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Everything posted by travel_dude

  1. I had heard of some rumblings of dealing one of their D, but I didn't see anyone (other than Gardiner) that they would be willing to part with. Nobody wanted to deal for Bear. Skjei, Slavin and Pesche make sense dollar wise, but they are all pretty productive. They just spent on Burns.
  2. Necas may be ideal. I think they signed him so they have him a known cost for two years. They have Gardiner as a stopgap LTIR, so I think they are fine. They are in win now mode picking up Burns and Patches. Maybe I keep repeating myself, but any thoughts on Karlsson from Vegas? We send Dube and Valimaki for Karlsson and Patrick? $7.1M out and $3.8M in. Actually, I would just do Valimaki for Karlsson. I'm not sure Patrick will ever be a thing.
  3. I hope I didn't come off sounding like Pageau was a target. I was just saying he was the only other Isles player I could think of that they would move.
  4. Not sure what you mean. Vegas is over the cap, as is EDM and a bunch of others. Puljujarvi used to have value, but now he is signed for $3M. Foegele is known to be one they want to move. Nobody is going to give them much for either. If you mean other options from NY, I don't know what else we could go after. Pageau? They would need to clear enough cap. Perhaps a pick and prospect, but I don't know he is worth a 1st.
  5. I get what you are doing, but we get rid of a cost controlled player and keep the lesser, who will be UFA in 2 years.
  6. I suspect Lou wants to wait till he makes a trade before signing him. Deal while you are not over cap.
  7. Barzal is much more than a 3 year plan, but I get your point. I do not really envision a trade with NYI that works for both teams. They lose Barzal, they want a 1C back. We can include bunch of 1sts but I can't see anything other than Lindy that would do it. I wouldn't do Lindy + anything for Barzal.
  8. How's about Valimaki for Karlsson? More expensive than what you suggest, but more of a top 6 C. Might not work directly one for one (cap remaining here), but it's about what Vegas should expect. Maybe it's more like Dube for Karlsson, but I feel like that is overpay for a cap dump. Right now, any Vegas player that isn't their best players is a cap dump.
  9. I don't think we have to worry about cap without understanding the full picture. Saying that, I think we can find value without completely stripping our future. Barzal is stripping the future. Maybe that is the right approach, but we have to look at the overall cost. There are opportunities to underpay to improve the team. Let's exhaust that search before we overpay.
  10. Since we don't always have that luxury, it would also be nice to get them into some NHL games. Zary missed out on a full AHL season due to a pre-season injury (foot I think). We never really have the space to be forced to use them or evaluate them. Honestly, I have no idea if Zary is as close as Pelletier.
  11. In my opinion, no to both. Backlund is a great shutdown C and will be that way for some time, not sure if it's years or year. Monahan is a risky 3C option, only because we just don't know. Rooney is a bit of unknown, only because he hasn't played with out 4th line. I think that if you want to be a contender, you need two scoring lines, one shutdown line and one line you can put out there and not worry about being scored on. We don't have the C depth to be in that position. A 30 goal Monahan with a playmaker is possible, but we haven't seen that level in quite some time, injuries not withstanding. First half Lucic and Lewis with Rooney could be the not scored upon line, but we saw 2nd half Lucic a lot more. So, my desire is to go after a scoring or playmaking C. Barzal was always a pipedream. There are others that are more affordable. Vegas seems to be hell bent on trading players to satisfy the cost of new toys and guys that deserve some consideration for keeping. Roy may not be a shiny toy, but I don't think they sign him to 5 years just to trade him for cap space. Karlsson may be the next one dealt. I'm not sure we should consider trading for him, but I might consider a depth D for him. He's signed for 5 more years, but not at an unreasonable cost. 26 goals in the last 2 seasons may not be looked on as value. He does have speed and really had little healthy players helping him last season though. I do think Dube would be better at C instead of RW, but I don't think Sutter agrees. In fact, I think he was used more as much at LW as RW, once we got Toffoli and really after Jarnkrok came.
  12. I get it. I am interested in Beck and Kerins. Poirier and Kuz are also of interest. Stromgren is tied to Sweden for some time.
  13. So, are you just comparing one player drafted by the Flames to 2 years of drafting in DET? Best of the two year that is.
  14. Gutter, basement, tanking are all talk for the Blow it Up thread.
  15. Did you hear of some offer that was picks and prospects only? I only hear of two offers once Tkachuk decided to move, and they were actually incomplete or disputed. STL - Tarasenko + Scandela This was disputed, so we don't even know if this was even close to true. CAR - Necas + ?? What was included in that? No info shared. As far as future value, right now he is worth 12.7% of cap. As the cap goes up, the cost of a 115 point player goes up. Assuming he stays at that level. But the point is, you make the best of what you have. We can't let a guy walk that we were planning on having for 8 years (Gaudreau) and only commit 6 years to the replacement for. Tkachuk was going to be in his 30's when 8 years is done. Point of all this is that it's fine to lock up older guys as we have to integrate younger guys and maintain the level of play, or we are just rebuilding.
  16. They had no issues last December before they cancelled the darn thing. How many times will EDM have the WJC in a row? Is it 3 now after cancelling the last one. Is this like getting 4 first overall picks?
  17. The simple answer is they can sign about $2.5M more. Hague not signed. 12F including Patrick. 2G signed inclueding Brossoit. Where it gets difficult is the date that the goalie and NP can come back. Either Karlsson or Marshmallow will get traded. I don't see how they can have a full roster or even close to it.
  18. Boxing Day, middle of the cold months, nothing on TV... Middle of summer, recent scandal, vacay time, lots of outdoorsy stuff to do...
  19. The way they talked about Tkachuk was a very young guy that could shoot, pass, hit, punch, annoy and still get a point per game average. Describes more than one player IMHO. But, it's also a rare breed. Whether he is that player in FLA remains to be seen.
  20. Nicolas Roy signed 5 x $3M in Vegas. Wonder who they will get rid of now?
  21. Good to see you back Deeds. Unfortuneately, nobody else is reporting it. Not to say he doesn't have some inside info, but he hasn't exactly been accuate so far. I believe he had Kadri signing $9M x 7 years to the Flames.
  22. I'm not sure if you can line up the values of Tkachuk and Barzal. Besides, you can't make a deal like that in the real world. NY can't take on $9M and send out just $7M. Every other proposal mentioned sends them less $$, allowing them to sign Kadri and their two young stars.
  23. There may be a limited market for either Loch or Monahan, but I won't hold my breath. Lucic is playing his last year and it's fitting for him to be the toughie here. I don't think he's got a full grind season here left in him. He may actually be okay in sitting out a few games because we have all-in guys and two less "play when they want" types. Just saying, the two that left appeared at times to give up. Maybe it was just they got tired of being the only ones scoring, but it's an impression. NYI is running out of teams that would be able to take on players. I don't see the value of selling your young players that want to stay, for one guy that doesn't seem to want to. If there is a deal to be had, we should be in on it. If it started with Hanifin, I would not be that bothered. We lose depth while getting a 2C. Allows us to set up a 2nd scoring line.
  24. He may indeed be right about the numbers, but there is no basis in fact he reported it from. Not even an Eklund rumor.
  25. Nothing even remoely supporting this rumor. But, 6.75 is a bit high. Who am I to judge it really. Get the player signed and finish off the off-season. Trades and signing have more to do with this year's cap. At the moment, we have $10M to the two new guys for this year. ONe of those is a position we had depth in. He can for sure drop people down from top pair. But we have to look at the idea of paying almost $5M for a 2nd pair guy. Where we already have $4.5M for Tanev. Just saying.
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