some additional draft picks to develop future players for us.


Hey, I just thought of a new team name:  The "Edmonton Heat".  Kind of has a ring to it, hey?


- Nuge and Schultz will be re-signed before they reach RFA status, just like Hall and Eberle were.

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